influennzclinic · 2 years
Simple Steps To Clear And Brighten Melasma Fast :
Introduction: What is melasma?
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Melasma is a common skin disorder characterized by patches of abnormal, darkening of the skin. Sometimes they are smooth and shiny, but often they have wrinkles or folds. The color can be uniform or there may be variations in shade (heterogeneous) as well as size. These spots can form around your nose and chin (submental region).
They can also spread into your forehead and cheeks. Often you will also experience pain and sensitivity to touch. Melasma results from an accumulation of melanin in your skin, which is responsible for pigmentary disorders such as hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.
There are two main types of melasma: acute and chronic. Acute melasma presents within weeks of exposure to sunlight and lasts for months. Chronic melasma occurs over several years and might require treatment. It tends to recur.
1. Identify the cause of melasma.
Most cases of melasma are due to sunlight exposure and/or smoking, but you may also be exposed to chemicals or foods that can worsen your condition.
Your skin is made up of many layers, and sometimes when there’s a problem in one layer, it will show up at the surface.
In most cases, melasma causes no damage and fades upon stopping the causing factor; however, some factors are more difficult to address. You should try to avoid those things that cause melasma, such as drinking alcohol or using cosmetics that contain hormones.
You can also consult a dermatologist to see if you have any other underlying causes. These include allergies, infections, and several diseases including hyperpigmentation disorders (such as acne) and lichen planus.
2. Cleanse the skin.
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The next step is to clean your face, especially if you have melasma around your eyes or mouth. You will also want to wash away any dirt or sweat that has been caked onto your forehead and cheeks.
You can use a gentle cleanser to wash the affected areas of your body. Make sure you choose a mild cleansing product for this task.
Do not use alcohol-based products, as they are highly irritating.
3. Use light therapy.
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Light therapy is becoming more and more popular as an effective treatment for melasma. In fact, it’s already been used successfully by millions of people worldwide.
Light therapy uses special lamps or lights to treat skin conditions. The bright rays from these devices can be very helpful in treating melasma.
A dermatologist will determine which type of light therapy is best for your melanosis. For instance, if your lesion (spot) is located on the back, their expert may advise against topical medications or UVB light treatments due to its proximity to the skin surface.
They may suggest that you have both UVB and UVA light treatments to achieve faster results.
Doctors who specialize in this area are well informed about the benefits of each type of light treatment
4. Apply a topical cream or lotion.
Many women with melasma have had mixed results using topical acne treatments. Products such as benzoyl peroxide are often effective at treating melasma when used either alone or in combination with other products.
This is because this product kills any excess melanin that may be stored in your skin. Benzoyl peroxide works by breaking down the top layer of dead skin cells, allowing new healthy skin to grow.
It also has antimicrobial properties that can help reduce the appearance of dark spots and blemishes. However, it can cause dryness and redness in sensitive areas.
5. Avoid sun exposure.
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If you have melasma that affects your skin color, particularly if it is dark brown or black, then sunlight exposure can help. However, please be aware that this should not be done at any cost! The sun’s radiation can cause additional damage to your skin.
Therefore, even small changes in your skin’s appearance (such as dryness, peeling, thinning etc.) may occur after sun exposure. Last but not least, make sure that you protect yourself from UV rays by using a good sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 minutes before going out into the sun.
At Influennz you get the best blend of vast Experience and Cutting edge technology for the best results for the one in you, please call the clinic or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit at
D-10, Hauz Khas Market Sector D, New Delhi — 110016
Contact Us :
+91 8368778208
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influennzclinic · 2 years
Breakthrough Treatment For Acne Scars Hideaway!
What is acne scar treatment?
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A lot of things can be done to reduce the appearance of scars that come from acne, but one of the most effective things is actually putting in place preventative measures.
When possible, it’s always better to avoid getting scarrred in the first place. If you need to get scarrred, treating the symptoms rather than allowing them to run their course is definitely the way to go.
Many people feel that trying to cover up or mask your marks as you recover is helpful, but no matter what kind of therapy you use, making sure you are taking time to heal is really important.
Get some rest, take good notes where necessary, and look out for triggers if you have a hard time recovering. Triggers could be stress, exercise, feeling tired, having alcohol, etc.
What is a breakthrough treatment for acne scars?
Laser therapy is one of the most popular treatments to reduce scarring caused by acne. This laser can be used to treat all types of skin conditions, including acne scars.
What makes this laser unique is that it can be adjusted to fit into your busy schedule. You can either have a day where you go once a week to get your treatment or up to three times a week depending on your needs.
This treatment has been shown to improve many different aspects of acne healing including redness, swelling, and pain.
Results may vary from person to person. If you don’t see an improvement or a reduction in symptoms try another treatment or stay motivated.
How does the breakthrough treatment work?
A scar is a patch of damaged skin, usually red and raised. They can be flat or curved, but they are always there. Once you notice a scar, you start to see them everywhere.
They’re also familiar once you look at them. But did you know that some scars can be removed, and that this technique works best with small acne scars?
This simple treatment was developed by Dr Paul Nassif over many years. His unique method uses several different techniques without surgery to remove the scar tissue so your body can heal it naturally.
He calls his approach “scar therapy.”
During your visit, he will evaluate your scar(s) and give you a plan to treat them. Most visits involve little more than an injection into the scar area and/or gentle rubbing off the scar with lotion.
But keep in mind this is no cosmetic procedure. The injecting part and the drying of the wound do not hurt, only the picking away at the scar.
This process takes time (usually about eight weeks), but the results can be tremendous. One patient who received this treatment had these words written below her photo before she left our office:
“I’ve been waiting months to hear someone say what I have now said myself—this is the most amazing thing ever.”
What are the benefits of the breakthrough treatment?
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A scar is nothing more than an irritated, black spot or mole on the skin. Over time, it can become red and swollen. But with this treatment, your acne scars will quickly disappear.
Within a few weeks, you’ll see changes in the shape of your scars, and they’ll turn from dark spots to smooth white lines. Unfortunately, there is no cure for these symptoms other than surgery to remove the underlying cause (the source of the scar).
But with this treatment, your marks should go away indefinitely. Because of its nature, only certain medical professionals know how to perform this procedure.
However, we have detailed instructions that anyone could follow. There is also some risk involved, as any surgical procedure does, but our guidelines include several steps to help reduce that risk.
At Influennz you get the best blend of vast Experience and Cutting edge technology for the best results for the one in you, please call the clinic or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit at
D-10, Hauz Khas Market Sector D, New Delhi — 110016
Contact Us :
+91 8368778208
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influennzclinic · 2 years
Are You Still Searching For Acne Related Skin Issues Online?
Are you still searching for acne related skin issues online? Acne is a common skin condition that can affect anyone, but it is more common in teenagers and young adults. It's not just a cosmetic problem - acne can also cause problems with your self-esteem and confidence. There are treatments available that can help to clear up your skin, but first you need to find out if you have acne. The following tips will help you to identify the signs of acne and to find the best acne treatment in Delhi.
What is acne, what causes it, and what are the signs and symptoms?
Acne is a common problem among teens worldwide. It’s also one of the most frustrating problems to treat because treatment depends on the cause.
If your acne is caused by excess oil or dryness in your skin, then there are certain foods that can help fix that.
These include nuts, seeds, berries, and soy. So if you feel your skin is oily, try eating more of these foods to see if that helps with the rash.
You may want to start out by adding those back into your diet who don’t usually contain these ingredients – stick to snacks where you control the amount of sugar and fat you eat.
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Another way to test the effect of these substances on your skin is to apply them directly. One way to do this is use coffee as a skincare product.
Types of acne: Acneforms, nodules, cysts, and scars :
A lot can go wrong with your skin when you have acne. You may develop dryness and redness, along with small bumps. These are called _. They can be painful and itchy.
If they become infected is called pustulosis (a form of bacterial infection). Then they can look like tiny horns or even cauliflower-like masses.
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If they become infected is called pustulosis (a form of bacterial infection). Then they can look like tiny horns or even cauliflower-like masses.Also, over time these bumps can turn into hard, white spots that are noticeable and can be embarrassing. It is also common to see wrinkles and other signs of aging around the area.
In severe cases, the scarring can be permanent. But there are ways to manage existing acne and prevent future outbreaks.
Acne is mostly caused by oil production in the body. When there’s too much oil, it accumulates under the skin and creates clogs that can be blocked by bacteria.
However, some things trigger an increase in oil production. This includes using deodorant, shampoo, hair spray, makeup, etc. For many people, just moving their skincare category from “most effective” to “least effective” means keeping them off.
Treatment for acne: Over-the-counter medications and treatments available at a doctor's office
While there are many different treatment options for acne, none of them can replace good hygiene. Many people find that using over-the-counter (OTC) products to treat their acne is well worth it.
There are lots of OTC products that can be used to clean your face and remove excess oil and bacteria. Some examples include astringents (such as salicylic acid), cleansers (like benzoyl peroxide), and soaps.
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Some OTC drugs may help reduce swelling or other symptoms of acne, but they should not be considered a replacement for proper hygiene. It is still important to avoid becoming addicted to pain relievers like aspirin.
It is also important to remember that your body has no way of knowing what you have in store for it. Hormones play a huge role in how our bodies respond to things. For example, when you eat foods high in estrogen, your body reacts by reducing testosterone levels.
When you don’t give your body enough calcium, this can cause problems such as dry bones and wrinkles. However, eating more calcium rich foods doesn’t always help with that. Vitamin D keeps your gut healthy and helps prevent allergies, and both vitamins are found in soy.
At Influennz you get the best blend of vast Experience and Cutting edge technology for the best results for the one in you, please call the clinic or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit at
D-10, Hauz Khas Market Sector D, New Delhi — 110016
Contact Us :
+91 8368778208
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influennzclinic · 2 years
How To Get Rid Of Acne Marks And Prevent Them From Returning
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Introduction: What are acne marks and what causes them?
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Photo by cottonbro on Pexels
Acne is a very common problem with almost all people at some time in their life being affected. Many people make mistakes about how they treat it though, making it come back worse.
There are many things that you can do to stop this happening and get back your smooth skin.
We discuss ways to reduce spots and wrinkles as well as how to improve their appearance longer term. This article also discusses treatments for acne bumps--both organic and commercial--and then looks at how to avoid future breakouts.
But first, why don’t we talk about what causes acne? Your skin needs moisture and vitamins A, C and E need to be fresh in your body to protect against sun damage.
When you drink less water, you lose weight (even if you aren’t eating any more), especially when you exercise. Therefore, you should never feel hungry or consume too much food; leave room for food groups such as seeds and nuts because these types of foods boost the health of your skin.
Avoid applying oils to your skin, which can cause breakouts. Also, keep up normal hygiene functions such as showering, using soap and scrubbing hands to help maintain good skin health.
Strategies for eliminating acne marks: 1. Exfoliate 2. Use a light cream 3. Use a serum 4. Use a sunblock
 Acne is quite common today, particularly chronic cases of mild acne which are very hard to treat. However, there are ways to reduce the risk of severe acne breakouts.
The first step in treating any type of skin breakdown is to remove dead skin cells from the surface. By removing loose, old debris from the skin's top layer, you can help keep your skin healthy and free of blemishes.
Regularly using an exfoliating peel or scrub will help improve the health of your skin and avoid dry, rough areas where breaks may occur.
Next, we have moisturized skin to protect it from environmental factors such as air pollution and allergens. Unfortunately, people with oily skins tend to develop breakouts more often than those without. Using a light hand when applying lotion helps alleviate some causes.
Also, try packing a tin full of all-natural ingredients into your luggage next time you fly so that you can give yourself a spa day once back at home.
You should also consider investing in a good facial cleanser. This removes oil and dirt from the face efficiently. In fact, some studies show that regular use of a facial cleaner can reduce the need to use other products like masks and toners.
 At Influennz you get the best blend of vast Experience and Cutting edge technology for the best results for the one in you, please call the clinic or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit at
D-10, Hauz Khas Market Sector D, New Delhi - 110016
Contact Us
+91 8368778208
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