inspirednikos · 7 years
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Marc Lalonde Talks About Me! This is the introduction my mentor Marc Lalonde (aka The Wealthy Trainer) had, prior to me getting the spotlight on his value sharing webinar! If you want to join us in a future webinar, just click below to register for free! You can also enroll in the BrandingYOUniversity for free too and benefit from all the free courses! http://NikoPapadopoulo.com/BrandingYOUniversity Contact me directly at: http://NikoPapadopoulo.com/contact-niko or on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/InspiredNiko @MarcLalonde #InspiredToLiveFree #Twitter #grateful #AttractionMarketing
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inspirednikos · 7 years
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How To Close More People is key for any business! Understanding some things prior your closing process will drastically improve your closing ratio! How To Close More People (Episode 19 of the #NikoRandomTipsShow) http://www.nikopapadopoulo.com/nikorandomtipsshow19/ #InspiredToLiveFree #CloseMorePeople #MLM #Sales #DirectSales #NetworkMarketing #Marketing
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inspirednikos · 7 years
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You Don’t Need Permission from anyone about how to live your life. You have your own dreams and aspirations. It can be tough; don’t let that prevent you from getting what’s yours to get in life! Do not sabotage your success by waiting for permission or approval on what you want to do… just go do it! You Don’t Need Permission (Episode 20 of The #NikoWalkShow) http://www.nikopapadopoulo.com/nikowalkshow20/ #InspiredToLiveFree #Permission #Success #Business #YesYouCanDOIt
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inspirednikos · 7 years
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Using Twitter for business and automation go hand in hand. How to setup Direct Messages in Statusbrew will save you time and provide you with an opening… http://www.nikopapadopoulo.com/nikorandomtipsshow17/ #InspiredToLiveFree #NikoRandomTipsShow #Twitter #TwitterAutomation #Statusbrew #SendDirectMessagesInStatusbrew #Marketing #TwitterMarketing
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inspirednikos · 7 years
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Using Twitter for business and automation go hand in hand. How to setup welcome tweets in Statusbrew will save you time and easily automate this process! I know here's the Instagram land... but hey, some of you could be using Twitter too ;) http://www.nikopapadopoulo.com/nikorandomtipsshow16/ #InspiredToLiveFree #NikoRandomTipsShow #SocialMedia #Twitter #Statusbrew #TwitterAutomation #WelcomeTweets
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inspirednikos · 7 years
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For copywriting and especially branding purposes you should create your own images with your logo and details! You can easily create Images Via Free Canva.com How To Create Awesome Images Via Free Canva.com (Episode 15 of the #NikoRandomTipsShow) #InspiredToLiveFree #Images #BrandedImages #Canva #Canva.com #TransparentImages
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inspirednikos · 7 years
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Do you truly want to change your life? Learning and taking action are necessary, but if you don’t have a burning desire to accomplish your vision then chances are you will not go far… Your Burning Desire Will Drive You To Succeed (Episode 19 of The NikoWalkShow) http://www.nikopapadopoulo.com/nikowalkshow19/ #InspiredToLiveFree #NikoWalkShow #BurningDesire #NapoleonHill #ThinkAndGrowRich #Success
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inspirednikos · 7 years
How To Create Awesome Images Via Free Canva.com [Episode 15 of the #NikoRandomTipsShow] Blog Post Link at: http://ift.tt/2od1h8a Facebook Live Link at: http://ift.tt/2mx7DC5 01:43 Create Transparent Images via Powerpoint 02:20 Create Transparent Images via free smartphone apps 03:20 Download/use FREE loyalty-free images (sites mentioned) 05:15 Use existing dimensions or create your own custom dimensions with Canva.com 06:12 Search online for specific dimensions of your needs 07:10 Upload your image and size accordingly in canva.com 07:40 Use use Transparent logo etc in canva.com 09:30 Add test in Canva.com 11:30 Add shapes in Canva.com #NikoRandomTipsShow #InspiredToLiveFree Check out all the Niko Random Tips Show Episodes here: http://ift.tt/2lbUlcy Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Daily WEALTH STRATEGIES (Online Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Brand Marketing) and RANDOM TIPS (Life Experiences and Lessons Learned): http://ift.tt/2koq5Hq Contact me directly at: http://ift.tt/2lbDmXF or on Facebook at: http://ift.tt/2kohF2G Tags: Images Via Free Canva How To Create Awesome Images Via Free Canva.com (Episode 15 of the #NikoRandomTipsShow) Canva.com NikoRandomTipsShow Niko Papadopoulo Inspired To Live Free InspiredToLiveFree training attraction marketing online marketing internet marketing Canva Photo Resizing Photo Editing Photo Optimization for Web How to Edit Photos Easily photo optimization Photograph (Media Genre) Cropping Photo Cropping transparent transparent images by Niko Papadopoulo
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inspirednikos · 7 years
Your Burning Desire Will Drive You To Succeed [Episode 19 of The #NikoWalkShow] Do you truly want to change your life? Learning and taking action are necessary, but if you don't have a burning desire to accomplish your vision then chances are you will not go far... 00:30 Do you truly want to change your life? 01:48 Your burning desire is the starting point of all achievement 04:10 It's not just a wish or want 06:20 Do you really want it? 06:37 Did you decide? Homepage Link at: http://ift.tt/2oaCB08 #NikoWalkShow #InspiredToLiveFree Check out all the Niko Walk Show Episodes here: http://ift.tt/2l51Lw3 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Daily WEALTH STRATEGIES (Online Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Brand Marketing) and RANDOM TIPS (Life Experiences and Lessons Learned): http://ift.tt/2koq5Hq Contact me directly at: http://ift.tt/2lbDmXF or on Facebook at: http://ift.tt/2kohF2G by Niko Papadopoulo
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inspirednikos · 7 years
Success Is A Roller Coaster [Episode 18 of The #NikoWalkShow] Success is a Roller Coaster! Just like everything else in life, success has it's ups and downs. Are you prepared for your success ride with whatever it takes to accomplish whatever it is you want? 0:55 Success and Roller Coaster go up and down 2:08 Embrace the Roller Coaster ride of your success 2:35 Are you prepared for your success? 3:34 Are you getting prepared for your success? 4:20 To achieve something better you need to get better 7:40 What can you do? Homepage Link at: http://ift.tt/2nMTYH1 #NikoWalkShow #InspiredToLiveFree Check out all the Niko Walk Show Episodes here: http://ift.tt/2l51Lw3 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Daily WEALTH STRATEGIES (Online Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Brand Marketing) and RANDOM TIPS (Life Experiences and Lessons Learned): http://ift.tt/2koq5Hq Contact me directly at: http://ift.tt/2lbDmXF or on Facebook at: http://ift.tt/2kohF2G by Niko Papadopoulo
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inspirednikos · 7 years
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Success is a Roller Coaster! Just like everything else in life, success has it’s ups and downs. Are you prepared for your success ride with whatever it takes to accomplish whatever it is you want? Success Is A Roller Coaster (Episode 18 of The #NikoWalkShow) http://www.nikopapadopoulo.com/nikowalkshow18/ #InspiredToLiveFree #NikoWalkShow #Success #RollerCoaster
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inspirednikos · 7 years
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I am often asked how do I put my logo and text on my images to brand them to me. You need to create transparent images and it’s simply done with Powerpoint. I show you here how you can do it too! #InspiredToLiveFree #NikoRandomTipsShow #Images #Transparent #TransparentImages #marketing
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inspirednikos · 7 years
How To Make Transparent Images Via PowerPoint [Episode 14 of the #NikoRandomTipsShow] Blog Post Link at: http://ift.tt/2mYU6ja Facebook Live Link at: http://ift.tt/2mx7DC5 #NikoRandomTipsShow #InspiredToLiveFree Check out all the Niko Random Tips Show Episodes here: http://ift.tt/2mZfG70... Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Daily WEALTH STRATEGIES (Online Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Brand Marketing) and RANDOM TIPS (Life Experiences and Lessons Learned): http://ift.tt/2koq5Hq Contact me directly at: http://ift.tt/2lbDmXF or on Facebook at: http://ift.tt/2kohF2G by Niko Papadopoulo
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inspirednikos · 7 years
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Who wants to see the recording of the surprise Facebook Live call interview with Marc M. Lalonde about my results from this short time I’ve been implementing the strategies taught through the NEW Twitter Lead Machine course? If you do, just go over to my homepage... http://www.nikopapadopoulo.com/results-with-twitter-lead-machine/ #InspiredToLiveFree #Twitter #TwitterLeadMachine #TLM #Business
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inspirednikos · 7 years
Are you wondering about having Results With Twitter Lead Machine? I just had a surprise Facebook Live call interview with Marc Lalonde about my results from this short time I've been implementing the strategies taught through the NEW Twitter Lead Machine course! Marc Lalonde is the creator of the Twitter Lead Machine course btw... 2:20 The Surprise Facebook Live Interview Call From Marc Lalonde About Results With Twitter Lead Machine 6:25 I lost sleep 7:00 From 0 to +16K followers in 6 months from the free Twitter 1.0 training 10:00 Twitter Lead Machine – Reviewed From The Inside 10:30 Do you have an Results With Twitter Lead Machine course? 10:50 StatusBrew is Awesome!!! 13:40 What do you think about the community inside the Twitter Lead Machine course? 14:58 Where do you see the Twitter Lead Machine & the BrandingYOUniversity going? 17:49 The difference in mindset between Affiliates & Partners 18:38 Do you show (share screen) to curious prospects the Twitter Lead Machine course & the BrandingYOUniversity site before they buy? The Twitter 1.0 training is very basic compared to what's covered with the NEW Twitter Lead Machine course! You may have a look at that first free training by clicking below. Take the concepts, get the idea and philosophy behind Marc's strategy! If you like that and feel this can be a fit for your needs, then proceed with getting the NEW Twitter Lead Machine course! The details to getting it are on the same page! Here's the link: http://ift.tt/2mmdiLm To visit the full blog about this video, just click/tab here: http://ift.tt/2mVsBqA If you enjoyed this video on Surprise Facebook Live Interview Call From Marc Lalonde About Results With Twitter Lead Machine, share this blog on Facebook and comment please! You may contact Niko directly by phone at 00-357-99-540-223, or Skype at: nikpap75 Or feel free to connect with Niko on Facebook anytime at http://ift.tt/2lEFKad My Twitter handles are: @InspiredNikos https://twitter.com/InspiredNikos @WorkWithNiko https://twitter.com/WorkWithNiko Please subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay up to date with all my videos! I am truly grateful to you for visiting my site! Niko. by Niko Papadopoulo
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inspirednikos · 7 years
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We do not get to witness often something that can change the route of things in BIG ways! Find out what’s inside the Twitter Lead Machine course and how it can drastically change the route of your business! Twitter Lead Machine – Reviewed From The Inside http://www.nikopapadopoulo.com/twitter-lead-machine/ #InspiredToLiveFree #Twitter #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #Business #Mindset #Startups #WontStop #Lifestyle #Leads
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inspirednikos · 7 years
We do not get to witness often something that can change the route of things in BIG ways! Find out what's inside the Twitter Lead Machine course and how it can drastically change the route of your business! Click/tab here to visit the Facebook Live post about Twitter Lead Machine - Reviewed From The Inside http://ift.tt/2mmkYxd Click/tab here to visit the blog post: http://ift.tt/2nXykw7 What Is The Twitter Lead Machine? Once you go through all the action steps explained in the course and implement them (YES, IMPLEMENT THEM), you will be having a fine tuned Twitter Lead Machine that will be generating highly targeted pre-qualified leads for you daily. YES, DAILY! What does that mean? It means, you will be having people reaching out to you, instead of you having to prospect people online; or offline for that matter :) That means, you will be responding to people requesting more info about what you are offering, instead of you pushing your info to them... Get the idea? ;) Who's this course for? ANYONE that wants to generate leads online through Twitter. It does not matter what niche you are involved with. A lead is a lead, and all businesses need new customers. Every business owner needs to have more eyeballs on their presentation. So, YES, it applies to all niches! Again, do have a good look at the video above to check out what's in the inside of the Twitter Lead Machine. If you have any questions, just reach out to me on Facebook and i will be very glad to help you out! The "old" Twitter 1.0 training To get access to the 2 year old free twitter course that through it i built more than 15 thousand followers in less than 6 months and generated almost daily leads and signups into my businesses, just click/tab here. http://ift.tt/2mmdiLm You will need to enter your information and watch that free training. On that page, you will have more information about the Twitter Lead Machine course and the option to purchase it at the discounted price. PLEASE, do not get it at the full price of $597. Let me help you save some good money now! So, why wait? Make sure you watch the inside tour of the Twitter Lead Machine course from my video above and follow this link to get access to the Twitter 1.0 training in order to learn more about Twitter and the Twitter Lead Machine course itself. http://ift.tt/2mmdiLm This is the ONLY Twitter course you will ever need to invest with! Major bookmarks from the video: 4:23 BrandingYOUniversity, but do not get it at the $497 5:12 What to get from the Twitter Lead Machine course 6:40 Watch the modules from the inside of the course 7:00 A short preview of my Twitter profiles 7:48 Setup your Twitter profiles, the right way! 9:07 Build your audience 9:20 Use the powerful StatusBrew app 11:50 Create/prepare your content 12:57 Launch your Passive Marketing Strategy 13:50 Downloadable files 14:47 Actively prospect on Twitter 16:54 Break out of the Twitter Jail 17:10 Become a Twitter Lead Machine affiliate 17:25 Get the special discount for the StatusBrew app 18:03 More preview and points from my Twitter profiles 20:53 Twitter 1.0 training and how to get the Twitter Lead Machine course at special discounted price (NOT the $497) If you enjoyed this post on Twitter Lead Machine - Reviewed From The Inside, share this blog on Facebook and comment please! You may contact Niko directly by phone at 00-357-99-540-223, or Skype at: nikpap75 Or feel free to connect with Niko on Facebook anytime at http://ift.tt/2lEFKad Please subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay up to date with all my videos! I am truly grateful to you for visiting my site! Niko. by Niko Papadopoulo
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