iseulrl-blog · 8 years
sorry this has been my first week at my uni but i am free tomorrow afternoon and i will get back to everyone and reply soon as possible!!
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
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park bogum for TNGT ✧ 2016 s/s visual campaign
1000 x 1500
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
iseul nodded on her comment about respect, “ well you are right, I can't blame you there.in the army its more about ranks. so i apologize for trying to push a mindset onto you, though.” with a deep exhale, he began to take off all the badges and armband off his uniform jacket to let them dry.for all he felt now was just a man wearing a uniform.taking off his badges and arm band made him felt like he was a new soldier all over again.
as he began to fix his hair, smoothing a clean hair line and fixing his tie for it to be straight. he looked at the girl with a glint in his eye, “yes you are right. i am not the only lieutenant in all of korea but i can assure you i am the youngest out of all them. but i understand where you come from, who would take a twenty one year old lieutenant seriously,right?” the last part of the sentence left a bitter taste in his mouth, quick flashbacks of other higher officials talking about him behind his back just made iseul shake in grimace.
“ah yes, sorry. i use to get punished for not introducing myself and my status properly. my father who is the general, is very strict with it comes to titles.” he smiled sheepishly at the girl, rubbing the back of his neck.”just taeyeon? what an interesting name.you said previously that you are also well known right? i want to apologize, I don't watch television at all.” he said to taeyeon as he sent a firm but warm smile.
im the best
“Big woop,” she murmured under her breath. She was patting herself down, moving her hands along in attempts to control the smaller particles … which was more successful than her larger goal. A small smile graced her lips as she heard his little comment. He was an odd one, that was undeniable. After all, in her mind, most of the highly ranked personnel tended to be old men. Grumpy old men - but the ‘grumpy’ part of the equation didn’t seem to be missing from Iseul. 
“Hey mister I’m not an old lady, you don’t need “mam” to address me unless you want to be called geezer,” she muttered. “Respect … nobody ever deserves respect, they earn it.” She was well aware of this especially as an athlete. No one was ever required to like her or appreciate her but they did because she proved herself to most of the vast majority. She threw him a glare, “you’re not the only lieutenant in all of Korea.” 
Just as quickly as her agitation appeared, it dissolved when he apologized. It was a feeble one at that but she knew she had to be the better person - her ego lived for it. At the sight of his wet jacket still clinging to his skin, she felt a slight twinge of guilt. “…do you address yourself like this all the time?” It was an honest question with no ill intent, merely genuine curiosity. “I’m just Taeyeon.” She figured if he didn’t recognize her now, he wouldn’t later. Inserting a surname wasn’t necessary anyways. 
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
“i’ll have you know that i am top of my unit, insulting me is insulting the republic of korea!” iseul said gritted through his teeth and his eyes narrowing down at the cheeky girl.he picked up his uniform jacket and began to shake it for the excess water to come off.”man, this was my favorite one too. it's hard to find jackets that fit long people…” he ranted before realizing long people was a weird way to describe himself.
he sighed and rubbed his temples in frustration, his temper would be the death of him.”no ma'am, i do not think i am tough but i do think i deserve some type of respect!”, he spat at her as he tried to shake off excess water off his hair.”but you know,i wouldn't expect you to understand the hard work that goes in into being a lieutenant, now don’t you?” his eyes bored themselves into her eyes with a frown stitched into his face.
“sorry, accidental rant. just a rough day.” he apologized to her as he kept his head down and put back on his uniform jacket again.”let's just start this over again, without the water bending myth busting and competition. i am park iseul, tough guy also known as lieutenant park.”
im the best
“Yea yea, blah blah blah Lieutenant whatever,” she said with a cheeky grin. She took off the kimono covering she was wearing and now that it was sticking to her skin. She brushed her hand over it as the water droplets began to slowly roll off. “You’re one heck of a Lieutenant,” she snickered. 
A couple of more laughs escaped her mouth as her previously angered disposition had seemingly evaporated. She hadn’t taken notice to his sudden change of features. She shook the kimono in hand as the wind gently blew against it. “Oh you’re still angry,” she commented as she turned her attention back to him - finding his stance more entertaining than intimidating. 
“Superior? We’re not in a military unit right now. We’re in a park actually sir,” she answered as she stuck her tongue out. Then his temper flared again as she felt the jab of his forefinger hit her forehead, one foot moving backwards as the other managed to keep ground. “Ow,” she yelped with a look of annoyance. “You think you’re so tough just because you’re part of the military don’t you?” She brushed aside her still dripping hair from her face; she began to rub her forehead from the touch. 
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
iseul sighed and his shoulders deflated, it was true his legs were stretched out but he was a man with a rather large frame so he was surprised that the girl didn't see him while on her way here. he shook the thoughts of defending himself off and gently grabbed the girl’s hand and pulled her to sit down in the booth he was sitting in.
he grabbed some more paper napkins and squat down to clean up the mess on the floor for her, before disposing the now dirty napkins. iseul walked up to the cashier and ordered the same drink that the girl had spilled and charged it on his tab. he walked back to the booth and sat next to the girl, he took a deep distressed sigh.
“i do apologize for my legs sticking out but you must admit that i'm not exactly a wallflower,i'm the only one in here that is dressed out of the normal.after all, you did burn me here, young lady.” iseul looked at the girl as he raised up his untucked dress shirt that revealed a bright red mark on his lower abdomen.”my lankiness doesn't protect me from third degree burns you know.”, he chuckled looking at the girl as the waiter came to the table to give the drink, he passed it back to her.
; daddy long legs
seeing the male in front of her, ayame panicked. uniform-clad, stern features, and a frown upon his face intimidated the immigrant. him grabbing the bridge of his nose and standing up abruptly didn’t help either. she glanced between her now empty cup and the man’s uniform, frowning. sighing deeply at her lost coffee and all thoughts of relaxing for the next hour, the dancer bent down to pick up the lid. in her mind, she quickly thought of a retort to his remark. despite this, it took her a while to translate from her native japanese tongue to korean.
“i’m sorry, gosh. are you alright? burnt? it would be helpful though if you kept your lanky legs under the table, though…” ayame snapped back, shaking her head. how could this stranger just blame the incident on her, especially when his own legs were out? “so people don’t trip due to your outstretched legs.” she added in with a small shake of her head.
turning around on her heel rapidly, ayame made her way to the counter where extra creamers, mixing sticks, sugar, and such were located. she quickly grabbed a handful of napkins from the metal napkin holder and made her way back, this time carefully. handing a few napkins to the standing man furiously, ayame got down on the floor to clean up the remaining creamy coffee mess that didn’t end up on the male’s uniform.
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
“i saw a sullen expression on your face and i thought i could try to cheer you up but i guess i overestimate my ability.” he chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. “oh sorry sir- i mean young man.i apologized, i sometimes forget i'm not at base.” iseul laughed and slightly bowed to the man to apologize.
“oh shoot, you are right! my bad, right away!” iseul smiled and hovered his hand over the man’s shoulder. he focused on removing the particles from every little fiber on the man and with a wave of his hand, the man was completely dry again.with a familiar sharp pain his head, iseul stumbled back and realized he didn't have much endurance left to dry himself. he sighed and checked his watch, he still had an hour to go before reporting to work.
“you know what? i'll walk you to work, i did cause you be late and everything.might as well explain it to your boss! just give me a sec to change also into my uniform for work.” he sent a warm smile towards the boy before grabbing his duffel bag which contain his lieutenant uniform, he waved his hand to create a wave of water around blocking any passersby to see his body as he changed into his uniform.strapping on his weapon holster and his arm band,along with his hat. instantly his presence changed and iseul stood up straight and his authoritative stance took over.he walked over to the man who was waiting, “let's go! i’m park iseul, lieutenant of korea’s republic army base and water manipulator.nice to meet you!”, iseul introduced himself as they walk down the path.
drenched, but not thirsty;
his mother’s voice echoed through his head as the man dragged him, stranger danger. even if he was a grown adult, sicheng was a child at heart and still kept that thought in mind. however, it was day, and the man was just trying to show him his water manipulating skills. though the other was slightly intimidating, the smile had made up for it.
it didn’t hurt for sicheng to watch, so his eyes remained on the water that the man was manipulating. it wasn’t an everyday thing to meet a water manipulator that could make something so phenomenal, so he wasn’t going to miss the chance. having thought that, sicheng had no regrets. he found the other’s water manipulating skills to be spectacular; he had never encountered a skilled manipulator like him before. it was breathtaking. sicheng was always a fan of going through the underground tunnels that had lights every few feet, but a water tunnel was completely different. the light that reflected on the water not only made it shine, but there was a faint rainbow that he could see as well.
however, it was also shocking when the tunnel collapsed. not only was he drenched, but he didn’t have an extra pair of clothes on him as well. his hair had covered his eyes, which caused his hands to not only push away his hair, but the water that was dripping down his face as well. rubbing his eyes, he shook his head, “no need to be so formal, i’m not even that old.” he glanced at the rest of his body, seeing that his shoes turned darker from the water.
“though, if you could dry me somehow so i’m presentable for work, we should be good!” he joked, releasing a small laugh afterwards. “i’m kidding! that was really amazing though. i’ve never seen someone make a tunnel like that.” there was a small sparkle in eyes, like he respected the man, even though he didn’t know him.
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
it was the first time iseul has even seen himself out of military uniform, it was interesting- with a uniform iseul had a certain image but without his badges or anything, he just looked like a regular man.today he had decided to finally practice because his skills just weren't getting any better.
with his headphones plugged in, iseul was totally focused and zone in on harnessing his powers to manipulate the water. he was able to conjure up a significant amount of water onto the sidewalk but the hardest task was to figure out what else to do with it. he pinched his nose bridge in frustration and sighed in distressed.
he saw a man who was focused intently on what he was doing and he could see his facial expression was a bit sullen, with an sudden idea, iseul walked towards the man sending him a friendly smile.”let me show you something.” he said before dragging the man over to the side walks.iseul closed his eyes and used both of his hands to move the water, his mind focused on a sole image. the water on the floor soon rise up high above them, forming a tunnel made out of water. with the light shining through the water that created almost a rainbow like transparency. he smiled at the man hoping it would make him smile.
but with that much focus and usage of his powers, iseul staggered back as a painful headache panged in his head.he winced and his focus dropped, soon so did the tunnel of water above them dropped as well which ended up soaking both the man and iseul. with a sheepish and apologetic smile, iseul slowly approached the man. “i am so sorry sir, i knew i shouldn't have tried to do something so advanced! how can i make it up to you? i promise i will, i,lieutenant park iseul give you my word!” iseul rambled on, hoping the man could forgive him.
drenched, but not thirsty;
click. the sound made when sicheng had turned the key to lock his apartment’s door. another beautiful day of work. oh the joy. not that he minded. his job was fun, as he had the opportunity to interact with his customers and have fun decorating cakes, as well as other baked goods. however, his banters lacked humor as his sleeping schedule started to become irregular. he spent too much time at work that he started to get stressed, which wasn’t a pleasant sign.
a yawn escaped the boy’s lips as he started to head down the stairs. the sound of his footsteps, as well as the chimes that his keys made when they would hit against each other, soothed him; it was like white noise. if there wasn’t any sound from the keys, he’d be in big trouble. not only did it have his apartment’s keys, but it also held keys for his workplace, his relative’s household, and a small bag with his bus pass and spare change.
as it was a bright new day, sicheng decided to take a different route to work. any way he went, he’d have to take a bus since the bakery was in a downtown area. tired of seeing his usual path, he decided to take a scenic route, also known as the park.
it wasn’t surprising to see people jogging and training early in the morning. if anything, the morning was the best time to exercise and learn. however, sicheng wouldn’t know that; his exercising consists of walking to and from work, and he didn’t even have to worry about his manipulation. how would you train a dream manipulator anyways?
the lad had a fun time walking in the park. he liked how people were talking and enjoying their time in the park. maybe he would walk through more often, who knows. stopping his thoughts, he saw water on the gravel of the sidewalk. there wasn’t a body of water around here, so sicheng got curious and looked around to see a source. it was most likely a water manipulator, but why would they be training this early in the morning? wasn’t it better to be by water?
his gaze landed on a well-built male. of course, that guy would be more athletic than him, based on how tall and muscular he was. maybe he needed strength to propel the water. or maybe he wasn’t lazy like sicheng. either way, the boy watched him as he continued to manipulate water. man, if only sicheng could look that cool with dream manipulation.
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
“r-rude?! unbelievable!” he spat out, he was growing more angry as the girl responded back to him.”STUPID JACKET? I HAVE YOU KNOW THAT I, LITEUTENAN- you know what? whatever. i am just going to let this ‘stupid jacket’ dry on the stupid floor!” he huffed and bent down to take off shoes to empty the water in them.
his frown deepen when he heard the girl laugh at him for watching avatar.”y-yes okay! i do- will now did believe it was real. at least that's what my brother told me ever since i was young!” his face showed evidence of sadness like when a child has been told that santa does not exist. he shook the thought off and crossed his arms, returning to his authoritative stance looking down at the girl.
“now i do apologize for that it wasn’t my intentio-”, he apologized before getting interrupted abruptly and he glared at the girl as he felt the droplet trickled down his face. now iseul was known for his short tempers , he even tried to search on google on ways to calm down. he even tried counting to one hundred. did it work? most definitely not. ”yah! you don't know how to respect a superior?!” he yelled out at her before taking his forefinger and pushing it against her forehead making her move backwards.
im the best
As soon as hell broke loose - Taeyeon felt herself drenched in what felt like freezing ice water. Despite shivering, her own bubbling rage was stirring at the center of her soul. Her fingers were clenched into a fist, wishing she could bang against something … but even so, she’d prob be the one to suffer the pain rather than the item or person she targeted. 
She scoffed rolling her eyes, “well aren’t you rude,” she accused. “You should know!” It was childish to complain about such but at this point she didn’t give a damn about being immature. Deciding that it would be the best to with hold her identity, she kept her mouth shut. “Is that what you’re going to do? Let your stupid jacket soak on the ground?” 
Taeyeon was quiet for an instance as she heard the proclamation come from Iseul. And then her shoulders started shaking. The girl was laughing so hard that she was bending over. “Y-you’re watching avatar to l-learn water bending? Ok some of that show might be useful but c’mon do you really believe all of that?” She remarked with another laugh. “No offense,” her composure returning to something playful. Her attitude was jumping from one end of the spectrum to the next … all because of this stupid lieutenant. “Still, you have no excuse for helping.” And then before he knew it, a small droplet of water hit him on the forehead with a flick of her wrist. 
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
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一FUN FACTS; i.iseul is a feminist!! his character embodies righteousness and just, and he supports the whole movement of equality big time! ii.if you have a hard time trying to describe seeing iseul at first you could describe his uniform, because he is always at work so he is always wearing his uniform so just search up a lieutenant uniform. iii.iseul does not curse, smoke, or drink! he cares about his image as lieutenant so he wouldn’t do anything that he thinks would ruin it.
一MORE PLOTS ( WILL BE ADDED TO PLOT PAGE SOON); -childhood best friends (/4)- you met iseul when you were younger and became friends ever since, you were there for him during his brother’s funeral but lost connection through teenage years but found each other again. -craigslist meet up gone wrong (1/1)- iseul doesn’t tend to have the time to go out to shop but when he does, he does it online.primarily through craiglist. he was looking for a sofa but when you met up with him you gave him a chair.(idea can be expanded) -military partners (/3)- you met iseul during the time you had to enlist for the military and you guys trained together,eat together and bunked together. lost connections when you left but iseul stayed in the force,somehow found each other again.(message to expand on this idea!)
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
today was probably the only day iseul has ever gotten a break. his dad dismissed off early so he could go eat lunch, iseul went to his usual cafe spot and upon entering he bowed to all the workers and sat his usual table that was in front of a bookcase.the workers had already brought him an iced americano which he in returned tipped them all handsomely.
as time passed by, iseul had pulled out his phone to answer some important emails and did some research on better way to train his soldiers.he sink back into the comfortable chair, stretching his lengthy legs forward.with his mind focused on researching he failed to realized a girl was passing by him for him to pulled his legs back for her to pass through.
a very hot sensation sent bolts of shock through iseul’s body. it took him a moment to realize that the girl who passed him had tripped over his legs and spilled her coffee all over his uniform.he pinched the bridge of nose in agitation before standing up, he began to take off his uniform jacket that had a lot of badges which only left him in his uniform pants and white dress shirt.
taking slow steps towards the girl, he was trying to cool down his temper and bent down to help the girl get up from the floor.” I'm sorry ma'am if my legs were in the way of your passage, but please next time try to watch where you are going.”, he sighed and looked at her sternly as he tried to adjust his weapon holster around his waist.
; daddy long legs
the pungent smell of coffee with a hint of other freshly baked goods engulfed ayame as she stepped into the local coffee shop conveniently located near her dance academy in new seoul. fixing her purse slung around her shoulder and ears ringing with the light chatter in the cafe, the dancer made her way to the counter to wait her turn. thankfully, only a couple of other people were in front of her in the busy coffee shop. whilst waiting, ayame scanned the indoor sitting area for a spot to sit. her eyes fell upon a table in the back that had just opened up and she tapped her foot impatiently, wanting to snatch a seat asap before anyone else could so she could comfortably relax after a long day of dance practice.
one by one, the individuals in front of her got their orders and scattered about, her chosen table still remaining empty. the impatient female stepped up to the counter and pushed a tuft of her hair back behind her ear before sputtering out her usual order on a cloudy day: a hot grande caramel macchiato with reduced-fat milk and an extra pump of caramel for added sweetness. the barista behind the counter made her order fairly quickly after ayame paid; grabbing her drink she turned to check her table once again.
a content smile spread upon ayame’s lips seeing as it was empty. grabbing the warm cup carefully, she made her way to the table for two. weaving through the crowded seating area with her drink in hand, her thoughts wandered to how she just wanted to read while relaxing with her coffee and answer some emails. distracted, her foot got caught on another’s. stumbling, ayame barely caught herself without a scratch on her. she dusted herself off before becoming aware that her coffee wasn’t in her hand. upon that realization, her gaze shifted up. following the long, muscular legs she tripped over, ayame gulped as she was confronted with a shocked male’s face.
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
snapped out of his daze when he heard the girl’s loud tone and he instinctively freezes the big body of water before it crashed down on them. he let out a loud exhale of relief before spinning back on his feet to look back sternly at the girl who was yelling at him.
“for the way you are acting, MA’AM, you sure are acting like a grumpy old lady! and no i do not know who you are!” iseul yelled back at the girl in frustration as he took off his uniform jacket throwing it onto the floor in frustration. first he had to deal with lazy soldiers and grumpy old men, now he had to deal with a stranger that didn't appreciate his help. just great.
“look i didn't mean to show off okay? i’m stuck at base all the time the only training i am getting is watching avatar the last airbender,okay?!”, iseul was usually nonchalant about his capabilities with his water powers but the stranger made him oddly defensive.
im the best
A mix of emotions reflected from her facial expressions as she tried to process exactly what was going on. From the mam to the dripping streaks of water … she wasn’t sure what to address first. It would have been courteous to thank him for his efforts but even so … she felt more insulted if anything. After all, in her head, she never asked for help - she didn’t want it. 
She stifled a smile that was creeping up on her face. It usually wasn’t her intention to poke people’s buttons but she couldn’t stand show offs. It wasn’t easy to turn off the highly competitive knob in her system. She just was. Her tongue was bit as she held back from irritating him further. If he was so skilled, he could probably remove the water from his body and then he’d be dry. But it seemed like neither one of them were in full control with their powers. 
Her eyes widened as she watched him. The wave was holding up but she was sure that he wouldn’t be able to keep it going for so long. Just as it had gone up, it was bound to go down. Cautiously she tapped him on the shoulder, “first, I’m not a m’am - do I look like a halmoni? second, you’re a lieutenant that’s great! But do you know who I am?” she arched a brow as her spirits lightened up in humor. She was surprised that he hadn’t recognized her but then again, she wasn’t the most prominent skater in the ice rink. Or maybe he wasn’t from Original Seoul. 
“Oh and third, making a moving hand with water isn’t really helping. More like showing off,” she answered honestly before making a raspberry sound.
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
watching the girl’s reaction to his creation, it had made iseul confused. he would've thought she would find the creation at least bit amusing. frowning when she heard him yell at her, he didn't mean to come off that way. should he apologize to her? he thought as he tried to come closer to the girl.
“hey look ma'am, i didn't mean to-” he said while trying to apologize before getting interrupted by a big wave of water coming down onto him. to be frank, he was soaked from head to toe. his uniform began ten times heavier and when he lifted up his hat, even more water escaped off of his head. how was he? angry. did he show it? maybe.
he took small but quick steps towards her as you can hear his soggy shoes making a squeak per step. he was fuming but he had to still be respectful to the stranger. “ma'am, you really thought that was a bigger wave? please step aside.” he said through his stern expression and a very plastered smile on his face as he reached out with an arm that was still wet and slightly moved the girl to the side a bit as he closed his eyes and focused on the image on his head.
iseul focused on making the water from fountain rise up to be like a huge tide from the ocean, he was almost there as the tide began to rise and rise until it got too high in the sky as it blocked the sun making it a bit dark around the area. all the surrounding people gave him glares as they were watching both of them going back and forth. he sent the people a sheepish smile before turning back and crossing his arms, a sluggish sound following his every moment due to his drenched and heavy clothes. with crossed arms and iseul peering down at the shorter female, “do you have any idea you just soaked i,lieutenant park iseul just because i tried to help you?!”
im the best
Ebony orbs looked up to see a hand, or at least what appeared to be an aqua imitation of a hand, waving at her. Perhaps other people would have taken it lightly with amusement. But for her, she felt mocked. Clearly whoever was controlling it thought her incompetent when they witnessed her failure. She wasn’t one to relish in other people’s help due to her stubborn nature. Turning her head, she narrowed in on the person. It was a guy who looked around her age. Was he boasting his capabilities in the public? A tsk unintentionally left her mouth as she decided to yell. “Aren’t you skilled in waterbending …. showoff,” the last part uttered with quieter annoyance. 
Biting her lip down, she stood up, feeling her knees weakly giving out for the prolonged squat. She had half the mind to kick the fountain to remove the tingling feeling in her legs. But at second thought, she decided to shake it off before raising her arms again. This time she managed to raise the water into an amorphous ball like shape, doing her best to swivel it around. In an effort to prove to the stranger that she was capable, she boldly decided to levitate it face length away from him. 
And just when she thought she could walk off with a triumph victory - it popped. The liquid gushed onto the ground splattering the guy like a sprinkler and creating a puddle. Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. “Still made a bigger splash,” she murmured knowing full well that she should be more apologetic than spiteful. Yet her hubris was standing in the way. 
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
一enlisting annoyance;
@rlxosh iseul was growing extremely agitated at watching his fellow soldiers not being able to sign up any people to enlist. usually a person with a high rank like him doesn’t get involved in activities like this but iseul was frustrated because the soldiers themselves weren’t even trying to market themselves to the civilians.
adjusting his uniform and wrapping his arm band securely into his uniform, he was about to step foot outside to do the grunt work if no one was willing to do it.with his arms behind his back as he strolled outside passing each soldier giving them a glare as they scattered to actually now do work. his presence was always overwhelming due to his status of being the general's son.
he snatched a clipboard from a very sleepy soldier and walked off towards the center to market to people.iseul approached a rather tall but younger man, first he bowed and saluted to the man then he held out the clipboard to him.”hello there sir, i am lieutenant park iseul and the military would love to recruit a young and strong solider like yourself!” he said to the young man with a polite smile.
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
once again, iseul’s friends has managed to pull him out of work to go drinking with them. now iseul had never drank, smoked or even cursed. but his friends? they are like the devil on his shoulder. how they even managed to pull a lieutenant to a bar so early in the day is probably the 8th wonder in the world.
“you guys could've at least let me take off my uniform.” he said as he rubbed his temples in distressed.his friends were all now officially drunk upon entering the bar thirty minutes ago. sick of the smell of alcohol and his rowdy friends, iseul hopped off the stool and was about to take a stroll, before one of his friends ran to him and put a beer bottle in his hand and pushed him outside.
automatically iseul began to fuss about the beer bottle in his hand.”oh my god, oh my god, oh my DEAR GOD, what if the general saw or the captain saw? man i am so screwed-”, he rambled out loud in panic before being interrupted by someone bumping into him.iseul recognized the man who bumped into him, it was jaewon. he had served his time when he was enlisted, iseul was always very hard on jaewon more than the others he had trained because he wanted jaewon to reach his fullest potential. but unfortunately when those two years were up, jaewon had fulfilled his requirement.
straightening his uniform, he bowed and saluted to jaewon before realizing they were both not on duty.” hello solide- i mean jaewon, nice to bumping into you in the middle of the day.how are you now?” he said as he smiled politely towards jaewon before realizing he stilled had a beer in his hand.”oh don’t get me wrong, i don’t drink at all! this is just for a f-friend!” iseul stuttered as he held the beer in his hand not knowing what to do with it.
;who, me (is & jw)
jaewon hadn’t thought about anything related to the time he served for a very long time. to him, it felt like a segment of his life that he was obligated to do. he did his time, he went as soon as he was of age, and he returned the second the release was upon him. so he didn’t treat it with the diligence that some people did. but he felt he was in the majority. colour him wrong if anyone could show him proof.
not that his life had gotten any more interesting after he was dismissed. in fact, it was less purposeful and he wondered if he had maybe an ounce more passion towards the topic at hand, that it could be his occupation, but that would likely last 5 months, much like any other job he’d attained. his lack of passion towards serving probably marked him as a delinquent teenager. he tried, he really did, but he remembered his superiors who would just give him that ‘expression’, the one that teachers gave to him in school that signified he was not doing nearly enough to surpass expectations and standards.  what else was new– he sighed, rolling his shoulders, setting his drink down and leaving his money on the table in his leave. he walked outside, the bright sunrays glaring at him as he felt rather guilty for having to take such a break in the afternoon. don’t judge him, judge the restaurants that served such things in the day. he had no obligations for the day, making him feel even more listless, before he bumped shoulders heftily into a taller man, mumbling his apologies before he fell back in his gait, staring at the much too familiar man. “o-oh. hello, sir. i mean, –” wow, talk about sounding a little hilarious, as he bit on his tongue. it wasn’t that the other had been older, but he was certainly higher in ranking when on duty- which they were not. “hi,” jaewon coughed, clearing his throat, trying not to sound too out of it, or put out of place. “it’s been awhile.” 
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
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Park Bo Gum - Harper’s Bazaar (China) Magazine May Issue ‘16
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
一 accidentally splashed;
@rljinah perhaps controlling his power was not his strong suit.today, iseul specifically took a day off to just practice his powers so he could use it to his advantage on the battlefield. but honestly? he just look like a little boy trying to make a water bottle move. it has been about two hours since iseul has been sitting on the outside side of this restaurant. honestly he was surprised no one has tried to kick him out yet. “alright, let's just try it one more time.” he muttered to himself before taking a deep breath. at that moment his concentration and focus was peaked and at the best. it was like he was building a bridge in his mind and the water had to do was follow his footsteps. but when iseul heard a loud man yelling through a cellphone of someone unknown, his focus dropped and he soon began to get angry as he heard curses coming from the man in the phone. his emotional state was disrupted and the moment iseul clenched his fist, the water came from the water bottle and came up into the air and fell onto the passerby.he snapped out of his moment and noticed that possibly a not very happy female was glaring and ready to shove daggers.
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iseulrl-blog · 8 years
一lost art;
@rlsayo it was early morning and to say that iseul was tense was an understatement. he was stuck in a meeting with his father who was the general and couple of high ranked officers to discussed budgets. he took off his uniform cap and ruffled his hair, letting the wind hit his face as he walked back home to his condo. not paying attention at all to his surroundings, iseul soon tripped over some object. snapping out of his daze, thinking it was someone who tripped him, iseul immediately jumped up with his fists up and ready to fight. but soon he calmed down and laugh when his gaze shifted to the ground and saw what he tripped over and ready to fight was just a sketchbook. he bended down to pick up the sketchbook and dusted off the light dirt on it that was there from him stepping on it. he didn't want to invade the privacy of the book owner but he opened it to see who it belonged to so he could return it. instantly he was amazed and captured by the beauty of the drawings he saw. he shook his head as he turned to his focus on trying to find the owner. iseul who left his glasses back at base, could only make out the name sayo. with enough information, he grabbed his phone to call one of his friends, “hey, heju is that you? can you pull up the database and see if there's anyone with the first name sayo and if they live in the area that i am in right now?”, after a few of words exchanged, iseul managed to get her address which was close by. once he had arrived to sayo’s address, he grabbed the sketchbook holding it one arm and knocked on the door anticipating the owner’s reaction.
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