thesummerthunder · 10 years
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A fanart of Ava from kazul9 / kkazulwolf's novel, Summer Thunder, which I beta read a few months ago. Kaz has been down lately so I thought this might cheer her up. ;w;
Some of you might remember I drew her another fanart in 2013.
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thesummerthunder · 10 years
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boooooooo what kind of stinkin’ stained glass is that i’m too lazy to clean it up SORRY T_T
oh and this is ava and vito together from Summer Thunder by kazul9
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thesummerthunder · 10 years
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i must needs draw more
also this is kazul9's lovely OC ava from her novel Summer Thunder
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thesummerthunder · 10 years
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-Summer Thunder by K. Kazul Wolf
Happy Birthday my lovely friend! I hope you have a wonderful day! And that you keep writing your lovely words always.
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thesummerthunder · 10 years
I meant to post this here, too!
Last Thursday, I accidentally deleted my main account, kazul9. That means all of my posts, all of my followers, and the people I followed are gone. So please, if you could reblog this/follow again (I'll follow right back, of course), I'd greatly appreciate it! Luckily I had a friend help me out with this blog, and it isn't lost.
Thank you!
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
The art for the readings that I'll soon be posting to Youtube. :)
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Vito From kazul9's novel, Summer Thunder.
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
About time I rear my ugly head.
Re-cap in case anyone didn't see: I had a really bad car accident on Friday, and staying upright/both handed to write has been difficult with my neck being all wonky. I'm going to be trying ridiculously hard to get a chapter up today, but I guarantee nothing. Tomorrow at the latest!
I swear to God these things are actually happening, I know they sound like excuses. D:
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
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Something good better happen to them soon or I will pepper spray you, Kaz. (She is a fabu writer and you all should go read her NaNoWriMo novel, Summer Thunder.)
also sorry if this isn’t how they’re supposed to look i went partially on my own interpretations KKDNDFDEPOFJ
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
telari said: 
It’s two readers and one stalker-reader. Take your time and good luck!
Haha, I'm honored to have a stalker! Thank you so, so much. :)
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
37-seconds said:
Take your time. Help Bobo get better. Procrastinate as much as you need. I will be as patient as Feather-ly possible. But I make no promises that there won’t be a point when I just explode all over you in my desperation for more Ava and co.
thepassivenerd said: 
Don’t worry about it! Real life is inscrutably insane. Hope your Kitty gets better soon! <3
;____; Thank you, guys.
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
So apparently I'm turning into one of those horrible flighty authors.
Yesterday, life hit, hence no chapter, today more life hit in the form of my sick kitty getting sicker. Until things clear up (if they clear up before I'm done), I'm going to post Mondays and Fridays, which should give me PLENTY of time to write chapters, even it's writing a few hundred words a day. Though lord knows I'll just procrastinate until last minute, me-style.
I'm not giving up on this project, and both of my two, amazing readers (and stalker) will get their end. <3 Thank you guys, you are amazing and I could probably gush on forever about you.
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
Happy Post-November!
*passes out onto your keyboard*
So, obviously, NaNo's over and Summer Thunder still isn't over. Since no one had any argument with it, instead of posting ever single day (which I love doing, but stupid responsibilities), I will be posting a chapter every Monday/Wednesday/Friday.Of course, still throw every and any prompts at me. Nothing's changing other than the not-every-day thing.
Hope you guys are enjoying your freedom December!
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
No Chapter Today
I'm so, so, sorry! Life came along and dumped a few presents in my lap and today I finally hit the point where I couldn't write enough for a chapter. Tomorrow there will definitely be a new one for you (and I'll do my best to aim for two, if I can manage it)! Thanksgiving may be a hard day for me too, considering that I'll be cooking for fifty some-odd people.
Rest assured I am doing my best to make sure you get a chapter for every day until the end of NaNo.
Again, I'm so sorry! Thank you so much to everyone reading this, it means so much to me.
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
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Oops. I made a thing. :D
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
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I’ve lost everything I’ve ever had. Everyone I’ve ever loved. I am truly what I’ve become. Fallen.
{read more}
1. Home - Dustin O’Halloran | 2. Never Let Me Go - Florence and the Machine | 3. Moth’s Wings - Passion Pit | 4. At Home - Crystal Fighters | 5. Trains to Brazil - Guillemots | 6. Miracle Mile - Cold War Kids | 7. Sleeping on Floors - The Stationary Set | 8. It’s About Time - Barcelona | 9. Islands - Young The Giant | 10. Run - Snow Patrol | 11. Parachutes - Coldplay | 12. Let There be Light (Main Theme) - Josh Beattie
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
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And here is where I’d post a dramatic and catching synopsis, but I can’t. Because it’s you guys (yes you) that will be writing the story.
This NaNo I’m putting my novel in your hands. I’m going to write the first chapter on November 1st, but from that point on I’ll be running off of your (yes, still you) suggestions. Whether it be an idea, prompt, song, word, picture, whatever, I will do my best to work it into the story.
Possibly interesting? Maybe if I get on my knees and beg? What about a hot fudge sundae? Well, if you’re curious, give this blog a follow and the first chapter will be up in less than a month.
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thesummerthunder · 11 years
She's on the run for a crime punishable by death:
Killing a dragon.
And here is where I'd post a dramatic and catching synopsis, but I can't. Because it's you guys (yes you) that will be writing the story.
This NaNo I'm putting my novel in your hands. I'm going to write the first chapter on November 1st, but from that point on I'll be running off of your (yes, still you) suggestions. Whether it be an idea, prompt, song, word, picture, whatever, I will do my best to work it into the story.
Possibly interesting? Maybe if I get on my knees and beg? What about a hot fudge sundae? Well, if you're curious, give this blog a follow and the first chapter will be up in less than a month.
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