isawyoueverytime · 3 months
I guess, I'll say bye ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
How to let go,
Do you know?
I can't figure it out,
It's been so long
Since I've been hung on.
I know you don't remember me,
But I can't forget you,
I crave to talk,
Share so much,
Know about you,
Cause I know, you're making that comfy stew.
I know that you don't date,
Till the guy is of good faith,
Makes me believe that I've lost you forever,
I wish that alone could help me,
Move on, not a thought of you ever,
But I'm stupid, this love doesn't go,
Tried making you a foe,
How can I though,
It just pushes me to new lows.
It's probably because you were the best
With all your imperfections and jest,
Wish I had never met my friend,
I could've made some amends.
But all that is gone somehow,
I guess now,
I should just figure out how to move on.
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isawyoueverytime · 3 months
Out of my league ⚜⚜⚜
I just realised something stark,
That you were out of love,
Before our relationship got dark,
Looking for ways to leave
Disconnected for months and weeks.
But given who you are, 
You tried to make things work,
But I gave you an easy way out,
So you didn't bother to ask me more.
I'm such a fool to have tried so hard,
Because I found you cute and smart,
But i guess it was never meant to be,
Seems you were always out of my league.
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isawyoueverytime · 3 months
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The strangess in you, was what made you cute.
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isawyoueverytime · 4 months
Move On ___-> X
I'm trying to move on,
burying the love deep enough,
Not pondering on it long,
Not kicking myself so tough.
But I can't bear to date someone new,
My heart is still broken up,
ideas of a relationships, a bit skew,
And sex seeming like a gunky empty cup.
Connecting with someone has become so hard,
How was i happy before you,
Can't seem to play the same card,
Having changed so much because of you.
Maybe our bond wouldn't have lasted anyways,
But how to convince my mind of those days,
It makes moving on feel so hard,
Like taking out a edgy shard,
Stuck so deep in my heart.
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isawyoueverytime · 4 months
In a world beyond time and space, maybe we can hold hands again
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isawyoueverytime · 4 months
A lost mate 𓅪
A swallow in sight,
Perched up high,
He sits there alone,
The other one, not to show.
It chirps and sings,
Maybe looking for her partner's wings.
He breaks off into a swift flight,
Flying towards the everlasting light.
A higher branch, it perches on,
Looks all around, she's nowhere to be found,
Maybe she has lost her way to him,
He can't remember the last place they've been,
A life without his mate, not knowing how to accept this fate,
I can sense it's longing,
He seeks a sense of belonging.
But now he sits there alone,
He cries and sings,
Because he doesn't understand she's gone,
Never again to be seen.
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isawyoueverytime · 4 months
On my mind (╥﹏╥)
I still think of you,
For a moment or sometimes hours too,
Somethings just remind me of you,
I can't run away from these few.
Billy joels Vienna playing,
Or Sharing a political opinion with daring,
Trying to cook something new,
Marks the return of my blues.
I just can't move past the idea of you,
Being cute, belonging to a group of a smart few,
Your piercings, a badass in you,
And the calm that you imbue.
The ways you defied my ideas,
A voice so clear and soft,
I can't find anyone so fierce and true.
I am reminded of you when I water my plants,
Or try to have a conversation of a lost past,
An interesting story in my book I read,
Or while playing with the stray dogs I feed.
I'm just Lingering to the idea aloft,
Were you the perfect one for me?
Or was I just trying to save it at any cost,
A thought now lost for you,
But I just miss you so much,
hanging on to the memories of you,
thoughts that bring back a lot of emotions,
sending me back into the huge void ocean.
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isawyoueverytime · 4 months
Comfort ( ͡ ° ʖ ͡ ° )
I think I'm just looking for some comfort,
Scared of a future without your effort,
but how did I come here,
maybe Its been long since I saw you care
I can't do anything,
you have a safe future to think,
but it makes me so sad,
why did I fall for you so deep.
It's wierd, I'm also trying to love myself,
but I dont respect me,
hopefully being celebate for even longer,
I can prove that lust is not what made me stronger.
Till then, I hope you find it satisfactory to hear,
That universe is giving me a really hard time my dear,
for what I did to you,
can't be justified by any of us two.
I tried to be there always for you,
One mistake can cast all that away,
Probably because you knew,
Even before your trust I threw,
that you'd have to flee,
but I was naive enough to think,
that we compliment each other complete.
Maybe I'll try your trick,
find a partner to emotionally stick,
start puttin effort in a better place,
growing to love a different space,
but I hate how hard you are trying to get rid of me,
All I had asked for is some comfort to keep.
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isawyoueverytime · 4 months
I can't hide >___<
Why is it so hard to resist,
thinking of a time that is lost in the mist,
A distant memory of you,
But it stands right in front of my view.
God! I miss you so much,
puts me under a crunch,
I don't have your number now anymore,
so that these thoughts dont bother you no more.
I am taking help, swallowing all my pride,
cause without you, I don't have anywhere to hide.
I wish I could hear you speak again,
wish I could smell that essence on you,
but I guess it's for the better as you said,
cause you would never see me the same
ever again, isn't that true?
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isawyoueverytime · 4 months
So Proud of you ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ
I have been so blind,
To your needs and want,
You were always so kind,
And I hurt you so much.
You trusted me, gave me all your love,
I should've nurtured it,
Instead I threw it all away in a bunch.
I can't believe I did it to you,
You've already been through so much hurt.
But I'm so glad, that you found someone to trust.
I hope he helps you leave all the sadness in the dust.
I'm so proud of you,
You showed so much resilience and strength,
That can only be seen in a few,
Insecurity and hatred, all faint.
Let me thank you for everything,
You showed me what love can truly be,
Having learned so many other things too,
I feel really lucky to having ever met you.
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isawyoueverytime · 4 months
Painful ▬ι═ﺤ
How did you do it, This is so painful, Will I ever get fit, Become like you, so cheerful? I thought you were the one, But you didn't think the same, I know you loved me a ton, Maybe you were just waiting for a better partner to come. I told you I was a rebound, Now you've found someone sound, But i wasn't built that way, I cant give my heart to anyone at bay. I know it's not your problem anymore, But I wish I could talk to you once more, Now, I am disgusting to you, for what I did without you, I'm sure you used that thought, To get out of this messy rot, But how do I do it, I cant think of a bad bit, It's a lonely chair I sit, my heart has a big tore, I just cant handle this pain no more.
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isawyoueverytime · 4 months
A Family Together ⌂∞♡
You know, I never told this to any other,
But a reason I fell for you,
Is because I thought you'd make a great mother,
And we could have a happy family together.
But I was just acting young,
Smoking up and being a scum,
Now that I'm 2 weeks sober,
All I can think of,
Is how I wanted to be with you forever.
I was lost and confused,
That's why marriage freaked me out,
I had forgotten what it meant,
To not always be in doubt.
You wouldn't see these words,
But oh, how I wish I could tell you this,
I had loved you since the day we talked,
When you told me about a cold laptop.
I hope I can find someone like you,
Or someone who shares those values too,
But before that I have to get over you,
And I have no clue, if it's gonna happen anytime soon.
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isawyoueverytime · 4 months
Broken </3
How can I love you so much, When I hurt you this bad, I did have a hunch, That it'll all be this sad. But now I'm broken, Everything seems kinda bad. This longing I feel for you, how will I ever get past this blue, I wish I could talk to you a little more, Hear some of that giggle, It would've made me soar, Without it my heart aches, and my spirit cripples. I miss you so much, Not sure what to do, Should I have told you sooner, How much I was wrong, Or kept it a rumour, And played another song . I guess time would tell one day You might join me on my way, But till then I'll have to carry on, With your love, that will never be gone.
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isawyoueverytime · 4 months
A Change »»——★ 
A change that you brought,
no one else has ever caught,
to bring back control to my body, mind,
and soul, leaving the one thing I used the most.
Your love made me find,
a giving ness that was so kind.
I know that you might not come back,
my life without you seemed pitch black,
but now I remember, why it was so easy to love you,
it was your support and faith, unconditionally pushing me ahead.
I'll change, you were right,
keeping your belief in me, by my side,
So anyone asks me what the secret is,
I'll tell them, it was you, who made a difference like this.
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isawyoueverytime · 5 months
A palace in my mind _||M||_
I can't get over it,  Why is it so hard, I thought I loved you only a bit,  But it was only the facade. A palace in my mind , Where you reside, Not just a room, But every corner you hide, I can't seem to escape, Wherever I go, I find, You, your smile and your lover's cape, Is this how it felt in your mind, When I told you the truth? I don't know what to do, So helpless, a selfish thought too, Dreams flow in, sin after sin, I just can't take it, Why can't I get over you too?
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isawyoueverytime · 5 months
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Dream Catcher.
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isawyoueverytime · 5 months
Is it magic?
There's some magic about you, A spell that stays over, Everytime you come to mind, Things get harder to find. My thoughts run to you, All of your qualities imbued, Your perseverance, your humour too, I can't seem to find anyone around, Who is close to how you were, And how I was with you. All of this makes me so sure, That magic was an essense in your core.
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