intan-imudh · 4 years
I thank the health heroes. . 🩺🥼👩🏻‍⚕️🧑🏼‍⚕️👨🏽‍⚕️🧑🏼‍🔬👩🏻‍🔬👨🏿‍🔬 my friends the medical team, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, psychologists, etc all involved in this pandemic, and help me when distributing donations.!! help me when discussing, consulting, this is really valuable 🥰 you are truly amazing ❤️ salute me to you 💋 aturan aturan protokol kesehatan selama masa pandemic ini, bagi yg tidak terbiasa pastinya sulit. . Menggunakan Masker saat keluar rumah, Membawa handsanitizer or alkohol 70% Menjaga jarak (social & physical) (nda bisa berpelukan ato cipika cipiki, hiks.!) Mencuci tangan, saat mau masuk suatu tempat (jika disitu tersedia wastafel or ada air & sabun, LAKUKANLAH.!) Menjaga Etika Batuk yg baik dan benar. . ❣️Aturan KOMPLIT❣️ Bagi iNtan, Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin terbiasa klo untuk make masker (karena sudah jadi Gaya Hidup), 13tahun rajin pake masker, menghindari Asap Rokok, Asap Kendaraan) temen temen ak tau lah, wkwkwk ak setia sama masker maskerku, kemanapun pergi selalu dibawa. . cemantel di leher bagaikan kalung berlian. . wkwkwk. . Klo handsanitizer jg uda terbiasa Lifestyle 😂 waktu sekolah, jadi bendahara, habis pegang uang, handsanitizer, cuma dulu make @antisindonesia sachet yg kecil kecil, sekarang lebih seringnya make @dettolindonesia , klo pas gaa sempet beli, yaa isi ulang di RS. . wkwkwk ditambah punya Kucing Persia, suka megang megang kucing, habis pegang kucing, meskipun meongnya bersih, tetep aja langsung make handsanitizer. . jaman kuliah di FK, FKM, jg ikut mendukung kebiasaan make handsanitizer. . yg sulit itu, jaga jarak 😂 iya serius, ak klo ketemu temen deket, pasti cipika cipiki ma hugs. . klo ketemu sesepuh, salaman & pasti cium tangan. . 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Klo temen” gimana.?! Apa yg masih belum terbiasa untuk menyambut #NewNormal ini.?! 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Semoga saat masa transisi ini, kita bisa membiasakan yg diluar kebiasaan 😆 mangats. . berproses lagih, penyesuaiann. . Pasti Bisa, Demi Kesehatan yg Hakiki. . Let my friends, always spread Goodness, more Humanizing Humans, embrace all, as a manifestation of our Empathy. . Make the habit of giving to others in need as a Lifestyle 💟☮️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CAu2axVpzSh/?igshid=eixevvmno8fo
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intan-imudh · 4 years
it's subsided. . it's over. . A long time ago. .
no more in the present. . thanks.
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intan-imudh · 4 years
no need to respond to the past^^ this will hurt you. . let him alone bear the pain until now, alone. . don't respond.! ignore it.! ignore it.!
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intan-imudh · 4 years
ignore it.!
anonim : hey how are you now?
she: \\no answer\\
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intan-imudh · 4 years
to be honest, the writings after this are old writings, and have passed. . 
rather than deleted, it's better to just post it. . funny indeed. . memories oh memories. .
HAY MY Lovely Tumblr, i miss you.!!
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intan-imudh · 4 years
thank you for the past. . but this is not your time. .
the door is permanently closed 
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intan-imudh · 4 years
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.
Maya Angelou
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intan-imudh · 4 years
english vs bahasa on internet
Mengapa, NEWER VS OLDER pada page halaman diartikan jadi:
Lebih Baru VS Lebih Tua (bukan Lebih Lama)
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intan-imudh · 4 years
kangen ma tumblr^^ *pada jamannya*
semua akan bertambah, semua akan menjadi kompleks, dan yang lama pun masi diingat. .
random banget.!
semoga masi ingat main tumblr itu kek gimane^^
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intan-imudh · 4 years
What does it Mean to be Self Aware?
Healthy self-awareness means:
1. Being aware of our changing emotions, and knowing who and what tends to trigger them. Then, using that knowledge to choose how you respond.
2. Being aware of our negative, destructive thoughts patterns, and challenging our tendencies to jump to wrong conclusions … or to over-exaggerate how terrible things are.
3. Being aware of what is happening, and changing, in our bodies so we know when we are stressed, or are reaching breaking point.
4. Understanding our habits and behavioural patterns so we’re not at their mercy, and they don’t control our lives.
5. Being aware of our assumptions and expectations, and knowing how they influence various aspects of our lives – like the goals we set, and the things we say and do.
6. Being aware of how our actions, our words and responses affect and influence other people in our lives (in both a positive and negative way).
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intan-imudh · 4 years
How to Know if you’re in the Right Relationship
1. You feel secure with the person and are happy to commit to a relationship with them.
2. You don’t feel you need to hide anything from them.
3. You respect them, and they respect you. Neither feels superior to the other.
4. You are happy for their successes. You don’t feel as if you’re in competition with them, or that their successes make you feel inferior.
5. You don’t challenge, criticise or attack each other in front of others.
6. Neither of you is looking to the other to have unmet needs met, or to make up for personal feelings of lack or inadequacy.
7. You are happy for your partner to spend time with their family and other friends.
8. You don’t have a secret back up plan (“If he cheats, or leaves, me then I’ll … “If he does X then I’ll do Y”)
9. You inspire each other to be better people.
10. You know that they’ll always be there for you.
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intan-imudh · 4 years
Cutting people out of my life doesn’t mean I hate them. It simply means I respect me.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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intan-imudh · 4 years
miss you my tumblr. . Since the internet at a provider is bl*ck*ng website tumblr, I can't do anything! thanks Indonesia internet provider LOLs.!!!! yay.!! now i can open my tumblr. .
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intan-imudh · 7 years
Tumblr media
my 2016 #Autumn 🍂🍂🍂🍂 Little Leaves fall softly down, red yellow orange brown, whirling, twirling, round and round. .it's Fall it's time to Love (Fall in Love) XoXo🍂🍂🍂 near the canal. . doves fly spoiled, flapping wings, communal. . warming themselves 😍 #HappyAutumn #HappyPeople in the World (at Il Pozzo)
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intan-imudh · 7 years
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ochtend! Jet Lag! 😪 bijna zeventien uur, bedankt @KLM ! zes maanden heen en weer in. .come en terug. .💪Twee weken. .complete alle taken! Bismillahhirohmannirrohim 🙏 (at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS))
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intan-imudh · 8 years
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🎉🎉 TA-DA 🎉🎉 ini dia para pemenang Loop KEPO/Kreatif Projek kemarin di Loop Kepo Bigbang 2016 Solo. . 👍 Follow IG LOOP Telkomsel SOLO yaps: @LoopCorner.slo 👍 Follow IG @loop_id #LoopKepoSolo2016 #LoopKepo2016 #LoopCorner3 Best School SMA 1 Boyolangu Lampung . . dapet Hadiah 50 JUTA 😓💰😱 whuahaahaahaahaa 😱😱😱😱 beneraaaan 50jeti.! Gokil! tetep, Telkomsel Kaya Raya😆😝✌️ . . Best Creative Personal Video Siswa SMA N 1 Karanganyar dapet Hadiah Samsung Galaxy S7 . . Most Like SMA N 2 Bojonegoro . . . . ⚠️⚠️ Nantikan LOOP Kompetisi Kompetisi Creative Digital Selanjutnya, pakai terus LOOP mu & KEPO in www.Loop.co.id
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intan-imudh · 8 years
Tumblr media
🎤bersamamu. . 🎶ku akan terus kembali. . 🎵menikmati Wangi cinta dan matahari #NP @Souljahmusik #KotaSolo Loop Kepo Bigbang 2016 🎉🎉 @LoopCorner.Slo #LoopKepoSolo2016 #LoopKepo #LoopKepo2016 Nyesel yg gaa dateng. . Nantikan di 2017, FOLLOW @LoopCorner.Slo #LoopCorner3 buat mantau Acara acara Hits anak muda Telkomsel di Area Solo. . (at Gor Bhineka Sritex Arena Solo)
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