inumakis-boo · 2 months
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It's just us and our quiet happiness here
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inumakis-boo · 2 months
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ ur text (inumaki toge) ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .
synopsis ␥ you give toge inumaki your phone number, and you become addicted to your phone, and him (for all good reasons). major fluff + friends ↝ lovers.
version one out of three. Enjoy!
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When you first started texting toge inumaki, if you were totally honest, you werent entirely sure how it was going to go.
You had only caught the subtle hints of his personality during the rare times you saw him in person- and obviously, it was through tone and face expression, becaude most other ways well were.. not optional.
So.. when you finally got the courage to write down your number on a slip of a yellow post-it note, you didn't know exactly what to expect. Just because you thought he might be a cool guy, doesn't mean he might feel the same about you. He may be cool only around people he is used to training with, or is in the same field-level at him.
But his eyes grazed over the neat handwriting (you mustve written the same note about six different times before handing it over), and his looked back at you with smiling eyes, and a thumbs up.
you tried not to wait up all night for the text- why were you so nervous? it was just a phone number, you had given it to everyone basically on campus. he was just the last one.. because you were too nervous to actually give it over.
the phone had dinged you awake from an after school nap, and you groggily picked it up, expecting nothing more than the student group-chat aruging again, but found an unsaved number with nothing more than-
UNSAVED NUMBER: it's inumaki, you gave me ur phone number the other day
UNSAVED NUMBER: idk if you remember haha srry if this is bothering u but i didnt see u at dinner, did u eat?
you try your best to blink out of the sleepiness from your eyes, trying to gauge what you wanted to say.
YOU: hi, and no i didnt forget 🤙🏻
YOU: no i was sleeping, i mustve missed it oops
He had read it almost immediately, which was.. honestly refreshing.
UNSAVED NUMBER: we thought so, so i hope you enjoy whats outside ur door
What? Outside the door? You climbed out of bed, and slowly creeped the door open-
Nobody was out here? Was someone supposed to be coming?
You look down the hall both ways before looking down. A small bag, tied closed, sitting perfectly infront of your door. When you pick it up, the bag is still warm, so it must not have been there for too long.
When you return to your phone, you see even more messages.
UNSAVED NUMBER: everyone thought it was a good idea so you dont miss dinner cause we be doing too much shit to miss out on food
He was right about that one; the days of training and missions had not gotten any easier, and energy was too important to start losing.
YOU: thank you, but how did you know where my room was?
UNSAVED NUMBER: tis a secret
UNSAVED NUMBER: wait that sounds horrible i promise im not a stalker
UNSAVED NUMBER: i just asked someone if they knew
YOU: that kinda sounds like what a stalker would say T-T
UNSAVED NUMBER: NOOOO IM SORRY forget what i said, eat well pls, gn!!
Ah, so under his collar, he was just.. a normal guy.
A funny one at that, with a personality? Nearly shocking for boys your age. The food was good too, with the
When you tell Itadori about last nights dinner, he raises his eyebrows in surprise.
"Huh, he made you that?" He asks, lips pursed a little. "Thats cool."
"What did everyone else have?" You ask him, as you two both put on your shoes from the school lockers.
"Inumaki made a different dish, a soup."
You had nothing like that- you got salmon and onigiri.
"Huh, thats not surprising." He says after you tell him, "Thats his favorite."
He.. had made you his favorite? and like.. actually made it for you, not just bought whatever from a store. He made something completely different- lighter accounting it being almost bedtime?
So.. he was considerate too.
After that, it didn't take long for the messages began to roll back and forth.
What turned from appreciation for his cooking, turned into meme sharing and tiktok sending, then.. into photos, of homework, of a cat brushing up against his leg on the street, a aisle of snacks, asking for what you want. In return, he got imessage games, where he would never lose, opinions on video games and shows, and hypothetical questions about his curse.
YOU: so lets say ur playing a video game
INUDUMBASS: which one
YOU: literally not important, anything competitive
YOU: anyways, ur playing right in a voice chat
INUDUMBASS: yes go on 🙄
YOU: and you start losing, can you say anything
INUDUMBASS: i try not to actively kill people on the mic so no
INUDUMBASS: it will still go through 100%
YOU: nobody said u had to tell someone to do that 😭
INUDUMBASS: clearly you have not been around anybody who is losing in a game before
YOU: god are u rlly that cringy??
INUDUMBASS: are you just finding this out??
INUDUMBASS: and no, i wouldn't ever do that kind of thing, i do have self-control, yknow
YOU: mhm totally
And maybe he did for online players, but he would not hesistate to make the phone drop out of your hands in the lunch room as you two played 8-ball from opposite sides of the table, just to fuck up your aim as you made a winning shot, turning the game over to his benefit.
It's okay, because you got your revenge pulling out the chair from underneath him, and watching him smack his ass on the hard school-floor, and resist not cursing in pain. He would still smile at you- eventually afterwards. He would roll his eyes, but accept the fair play anyways.
It was painfully obvious to everyone else that you two had something going on.
And maybe you didn't realize how much you were admiring him until the personality in his messages shone in him in reality.
Of course, communication was inconvenient but Inumaki wasn't dumb. One eye look told you everything you needed to know. He would snicker at Itadori's occasional mishap while training, then immediately lock in for his own, all the while never sending a mishaped word out of his mouth. And never using more of his curse than needed. Everyone knew he was trustworthy.
Nearly once a day, if he could, he made food (you thought about the first time he made it for you, specially for you, and it makes all his food taste even sweeter) and you watched everyone enjoy it, then noticed as he helped clean up- even though Maki and Megumi urged him to sit. Self-less, kind.
It was really the time on a friday night, after such a long week that everyone decided to ditch the movie theater to instead use the lounges tv (thanks to gojo, was totally decked out for the students), that maybe you start to notice Inumaki- really notice him.
You had been sitting on the food at one end of the long couches, as Toge sat at the other end, his legs draped over the arm rest as he rested his right side against the backrest.
You honestly don't know why you even kept on looking- it wasn't even that serious of a movie, yet he was so intently watching, sweatshirt not big enough to cover the usual half of his face, revealing the thin inky marks on his cheeks, leading to his lips.
He was biting the inside of his lower lip as he watched, probably an old habit back from when he was a kid- he had always been like this, he mentioned once. His arms were lazily crosed, and even his hair had been pushed so strands flicked upwards in tusseled ccondition. His greyish-violet eyes were reflecting all the action scenes, so relaxed but also, analyzing.
For the briefiest moment, you wished it was you that was sitting next to him, not Maki.
Or, the rest of the night, as you tried to focus on the movies, with your arms wrapped around your knees.
It was so odd to think weeks had passed, and suddenly, a boy that you had never known before and were scared to know, had become such a phenomenon in your life. A sustainable source of kindness and excitement that came from a boy that didn't even speak full sentences.
He made your heart flutter. As embarssing as it is. Would probably say it was embarssing, if he knew. Not like it was really ever that serious, right?
You two were friends, maybe an odd pair, but at the very least, very good classmates, and at the best, two people that loved to bully each other and talk even when words were a non-possibility.
TOGE: hey btw, you looked great tn.
YOU: lmao i looked like a bum
TOGE: well even if you did, it looked cute
TOGE: anyways, ima going tobed, im sleepy,, night night
was this really all in your head?
YOU: night night, toge :)
TOGE: :)))
It had to be.
The next morning was going to prove difficult for that insanity plea;
TOGE: i have nothing planned for today
YOU: you should be studying 😭
TOGE: nah, i should be hanging out with you
YOU: this is hanging out with me
TOGE: no like, hang out hang out
YOU: where? its too hot outside today
TOGE: in my dorm then?
YOU: with who?
TOGE: with you??
TOGE: At six, you should come hang with me, itll be fun
You swallow as you look down at your phone screen, and take your bottom lip between your teeth. That same feeling was coming back, but not out of any of the reasons before. This felt different. An excited giddiness with freckles of nervousness.
YOU: as long as you got the snacks, i wont miss it
TOGE: ill buy the whole store for you
Ahaha.. so funny right?
Somehow, it was starting to feel like the real joke was how well you were fooling yourself into thinking this was just friendly banter.
You found yourself showering and picking out a comfy outfit, braiding your hair and carefully selecting a perfume. You nearly caught yourself trying to replay the memory of getting dressed the night of the movie-party.
"hey btw, you looked great-"
You wish he could tell you to just stop thinking, would be doing you a huge solid. Especially as you approach his room, which you had found yourself wondering what was on the other side, when the boy stepped out from the door frame.
"Konbu." He waved, with a warm smile. His hair was pushed back from his face a little, and he had a white sleepshirt on, with some baggy grey sweatpants.
"Hi, Toge." You had never really called him by his first name before, and if he thought negatively, the small smile reaching his eyes disobeyed the thought.
He stepped aside and let you take your first look into the room- maybe you had not thought about it so hard, but it somehow made sense.
Band posters on some of the walls, poor taken photos of the second years and first years all together taped there too, an occasional plant dangling off a book shelf or window sill, a dresser, a little worn with character, sits nearby with a tv angled on its edge, towards the bed for easy viewing. A PS4 sits behind it, along with a headset, with the mic turned away from the front.
He has books sitting on his desk, an old fashioned hand-carry radio sits on one of its edges, and it makes for also a side table to his bed, sitting on a metal bedframe with blankets and infamous navy bedsheets.
Its springing with his character, and the smell of a refreshing cologne is in the air- the same type she would catch sometimes lingering as he walked by.
"Its not what I expected."
He walked by her to sit at his spinning desk chair, turning to face her. "Salmon?" He inquires.
"Well yeah, its just your style. With the uniform and your curse, it might not be so obvious to other people who don't know you."
He leaned back in the chair and looked up interestedly at the ceiling. Was that rude to say?
He takes out his phone, and a quick second later, presents the phone screen to you, opened to the notes app.
/i never thought abt it like that/
/well, i mean, i have but im glad you understand it, kinda impressive that you figured it out/
/or im just easily readable/
"That would be a good thing, right?" You leave the phone screen on, but puts it away from your view. "That your friends get to read you, despite everything. That means youve gotten good at what you do.."
Toge's lips quirk to one side as he thinks, and your eyes watch as his marks follow the corners.
He raises his hand to get a wishy-washy motion, and you furrow your brows. When he types, he stops you from picking up your phone aswell, only to present what hes wrote in the text box.
/Well, kinda. no matter what I do to express myself, its kinda hard to be fully understood. i miss out on a huge part of everyday life, even if people understand what idea im trying to get across, its atypical./
/no amount of tone or facial expression can amount to words and their complex meanings. i think i am actually really lucky that my curse does not extend to messages- i think id be screwed./
"I don't think its too different to what people really feel like though." You explain to listening ears. "Most people felt like they aren't totally understood, that people just don't get them totally.. but I understand that, you don't have much of a choice, and we take advantage of what we can do sometimes."
You watch his face change a little to settle on your features more- and you feel yourself being pulled into his attention.
"I think even if your curse had taken away your ability to communicate in ways you do now, youre still worth knowing, Toge. I think everyone agrees."
His eyes soften, and it nearly strikes your heart into a million pieces. His smile too, could he be anymore cute? He wasn't hiding it this time. He shows how much he appreciates your words in the flush of his cheeks and the way his palms meet together.
He lets out a relaxing sigh, and looks away, then his eyes light up to bags sitting by the bedside.
"Sujiko." He urges to look, pointing to the grocery bag, which seems to be loaded with stuff. You walk closer and grab it, then find yourself sitting down quietly on the side of his bed.
The bag is full of snacks and drinks, some previously mentioned in chats, like he had written them all down, and got them for you to see.
"You bought the whole store, huh?" You raised an eyebrow playfully.
A grin and a happy thumbs up in return.
As promised.
You spend the next few hours bambling about his bedroom, looking through all the semi-decent hidden school papers, and letting him explain all the pictures on the wall.
He explained things thoroughly, like each detail was inside of him, kept for safekeeping. His eyes would light up in such appreciation, and it almost felt natural when you were caught in his gaze. Like he could keep you for safekeeping too.
Of course, his PlayStation was clean and ready for use, and by the time you two had gotten the controllers out and opened Ramune bottles, the sunlight was long gone. Outside was quiet, but you two didn't care much as you two sat together, him letting you sit on the bed while he took the floor. Glaringly bright flashes of action splattered against the postered walls, and more than once, your playful nudge with your foot against his arm to mess up caused much whining and laughter alike.
His laughter was like an entirely different language, speaking of his delight. It was not a rarity, but still a treasure. It is infectious and only serves to remind you that he is just a teenager, and he is having so well-deserved fun.
Eventually, Maki knocked against the wall and shouted through muffled barriers "Inumaki, be quiet, I am trying to sleep!" the sound alarmed them both, but only created further snickering.
But, they turned off the game in a half-apology and instead put on some horror flick that was on a student-shared Hulu account, and you both settle down eating gummi worms and flavored popcorn.
Maybe it was being distracted by having such a good time, it takes the calm before the storm of the horror movie to realize Toge and you have gotten really comfortable on his bed, backs against his pillows. They smell like his shampoo.. or maybe you are just close enough to smell it off of him. It's soft, comfortable, and clean, and something new to your senses.
He is warm, you can tell. His body is close enough, legs crossed as they lay straight down on top of the duvet, but his arm supports his head, and is behind you on the pillow. He seems semi-entertained (of course, you had challenged him to watch a horror movie.. but maybe challenging a Jujutsu Sorcerer to not get scared was faulty logic. There were scarier things than makeup and bad wigs.)
You didn't wanna look at your phone- you didn't want to see the time and be guilty for staying so long, you knew it must be close to midnight. Would he tell you that you should go to sleep? Would he bring you back to your dorm and say goodbye at the door?
Ignoring the time for the sake of Toge's soft cologne and sheets? Sounded pretty selfish, although it made your stomach flutter.
"Am I keeping you awake?" It comes out as a whisper, and you lean in closer.
"Bonito flakes." He whispered back swiftly with a head shake no, tearing his eyes from the screen to you. He smiles a little, charmingly, as the flecks of violet in his eyes flash with the TV screen. This was the first time you saw them in all their detail, and it makes your heart skip a beat.
When you both turn away from each other, you can feel his arm shift from his face, and around the pillow you were laying on. It makes you shift inevitably closer.
His shirt bunches towards the side he is lying on, revealing the sliver of skin between the hem and the top of his sweatpants, toned and pale in the soft light. You try not to stare.
It makes you think. Was thing.. flirting?
Was the attraction to the cursed speech user simmering ever since the first message? Since the first time you saw him at the beginning of the school year?
Would anybody blame you? All those times when there was nothing to be scared of when he proved nothing less than just a great friend, kind, playful, selfless, and strong?
You knew that would never change- for as long as he was here and breathing. He wanted everyone to know that's who he was.
Who would blame you, as you let the feeling ride with sliding your hand to the middle of his chest? His white sleepshirt is soft after many rounds of wash, but what is even better is resting your cheek against his shoulder, right at the top where his arm meets, and you can feel his eyes glance at you. It feels like such a relief, although you wonder if this is really normal to be happy about.
"Is this okay?" You whisper.
In response, his hand slips away from the distance on the pillow behind you, and the pads of his fingers rest on your arm, hugging you slightly closer.
"Mhm." He hums in approval quietly, and his fingertips graze your soft skin, up and down slowly. "Salmon."
This tango had endured until the near end of the movie, yet you could barely pay attention to any of the plots because Toge was holding you so securely, and letting you trace circles on the middle of his chest, and the sound of his deep breaths were overtaking your thoughts anyways rather than the fake monster on screen.
You are nearly ready to close your eyes, when you can feel a squeeze on your arm, and when you open your eyes, you can see the same notes app in dark mode, with something written out.
/Are you tired?/
"N-No, not yet." You look at the time at the top of the screen. 12:49 am.
He seems amused by that, raising an eyebrow.
"You're just comfortable." You say as you both totally ignore the last few minutes of the movie. "It's nice being with you."
Toge looks at you like he wants to say something, pursing his lips as he smiles and glances away for a moment.
Is your heart racing? This is the best you've felt in weeks. Why does it feel like your stomach is fluttering?
He presents his notes again, and you honestly wish he could say them himself.
/When we first met, I honestly wouldn't think we would be so close. I am really happy we are. I feel like now is a good time to tell u, since we are alone./
Your cheeks feel like they are burning, and its your turn to look away in feble attempt to hide the flush arising.
"I am happy too." You begin to explain, "You're.. you're fun and kind.. you have always been so nice to me and listen to me snore on about classes and training. You watch all the stupid tiktoks I send you and ask for my opinions. I always feel like you notice everything and youre trustworthy. I can.. only hope that I am half as genuine to you as you are to me."
Toge nods in confirmation. It makes you feel like you're on fire, and the background music with the black credits screen cannot even pull your attention from him.
His chest was rising and falling right below your fingertips, and his face slowly focused on you, the tension feels so good and thick, that you honestly wonder how much longer you will convince yourself that normal friendships feel like this.
He was always honest with you. He deserved it in return, but it might be the most vulnerable you've been in years. He deserved that too- he had never held anything back.
"I think I like you."
The words leave your mouth before you even have a chance to smack yourself into reality. Instead, they sit between the darkness and him.
"More than just being friends."
His grip loosens just a tad, and panic seems to run through your body- he was not interested, you had completely misunderstood the situation.
"I-Im sorry-" You take your hands away and try your best to sit up from practically lying down. You were in a boys room, what were you thinking? You should get some space from him, so he doesn't think you a total freak. "I didn't-"
You can feel a tight bond around your wrist, keeping you right where you sit, and when you whip your head back, his eyes are wide with interest and warmth that you want to melt into a puddle of dumb choices. He opens his mouth, maybe to try to say something, but he considers it over and over again. When he feels sure you wont go, he lets go.
He raises a finger to his eye-
both hands cover the center of his chest, cusping it almost-
Finally, one last finger. Pointed at-
Was he trying to say.. I like you?
Your body relaxes finally, and the urge to run away is still lingering, but you can't honestly say you want to. Not with how his eyes are flattering with some kind of emotion, his arms opening.
You can't hold back any longer. Your arms swiftly move around his neck as you envelop him so closely, and he instantly hugs you back, pulling you so close your lips meet the skin of his neck. He sounds like he is humming, his hands rubbing your back soothingly. You sit an appreciate his scent, the feeling of his skin, his warmth, for just a moment or two longer until he slowly departs from you, searching your face for any further comment.
"That's really.. really good to hear." You sigh out, with a bit of a smile, reaching to rub a weary eye; you realize he has taken your hand in the process.
He offers his own hand, letting it rub the corner were some wetness at resided, before letting the rest of his finger skin around you hairline, then through your strands of hair. He follows each motion, as he tries to comfort you.
Your hand reaches to sit atop his, and although its late and if someone knew you two were here together, not only would it at the very least be a detention and school clean up duty and at the very best, be a rumor the other students would talk about, despite this you honestly didn't care when the perfect boy was sitting right infront of you, with tussled hair and red lips, just like that night during the movie-party.
"I know its late." She started to say, but he quickly took out his phone again. "I won't keep you up anymore."
/you keep me up no matter what./
/atleast here i get to hear your pretty voice and see your face./
"What do you think about.. when you think of me?" You needed to know what he had been thinking of you all this time.
Instead of using his phone, his hands gently present themselves, and touch parts of your body chastely.
His hands travel from your palm, fingers skimming past your veins in a kind of silent poetry-
Your scars.. your freckles, your strength, your sunkissed summertime skin.
Then, he brushes past your shoulder to twirl around with your hair-
your beauty, the way you attract people.
Then up your face to your temple-
Your brain, your mind.
Then your cheeks-
Your flush, your sweet smiles.
Finally, the pad of his thumb grazes against your chin, right below your lower lip.
The way you speak, the way you are.
You can feel the urge in him, radiating off his lidded eyes and hesistant touch, quietly as he landscapes your being.
"You can, yknow." His eyes look up towards your gaze, "If you want too. If you are ready, of course-"
"Please," The words stilled you instantly, yet he continued holding your face more tenderly. They were soft and yet thick. "Kiss me."
The curse enacted on you, and although for a brief flash there was some concern in his face that perhaps it was too soon, quickly was dismissed when he saw you come closer by the help of his hand, and for just a moment held the proximity between your pairs of lips before slowly pressing close, your lips gently against his.
It was chaste and quiet on the outside, but it was like adding more gunpower to an already lit firework, the explosion of emotion surging your veins making you never wanting to leave.
His thumb was caressing the side of your cheek, it was making you dizzy with his attention. It was everything you had hoped for the moment you had even thought of him- to be close in every single way, to know every part of the perfect, strong, peaceful boy that you so clearly saw every day.
It felt like a dream, but at the very least, hoped you would wake up on his chest, with the Playstation off and the soft breathing of your boy in the air.
But instead, youre both here, and he is kissing you like he has won the lottery.
You both smile, until you couldn't tell when the kiss ended, and where the laughter began.
Surely, he was smart and kind and self-less and strong and all those things youd toss about in your mind at night.
But the idea that this may have never happened because you were too shy to say hello to the usually quiet and calm boy, made you feel like the stupidest yet luckiest girl in the world.
Maybe it was you that had won the jackpot, just by giving away a simple yellow post-it note.
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thank you so much for reading! this is only ending one. i have plans for a nsfw verison and an misunderstanding verison. please let me know if any of yall are interested!
see you later pookies!
175 notes · View notes
inumakis-boo · 2 months
spectacular give me 14 of them rn
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«It’s not your fault, Itadori…It’s our fault.»
1K notes · View notes
inumakis-boo · 2 months
the psychiatric jjk boyfriend x motivated haikyuu girlfriend
89 notes · View notes
inumakis-boo · 2 months
this is my other account @volleyboyfriends for all my haikyuu lovers on this page !!
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5K notes · View notes
inumakis-boo · 2 months
me right now with hq and jjk
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20K notes · View notes
inumakis-boo · 2 months
this is now an official megumi fushiguro fan page
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87 notes · View notes
inumakis-boo · 3 months
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inumaki 🍙
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inumakis-boo · 3 months
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Rollinnngggggg thunderrrrrrrrrrrr ✨
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inumakis-boo · 3 months
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ITAFUSHI .𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪⚝₊ ⊹˚
⌗ fanfiction synopsis ␥ itadori and fushiguro have had rumors about them being together in secret ever since their first year. of course, they never did anything, but as all things, that changes. friends to lovers x first kiss.
word count - 3,765 // enjoy!
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They had heard the rumors for.. a long time.
Of course, friend groups were like that, they both figured. They teased and bullied each other, tickled and argued over the little things. Fickleness and friendship usually went hand in hand.
Maybe it was their own fault, Megumi reasoned. They had become close, and being close friends even within their own friend group was bound to create a joke circle at some point.
It happened first last year, Megumi thinks it was about ice cream he helped wipe off Yuji's cheek with a napkin after many failed attempts at smack it away from the other. They remarked how cute it was, to be so close that the gay was practically seeping in.
Even Yuji laughed.
But it did not end there.
These were good sorcerers, Megumi had to remind himself. They were brave and strong and extremely intelligent with bigger goals than their own heads. They were valuable members of society, and if it wasn't for that, he wouldve spawned Mahoraga a long time ago for the teasing they endured more and more frequently.
It would be something dumb, like remarking how close they were sitting or where they went last night, or even the fact sometimes they got the same dish at a fast-food place, or their shirts were matching, all remarking how nice it was to have such a good 'friend', and that they were so adorable together.
It wasn't until Yuji, being the idiot he was, had fell asleep on his bedroom floor after fiddling around with his new switch, and consequently, had not been seen returning to his room for the rest of the night.
They both didn't realize how bad it looked until they were both arriving at the breakfast table together, and all the third years were looking at them, including Nobara, like they had stumbled on the next best joke for the year.
They had not heard the end of it. Even Gojo suspiously eyed them, of course, not without reassurance that whatever Megumi liked, he would always still be his little gumi.
Meguni daydreamed of watching Mahoraga destroy the entire school.
Yuji.. tended to shrug it all off. He was used to some kind of teasing, he told him at one point, about dating girls and whatever. But he never seemed too phased by their idea that they not only liked each other but might actually be dating or at the very least, should.
That didn't stop them from hanging out though. Megumi figured they were in the right, everyone was wrong, why should he have to abandon his friend to stop them?
Yuji seemed to feel the same way, considering they were sitting together on Yuji's bed, leaning against the wall as they looked out to the rest of the room.
The sunsets colors were gleaming through his curtains, and the littering of colorful posters of anime characters, video games and movies, along with his desk, litered with school books and papers made the room feel.. much more normal than other parts of their day. It felt like he was just a normal teenager in this room, with no weapons or curses lingering nearby.
The smallish tv sat on a dresser, and played some stupid forgotten movie on youtube, and Yuji was still distracted by the game in his hands to care that much time watch it.
Megumi never had such a regular childhood, even in his middle school years with Gojo always lingering around, but he could imagine this was exactly how Yuji liked things in his own bedroom, when he was just a normal Japanese student, and did normal things.
Megumi lazily watched him as his thumbs fiddled with the game, his tongue peeking out between his lips in concentration, and his pink tufts of hair rebelliously stuck in random angles due to the gel that he religiously used every morning. He smiled subconsciously at his game as he took the lead, and Megumi suppressed a smile when he finally raced to the finish line and his character danced.
Yuji let out a sigh of relief and finally stopped hunching over, leaning against the wall aswell and blinking his eyes a few times. Megumi was never really into video games like this, and watching Yuji try to see beyond his ridiculously bright screen did not make it seem worth getting into. Of course, that didn't stop him from taking up a controller when challenged.
"I am so happy it is the weekend," He stretches, and Megumi lays his head back flatly against the wall. "I finally beat this track, and now I can just chill."
"So thats were your priorities lie." Megumi sighs, much to Yujis confusion. "I know you still haven't started your homework."
"I can't hear you-" Yuji whined, feigning ignorance. "I shouldn't be thinking about homework right now! It's supposed to be a relaxing day."
"You always leave homework for sunday night." Megumi is used to scolding his friend by now, and Yuji easily brushes it off without much thought. The games music still plays between them.
"Well, I suppose we couldve studied yesterday-"
"But you decided staying up until midnight and then waking me up to go sit on the roof was a better measure of time."
"Hey," Yuji pouted, "That was fun. Plus, couldn't sleep anyways. You always make me tired."
"Thanks." Megumi deadpanned.
"No problem." Yuji only smiles sarcastically in return.
Megumi doesn't resist this time with a smile, and they both lean back again. The strands of sunlight gleam in through, and project around them as they sit.
Megumi feels normal here.
"Sometimes I can't believe I am actually here." Yuji interrupts. "Like yknow.. I had no idea a world like this was right under my nose, and it feels like forever ago that we started."
"You were clueless back then to what a weapon you really were." Megumi remembers standing on the rooftop with him, ready to commit him to death. It is a sour thought that is quickly abandoned. "You are still the same, but.. not as dumb."
"I think that was you trying to be nice?" A glittering snicker.
"Just a little. Too much goes to your head."
Yuji bumped his shoulder a little hard than he wouldve when they first met, and Megumi only huffed.
"Not like we listen to what anyone says anyways." He can hear the smile in his voice as he speaks.
"Not anymore. Don't you think they are being annoying when they do that?"
"I was talking about that time Nobara gave us one of Inumaki's blunts and promised that it would be okay to smoke it all, then I greened out infront of everyone."
"Sorry, was I supposed to pick out all the other times you have listened to stupid shit and got stupid results or..?" Megumi retorted. "I was talking about-"
"I know what you were saying." Yuji rolls his eyes, and puts his head on a knee, drawn up to his chest as the other laid flat. "I can see how.. guess there are worse things to be said."
Megumi waits as the pink haired boy sighs.
"But yknow.. at the very least, I am happy we still get along. Maybe it is contributing to them thinking that we are hiding something."
"It probably is." It was true. They denied everything but, they never actually stopped hanging out. Yuji was too lighthearted to care that deeply about these things. "It isn't really fair to your reputation."
"Pfft." Yuji laughs, "What reputation? With girls? I don't think I have gone out with a girl since I came here."
Right- most normalcy stopped at the school gate.
"What if you did want to? Youd never hear the end of it-"
"I already don't hear the end of it." He shrugs. "Doesn't really bother me that much. I kinda expected it, for being a high school."
Megumi figured that just because this was special circumstance, didn't mean the teenagers that attended acted much differently than those living regular lives. He tried his best to not compare.
"It's.. I just thought it would bother you more." The raven hair offers his confusion up, eyes looking back to the other. Yuji characteristically shrugs.
"I mean.." He seems to focus on the tv, but he can tell he isnt paying much attention. "Sometimes I kinda wonder where they get the idea from.. but it makes sense, if they don't really see it."
Megumi wants to say something, but he continues. "Like.. of course we hang out and I burrow your stuff and sneak out. Thats what friends do."
"I think it is because we don't really do it with anyone else."
"Its not like I don't. We just.. do it together more often than everyone else." Yuji rests his knee now, and sits up straighter again. "I.. like hanging out with you. Honestly, I was worried for a second."
He didn't like the sound of that. It was unlike him to worry about anything, other than typical shit.
"What were you worried about?"
"Well, uh." Yuji shifts his console out of the way from his reach, and puts his hands on his knees. "You aren't the drama type. You never seemed like the type of person to deal with that stuff."
"I try not to get involved."
"Right." Yuji confirms, "So.. I thought maybe to get it to end, you would not really want to hang out or whatever. To get away from it."
Megumi had honestly had not considered it. Even since watching him die and then resurrecting almost two years ago, he knew by then if had the chance, he wanted to stick around. Leaving his friendship, maybe his only friendship behind for some lazy gossip didn't make much sense to him.
"The gossip wasn't coming from you." Megumi tried to reason. "It isn't our fault. Why would I blame you?"
"I don't.. know." He cracks an unsure smile, the type with words behind it, but still, assured. "I don't know why I would have thought that. I guess it seemed like something that could happen."
"You don't think that high of me, huh?"
Yuji practically whips his head around, even though Megumi was slightly joking, he supposed he didn't reveal his tone enough to the other, as Yuji shifted closer with a pouting expression.
"Nono! It isn't that, I-I.." He grunts. "I just wouldn't have blamed you if you did, it isn't fair. I know it bothers you."
"Itadori, I honestly.. tune most of it out." Megumi states rather fairly, "And whatever does bother me, isn't worth stop being your friend over. It's all kinda stupid. Especially when Gojo decides to do it."
That makes the other lose his panicked face to something a little closer to what Megumi is used to seeing- a smile and a fresh breath of release.
"I makes me happy to know that.. I guess I was being just as stupid, thinking that stuff. I am really glad to be your friend."
Then Yuji turns his smiling face away, and Megumi can feel his heart strings tug, despite his smile. He wants to reassure him, even though with anyone else, this conversation would've been ignored.
The room now turns to a magenta pink to match the sky outside, muted only by the curtains. When Megumi registered it instead of following his thoughts, it made Yuji's hair even pinker than it was, and it looked nice to touch. Of course, he had before, but just appreciating his presence, wasn't wrong either.
"I am happy to be your friend too."
Megumi speaks up, as Yuji looks towards their four feet down the bed. "I.. guess I never thought I had to tell you. But, I haven't really had ever the time for friends or even go out much. You made time for that, and encouraged me, no matter if I thought I was dumb. I.. always have a good time with you."
When Yuji looks up at him finally, the first thing Megumi notices is his eyes. They are the same kind ones from all the days before, but focused in on Megumi kinda made his chest feel lighter, full of air. They are accompanied with a smile, classic Yuji optimism shining through with his red cheeks and haze, it almost makes you want to smile too. Megumi does- he stopped resisting the charm months ago.
Then he notices how close they are. Their faces, only a few inches apart as their heads lean on the cool wall. Megumis head was straight forward, but he angles to get a better look.
Yuji seems to be taking in Megumi too, and it feels nonsensecal- they have looked at each other many times over, in photos and in drawings, sitting together at the opposite sides of a desk at lunch, in combat. Megumi couldn't tell if this was a different kind of looking, if it was wrong or right, if it made sense too.
Megumi, for what feels like the first time, wants to fill the silence. He wants to say more, how he appreicates him, how he felt in the months that he believed him dead, how he hopes that he can live, despite all the bonds over his head waiting for his death, how much he cares, how much he would never let some stupid highschoolers take away all that meaning.
Yuji seems focused, even with his precious switch on the bed somewhere and the tv playing something stupid as it flashes light on their faces, he isnt paying attention to any of it other than his friend infront of him. Megumi can feel his heart beating, and it feels..
"I am glad that we-"
Yuji doesn't tune into what he says before he leans up and presses his lips onto the others, and the air in Megumis chest releases, like a bow string snapping, and he only then realizes it was tension- that is all second to Yuji though, torso turned and face tilted, his soft lips pushing against Megumis slightly chapped ones. Megumi cant move, can't even breathe, as he feels the other so softly.
Yuji catches this nonmovement and slowly parts from him, but the missing touch suddenly feels wrong- Megumis arms had no desire to pull him away, nor could be convienced to by any rational thought. Looking at the other open his eyes, yet finding no panic or worry behind him, only calmness, like it was natural, like it shouldve been normal this entire time- glittering warm eyes, and open lips.
Fuck it.
Megumi's hand reached out to touch Yujis arm, and in one swift movement, leaned down to kiss him, slotting his lips between his effortlessly, and with no compliants from Yuji.
God, all his thoughts had never not been about him.
His skin is soft, and he can feel the edges of scars where they once were, and feeling Yujis other hand sit on Megumi chest could have been a ploy to rip out his heart, but Megumi honestly wouldn't have even cared because Yuji simply felt so good to kiss.
It was soft and sweet and warm, and the same feeling he had when riding his bike with him at dawn or sharing a snowcone that somehow gets on Yujis uniform, or sitting next to him at movie nights, rushed him all at once.
He didn't want to part and talk anymore however- they had done enough of that, and Megumi had no more room for any more logical agreements on how they were or what they were.
It was all taken up by feeling Yuji's tongue sweep across his lips and Megumi not giving it any thought than to accept it, opening his mouth to allow the other in, and the feeling the pads of Yujis fingers at the base of his neck as he pulls him in closer, while exploring the soft raven-head of hair that he was seen looking at just a moment ago.
Megumi had never had anyone touch him like this before, and it was thrilling that Yuji wanted to run his fingers through his hair as his arms leaned on the tops of his shoulders, to lean closer and closer until Megumi could feel his chest rising and falling against his own.
Megumi can feel the surge of heat travel down his body, and he almost wants to shut it all down before things get too out of hand, before Yuji decides that this was a mistake, but the little noises coming out of him flushes those thoughts down the drain.
He trusted Yuji.
Megumi feels the desire to have him closer, and it is enacted immediately, his hands that were being rather useless now curled around his hip to help him, and Yuji quickly gets the memo; by putting his leg on the other side of his lap, settling himself neatly down ontop of it.
Fuck, this was happening.
Yuji looked at him with the flush on his cheeks, his lips a pink hue he could've made his favorite color right then, and hands leaving his neck to touch his chest, rubbing up and down, as the pressure on Megumis lap was going to really make mistakes happen.
They both pull together like magnents until they are just merely a breaths away, the familiar smile with a hint of flirtation now spread across Yuji's face. Megumi smiled in return, yet his eyes flickered between his lips and his fluttering eyelashes.
Maybe it was a wake-up call, really. They had spent all these years, not even realizing what they looked like to everyone else, so oblivious.
Just like now, too oblivious to notice Yuji's phone had been buzzing on the carpet (of course, because it was the weekend, turned to dnd) and now, only being made aware once the knob of the door turned and the silver haired man stood in the doorway- with his two students all over each other, so clueless until right now, as Yuji was made wide-eyed and nearly about to come off from his best friends lap, while Megumi stiflied the need to absolutely burn up in anger and embarssment.
Gojo made such a face, lips pursed tightly and his shades on the top of his head, falling to the bridge of his nose after a second of silence.
"Is Itadori in his room?" Someone asked down the hall- fuck, it must have been dinner time, how could he be so stupid?
After two or three more moments of an unclear silence, Gojo musters up whatever braincells left in his brain to fake peer into the room, totally avoiding them, before looking down the hall to whomever. "Nah. 'Gumi wasn't in his room either. They probably went out on a date or something."
Was that really necessary?
"Wouldn't be surprised. It would be about time they realized they are into each other- we can only give so many hints."
Gojo flashed a smile, and kicked the door closed, not looking back to the two sorcerers, now lazily ontop of each other as they stare down the door.
By whatever means, it gets locked as Gojos slippers walk down the hall and some fading conversation.
They didn't move until a moment after, and instantly, he can feel Yuji vibrating almost. He tears off frustrated eyes off the door up to Yuji, hunched over and knees touching as he sits in the middle of his legs, no longer pressing against him. His lips are squeezed together as he seems to be holding back. His cheeks are red, and eyes shut as he cusps a hand over his mouth.
"H-Hey." Megumi says, and it comes out thick sounding. "What is so funny..?"
Yuji can barely stop laughing for just a second to say what happened, and even then, hiccups the entire way.
He sniffles, trying so hard to stop. "We are.. fucking dumb..! I was so scared when he opened the door, his face!"
The idea of them being right the entire time isn't nearly as funny, but knowing they did what was expected of them anyways was in retrospect, even more so when you realize the entire time, they had been into each other and yet, everyone else could tell but them.
They were so stupid.
Megumi has to hold back a snicker, but the more Yuji laughs, and says how scared he was, that is the kicker for him, and he can't control his laughter either. The complete surprise on his face nearly makes up for how pissed he probably would've been if Yuji didn't say just how ridiculous it all was.
Soon, they fill the room with laughter, poking at each other as Yuji makes the same face as Gojo, and somehow it is like all those times Yuji regonized the joy in seemingly everything without effort, even here.
Yuji was still Yuji.
He was still his best friend.
Megumi didn't want to play the game anymore, as he watched the echos of the pink haired boy laugh, now wiping his eyes from the tears. He didn't want to give up any of this, even if they were going to be made fun of or teased for years on end. He hoped he could hear it forever, if this is the reward.
"So.." Megumi finds himself saying, and he can barely believe it. "What about this date?"
Yuji smiles, and this time, it warms his whole body up, especially as his hands reach up again to hold his shoulders.
"There is a showing of Human Earthworm 5 tonight.."
"Not even kissing you would convince me to go see that."
"Man youre no fun, I thought that would work." He pouts playfully.
"I don't think I can be that stupid to actually go watch that." Megumi crosses his arms, to spite the boy sitting between his legs.
"I don't know.." Yuji teases, but his hand snakes down to cross their fingertips together. "I think we qualify enough to go see it."
Megumi tries to deny the smile that wants to form on his face, but like everything else, it happens anyway. He sighs in defeat, but not without a begrudging smile along with.
"Should we leave infront of everyone or through the window?"
"What kind of choas would it be if we left infront of everyone?" Yuji squeezed his fingers between his.
Megumi leans his head against the wall again..
But I don't care."
Yuji looks just as carefree, as if he had been waiting for this since their first year.
"I wish we stopped caring sooner."
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thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed this! i wanted to write a first kiss x being caught type of thing, and i am so happy i am finally putting it up. i love taking requests as well.
art credits @kaa05n2 on twitter for the banner and @kingadi97 for giving me inspo a million years ago :p
bye pookies !
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inumakis-boo · 3 months
I will forever love horikoshi for drawing these babies in his style, they look SO good. like, yknow, ACTUALLY teenagers.
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274 notes · View notes
inumakis-boo · 3 months
today was such a rough day, make me feel better by telling me your personal favorite inumaki headcanon
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inumakis-boo · 3 months
you'll know i'm VERY serious about Inumaki Toge, born on October 23 2001, Scorpio, his fav color might be purple, when he dies because all of you will never see me post about anything but me mourning for the death of a fictional man who cannot even speak properly without his vocal cords getting damaged
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inumakis-boo · 3 months
i rlly just want to spend the day making out w/ inumaki and watching movies i need him religiously
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inumakis-boo · 3 months
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inumakis-boo · 3 months
¿ItaFushi? ItaFushi (⺣◡⺣)♡*
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inumakis-boo · 3 months
oh shit oh fuck gege remembered inumaki exists please sir try not to murder this one hes all we got left
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