io-kj-cr · 6 months
New! Posters
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Got early access to InPRNT's new poster prints! They've also got a sweet special on.
See my poster selection here :)
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
So Mark Hulmes posted some thoughts on post-campaign Calianna on Twitter the other day and I for one am emotional
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Calianna naming her children after Jester and Caleb may just be one of my favorite things now 🥺 Also dragon wives beloved
Hulmes considers this headcanon because it didn’t happen in game and Matt hasn’t approved it, technically, but it’s very sweet and Calianna is his soooooo. Canon. Yeah.
(I attempted to add alt text for all images but tumblr started replacing every image with the first one so… text transcripts would be greatly appreciated! 🥲)
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
Pro tip: never start idly wondering which PC would win in a one-on-one match for each member of the CR cast between their campaign 1 and 2 characters
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
In response to Shadowgast nation desperate for Essek to show up and have dramatic/romantic moments with Caleb, I imagined something completely different:
Essek meets up with the Mighty Nein and very pointedly proceeds to comfort Fjord about his predicament: he’s sure the others will forgive him, after all. Oh, they might not call him for a month or two and give him no end of grief when they finally do see him (Veth and Beau in particular, of course), but they’ll come around! All he has to do is perform a few feats of magic so profound they might as well be considered miracles and then they’ll consider him one of the Nein again! After all, Essek gave away an artifact of religious and cultural significance as well! Granted, he didn’t give it to an entity that meant to unleash an evil demigod, but still, they’ll come around…
This surprisingly does make Fjord feel a little better, from as he takes comfort in both a) the fact that Essek is joking about it so he clearly thinks it’ll be okay, and b) the PURE INDIGNATION on Veth and Beau’s faces. Fjord and Essek spend the rest of the episode having overly dramatic “yes, we understand each other, we are both people who have done terrible things,” conversations.
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
ok i know there’s a lot of debate about the m9 vs vm and what kind of family they are and the whole ~dynamic~ and everything, so here’s my take:
the biggest difference is that vox machina consists of enough siblings to form a pseudo-family dynamic, while the mighty nein is made up almost entirely of extremely awkward only children who are making up the whole dynamic as they go along.
in vox machina, you’ve got keyleth and scanlan, only children.
pike and grog, together for long enough pre campaign that they are essentially siblings.
percy, vax, and vex, all intimately familiar with the sibling experience.
the thing about vox machina is that the siblings can keep the only children in check (who are of course always demoted to youngest in a friend group setting) as well as each other–since percy is a middle child, the twins are twins, and pike and grog are of similar ages, none of them would ever allow anyone to usurp the position of oldest child. keyleth and scanlan both have enough of the confidence of only children to keep themselves from being knocked down too far. it’s a perfect system of sibling and nonsibling checks and balances.
the mighty nein, on the other hand, consist entirely of only children (or functionally only children in beau’s case), with the exception of caduceus.
which means that the m9 is entirely “how does found family?? hugging? relationships? i was flirting and then it was RECIPROCATED?? are we allowed to fight??? is….jealousy?? how does forgiveness? awkward? why awkward??”
they’re building a unique dynamic entirely from the ground up. beau and caleb were the first ones to figure it out wrt the sibling system of checks and balances.
and in the MEANTIME, caduceus, being a middle child suddenly in a position to seize the position of eldest child, has tricked all of them into thinking that he knows what he’s talking about, and none of them know any better because they have never witnessed a middle child grab for power before.
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
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“Cerrit looks at the symbol of the Eyes of Avalir on his ring. The eye is sculpted to look down, ever watchful, the eyes of a city in the clouds.
On a 26 insight, you found many threats to the city of Avalir, long years of being exceptional, perceptive, intelligent, clever, your eyes ever peering down, cultists and criminals, even some magisters, some corrupt officials – but on a 26 insight, often ones without friends or connections.
The Eyes of Avalir never looked up.
And the price you paid was that here at the end of things, you still don’t get to hear the laughter of your children in this home, as was the case so many long nights of devotion and service.”
— Brennan Lee Mulligan, Exandria Unlimited: Calamity finale
See what Brennan did there? Brennan said, on a 26 insight, you finally understand what’s wrong with law enforcement: it enforces only downwards. It investigates and hounds the little people and the outcasts, and leaves the corridors of power unchecked. And it’s not a failure of individuals (this cop is corrupt, that one’s incompetent); that would be easily solved with better individuals, individuals like Cerrit, brilliant and honest and devoted. But it’s an institutional failure. The Eyes of Avalir were meant and made to look down, and never up.
Brennan said, y’all thought that because Cerrit’s the only non-magical guy in the Ring of Brass of the floating city of Avalir in the Age of Arcanum, he’s blameless? Think again! Everyone unwittingly contributed to the Calamity. The Leywright trio by hubris, the paladin by zeal and conviction, the fey by love (if Loquatius hadn’t killed the truth about Evandrin to protect Laerryn, she’d have to explain what she’s building in there, and crucial information could have come to light in time), and the cop by being a normal-ass cop, and thus missing every single clue that could prevent this – because every single clue was up above, and the Eyes of Avalir never looked up.
And then Brennan “I came here to hurt people” Lee Mulligan twists the knife and says, Cerrit, this is what you devoted your whole life to, this is what you spent all your energy on, this is why you missed on your own children growing up. For an institutional failure.
And on a 26 insight, here at the end of things, Cerrit finally takes off his badge ring and sets his fucking office on fire.
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
I'm frankly so sick of the "Caleb was just sad" narrative, because it's such a reductive misreading of both his personality and his narrative. He is deeply self-destructive for much of the campaign, yes, but it's a by-product of guiltily smothering his righteous fury for as long as he has, and when he is not burning with that rage, he is simply tired with everything instead.
Fundamentally, he exists within the paradox of the fact that there is no end that he can see that would satisfy both the fury and the exhaustion. But at no point is he merely sad.
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
Obviously discussed to a degree with the idea of how fucking lonely Patia was in the end, but can you imagine what kind of childhood a person would have when their grandfather was the conceited founder of the city, and whatever happened with her parents was such that they were literally wiped from her memory and how goddamn fucked up a childhood that must have been.
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
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her new dress is so beautiful [image description: an illustration of Laudna, from Critical Role. She is standing against a backdrop of creepy trees. She is wearing her new dress, and Pâté is on her shoulder. Her Hound of Ill Omen is standing by her side, staring ominously towards the viewer. She looks creepy and confident and very sexy because she has a girlfriend. End ID]
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
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Endless Bells Hells
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
I really want the Mighty Nein animated series to start with the fight with Lorenzo. Zoom in on Molly and freeze-frame, and he starts narrating. "I'm sure you're wondering how I got here. To answer that, we need to start at the beginning."
Smash-cut to Mollymauk waking up in the snow. "Too far back! Too far back! Closer to the middle, maybe."
Then the Nestled Nook. He's giving Jester a tarot reading while he narrates about meeting them and the beginnings of their adventure.
End of the season, back to the fight with Lorenzo. "So that's how we got here. And these people, these assholes, had finally become the family I'd always been searching for. And no one was going to keep me fr-"
Dies mid narration. Season close. 1000 points emotional damage.
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
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by Couple of Kooks ( Linktree )
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
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I’m making a thing. I learned how to make stained glass so I could make this. The exu art is so amazing I want to make all of it in glass.
It’s going to nycc as a present for Travis.
Now to find a way to get it to him.
I think the original is by @agarthanguide. Go follow them. Their art is amazing.
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
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✨ Have a little fun before they put us in the ground✨
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
just finished rewatching EXU: Calamity and once again cried so much. It really is one of the most masterful stories I've ever seen/heard, and absolutely the best actual play series ever done, bar none. I'm in such awe of Brennan's dm'ing skills, I adore Marisha's beautiful showing of emotions, I love seeing how much Sam and Travis love their children via how much they feel for these fictional ones, Luis' portrayal of Zerxus was so heartfelt and grounded, Lou always brings his whole soul into what he does and this was no exception, and Aabria being willing to make the difficult choices and how she shows Laerryn's dedication is just. Ugh. chefs kiss. Not to mention the group dynamics, the Aabria-Travis hype man squad, the Marisha-Lou/Marisha-Luis grabby shenanigans, how Sam and Aabria play the perfect divorcees, they're all just so fantastic and did such a good job, etc etc. I truly love Calamity so much, I can't believe it's a real show, I can't believe how fucking GOOD it is. Every single one of those people brought their A-game, but I really do especially have to call out Brennan Lee Mulligan. The way that man portrays people and humanity, how even in the end of things he speaks of the importance of hope, how he narrates and weaves the most beautiful tales and makes it so alive and tangible, how he knows exactly when to drop in some comedy amidst tragedy without detracting from it... he's simply fantastic. I'm in awe of them all!!
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
“i’ve been thinking counterspell for a fucking hour!”
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io-kj-cr · 6 months
do we think soltryce professors wear "traditional" wizard robes as a dress code. like soltryce prof business casual is probably wizard robes. caleb would not follow that. his students go thru like three classes where the profs are dressed like normal wizards and then walk into caleb "combat ready is my business casual" widogasts room, book holsters stormrider boots and all
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