infp-quotes · 3 years
oh god... just logged back onto this account for the first time in ages and decided to go through my archive and found when I would answer questions and give people advice... 
i was literally 15 years old when I was answering them and most of them were alright but some of them were really NOT good and I'm truly sorry for being so irresponsible and thinking I had the expertise to answer some really sensitive/serious questions 😭
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infp-quotes · 4 years
There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand — without you even speaking a word.
Yasmin Mogahed (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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infp-quotes · 4 years
do you think its possible to change personality types as you grow? i took the personality test a long long time ago but i can't remember what i got, but after taking it again, i was thinking that some of my answers would've been different had i taken it years ago.
This was sent to me ages ago, but after having taken an actual personality psychology class, my answer is yes. Your personality has the capacity to change in multiple ways over time with different interactions and experiences. You are not the person you were 10 years ago, and you will not be the person you are now in 10 years.
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infp-quotes · 4 years
Wait... wait... I just realized this blog is no longer flagged....... AYYYYYY
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infp-quotes · 4 years
This post does not have to do with MBTI, but I needed to share these petitions with you all for justice for the black community. This is excruciatingly important. Please sign them all, share, and donate if possible:
George Floyd Petition #1
Breonna Taylor Petition #1
Ahmaud Arbery Petition #1
George Floyd Petition #2
Breonna Taylor Petition #2
Ahmaud Arbery Petition #2
George Floyd Petition #3
George Floyd Petition #4
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infp-quotes · 5 years
Life is about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself.
Nishan Panwar (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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infp-quotes · 5 years
Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
Don Miguel Ruiz (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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infp-quotes · 5 years
I'm so pissed that this blog is now inaccessible due to Tumblr claiming it has “sensitive content” like damn I made this blog to fight the stereotype that all INFPs are sensitive and look what we’ve come to
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infp-quotes · 6 years
Don’t you dare give up. Not tonight. Not tomorrow. Not ever.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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infp-quotes · 6 years
Hi! I have a question, how comes you don’t post as much anymore? I love coming on your blog and reading the quotes. They’re a life saver
Aw, I’m so glad people still go on this blog despite my absence! To be honest, I’ve just lost interest in MBTI. My 15/16 year old self would be SHAKING if I knew then that I would eventually stop keeping up with it but alas… I think MBTI was an excellent way to help develop an understanding and perspective of myself and others, and to navigate my place in the world in general as a high schooler, but sometimes interests expire as time goes on! 
I hope everyone who still visits this blog is doing well! And always remember, you are whatever you aspire to be, regardless of what a four letter personality assessment tells you you tend to be! We all have the power to strengthen our weaknesses :,)
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infp-quotes · 6 years
hello........ it’s been a while !
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infp-quotes · 6 years
*publish I have terrible social anxiety and a very hard time making friends. Just the other day, my mom had to go tell me to ask the girl who told me my jacket was cute for her email and I was terrified to go and ask her. Of course after actually encountering her, the experience made me even more introverted because it went badly. Do any other INFPs have this problem I wonder?
oh I bet many people can relate to this, not just INFPs. especially people with social anxiety, of course. in general, it’s really tough to introduce yourself to new people like that, so I commend you for doing it !
just a random reminder (not directed at you but in general), remember that social anxiety isn’t interchangeable with introversion! they’re different things. introversion is the tendency to need alone time to recharge energy; social anxiety is the fear of interacting with others in social situations. 
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infp-quotes · 6 years
Looking back at my submissions about 2 years ago made me see the positive changes in myself. During the days where my emotions ran amuck, all I needed was someone empathetic to go through it with me. Sure, others' pieces of advice helped but ultimately, it was those people who encouraged me to express my emotions and spoke with wisdom that made me who I am today — someone who knows who he is and knows how to handle emotions. I hope you all find healing too; I hope you'll find people to walk with too.
Submitted by onlythencanyouletgo
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infp-quotes · 6 years
Self worth is so vital to your happiness. If you don’t feel good about you, it’s hard to feel good about anything else.
Mandy Hale (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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infp-quotes · 6 years
y do I feel like I’ve never met someone who fully gets me???????? infp struggle or ???
I don’t think it’s possible to ever find anyone who completely understands you, but I think there may be a person or two who share strikingly similar morals/standards/ideas about the world as you. Every person is so different in so many ways, unfortunately it’s difficult to find someone who will align with you perfectly!
That being said, I thought I would never find anyone who remotely came close to being similar to me or viewing the world as I do, until I met someone this year (or I guess, last year now)! It is possible to find someone “good enough”; that’s really all you can hope for. Someone who comes close enough in the way that you don’t feel entirely isolated.
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infp-quotes · 6 years
Every struggle you have known has shaped and made you the person you are. Be thankful that you are stronger today.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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infp-quotes · 6 years
here’s to another excellent year, 2018 I believe in u, or rather, I believe in myself to turn 2018 into something very beautiful
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