isabelleslight · 5 years
Can u do head cannons for bakugo and kaminari (separate Plez ) with a tsundere (s/o)????
Yeah of course my love!! So hopefully you enjoy
Kaminari ⚡️
- poor boy just wants to love you man
- at first he thought his feelings are all just one sided and it hurt him a lot to think about that. So when word spread about his feelings, he tried to play as if it were a bunch of lies, but he isn’t so great at lying about his feelings
- when you started dating, he could tell you were a teddy bear, you just expressed the bear more than the teddy
- he tries to make sure you’re comfortable with something before he does it, if you aren’t yelling at him about what he did later on, then he’ll start to do it more often
- thinks it’s sooooooo cute when you puff your cheeks or pout, he just wants to pinch your little cheeks
Bakugou 💥
- you’re both a pain in the ass and it took Kirishima getting involved for you both to be made aware of each other’s feelings
- he won’t take your shit, if you’re acting too much like an asshole, he’ll tell you
- and vice versa, he wants you to call him out on his shit. Regardless of how he acts, he wants you to be happy in the relationship
- he likes quick kisses in secluded areas because he doesn’t want you to risk your precious reputation
- you’re both such assholes to each other at times that it makes everyone a little worried, but that’s just how you two express your emotions. Is it the best way? No, not at all, but it works for you both
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isabelleslight · 5 years
Hello my love! I’m so sorry that I took so long to get to this, I’ve been really busy as of late and I just haven’t had any motivation to write, but I’m back and finally ready to get back to this!
- You honestly began to enjoy being at UA, most people there were so kind and accepting, you made friends of your own within the other classes and overall departments.
- Bakugou refused to admit to anyone that it pained him to see you leave him behind again, but the boy held too much pride and if your name were to ever come out of his mouth it was him telling you to shut up or he was simply insulting you.
- Midoriya wasn’t quite sure what to do in this situation, but he hated the tension between you and Bakugou, so he planned on sitting down with you to see if you were willing to accept him in your life again.
- “(y/n), I know your reintroduction to Kacchan didn’t go so well, but you two were so close, are you really going to exile him from your life now?”
- Midoriya’s words lingered in your mind, you knew the green haired boy was right, but the sheer terror you felt when thinking of you ever allowing the blonde into your life once again terrified him.
- You didn’t know if you could actually accept Bakugou, but since you’ve been away from him, nobody seemed to make you laugh like he did and nobody made you feel as happy as he did.
- Even if your reintroduction wasn’t ideal, he was still your “Boom Boom Stick” and he did reserve a place within your heart.
- it was during your lunch period that you decided you needed to talk to him in as much privacy as you could get at the packed school
- “Hey Bakugou, can you come with me?”
- The blonde sighed in irritation, standing and following you outside to speak about whatever was getting you so worked up. The last time that Bakugou saw you this nervous was the day you left him.
- “We’re going to the mall together, so meet me after class, okay? Just you and me.”
- and with that you dashed away, leaving Bakugou standing there in both shock and sheer joy.
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isabelleslight · 6 years
Hi there, I love your writing so much and the wonderful mixture of fluff and angst. I was wondering about a scenario or head canons with Bakagou reacting to reuniting with a childhood crush/friend at UA but after some time apart, but his crush rather than being the out spoken and extroverted person he remembers, they are uneasy and gets scared/nervous when he yells and acts violently, even though they know he wouldn't hurt them, but because of bullying they went through when they were apart.
Hello angel! I absolutely adore this idea and I live for soft Bakugou headcanons, especially the ones that involve him just being well… Bakugou except attempting to be the guy he thinks you deserve!
Have a request? My ask box is open and I will try to get to them as fast as I can.
I’m so sorry this took so long though, I really wanted this to turn out good for you all
-Bakugou wasn’t quite sure why you were so important to him as a kid, but he does know that you leaving felt as if you betrayed him. He was somewhere between trying to cope with missing you and absolutely despising you
-Everything about you would linger within his mind when he had nothing else to think about, the way you’d argue with him or how you would punch his arm with that stupid grin of yours. The way your (h/c) locks would bounce when you ran towards him
-It had been around ten years since he last saw you, since then you never really left his thoughts, constantly haunting him with how you cried as you waved goodbye to him from the backseat of your family’s car.  
-Classes at UA continued as they always did, same boring material that Katsuki would soak up regardless due to the fact that he has to keep his grades up for quite obvious reasons. Aizawa’s bored tone then stopping, causing the students to practically revive from their seemingly half dead state when their class door opened up to show a (short/average/tall) girl with the wistful look similar to a deer’s.  
-” Glad you arrived, class this is (y/n) (l/n), she’ll be joining you all as of now,” Aizawa’s bags seem to grow within an instant upon him introducing you, he already knew there would be some sort of issue to come
-Bakugou’s ruby eyes glanced over at you upon hearing the all too familiar name before slamming his hands on his desk and stand up, sending his chair back he looked ready to come at you whether to squeeze you or to kill you nobody knew.  
-” Ten years, (y/n)! Now you think it’s okay to just fucking waltz back into my goddamn life? Leave before I fucking kill you, dumbass,” He screamed as everyone except Izuku gazed at the ash blonde in confusion.
-You flinched immediately, the gaze he gave you was all too familiar, “I’m sorry,” you whispered, eyes darting to the ground as Aizawa let out a sigh and sealed himself in his sleeping bag to try and let you two work this out on your own. He can’t always solve all issues, he certainly can’t once his students became adults so he believed that for more minor issues he would stay out of the way unless things escalated
-Bakugou stood there confused just like the rest of the class, what happened to the outspoken girl he once knew? What happened to the girl he used to adore as a child? Where did she go? Why was she replaced with someone who feared him like everyone else? Surely, she knew that he wouldn’t make good on his threats when it came to her, right?
-But, Katsuki being Katsuki thought that if he tried again, maybe you’d retort back just like you used to? “Fuck your stupid apology, I want you out of my school,” he said moving from his desk and made a steady pace towards you.
-As he came closer, you began you try and avoid him, the class then beginning to yell at your old friend to leave you alone. Tears then started to blur your vision as your hands began shaking in fear, memories from the past few years without Bakugou flashed through your mind. Each horrible threat, taunt, and every time you had gotten beat up because of things so minuscule, but slowly those things became major issues in your eyes.  
-Now, you knew he would never truly hurt you, but the fear from the last few years caused you too much pain to even think about if Katsuki would make good on his threats now.
-You felt yourself getting pushed behind someone and upon gazing back up you felt yourself relax, “Izuku,” you whispered before looking up to see the determined look in his eyes that seemed to have only gotten stronger through the years.  
-From then on, you kept your distance from Bakugou, sticking with Izuku’s friends and if you ever were close to Bakugou you could feel yourself tense up. Ten years can change anything and it just changed you possibly for the worst.
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isabelleslight · 6 years
Hi ^ ^ Could you write something romantic with todoroki Shouto x Yaoyorozu Momo please? Thanks
Hello! Seeing as you didn’t really ask for headcanons or a oneshot, I’m assuming you mean headcanons? If not I wouldn’t mind writing a oneshot if you ask
•Momo truly believes that Todoroki will make a great hero, so getting the chance to attend the same school and be placed into the same class is truly an honor for her•Now jumping off of that, Todoroki sees Momo’s potential as both a student and hero. While he might not say it, he does admire her •Yaoyorozu honestly was quite frightened by her blossoming feelings for Shouto, she worried that if she made it obvious that people would believe that her admiration was only caused by this crush•She attempts to keep a distance from him, granted she can’t just switch out of 1-A, she does speak a little less to him out of fear of her feelings slipping out•Shouto is oblivious to those sort of emotions, but he does notice the change in how Yaoyorozu acts towards him•”why are you so silent around me? Did I do something wrong?”•Momo feels horrible when he asks her about it, merely playing it off as if nothing had changed, but Shouto saw through it.•He would grab her wrist and look her dead in the eye, his eyes were calm and seemingly trying to pry her open so that his mind would finally relax•Momo finally admits to her feelings, rambling about how she feared this moment, feared that he’d think of her differently•Shouto isn’t very affectionate immediately, that will take time, but he does say, “I’m glad to know I’m not the only one.” •He would walk away, leaving Yaoyorozu with a bright pink blush gracing her features as she watched him leave with a smile creeping onto her features
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isabelleslight · 6 years
Bakugou x Reader Headcanons
Plot: You get injured while fighting a villain and Katsuki visits in hopes that despite a few minor injuries, sadly things don’t go as he had hoped
• He told you that going after a villain alone was stupid, but you thought he was just being overprotective like usual, he loved you despite him saying it and you loved him. So perhaps you should’ve believed him rather than believing it was just him trying to hold you back
• Katsuki watched the news that night very intently, praying that you’d be okay, feeling his palms beginning to sweat when it seemed like the fight was beginning to end
• One last hit and the villain would go down, one last hit and the fight would be over. As it seemed though, one solid hit was all it took for you as well.
• The villain had connected his fist with the right side of your face, the horrid person grabbed you before you fell, throwing you at a wall only to continue hitting you.
• Another hero had to arrived, knocking the villain out. The villain had been put into police custody while you had been rushed to the hospital.
• Katsuki tried to fight his way through Aizawa and his classmates to see you, but while all of them wanted to check on you, they all had to rest and go see you in a calm fashion.
• That night, Katsuki didn’t sleep, he had sat on his bed looking at pictures of you two together that you had taken off of his phone
• “Idiot.. why didn’t you listen to me?”
• The next morning, class 1-a all went to the hospital. Aizawa spoke to the nurses, the class allowing Bakugou to go into your room alone to give him time.
• He had pulled up a chair next to your bed, letting out a shaky breath. “Y/n, please wake up, for me,” he whispered vulnerably
• Stirring, your eyes opened slightly allowing light in. Turning your head to your left you see the ash blonde boy, red eyes looking glossed over as they pierced into your e/c eyes.
• “I’m sorry to ask this, but who’s y/n?”
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isabelleslight · 6 years
Dabi x Reader: First Date Headcanons
- We all know that he’s a stoic person, so the way he’d ask is just blunt, not blushing or stuttering he just gets to the point of what he wants to ask
- He’d probably take you to somewhere that wouldn’t be that crowded or with many heroes around, more than likely it would be dinner at a small restaurant and then drinks at some rundown bar not far from where you’re staying Incase you get too drunk
-As he figured, you have one drink too many and now he feels like a babysitter
- “y/n get off the— can you stop crying and get off the table?”
- He actually finds it funny when you try to dance to the music the bar is playing
- Dabi totally has over 20 pictures and videos from that night
- Granted he’s a villain, he wouldn’t just ditch you at the end of the night, depending on how drunk you are he might carry you home and pick your keys off you so that you both can go inside
- Doesn’t want to leave incase you need him but also doesn’t want you to wake up thinking something happened, so he sleeps on either the floor or couch
- The next morning he makes you coffee and leaves a note before leaving
- You wake up to a sticky note on your forehead that said, “you snore really loud and I couldn’t sleep last night. Glad you’re okay though.”
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