internetconfusion · 2 years
Kota: fight me!
Katsuki: ha! Look at your size. What’re you gonna do? Kick me in the ankle?
Izuku: uh, why is kacchan quivering on the floor?
Eijirou: kota threw water in bakugou’s eyes and kicked him really hard in both his ankles
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internetconfusion · 2 years
Text from Hitoshi: I’m gonna be about half an hour late
Neito, who forgot they were even meeting, still in bed, texting: you always do this
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internetconfusion · 2 years
Yuga: izuku, in your professional opinion, how would I die?
Izuku: murder. villain group execution style. we never find your head
Yuga, sweating: Ah, I see
Neito, slightly raises hand in question:
Izuku: you slip in a tub
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internetconfusion · 2 years
Hitoshi: what if Instead of putting milk in my cereal, I put coffee?
Izuku: what if you didn’t?
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internetconfusion · 2 years
Hitoshi: when I first met Neito I was like ‘how is he single??’
Hitoshi: then I got to know him and I was like,
Hitoshi: ‘Ah’
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internetconfusion · 2 years
Aizawa: how come you’re still alive????
Izuku: there hasn’t been a place made for me yet
Aizawa: heaven clearly doesn’t fit then
Izuku: hell already spit me out
102 notes · View notes
internetconfusion · 2 years
Ochako: that’s a pretty rock
Izuku: Kacchan gave it to me
Katsuki: I threw it at you
Izuku: he’s very sweet
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internetconfusion · 2 years
Denki: y’know my first kiss was so romantic
Denki: what about you? Midoriya??
Izuku, remembering the times he got caught up in villain fights: cpr
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internetconfusion · 2 years
Izuku: if Monoma and I were drowning, who would you save?
Hitoshi: you morons can’t even swim?
Neito: it’s a hypothetical question, who would you save?
Hitoshi: my time and effort.
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internetconfusion · 2 years
Denki: a mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it
Denki: and I started thinking
Denki: like it was just trying to get food
Denki: what if I went to the fridge and it slammed the door shut and snapped my neck
Denki: how would I feel
Hitoshi: dead
Izuku: are you okay?
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internetconfusion · 2 years
Izuku: I made tea.
Hitoshi: I don’t want tea.
Izuku: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.
Hitoshi: then why are you telling me?
Izuku: it is a conversation starter.
Hitoshi: that’s a lousy conversation starter.
Izuku: is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
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internetconfusion · 3 years
Hitoshi: what do you think midoriya will do for a distraction?
Ochako: he’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do
[building explodes and several car alarms go off]
Ochako: …or he could do that
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internetconfusion · 3 years
Izuku, trying to flirt: you said you like bad boys
Izuku: well I’m bad
Izuku: at everything
40 notes · View notes
internetconfusion · 3 years
Hitoshi: I love sarcasm
Hitoshi: it’s like punching people in the face, but with words
54 notes · View notes
internetconfusion · 3 years
Neito: I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?!
Hitoshi: oh, I’m always running
Izuku, appearing behind hitoshi out of nowhere: the question is from what
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internetconfusion · 3 years
Reporter: what’s it like working with Pro-Hero Deku?
Neito: imagine working with completely civilised, responsible and mature people
Reporter: okay
Neito: now throw that idea out the window
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internetconfusion · 3 years
Neito: I’m so tired of this
Eijirou: I just want to get out of this house
Izuku: Hitoshi, how are you dealing with this quarantine?
Hitoshi, who hasn’t left his bed in days: this what
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