i can't stand media that kills off sex trafficking survivors, or sex workers, or just anyone who has finally got a taste of freedom just to kill them off before they can live this new life. it makes me feel like this freedom i have is temporary before i am killed or thrown back into that environment. it's infuriating.
i understand that deaths are necessary for certain character arcs, stories, whatever it is. it just digs into me that it has to be someone that i never see live to have a happy ending.
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interstellar seashore
hi this is a DID blog where i post about my experience with DID, my childhood trauma, and things to do with either of those.
i made this blog because i want to share my thoughts and experiences without bogging people down on my main and so my irl acquaintances don't find it. i don't want people i see in day to day life to know this much about me, strangers on the internet though? for some reason a-okay!
do not interact if:
racist, homophobic, transphobic, endo or endo supporter, proship, nsfw, gore blog, sh blog, ed blog, pro ed, transmed, truscum, terf, radfem, yandere blog, teacher crush blog
if you're none of those mentioned, wahoo, i love you. read below is for more info about me
i use i for anything relating to me or my headmates. it's just easier that way, don't be a fakeclaiming asshole because of how i word my sentences please.
collectively i use he/they/it pronouns and am a minor. i'm also autistic and suffer from highly complex DID, i have other stuff going on but that's all i feel comfortable sharing online.
i have a special interest in madoka magica, anime, and art. sorry if this intro post comes off mean as hell i'm really chill otherwise today i'm just very bitchy. i'll edit this later to be chill i prommy. i love you have a good day =]
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