insomniacfoxes · 3 years
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Silco finalising his adoption be like👆👆
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
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Arcane x DBH xover
My name is Viktor, I’m the android sent by Hextech.
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
Hello! I'm here to say I have started my book blog! It's called yarasreadingnook on IG if you wanna check it out!
Once I graduate University, I might start a book blog. I've recently gotten back to my love of books and I think I want to document my journey.
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
I always see people talking about AU’s where Andrew’s Neil’s bodyguard, but I never see them. WHERE ARE THEY? WHERE ARE ALL THE BODYGUARD AUS?????? THIS IS SERIOUS OEOPLE
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
So gonna randomly throw this out here but I started a bookstagram @yarasreadingnook . I wanted to get back into the habit of reading and I want to start reading more books so this is a start.
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
I love how in all Andriel fanfics, you know you're about to enter angstville when you read Neil telling Andrew, "Thank you, you were amazing."
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
*The Foxes at a Team Brunch*
Waitress: How would you like your eggs?
Neil: Uh, hatched.
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
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Andreil with cats, part 1
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
Once I graduate University, I might start a book blog. I've recently gotten back to my love of books and I think I want to document my journey.
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
ok OK . hear me out ... the foxes coaching little league ... has this been done already ? sorry if it has, I just ...
wymack tells them they'll be doing it and reactions are mixed...
on one hand renee, nicky, matt & dan are delighted !!! they love kids !
neil is ... indifferent. it isn't that he doesn't like kids ... he is just .. a little awkward ...
nicky: a little awkward? I have watched you shake hands with a toddler
neil: I was being polite nicky!!!
allison is okay with kids but she is okay-er with chaos. she is excited to see kevin's coaching style applied to a bunch of eight year olds
which of course leads to fox standard betting
“20 bucks kevin will make a kid cry within the first hour” “an hour is generous, 30 bucks it's the first five minutes”
aaron doesn't have much experience with kids but he is becoming a doctor and he will work on being a comforting presence to people of all ages damn it !!!
aaron: you are going to allow andrew near children?
andrew, entirely deadpan: kids love me.
dan is certain this will either bring the team together or end in utter chaos, most likely both
the day comes. the kids walk out onto the court and they are all wearing tiny exy uniforms
and nicky and matt are SQUEALING
“they're so small, matt” “I am melting”
they get split into groups to handle a few kids each
and renee almost immediately has the little girls hanging onto her every word
she is helping braid their hair back and emphasising that girls are just as strong as boys are, sometimes stronger
and they love! her!
matt is being very productive
he is running around with a small boy on his back
dan: matt, put it down
matt: we are practising dan!
neil is holding up !! he is talking to his group about striking techniques
except he is explaining it to them like they are his foxes & not the local little league team
andrew: neil they haven't learnt any of that yet
neil: it's a good thing I'm here to teach them then
it turns out andrew was not bluffing when he said kids love him
little boy: my name is andrew, too
andrew: there can only be one. we have to fight
andrew 2: I could just use my superpowers you know
andrew: oh boy ... you are right ... ok you win
nicky, watching with tears in his eyes: I just ....
but then andrew 2 is confused because ... aaron has the same face as andrew and he thought there could only be one but now there are three???
aaron: I'm the nice twin
andrew: he is a liar.
aaron, matt and nicky are very passionately talking to three kids about the importance of being a backliner
“you might feel like it's not an important job, but you are actually defending the goal! you have to work hard to help the goalkeeper”
andrew: not that you guys would know a thing about helping your goalkeeper
renee: andrew.
andrew: just a some light banter, renee
they haven't heard from kevin in a while and they go to find him expecting tears and the worst
except there are no tears
and the foxes are pulling out their wallets
because kevin day is kneeling on the court next to a little girl and he is giving her gentle encouragements on her play
and nicky is near tears again
“that was great kayleigh! what if next time you're a little bit more forceful? I bet it will be perfect then. shall we try?”
nicky: kayleigh just like his....
dan: we know, nicky
allison: this is actually kind of cute
once the kids have practised enough it's time for a match
and neil is fully prepared to treat this like any other game
but it's kevin, kevin that says “neil, they are eight”
and neil shrugs and is all “Exy is Exy, no matter the age”
dan: very inspirational, let's not body slam any infants though
the match is, of course, a disaster
there are children tripping over left and right and abby is on the sidelines with juice and her first aid kit
and none of the kids have scored yet
predictably so, since they are playing against literal collegiate athletes
neil can tell they are a little bummed out about it and he hates that!
because he knows that feeling of wanting to score so badly
so he does what any rational person would do
and he picks up kayleigh and runs with her toward the goal
andrew: you TRAITOR this is against the rules
neil: oh so now you care about the rules of Exy? drop it in kayleigh!
so she does
and the goal lights up red !!!! they score !!!
andrew is rolling his eyes fondly at neil who is whooping with excitement
the whole little league team are cheering because they just scored on andrew minyard !!!
and for some reason, kevin wants to cry
he feels weirdly nostalgic
allison: don't tear up on us now kev, you have a reputation to guard
kevin: they're just.. so happy
dan gives them a congratulatory speech and the kids are looking at her like she is the coolest person in the world
matt: same.
and once the kids have had their refreshments they are shepherded back onto their mini bus
and they are waving goodbye to the foxes who are stood in the parking lot
aaron: goodbye! get home safe!
andrew: until next time, comrades....
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
Was typing out a text half asleep to my friends group chat at like 5am and my phone fell on my face which caused me to send out a group call...they hate me now for waking them up
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
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not to repost all of them, but they look so good together! I’m super happy that they turned out the way they did!
Keep reading
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
How is the BTS McDonald's meal a special meal? It's just fucking nuggets & fries, I'm not throwing shade at BTS but McDonald's could have done something more special than overcharge you for regular nuggets.
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
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i did it for all of us problematic foxes
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
I rewatched this scene from The Office and only thought of Abby teaching everyone CPR.
Part 1:
Abby: All right, well, lets get back to it. ‘Cause you’re losing him. Okay, too fast. Everyone, we need to pump at a pace of a 100 beats per minute.
Neil: okay, that’s uh, hard to keep track. How many is that per hour?
Kevin: How’s that gonna help you?
Neil: I will divide and then count to it.
Kevin: Right.
Abby: Okay. Well, a good trick is to pump to the tune of ‘Staying Alive’ by the Bee Gees. Do you know that song?
Neil: Yes, yes I do. I love that song... First I was afraid, I was petrified. (He's such an idiot I love him)
Abby: No, it’s–Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive.
Part 2:
Neil: Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive (Nicky joins in) Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive.
Nicky: Oh you can tell by the way I use my walk I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk. Music loud, women warm, been kicked around since I was born. Oh, it’s alright, it’s okay, [Matt & Allison join in] you can look the other way. Loo do do!
Abby: No.
All the Foxes: [muttering] Stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive.
*Wymack facepalms*
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insomniacfoxes · 3 years
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@4theye piccrew!!
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