inmovidutech · 4 years
How to write an internship report?
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Internships are an excellent way to start experiencing what your field of study has to offer. Many students or people who begin to enter the workforce may not have heard of report writing for an internship. This article will discuss how to create an internship report in detail with examples.
What is an internship report?
An internship report is a summary of what you learned during your time interning with a specific company. Many employers require one after an internship is completed. The report should be professionally written, just as if you were a regular employee. The report describes experience, the type of role and skills gained during the course of the internship. It is a great tool to help as you apply for future internship opportunities and full-time opportunities once you graduate.
How to write an internship report?
Writing an internship report requires planning. Here are the steps to how to write an internship report:
1. Firstly, write the title
Place the title in the cover letter. Write the name of your school, your name, interning dates and the company’s contact information. The title should pinpoint the theme of your duties, so there should be a title for each page.
2. Secondly, outline the table of contents
Add a table of contents so the employer knows what to expect from your report. This should be the first part of your report.
3. Thirdly, write the introduction
Introduce the characteristics of the company. For example, tell what their daily operations are like and industry status. This can show you have a thorough understanding of the business you interned with.
4. Then, write about your duties and responsibilities
Elaborate on the duties you performed during the internship. Describe what your daily routine was like, who you worked with and any projects you worked on. Try to include numbers where possible to quantify your work.
5. Next, describe what you learned
Consider what you learned about the company and your work. Detail any new skills or programs you learned while you were there. Try to relate your experience to your college coursework to show you gained valuable knowledge.
6. Finally, end with a conclusion
Add a brief conclusion about your internship experience. Explain anything you want to learn more about, such as different project management or accounting processes. Your conclusion should be one paragraph.
Remember that the internship employer, professor and future hiring managers could read your internship report, so keep it instructive and professional.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
How to achieve your career goals?
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When you prepare yourself correctly for the job you want or the accomplishments you want to achieve in your career, you’re already halfway there. We all have different ambitions and targets. The road can be long and sometimes tough. 
So, here are top 10 tips to inspire you in your search for success:
Power of planning
A well thought out plan will give you direction and structure. Make a plan and write down what you want to achieve in a given period, say six months, and break this down to a week-by-week schedule. Whether it’s a long-term or short term plan, make it detailed and try to stick to it. Good intentions will always give you good focus.
Persistence and patience
It’s simple. When you take your time to work hard for something, you often get rewarded. Stick protectively to your big plan and work at making good even better. Rise to the challenges you set yourself, face each hurdle as it comes and grow in confidence.
Work for it
Hard work is gold. Whether you’re taking time to craft a covering letter for the job application you’ve had your eyes on, or researching the company that’s just invited you in for an interview, make your work - work for you. The more you put in, the better the chances of career doors opening for you.
Criticism is good
The feedback and criticism you receive can sometimes be distractive. But other times it can be invaluable career advice and actually help you to make you do the task at hand better. Listen carefully and respond in a positive fashion.
True passion
When you love what you do or want to do for a living, you’ll be naturally inspired to reach your career goals quicker. Find something you are interested in or enjoy, research the possibilities and make your plan of action. This may even involve enrolling on a short course to get you exactly where you want to be.
Stay informed
Go online and find out about your career. Investigate the area, contact people by phone, talk to friends and family, and generally be as active in your pursuit for information as you can. It’s all out there. The more you find out about a particular area, role or company, the more clued up you’ll be to fine tune your aspirations and targets.
Enjoy your hard work. Enjoy your achievements as you get closer and closer to your career goals. And enjoy your free time too. Working long hours to fulfill your ambition deserves daily and weekly rewards and treats.
Steady your ship
Achieving career goals isn’t a sprint. It’s always a marathon. Pace yourself and don’t get distracted from doing the simple things right. Strive for a good balance between work, some healthy and stimulating exercise, such as a brisk walk to the park, and a nutritious diet.
Positive mindset
Believe in yourself and what you are capable of. Criticism can knock you off your career journey. Sometimes it can inspire it. Most times, it’s about how you accept it. Make honest targets, stay focused on your plan and reach high.
Set the pace
Ambition is what you want it to be. Set yourself new goals, especially when you accomplish one, and keep your plans fresh, achievable and inspired.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
Balancing Life between College and Internship.
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The balancing act is one of the most difficult things to master.
The balance between work and life is one of the biggest struggles many young professionals deal with on a daily basis. As students, we must balance school, a social life and work.
Internships are a crucial part of college life and as student interns, we must balance all of that plus an internship. Internships are a lot of work to begin with, but when thrown in with all of your other responsibilities, you will begin to feel overwhelmed. There’s no perfect way to balance everything in your life, but there are a few things you can do to make everything run smoothly.
Get organized
Nothing will ever get done in a timely fashion or done well if you aren’t organized. Organization doesn’t mean you need to color-code, file or plan your every step, but it means to gather everything you need to be successful. Find your perfect method of organization and master it. Make a to-do list for each project/organization that that you work for and cross things off as you complete them. If required - also color code a monthly calendar, so you can see everything in a monthly view.
Before you take up any new task, analyse how important it is and compare it with your current work and college schedule. Rank your tasks in order of significance to balance your upcoming obligations and tasks. Prioritize the tasks to complete them as per the order and to avoid confusions at a later stage. While giving your best in every work is essential, you need to ensure that your priorities are satisfied to meet your future goals.
Stick to your schedule
Creating a schedule always helps to complete the tasks easier. You should stick to the schedule that helps you to balance your lectures and part-time work. If you schedule your tasks well ahead, then you can avoid falling behind and slacking off in your commitments. How can you do that? Whether it is your lecture, your internship schedule or any other obligations, marking up due dates on a calendar help you to keep track of your deadlines.
Budget your time
Analyse the amount of time you need to spend on various tasks such as finishing an assignment or getting involved in a group discussion. You should keep enough time during weekdays to complete your college work because you will be busy with the internship during the weekend. To maintain a balance, make sure you give sufficient time to enjoy things you like such as playing a sport or spending some quality time with friends.
Set goals before the week starts
Whether you have to work on a draft for your research paper or develop a social media plan for your internship, you should make it a habit to prioritize the tasks right from the beginning of the week. This will help you to finish important tasks and plan accordingly based on your availability and difficulty of the tasks. If you have exams coming up or a research paper to finish, let your internship provider know your difficulties so that you can take some break from the work..
Give yourself some time to relax
One of the most important tips to balance college schedule and internship is to keep some time to relax and have fun. Never get exhausted by taking up too much of responsibilities in your hand. Indulge in things you enjoy such as hanging out with friends, reading books, picking up a new hobby, playing sports, or watching a favourite TV show. Getting involved in your favourite activities will enhance your working capabilities, which in turn help you to tackle responsibilities in a better way.
Balancing college life and an internship is not an easy task. However, if you set your goals by following a systematic schedule, you can accomplish all your tasks without sacrificing your education.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
Why An Internship Is Important for Career?
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You need experience to get experience. This seems to be the biggest issue for young adults transitioning into the workforce these days.
Employers in today's labor market rely heavily on resumes that illustrate a relevant work history, whether that's from internships, volunteer work, or actual job experience. 
A practical work background carries a major significance when attempting to enter the job market. It's all about competition.
Not only are businesses competing against each other for a competitive advantage, but people are also competing to land that coveted position in a company.
Take a moment and think about it. If you're looking to gain experience, working as an intern is arguably the most advantageous plan of action. Here's how:
1. An Internship Provides Real Life Experience and Exposure
If you're lucky enough to get a beneficial internship, it can be remarkably valuable towards your career. An internship enables you to gain first-hand exposure of working in the real world.
It also allows students to harness the skill, knowledge, and theoretical practice they learnt in university. You can acquire endless amounts of education in your life, however, that knowledge doesn't always translate to the working life.
The great thing about internships is that it teaches young professionals about the specific industries and companies they are interested in. Even the experience of trying something new is extremely beneficial.
A lot of people get stuck in routines, staying in the same town, attending the same schools or surrounding themselves with the same people. Doing an internship exposes you to new people in a more controlled and stable environment.
An intern isn't thrown into the wolves but rather given proper training, assignments, and duties without the added pressure. Internships provide a nice learning curve for students with little experience of the professional world.
2. The Opportunity To Learn More About Yourself
"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." - Aristotle
The experiences we go through are what shapes us. Your internship will not only encourage personal development, but also a greater understanding of self.
To know yourself is to know your goals and how to best achieve them. Finding this level of clarity is difficult, but sometimes all it takes is trying someone new, out of your comfort zone.
At this point, the student is given a chance to decide whether they wish to continue with their current career path or try something else.
3. Get Connected and Develop Your Professional Network
Networking is an exchange of information between people, with the ultimate goal of establishing acquaintances and relationships to advance your professional career. 
Sure, you can attend a networking event without doing an internship, but you would be limiting yourself. Partaking in an internship allows you to establish deeper relationships than you normally would talking to a stranger one-on-one.
Being an intern gives you more opportunities to build connections with company professionals that can be very beneficial for your future career. Even if you think you don't need it, it's always good to have a backup plan. Life is unpredictable and a time may arise when a network may come in handy.
Make sure to carry some business cards at all times because networking can occur anywhere or anytime, even at a local coffee shop you frequent!
4. Prevent CV From Going To The Trash
While you may get second chances when talking to someone face-to-face, your resume will not. Think of your resume as an extension of yourself and how you would want someone to perceive you.
Instead of thinking long term about landing that job, switch up your mindset to short term. Your short term goal should be to secure a job interview. Once you get an interview, then you're able to elaborate on why you're deserving of working with this company.
So now you may be asking, "How do I get a job interview?" Well, there is one specific section on your resume that employers will be more interested in than any other section. Experience! Internships are the perfect way to enhance your resume through relevant experiences.
When an employer sees that you've completed an internship over the summer, for a hefty 6 month span, it will go a long way to convincing them that you are an asset to their company. It's not enough to simply show you've spent some time as an intern. List the tasks you've done and projects you've participated in to demonstrate your value.
During your internship you can acquire new skills and abilities which can improve yourself as a young professional, and furthermore enhance your resume.
The more experience you acquire, the better you position yourself for success in landing a job.
5. Transition Into A Full-Time Position
Sometimes graduating from college and immediately jumping into a new job position has its disadvantages. When you start out, you are the most vulnerable employee when it comes to layoffs.
If you have never worked full-time before, the change may be difficult or overwhelming. In a working environment, not every boss is tolerant of mistakes. In an economy where you likely cannot afford to lose your job, not being able to quickly adapt can be devastating.
So you see how an internship can set you your career path and give you a good head start.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
How to stand out in an Internship?
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In an internship, it’s easy to blend into the background. Many interns face the unique challenge of leaving a mark on their employers.
After all, the whole point of the internship is to gain job experience and to try to gain some contacts within one’s given field, which will hopefully lead to some eventual job prospects.
This, however, only happens if an intern makes a positive memorable impression.
So, how do you ensure that you make your mark and become the intern that stands out?
1. Arrive prepared and continue to prep, as if it’s one of your courses
Before you begin your internship, show initiative by contacting your supervisor and asking if there’s anything you can do to prepare for your first day.
Instead of just showing up the first day, unprepared, reach out. There may be a project you can begin to work on, start to research or skills you may be able to brush up on.
Taking initiative will show your new boss you are an intern that takes your new position seriously and that you’re willing to go the extra mile.
2. Get to know your supervisors – and their work style
Everyone has a specific work style and flow. It’s important to get to know your supervisor and the way they work in order to anticipate their needs.
That way, you will be able to better assist with project demands and position yourself as an invaluable asset to the team from the beginning of your internship.
3. Ensure you know the internship description and that it’s being followed
Many interns complain that their internships don’t turn out to be all that they had hoped – or had been led to believe. However, it’s up to the intern to do research before taking the position.
If a position’s description sounds great and you decide on an internship because of it, it’s up to you to ensure that your internship follows the job description.
4. Communicate by asking for what you want – before, during and after the internship
Negotiate your needs in terms of hours, learning goals before you even begin your internship so you’re on that same page with your employer.
Touch base as your internship progresses, ensuring that your needs are being met and addressing any concerns that arise.
At the end of your internship, review what you’ve learned, how much time you’ve spent working and any potential learning opportunities you’d still like to pursue within the company.
5. Go above and beyond, filling in the gaps with your own research and common sense
One of the main issues employers complain about with interns and employees, for that matter, is that they aren’t able to take on assigned tasks and fill in the necessary gaps in direction.
Instead of running back to your boss with questions about every minute detail on a project you’re assigned, use your unique skill set to research independently and figure out the details on your own.
6. Get to know the staff
Just because you’re an intern doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get to know everyone at the job. In fact, it means you should get to know everyone.
Talk to everyone that works at the company – both in and out of your department. Making connections is vital to networking and you never know who knows someone.
It’s also a great way to make yourself memorable at that particular internship. When people at the company in different departments know and recognize you, you become a part of their workforce.
7. When your tasks are complete, ask for more
Once your daily task list is complete, don’t just sit around or goof off! Ask for more projects. Showing that you have completed tasks is great. Showing that you’re ready to tackle more is even better.
8. Stay ahead of your supervisor by predicting needs before you’re asked
One sign of a great worker is anticipating needs before they are needs. If you know something is coming down the pipeline and it’s your responsibility to prepare, start on it before you’re even asked to do so.
It’s a surefire way to stand out amongst your co interns. Just ensure you don’t step on any toes by taking on someone else’s tasks.
9. Don’t act like an intern – become part of the team
Rather than “acting like an intern” and merely taking tasks given to you, completing them and calling it a day, work on them like it’s your actual job.
Treat your internship like it’s your permanent job and you’re part of the team. After all, for the time you are working there, you are a part of the team.
10. Take all of your tasks – no matter how small - seriously
As simple or mundane internship tasks can be, they all serve a purpose. Everyone must pay dues and start out somewhere. Take on tasks, no matter how small, with pride and diligence and avoid complaints at all costs.
Your employers will notice if you take work seriously and do your work well and, most likely, the smaller tasks will lead to larger ones.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
Ethical Hackers: What do they do?
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We hear about hacking on the news all the time—from Anonymous to fake news to denial of service attacks to data breaches; it seems like the bad guys are always wreaking havoc. And it’s true; the bad guys are doing all kinds of damage, from the annoying (spam) to the destructive (cyberattacks that steal personal data—or worse).
But did you know there are good guys with the same skills? These are ethical hackers. But what is ethical hacking?
Who is an Ethical Hacker?
An ethical hacker also known as a white-hat hacker is the ultimate security professional. Ethical hackers know how to find and exploit vulnerabilities and weaknesses in various systems—just like a malicious hacker or a black hat hacker. In fact, they both use the same skills; however, an ethical hacker uses those skills in a legitimate, lawful manner to try to find vulnerabilities and fix them before the bad guys can get there and try to break in.
An ethical hacker’s role is similar to that of a penetration tester, but it involves broader duties. They break into systems legally and ethically. This is the primary difference between ethical hackers and real hackers—the legality.
According to the EC-Council, the ethical hacking definition is “an individual who is usually employed with an organization and who can be trusted to undertake an attempt to penetrate networks and/or computer systems using the same methods and techniques as a malicious hacker.”
The role of an ethical hacker is important since the bad guys will always be there, trying to find cracks, backdoors, and other secret ways to access data they shouldn’t. In fact, there’s even a professional certification for ethical hackers: the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH).
What is Ethical Hacking?
Apart from testing duties, ethical hackers are associated with other responsibilities. The main idea is to replicate a malicious hacker at work and instead of exploiting the vulnerabilities for malicious purposes, seek counter measures to shore up the system’s defenses. An ethical hacker might employ all or some of these strategies to penetrate a system:
Scanning ports and seeking vulnerabilities: An ethical hacker uses port scanning tools like Nmap or Nessus to scan one’s own systems and find open ports. The vulnerabilities with each of the ports can be studied, and remedial measures can be taken.
An ethical hacker will examine patch installations and make sure that they cannot be exploited.
The ethical hacker may engage in social engineering concepts like dumpster diving—rummaging through trash bins for passwords, charts, sticky notes, or anything with crucial information that can be used to generate an attack.
An ethical hacker may also employ other social engineering techniques like shoulder surfing to gain access to crucial information or play the kindness card to trick employees to part with their passwords.
An ethical hacker will attempt to evade IDS (Intrusion Detection systems), IPS (Intrusion Prevention systems), honeypots, and firewalls.
Sniffing networks, bypassing and cracking wireless encryption, and hijacking web servers and web applications.
Ethical hackers may also handle issues related to laptop theft and employee fraud.
Detecting how well the organization reacts to these and other tactics help test the strength of the security policy and security infrastructure. An ethical hacker attempts the same types of attacks as a malicious hacker would try—and then help organizations strengthen their defenses.
Who can be an Ethical Hacker?
While some may argue that there is no such thing as a good hacker and all white hat hackers are actually bad hackers who have turned a new leaf, the profession is here to stay.
 As with any profession, passion for the industry is one of the key aspects of success. This, combined with a good knowledge of networking and programming, will help a professional succeed in the ethical hacking field.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
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Being grateful for all that we have in life is one of the keys to true happiness. By recognizing all of the wonderful things we have to be appreciative for, rather than dwelling on the negative, often those ‘not so wonderful’ things don’t seem so bad after all. Recent studies have found that counting your blessings on a regular basis not only leads to feeling more optimistic and enjoying a greater overall satisfaction with life, it can also have some pretty amazing physical and emotional benefits.
What is gratitude?
Being grateful doesn’t imply you’ve got your rose-colored glasses permanently on. Nor does it mean that everything is necessarily wonderful, it simply indicates that you’re aware of your blessings, appreciate the small things and acknowledge all that you do have. Being grateful shifts the lens from what is lacking or not ideal to what is already present and good.  A lot of the time we tend to take for granted everything that’s actually great in our lives and instead dwell on what we perceive is wrong, what we don’t have or what we don’t like.
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognising and appreciating what we do have.” - Frederick Keonig
The benefits of being grateful
Studies have shown that being grateful can increase happiness levels by up to 25%. The practice of being grateful, not just for a day, but as an established habit, has been linked with numerous physical and emotional benefits and as such, has been shown to improve overall quality of life. Here are just some of the benefits:
● Improves overall physical health
● Improves mental health
● Improves relationships and social interactions
● Stronger immune system
● Improves quality of sleep
● Enhances empathy and reduces aggression
● Increases self esteem
● Lower levels of depression
● Increases resilience, better able to cope with stress
● Improves mental alertness
● Higher levels of physical activity
● More likely to make healthier choices – less likely to smoke, eat poorly
● Less self-centered and materialistic
Recent research conducted by NIMHANS, split several hundred people into groups and all of the participants were asked to keep a daily diary, writing down unpleasant experiences in one group, pleasant in the next, and neither good nor bad specifically in the third group. The results indicated that daily gratitude exercises resulted in higher levels of energy, optimism, determination, enthusiasm, and alertness. In addition, those in the grateful group experienced less reported levels of depression and stress, exercised more regularly, made greater progress toward achieving personal goals and were more likely to help others in need.
Furthermore, research shows that those who practice gratitude are more creative, bounce back more quickly from adversity, and have stronger social relationships than those who don’t practice gratitude.
Ways to incorporate gratitude into your life
Incorporating more gratitude into your daily life is simple and one of the most accessible tools for improving your quality of life. Here are a few ideas to get you started on your gratitude journey.
● Keep a gratitude journal
You’ve probably heard of keeping a gratitude journal and it’s really as simple as just jotting down a few things at the same time each day so that you establish a routine. It may seem a little strange at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find it doesn’t take much thought or effort to reflect on the positives. What you’re effectively doing is training your brain to look for the positives and to start or finish your day with feelings of thanks and gratitude, rather than dwelling on the negatives.
● Practice an ‘attitude of gratitude’
Maintaining a positive attitude takes practice and persistence. When something bad happens, it’s easy to revert to old negative patterns and internal language – “I knew something bad was going to happen”. “Why do things like this always happen to me?” You have to make a conscious effort to retrain your thinking, and when something does happen that’s not ideal, instead of focusing on the obvious negatives, find something to be thankful for. For example, if you’re driving to work and you get a flat tyre, instead of getting upset try putting a positive spin on things – “Oh well. I’m thankful that it was just a flat tyre and not something more serious – easy fixed”. And you’re moving on with your day instead of making it into a major issue. When faced with a challenging situation ask yourself: “What can I learn from this?”, “What’s good about this?” or “How can I benefit from this?”
● Reach out
Think about a time when someone did something really special for you or supported you when you really needed it and you didn’t take the time to properly thank them. Take a moment to write them a note or give them a call and convey how appreciative you were. This will not only make the person receiving the thanks feel great, but you will also feel the benefits for expressing your appreciation.
● Meal time thanks
Start a meal time tradition with your family of talking about what you were grateful for today. It could be as simple as – “I was thankful that it didn’t rain today because it was our sports day”. Once you establish a routine it will be easy to continue. Leading by example and encouraging children to be thankful from an early age will mean that they too will reap the benefits of being grateful, and set them up to be happier adults long into the future.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
Astounding benefits of exercising daily!
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You must have heard from so many people around you that you should exercise daily. But you might think why and tend to get lazy, here are some amazingly surprising benefits of exercising daily
1. Exercise is great for your brain
It’s linked to less depression, better memory and quicker learning. Studies also suggest that exercise is, as of now, the best way to prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Scientists don’t know exactly why exercise changes the structure and function of the brain, but it’s an area of active research. So far, they’ve found that exercise improves blood flow to the brain, feeding the growth of new blood vessels and even new brain cells, thanks to the protein BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). BDNF triggers the growth of new neurons and helps repair and protect brain cells from degeneration. It may also help people focus, according to recent research.
2. Exercising daily can make you happier
Countless studies show that many types of exercise, from walking to cycling, make people feel better and can even relieve symptoms of depression. Exercise triggers the release of chemicals in the brain — serotonin, norepinephrine, endorphins, dopamine — that dull pain, lighten mood and relieve stress. “For years we focused almost exclusively on the physical benefits of exercise and really have ignored the psychological and emotional benefits of being regularly active,” says Cedric Bryant, chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise.
3. It will make you age slower
Exercise has been shown to lengthen lifespan by as much as five years. A small new study suggests that moderate-intensity exercise may slow down the aging of cells. As humans get older and their cells divide over and over again, their telomeres — the protective caps on the end of chromosomes — get shorter. To see how exercise affects telomeres, researchers took a muscle biopsy and blood samples from 10 healthy people before and after a 45-minute ride on a stationary bicycle. They found that exercise increased levels of a molecule that protects telomeres, ultimately slowing how quickly they shorten over time. Exercise, then, appears to slow aging at the cellular level.
4. Exercising daily is equal to good skin
Aerobic exercise revs up blood flow to the skin, delivering oxygen and nutrients that improve skin health and even help wounds heal faster. “That’s why when people have injuries, they should get moving as quickly as possible—not only to make sure the muscle doesn’t atrophy, but to make sure there’s good bloodflow to the skin,” says Anthony Hackney, an exercise physiologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Train long enough, and you’ll add more blood vessels and tiny capillaries to the skin, too.
5. Amazing things can happen in just a few minutes
Emerging research suggests that it doesn’t take much movement to get the benefits. “We’ve been interested in the question of, How low can you go?” says Martin Gibala, an exercise physiologist at McMaster University in Ontario. He wanted to test how effective a 10-minute workout could be, compared to the typical 50-minute bout. The micro-workout he devised consists of three exhausting 20-second intervals of all-out, hard-as-you-can exercise, followed by brief recoveries. In a three-month study, he pitted the short workout against the standard one to see which was better. To his amazement, the workouts resulted in identical improvements in heart function and blood-sugar control, even though one workout was five times longer than the other.
6. It can help you recover from a major illness
Even very vigorous exercise—like the interval workouts Gibala is studying—can, in fact, be appropriate for people with different chronic conditions, from Type 2 diabetes to heart failure. That’s new thinking, because for decades, people with certain diseases were advised not to exercise. Now scientists know that far more people can and should exercise. A recent analysis of more than 300 clinical trials discovered that for people recovering from a stroke, exercise was even more effective at helping them rehabilitate.
7. Your fat cells will shrink
The body uses both carbohydrates and fats as energy sources. But after consistent aerobic exercise training, the body gets better at burning fat, which requires a lot of oxygen to convert it into energy. One of the benefits of exercise training is that our cardiovascular system gets stronger and better at delivering oxygen, so we are able to metabolize more fat as an energy source, As a result, your fat cells—which produce the substances responsible for chronic low-grade inflammation—shrink, and so does inflammation.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
Make your LinkedIn profile stand out!!
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With more than 600 million users worldwide, LinkedIn is easily the largest professional network on the planet. If you're serious about your career and professional advancement, you need a LinkedIn profile that's optimized and up to date. Your LinkedIn profile is your chance to get your name and face in front of hundreds (or even thousands) of professionals in your industry. If you're looking for a job, that's essential.
However, it's not enough to just have a LinkedIn page. You need a great LinkedIn profile that draws attention, says the right things, and helps you really connect with the people who can help you expand your career. Here are 10 simple tips to help make your LinkedIn profile stand out:
1. Add your headshot
The most simple thing you can do to upgrade your LinkedIn profile is to put a face to your name and add a profile picture — and a good one at that. Be creative if that fits with what you do or who you are, but remember that this is the first impression people will get from your page. If you don't have a professional headshot to use, it's worth the investment. With the huge numbers of people on LinkedIn, those without a photo are easily pushed aside.
2. Create an eye-catching headline
Your headline is positioned right below your name on your LinkedIn profile and will be the first thing profile visitors read. The default settings will fill this in with your current position and that's okay for starters — but it can be whatever you want. You have 120 characters to work with, so why not write something that stands out? Think of it as a small billboard advertisement for you and what you do. Instead of just listing your job title, mention your specialty and how you benefit your company or customers. Keep your target audience in mind.
3. Craft an interesting summary
Your LinkedIn summary gives you the opportunity to tell your story. Your summary can be a longer form of your headline; here you have 2,000 characters to work with so you can dive in a little deeper. Don't just focus on your past experience but on what you do well and what you can bring to a prospective employer. Keep in mind that keywords are crucial here — use words that you want to be strongly connected to in your field.
Attention spans are short these days, so don't use up all of those 2,000 characters. Instead, keep it to less than half of that. Be creative and paint a picture of who you really are as a professional.
4. Highlight your experience
You can do better than simply cutting and pasting your resume onto your LinkedIn profile. You don't have the same two-page rule here, but you do have internet readers with short attention spans. Be sure to include any jobs that you deem relevant to where you want your career to go, and use two to four interesting and impressive bullet points for each job you include.
Also, use good action words to show not just what you did, but what you accomplished in each position. The key is to demonstrate the impact you've made, the change you've enacted, initiatives you've led, and the results you've delivered.
5. Use visual media
Did you know that you can add a background photo/cover photo on LinkedIn just like on Twitter and Facebook? It's simple to do and it makes your LinkedIn profile stand out, so pick a theme that speaks to your profession or personality.
LinkedIn also allows you to connect other media to your profile like Youtube videos, infographics — you name it. Get creative with relevant media and make your page jump off the screen and demand attention.
6. Customize your URL
Your LinkedIn URL is the web address for your profile. The default URL will have your name and some gibberish numbers on it. Why not make it something more relevant? Along the right side of your profile, you will see the option to edit your public URL. Use that option to make your URL more concise and neat — again, it only takes a couple of minutes and it can make your URL much more memorable.
7. Start making connections
It seems obvious, but it can be easy to forget sometimes. You need to keep growing your connections as you meet people because of LinkedIn's system of first, second, and third-degree connections; having a lot of connections helps keep you visible to others.
That being said, while you can connect with people you don't know, it's preferable to connect with individuals whom you know personally, have worked with, or met in a professional capacity. If you do decide to connect with individuals you haven't met, or don't have a direct connection to, send a note with your request explaining who you are why you'd like to connect.
8. Ask for recommendations
This is a big one. Think of people that you've developed a good working relationship with in the past. When you edit your profile, there is a link to click that says Ask for Recommendations. Click on it. You choose what you'd like to be recommended for and can choose a list of people from your connections. Then, send it out and hope you get some great feedback.
Recommendations are key to making your LinkedIn profile stand out. Employers want to know that others have approved of your work.
9. Keep your page active
LinkedIn is more than an online resume — it's a networking social media site. That means to get the most out of it, you need to remain active. Check out what other people are posting, engage them with thoughtful comments, and like and share posts that strike you as helpful.
You can also join groups that are on LinkedIn. Whatever your professional interests are, from marketing to accounting, there are going to be groups talking about it. Join one or two and interact within that group. It's a great way to meet some new people and share ideas.
10. Check your LinkedIn profile strength
If you look at your current profile, there is a gauge on the right-hand side that gives you a “Profile Strength” measurement. Essentially, this is telling you how completely you've filled out your profile. Keep adding more and using the site's tips until that gauge rates you “All-Star.” It's simple, but it can help you see if you've overlooked something.
LinkedIn is a powerful tool and one that's really easy to use and take advantage of. Make the most of it by optimizing your profile to stand out in a sea of candidates, sell your skills, and validate your accomplishments. You want your page to be visually appealing to visitors while making it easy for them to get a feel for who you are and what you really can do for them professionally.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
Make a perfect résumé!!
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If you are struggling with making your résumé know that you're not alone. According to a recent study, only 24 percent of professionals described themselves as “confident in their resume-writing ability.” This means that 76% of professionals are insecure about their resume and resume-writing skills as a whole.
With that said, if you are planning to prepare a résumé, it's important to take some time to prepare for your resume rewrite. Your resume will only be as good as the information you or your writer has to work with. Gather the following details ahead of time to craft a powerful document that effectively tells your story and markets your qualifications to help you land your dream job.
1. Contact information
While this section may seem obvious, there are a few factors to consider. Select one email address and one phone number to include on your resume. It's recommend setting up an email address that's dedicated to your job-search activities and using your cell phone number on your resume, as this gives you the ability to control the voicemail message, who answers the phone, and when.
2. Online presence
A survey found that 93% of recruiters will search for your online profiles before they decide to interview you. Save them some time. In addition to your LinkedIn account, the perfect resume should include any links that are relevant to your work, such as a personal website, portfolio, or blog. If your work involves social media, you may include the links to other social media accounts such as Twitter, Instagram, and so forth.
3. Sample job descriptions
When you're writing the perfect resume, it should be tailored to support a specific job goal. One of the best ways to ensure your resume is properly positioned is to identify sample job descriptions that you're interested in and qualified to perform. Search online and gather a few job postings that represent the type of position you're targeting. It doesn't matter if the location is ideal; for this purpose, you should only be concerned with the job description and its requirements.
4. Technical skills and proficiency
What technical platforms and tools are you proficient in? List all that apply to your work. Be specific and as comprehensive as possible. This list can include anything from social media platforms to project management systems and computer languages. If you've worked with proprietary platforms, list those as well.
5. Your professional experience
Start with your most recent job and work your way backward. The perfect resume should detail out all your professional positions within the past 5 years. If you served in the military or held a board position, list this experience as you would any other role in your work history. If you recently graduated from college, include your internships and any work experience that took place since you entered college.
6. Achievements
Brainstorm a list of your accomplishments and major contributions that benefited the organization during your tenure. The number of achievements you provide will depend upon how long you remained in that role and how relevant it is to your current job goals. Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible; for instance, how did you help save the company money, generate revenue, improve customer satisfaction, increase productivity, and so forth? If you have an existing resume, only include new details in this section. There's no reason to repeat anything that already appears in your current resume.
7. Early career history
Before you get started in writing the perfect resume, make a list of the job titles you held, the names of each employer, the locations where you worked, and your dates of employment for these roles. While the dates will likely not get used in your resume, it's good to have a clear record of your earlier experiences for the writer.
8. Volunteer work
Have you been actively volunteering with a non-profit organization? Skills based volunteering is a great way to fill an employment gap or supplement your work history when you're trying to change careers. Please list any volunteer work you've done that's relevant to your current job goals in chronological order, beginning with your most recent work. If you're new to the workforce, include any campus activities or clubs in which you were active.
9. Professional affiliations
List any relevant professional organizations or affiliations you're a member of that aren't listed on your resume. For each group, please list its name and URL, when you became a member, and what positions you held. If you took an active role in the organization, describe your responsibilities and any notable achievements.
10. Language skills
Language skills can be a great selling point on your resume. If you're multilingual, be sure to list each language you speak and your proficiency level.
11. Education and professional development
Create a record of all your education, beginning with your most recent degree. List the institution, its location, the name of your degree, your major and minor, your graduation year, and any honors associated with the degree, such as summa or magna cum laude. Do the same for any relevant certifications you've obtained or additional training opportunities or workshops you've attended.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
How to look for an Internship?
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You stand the best chance of finding the perfect internship if you employ several different strategies. Networking, attending career fairs, looking for internship listings and online, all ways to begin conducting your internship search. Finding an internship requires time and planning, but the results are definitely worth the effort. 
If you are looking for an internship here are some points to keep in mind on how to look for an internship.
Start Your Search Early
Be aware that certain industries and internships have early deadlines and if you miss them you might have to wait another year. Begin your internship search as early as possible, because then it allows you to afford additional lead time. It can also give you the opportunity to make valuable connections with alumni or professionals within organizations of interest prior to returning to college.
Identify Your Broad Career Interests
Decide what you want to do, but don't worry about being too specific. Gaining experience in a number of career fields is a good idea if you are unsure about the career you want to pursue after college. Think about what you enjoy and how that might parlay into a career. Do you enjoy watching shows on finance and investing? Home improvement? History? Are you interested in machine learning or artificial intelligence? Internships can give you exposure to opportunities and a chance to sample new and exciting career fields.
Speak with family, friends, faculty, college advisors, and career counselors in the Career Services Office at your college about what type of internship you want and when and where you want to do it. Contacting alumni from your college and doing informational interviews can provide you with valuable information on career options and internships that you can pursue. Be sure to send a thank you note to them for sharing their time and expertise.
Attend Career Fairs
Check with your Career Services Office at your college to identify career and/or internship fairs occurring during the break. Top employers attend career fairs to recruit, screen, and hire talented interns and employees.
Contact Employers
Telephone or visit employers in your geographic and/or career areas of interest and inquire about summer jobs/internships. Be prepared to give a brief introduction that sells skills and explains how you can be of value.
Focus on summer jobs available and, if interested, consider camp or resort opportunities to gain additional interpersonal and communication skills. Temp agencies also provide information on the employment needs of local employers. Be sure to follow up with employers whenever possible to arrange an in-person or telephone interview.
Gain Experience as a New Graduate or Career Changer
New graduates and those experiencing career change can also try internships to gain perspective on new career fields and develop new knowledge and skills. Internships can be the bridge between an unsatisfying career and a potentially new and exciting venture. You can use internship and job search databases to identify organizations that meet your criteria
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inmovidutech · 4 years
# 007 REPORTING ON FIELD …Bond of Cricket
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Dying overs of an ODI game and the bowler was Iftikhar Anjum - the right-arm medium-pacer from Pakistan, moved the fine-leg fielder inside the circle. And according to plan, he bowled a lethal yorker. Unabashedly, the batsman went down on one knee to sweep him past short fine leg. That was a tad too much for Anjum to abide by.
Next ball, he sent the fine leg back to patrol the fence and brought in the third-man fielder inside the circle. This time, the batsman played a cheeky reverse-sweep past the short third-man fielder.
While most batsmen would go on the defensive when the bowler is on the offensive, few, very few, retort in an equally or more aggressive and assertive fashion. This batsman did, then, and continues to even now.
Jersey number 7, The captain cool continued to roar on the field.
Psychologically, there are two kinds of motivators for players on the field:
Extrinsic motivators are external rewards, such as trophies, money, medals, or social recognition. Intrinsic motivators arise from within, such as a personal desire to win or the sense of pride that comes from performing a skill.
And what makes a good player a great player is his intrinsic motivators.
If your internal motivation is high and you play selflessly, it helps you keep your calm under high-pressure situations, you go from being good to great. That's why our captain cool, is one of the greatest sportspersons.
Techniques involved in Dhoni’s Cricket
• Dhoni uses simple principles to score runs on every ball bowled to him.
Dhoni doesn’t use his feet to generate power to clear the fence. Hence, he is a difficult batsman to bowl to.
• Dhoni has his line of bats called Spartan MSD 7 limited edition. His bat weighs around 1.1 to 1.25 kg. He uses the heavy bat as the heavy bat would pack more power since it has more energy and more momentum.
• Every batter knows that there is a spot on the bat where the shot feels the best. Dhoni’s heavy bat has larger swell depth which means a bigger sweet spot.
• Suppose that a wicket-keeper needs to move as fast as possible to the right to catch a ball. Which foot should move first, and in what direction?
It seems obvious that his left foot should stay on the ground and his right foot should move to the right while pushing as hard as possible to the left with the left foot. That way, his whole body and every part of it moves rapidly to the right.
But suppose he pushes to the left with his left foot and moves his right foot to the left. That way, he will tend to fall over to the right and his upper body moves even faster to the right. Such a step is called a gravity-step and it is counter-intuitive.
Dhoni understood this technique and registered himself among the finest wicket keepers.
Some facts about Mahendra Singh Dhoni
 While playing for the Central Coal Fields Limited in the Sheesh Mahal tournament, Dhoni used to get Rs 50 from his coach Deval Sahay for each six that he hit in the matches.
 The 'Helicopter Shot', which Dhoni is famous for, was taught to him during a tennis-ball tournament in Ranchi by his friend Santosh Lal.
 Dhoni is the only captain in world cricket to win all three ICC trophies - 2007 World T20, 2011 World Cup and 2013 Champions Trophy.
 Dhoni has always maintained that the Army is his first love and was conferred the honorary rank of Lieutenant Colonel on 1 November 2011. "I love my country, I tell my wife she is only the third most important after my country and my parents, in that order," Dhoni once said.
 Dhoni was a huge fan of John Abraham copied and had long hair just like him. He even cut his hair short when the Bollywood actor did so.
 He played his hand at football and badminton as well
 He is the most sponsored athlete in India
 MSD has higher net worth than Sachin Tendulkar
The foundation of his cricket is not just his technique, his cricket brain, or his undeniably good luck. It is his belief in his abilities that have brought him this far.
Team INMOVIDU Welcomes the champ to the next phase of life and we hope that he will keep inspiring us!
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inmovidutech · 4 years
Pros and Cons of a Virtual Internship
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Here are some pros and cons of the new culture of remote working to keep in mind before going forward.
Pros of a Virtual Internship:
Some of the advantages of doing an internship remotely include:
● You can intern for any company, regardless of location, without relocating:
Internships are typically for a short period, whether it’s a few weeks or a few months. It can be difficult to relocate your life for the short period of an internship—though many students do it because they want to intern with a particular company. A virtual internship enables students to work for their dream company without undergoing the hassle of relocating.
● The hours tend to be more flexible: Because you're working remotely and not reporting into an office, you may be able to work the hours you want rather than those of a typical workday.
The flexibility to work when you want is a great benefit on its own, but it can also free up your daytime hours to work at another job. That situation would be especially helpful if your internship is unpaid.
● You may be able to earn college credits more easily than with a traditional internship:
It's typically harder to fit in an internship during a spring or fall semester when you would have a class schedule to work around. Because the hours for a virtual internship tend to be more flexible, it should be easier to manage your class schedule and internship schedule in a single semester.
● No need to commute:
With a virtual internship, you don't need to pay for a car or public transportation to get into the office at a set time.
Cons of a Virtual Internship
The downsides of a virtual internship include:
● There might be a lack of structure and support:
An internship can become like a mentorship if your boss excels at providing structured supervision and support. You probably won't get that same feeling of having been mentored if you're communicating only by email and phone.
● There might be less job training and guidance:
Similarly, you may get less training on and guidance about the duties of the job from your boss and colleagues at a remote internship than you would if you could see them face-to-face.
● You won't experience the office environment:
You also won't be able to learn successful work behaviors such as following office etiquette and understanding and responding to a corporation's culture. You will miss out on the daily experiences of life in a professional setting.
● You will have to be more self-motivating:
Without an in-the-flesh boss to answer to, you will have to muster the motivation from within to do your job.
But remember!!!
As with any internship, what you get out of a virtual internship is commensurate with what you put into it. If you're concerned a virtual internship might be a lesser experience, talk about that with the person who would be your boss before you accept the job. If your future boss is able to convince you the internship will be worthwhile, go for it.
Similarly, while you're interning, do what you can to make sure the experience lives up to the expectations your boss established. In a professional manner, ask for more guidance and support if you feel like they have been lacking.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
Why Virtual internships?
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Virtual internships are internships done entirely via email, online chat, or phone. They typically offer a great deal of flexibility and remove the necessity of having to live in a certain geographical location.
Simply speaking, a virtual internship is when an intern works remotely, as in anywhere other than in an office. Virtual internships, are easier to fit into a busy college schedule and offer students an opportunity to gain experience without having to commute to a specific location at a specific time.
Many virtual internships exist in the fields of IT, sales, journalism, marketing, and software development. Jobs in those areas lend themselves to remote work, but you can find opportunities for virtual internships in other types of employment as well. Although the structure of a virtual internship may be different than that of a traditional internship, the application process is usually pretty similar. First, you will probably be asked to send in a resume and cover letter and perhaps some supporting materials, such as writing samples. If the manager likes what they see, you will be interviewed by phone.
Before you accept a virtual internship, there are some questions you should get answers to:
What tasks will you be doing and what will your responsibilities be?
Will training or supervision be offered only at the beginning or over the course of the internship?
How many hours per week are required for the internship?
Is the internship paid?
Can you receive college credit for the internship?
Will you receive an evaluation or recommendation letter at the end of the internship? Will your supervisor be able to act as a work reference after the internship is over?
Could the internship lead to full-time employment at the company?
During the internship use the opportunity to learn from everyone. You have the opportunity to learn from everyone you interact with. Consider ways to talk with others on the team, managers, and others. Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, or even the phone are all great ways to communicate with and learn from your co workers. When you meet with individuals, prepare a few questions for them such as:
What excites you about your work?
What has been most helpful to you in this position?
What are some trends in this field?
How did your educational and career pathway prepare you for your work here?
What kind of challenges do you face in your position?
What are important skills for being successful in this field?
Before your internship ends make sure that you have fulfilled all responsibilities and tie up any loose ends. Prepare a list of your summer accomplishments that you can share with your supervisor. Make sure to say good-bye to everyone you worked with. You may also want to ask your direct supervisor for a recommendation letter or if they would be willing to serve as a reference at a later time.
Finally, don’t forget to update your resume with all of the skills and accomplishments from the summer, and be sure to connect with your colleagues on LinkedIn for future networking
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inmovidutech · 4 years
How to make the most of a Virtual Internship?
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A virtual or remote internship is a unique opportunity for everyone to work without visiting a physical office. Virtual internships require increased planning and consideration by both the intern and supervisor, but they can still be a great way to gain skills and make connections.
● Set goals and know the expectations
In the starting of the internship, speak with your supervisor about what you hope to gain from this experience and what their expectations are for you as an intern. Be proactive - contact your supervisor before the internship to discuss your projects and goals.
● Learn the office culture
Before your internship starts, learn as much as you can about the organization’s mission to the work styles in the office. This will prepare you to handle work tasks and navigate dynamics with others on the team.
● Maintain and emphasize communication with your supervisor and colleagues
Communication is different when you’re working remotely. Most will happen through chats, email and comments in project management systems, so you can’t rely on in-person connections to clarify something. But make sure to keep communication with your colleagues and supervisors.
● Don't be afraid about asking for help
An internship is an opportunity to learn. Your supervisor does not expect you to already know all the answers. Ask your supervisor how they prefer to receive questions (e.g., by email, phone or chat). Encourage your supervisor to provide feedback after a presentation or an assignment so they know you’re interested in growing. If they don’t offer it directly, ask for it.
● Meet deadlines and manage your time effectively
When you are working from home, you won’t necessarily have someone checking in with you every day. Keep track of important dates and assignments and be sure to submit work in a timely fashion. Complete assignments on time and let your supervisor know if you have time to take on more projects.
● Take only as much as you can chew
It can often seem like there is no end to the work day when you are working remotely. However, that doesn’t mean the expectation is that you work more hours than if you were working in an office. It is your responsibility to strike the right balance and communicate with your supervisor if you’re feeling overwhelmed and have too much work to do. Ask for feedback from your supervisor, a mentor or other colleagues on how you can be more efficient.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
A brief history of Stephen Hawking
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“Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.”
Life tests only those who are having the capacity to pay for the tests. For everyone, there are the moments when you have to make hard choices and you just can’t negotiate with them; because these moments will be deciding your personality and fate.
On January 8, 1942 in Oxford England, Stephan Hawking was born. He was born into an intellectual family. He gave the theories that changed the perception we were having. A great dish needs the chef to be patient and be ready to face challenges. Similarly, Stephen Hawking’s life is an example for the generations to come. No disability can hold your thoughts if you have the determination to touch the sky.
In 1963, when he was of 21, Hawking was diagnosed with the life changing disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Its short form is ALS. It is a disease with no known cause or cure. It cripples the effected, shutting down their nerves system in such a way that nearly incapacitates the diseased. It allows for almost no movement, except for involuntary muscle movements, as it paralyzes within a few years of initial diagnosis.
A true fighter will never leave the battle field and being a great knight, Mr Hawking did the same. He fought all the odds of the life and proved to be the greatest of all the time. Mr Hawking was a cosmologist. Cosmologist is the one who studies the structure of the universe.
While giving the lectures, he said on imagination that - 
“For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen. Speech has allowed the communication of ideas, enabling human beings to work together to build the impossible. Mankind’s greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn’t have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded. All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.”
Some of theories that he gave are the Big Bang - start of the universe, Black holes and how they work. Stephen Hawking predicted that the black holes eject some radiation and they swallow almost everything. He named that radiation as “Hawking Radiation”. Hawking also worked on the problem of quantum gravity. Quantum gravity explains the gravity with the quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is nothing but the physics of tiny things.
Apart from these, he is also known for the works like Penrose-Hawking theorems, Bekenstein-Hawking formula, Gibbons-Hawking ansatz, Gibbons Hawking effect, Gibbons-Hawking space, Gibbons-Hawking-York boundary term, Thorne-Hawking-Preskill bet, etc.
Stephen Hawking wrote books about science for non-scientists. His first book ‘A brief history of time’ is the famous one.
Its not about making right choices. Its about learning how to avoid the wrong ones. Stephen Hawking left his body on 14 March 2018 but his thoughts will be with us forever and will keep us inspiring.
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inmovidutech · 4 years
Time Management
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Charles Darwin once said "A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life". Now if you go back and think about all the hours you have wasted procrastinating you might feel gloomy that you have wasted your life, but that's not true, you still have many opportunities that are waiting for you, what you need to do is very simple,
Just follow what Sir Charles Darwin said.
The words seem all fancy and kind of impossible to achieve or even follow but if we break them down in breath in their essence, it's actually quite simple, and very effortless if you know and apply Parkinson's law in your life.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson was a British civil officer and hence perfectly knew the importance of time management and hence he came up with a law, now known as Parkinson's law. It is the adage that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."
This simple yet fascinating sentence means that - if you give yourself a week to complete a two hour task, then psychologically the task will increase in complexity and become more daunting so as to fill that week. It may not even fill the extra time with more work, but just stress and tension about having to get it done. Therefore, if we assign the right amount of time to a task, we gain back more time and the task will reduce in complexity to its natural state.
If you are thinking that by reducing any task to a one minute limit it will become such an easy task that it will be completed in a minute, but that's not the case, because Parkinson's law is no magic but an observation. It works because people give tasks longer than they really need, sometimes because they want some ‘leg room’ or buffer, but usually because they have an inflated idea of how long the task takes to complete. People don’t become fully aware of how quickly some tasks can be completed until they test this principle.
How to use this to make your life more simple and full of new opportunities? - because if you save time there will be more room for other activities and you will finally be able to follow Sir Charles Darwin statement.
Make a list of your tasks, and divide them up by the amount of time it takes to complete them. Then give yourself half that time to complete each task. You have to see making the time limit as crucial. Treat it like any other deadline just like the deadlines your superiors set unbreakable. You will observe what is the actual real time needed to achieve the completion of a particular task hence saving valuable time.
Always make a to-do list and then look for those little time-fillers, like email and feed reading, that you might usually think take ten or twenty or sometimes even thirty minutes. These are the “pests” of the productivity world –  they do nothing but make your life more stressful and painful, pains that you can’t seem to get rid no matter how much you run around the house with a shoe or bug spray. Because in the back of your mind you still have work left from your to-do list and you will keep scrolling your Instagram feed and stressing on how much work you still have to do.
Instead of doing the leisurely 20-30 minute morning feed check, give yourself five minutes. If you’re up for a challenge, go one better and give yourself two minutes. Don’t give these tasks any more attention until you’ve completed everything on your to-do list that day, at which point you can indulge in some email reading, social networking and feed scrolling to your heart’s content.
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