its-annanguyen · 5 years
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Turning Policy into Public Action Reflection
After reading the “Solving the World’s Toughest Problem: Turning Public Policy Into Private Action” article, it is no doubt that we could 100% agree that the world is currently going through many, many crises. There are so many things a human can do or handle, but where do we start? This article lists some things to be mindful of, as designers, if we want to "inspire individuals to act on massive problems." Some examples include internalizing externalities, utilizing social pressure, and leveraging local values. Basically, get personal to trigger others in making changes.
The first example is the “Rethink Your Drink” ad campaign. These successful ads were the reason why I cut back on sugary drinks and (sort of) changed my diet to live a healthier lifestyle. I saw these ads posted everywhere when I shopped/worked in Ala Moana a while back, it was just difficult to unsee. This campaign is “part of a comprehensive set of interventions being implemented by the state to address Hawaii’s obesity epidemic.” (see the DOH press release here: source)
The second example is Lil Dicky’s Earth music video (watch here). He’s addressing the ongoing climate change that’s occurring and highlights at the end of the music video that we have 12 years left to turn this environmental crisis around. I’m not entirely sure if Lil Dicky is a policymaker, but this video is pretty spot on and catchy, especially for Creative Media + music lovers people like us. His way of reaching the masses was by creating a music video and collabing with all of our favorite artists from different genre into one. More can be found on this website as well: https://welovetheearth.org/
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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Largest graduating Creative Media class so far! Appreciation shoutout to Sharla! Thank you for all that you do; I probably said this a million times already that it doesn’t mean anything to you (lol) but I am really thankful that you’re here and always encouraging us to grow.
I’m so thankful for everything and for meeting the best people ever. I wish I could’ve gotten to know some of you a little longer. :’(
(PC: Joseph B.)
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
Class Reflection
My very last semester here at UH West O’ahu was one hell of a joyride. I never thought “senioritis” was a thing until I actually experienced it for the first time (and I hope to god my last.)
I think the biggest thing I want to mention for you all who will continue school until graduation is that: never rush anything or overwhelm yourself, but rather slow down and enjoy what you do. The biggest thing I learned from a little philosophical person is that, if you’re rushing or doing too much, you end up missing valuable lessons and can actually stunt your growth. Don’t take on a lot and know your limits. Also, give yourself some time when you work on these time-consuming projects. Quit your job if you need to lolol just kidding, don’t quit if work is life. You never know how creative you are or the potential skills you possess unless you (kind of) push yourself over that invisible wall to see what other opportunities are out there in store for you. TAKE INITIATIVES IF YOU WANT TO SUCCEED. All the hard work, persistence, late nights, rejections, sacrifices, discipline, criticism, doubts, failure, and risks may go unnoticed, but they are all a part of this incredible journey being in Creative Media. It’ll lead you to success. 
And by being in this class, I was able to witness a lot of creative talent which really inspired me and encouraged me to feel proud of being a part of the UHWO-ACM program. We’re all so diverse and not focused on just one “skill” and I think that’s pretty awesome. Working in groups is inevitable since most career jobs will require you to do so. I’d suggest you guys get comfortable with each other and try not to let anyone down, especially not letting yourself down. There were times I felt like that but I want to personally thank @koriemaeno​ for keeping it together and becoming my best friend through this class. I’m the worst at making friends because I hate talking to people (no offense), but Korie, you got to me and I got you ✊ 
On a final note, I wish you all the best of luck and PLEASE take care of yourself!! Be in good health. I literally died many times this semester from the constant self-doubts and struggles of my own, but you’ll find your way through by reaching out to others who only want you to succeed.
*slyly insert plug here* If you guys want to bid a last farewell & will be near campus on Saturday, May 4 ~11am, I’ll be graduating! :) ok I’m going to catch up with some overdue late work now, sorry Sharla!
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i need a <br>
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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Project 2 Final Product & Reflection: Age-Friendly Cities
After applying what we’ve learned at the beginning of the semester about ethnographic research, I was able to do my own survey and witness how many elderlies take TheBus every day. My partner, Brian, and I both take TheBus all the time, so that was something we had in common and could understand/relate. The elderlies are given priority to sit at the front of TheBus - so we took advantage of this, and the fact that “TheBus senior rider” is defined as a person who is 65+ years old (perfect for this project’s target age.)
While putting myself in the shoes of my parents who are senior citizens, I highly doubt they would have viewed this website www.elderlyaffairs.com let alone use the computer or internet because they’re old-school. Brian and I decided to simplify the website information and extract the ones that would be readily available for the elderlies to read or take with them. We created a 28in x 11in poster ad that is usually displayed inside TheBus. After thinking about it, we thought that maybe the elderlies cannot see what’s above them, like if they had a hunchback or stiff neck for instance. So we made another decision to add a supplement and went with a tri-folded brochure. TheBus usually have a rack right in front of the bus where you can grab a brochure with all the route numbers and timetables, so that’s where the placement would be.
Brian and I found our own sources that talked about the design choices for the elderly. They were almost the same information, so we combined both of our research together and came up with a warm color scheme (orange-ish) and a sans-serif type font called Poppins. Based on our research, we tried not to include too many texts. We also boxed the information or made a list (with hearts as the bullet point) to help the elderly read things better.
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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Example of Ads
Commercial Advertising - KFC's hot honey chicken. This KFC ad is promoting one of their new menu item called “hot honey.” This type of advertising is to promote either a product or brand to their consumers.
Public Service Advertising - “No More” campaign. Famous celebrities, athletes, and everyday people were gathered together to create this large-scale media campaigns in hope of using their voices to end domestic violence and sexual assault. This type of advertising addresses ongoing issues in the community by simply educating their consumers and keeping them aware. Hopefully with this approach, consumers could react and make a positive change.
Cause Advertising - Pampers + UNICEF. A non-profit organization (UNICEF) partnered with a large, known company (Pampers) by advertising a serious issue on non-vaccinated newborns. In an effort to raise awareness and sponsor UNICEF, a purchase of a Pampers pack = 1 vaccine against newborn tetanus. The non-profit would be raising awareness on a certain issue by using a large company as the outlet.
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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Project 2 Ideas & Images
Brian and I agreed to work on the “Elderly Services" and bring awareness to the seniors/elderlies about the services that can be offered to them.
For our deliverable, something we have in common is working on print mediums, so we decided to go for print ads that you see posted inside the city buses, like TheBus. Quick research shows that about 1,750,000 senior rides TheBus each month which is perfect for our captive audience. According to TheBus website, "seniors" are referred to as a person 65 years of age or older. Widening the scope and reaching out to the elderly in another form of advertising seemed like a good idea. At first glance of the website, it seemed pretty hefty and full of information. Initial thoughts were, “How do the elderly know how/where to access this website?” Thus, our design plan was to simplify the information that’s on the website and list key points that would interest the elderly to want to know more about the elderly services.
Source: According to this source, we will avoid cool colors like blue, green, and purple as our color schemes. We will go for a large, readable font size that leans more toward sans-serif type.
We are still working on the IDEATE, REFINE, and DESIGN CHOICE section of our Design Research template. This will be shared after our Thursday (3/28) class along with sketches and drafts of what the print ad will include.
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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2 Typography Articles Reflection
Article 1: A Look Into Responsive Typography
This is such an interesting article related to typography through responsive web design. With innovative technology constantly advancing, it’s pretty difficult to catch on. From going to smaller screen size (MacBook Air), to bigger screen size (iMac), and now to something even smaller (iPhones or iPads), trying to fit content across all screen sizes/types while still making the website look cohesive/intact became a very long process. It’s a struggle when you have to create different websites over 10+ times just to make content fit  – that’s where responsive design comes along. Now, designers are able to create just one website using a single layout that can adapt to any screen size format.
From this article, I learned that it's better to stick with all serif fonts or all sans serif fonts if you are designing with a secondary font. However, if you must choose a combination between the 2, the serif should be more than 12px and the sans serif size below it. Adding the responsiveness to the font will allow it to be stretched or shrunk according to the screen’s need while adding readability and a clean look. It is also suggested that you should go for a clear, crisp font rather than the fancy, decorative type. If you were to view the fancy font on a smaller screen, it would look too blurry and unreadable. As a rule of thumb, add double space between lines, and less contrast between text and background harms readability.
Article 2: When Typography Speaks Louder Than Words
The article’s quick summary really says it all, “Clever graphic designers love to use typography to explore the interaction between the look of type and what type actually says. In communicating a message, a balance has to be achieved between the visual and the verbal aspects of a design.” 
In my opinion, I feel like it’s up to us, as designers, to choose whether we want to convey the message through a concept of words or through an imagery/visible form. I think this would also be helpful for Assignment 4 to truly understand the usage of typography and how our message should be type-driven. Ultimately, you want to focus on the important message while using aesthetics as an enhancement to encourage people to “want” to read the message.
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
Assignment 4: Type-Driven Posters Sketches & Ideas
Topic: Healthier Kids
Objective: Let’s Move!: Solving the Challenge of Childhood Obesity by Eating Healthy and Being Active
Eating Healthy Fact #1: Nutrients (vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates) mainly comes from the food we eat and with the right kinds and right amounts of food, we are able to grow up healthy. Headline ideas: EAT SMART FOR A HEALTHY HEART / GOT HEALTH? / “just as cars need gasoline to run, your body needs food to keep going” https://letsmove.obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/healthy-families
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Being Active Fact #2: Getting active can prevent chronic diseases (heart disease, cancer, and stroke) and maintains a healthy weight, boosts immunity and bone health, and lowers stress. Headline ideas: LIVE LONGER, LIVE STRONGER / COMMIT TO BE FIT / REST A WHILE AND RUN A MILE
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My brain is currently fried so I’ll come up with the other 4 later in class.
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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Project 1 Reflection: Benefits of Labor Union
Labor Union Focus: United Food & Commercial Workers Union (ufcw.org/) Target: 18-35-year-old Grocery & Retail Shoppers or Employees Deliverable: Reusable Canvas Tote Bags
DID YOU KNOW the City & County of Honolulu implemented a Plastic Bag Ban through Bill 59 back in July 2018? Currently, they’re charging $0.15 per bag ~almost~ everywhere you go, so it’s highly suggested that you bring your own reusable bag.
RESEARCH I wanted to take advantage of this information and design reusable canvas tote bags. My idea was to create TWO final customized illustrations to print on each reusable bag for people to carry around at grocery and retail stores. I decided to focus on those two industries since that’s what my labor union choice is tailored to + I have worked in these industries before.
For the 2 designs, I went with a to-do list and a wordplay/food puns. I did a little background research on why these two executions would be the most effective in communicating the topic.
PROCESS The most challenging part for me was coming up with a few customized illustrations that would demonstrate the benefits of joining a labor union while incorporating the industries together. Illustrating is not my strongest suit (not sure why I chose this path), but I went with it anyway. If there was one thing I would change, I’d hire a professional illustrator to do my drawing based on my sketches rather than illustrating them myself.
Also, the bad thing about Hawai’i is shipping time. I couldn’t really find a company that would print on a canvas bag unless I ordered a minimum quantity of 100+. I decided to get creative and make it my DIY (do-it-yourself) project by researching alternative ways on how to transfer my illustrated designs onto a canvas bag. For all of your art & craft needs, go to Ben Franklin!
CONCLUSION With these two design ideas, I hope it would attract others to look at the bag design. It would bring awareness to non-union shoppers and reveal how labor unions exist in almost every establishment you shop at (Safeway, Foodland, Macy’s, H&M, and so much more.) At one point, we were all helped by someone who is a part of the labor union. And you never know, maybe that job IS their life.
As a part-time worker and a full-time student, it’s very difficult trying to balance a healthy and happy life. But know that there are many resources and opportunities out there that can support you. Whether you take the time to research what a labor union is, or begin to join one today. Here’s a success story of a man, now the International President of UFCW labor union, who made his way through school by being a member of the union.
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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The Kerning Game
I am shooketh. This is a game for the OCD.
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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Project 1 Drafts: Benefits of Labor Union
Labor Union Choice: United Food & Commercial Workers Union (ufcw.org/)
Target: Grocery & Retail Shoppers
Deliverable: Reusable Canvas Tote Bags
Idea: Bring awareness to non-union shoppers and reveal how there are labor union workers working at a favorite grocery or retail chain
So exciting!! I bought my supplies at Ben Franklin and couldn’t believe they had everything I needed (since I couldn’t find a company who’d print in short notice at an affordable price, yikes #brokecollegestudent).
DIY Iron Transfer Canvas Bags: http://www.lifeismade.com/diy/diy-iron-transfer-canvas-tote-bags
Wasn’t exactly sure how many sketches/drafts I was supposed to do, so I came up with 8 designs (front-side only)so far. I plan to finalize 2 of those designs and print them on different canvas tote bags. This seems to be quite challenging for me at this point because illustrating/drawing is not my strongest suit.
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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I have always been fascinated with the digital design world and things that can come to life. After recently discovering that there is an interactive, digital art museum that exists in Japan, I'm planning to visit there this Spring Break (much-needed motivator to get through my last semester... senioritis is real!)
The link provided talks about the future of art and how this museum in Japan encourages you to "touch the art." Imagine if we are allowed to touch the Mona Lisa; that would be a game changer. I guess that's the difference between historical/traditional art and the adapting technology in our society today.
I wanted to share this link because there is a connection with how this partnership with TeamLab and Mori Building were able to collaborate and create while empathizing. The sentence that got me was “If an artist can put thoughts and feelings directly into people’s experiences, artworks too can move freely, form connections and relationships with people, and have the same concept of time as the human body.” It’s no wonder this museum is so popular.
There are 5 parts to the museum, as explained in that link, where each zone has a purpose in educating and engaging with the visitors.
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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My main theme is on survival.
I broke it down into 4 parts (wilderness, physical, biological, and food) and kind of brainstormed whatever I could from there. 
The 5 objects I plan to sketch are:
Closed-toe shoes
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
UC Logo Controversy Reflection
After reading the article about the UC logo controversy, it made me question a few things. I felt like both sides were at fault or could have handled the situation better. Ultimately, I would have sided with the design team who created the UC logo, possibly because a designer like myself would understand the struggle. I've come to the conclusion that not everyone will always be pleased and are often afraid to deal with change. For instance, the article stated that a UC student started an online petition with over 50,000 signatures which led to successfully disbanding the rebranded logo. Now that's insane!
Although, it did make me wonder if the design team had actually done any research and tried to acquire ideal information from their target audience. Who were they trying to design for? It seems like their design strategy didn't work in this case considering about 50,000 people didn't like the new logo. In my opinion, it's not the designers' job to explain their work. We are often asked to analyze the "how", "what", and "why" we feel the way we feel about almost any piece of artwork already made... so why can’t we just come to accept their new logo too? But like I just mentioned earlier, getting some information about what the targeted audience may like would have helped lessen the criticisms, maybe.
I also wonder if these people even gave the rebranded logo a chance. It's because they're non-designers that they don't truly understand the meaning behind it. But maybe that's just me assuming. People should be more open-minded and civil when it comes to something that seems new but unusual.
How I see it: designers will always deal with criticisms and non-designers will not always be as understanding. I want to know why they couldn't accept the new logo. Why did they settle rather than deal with the misunderstanding/miscommunication that the rebranded logo was not to replace the seal logo? It's as if the non-designers had an agenda to test a "professional" designer's abilities and skills each time something unusual is implemented that isn't suited to their liking.
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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Assignment 2: Artifact Design (Honolulu Zoo’s Rack Card) Reflection
In my previous Tumblr post, I mentioned how I wanted to provide a fun, kid-friendly activity as well as increase the Honolulu Zoo’s attendance and revenue. I decided to combine 2 out of 4 of my mock-up ideas to execute the final version (see pictures attached.) My final rack card includes a short “educational” scavenger hunt + coloring activity. Once the activity part is completed, visitors can come back on their next visit to get $2 off General Admission. I decided to go with a green and yellow color scheme to complement each other and the Honolulu Zoo’s logo.
I think one of the flaws that I began to notice was how vague the rack card usage is. My thought process/idea was to allow visitors to visit the zoo first to find the Hawaiian names for each of the animals. On their next visit, visitors can bring in their filled/completed rack card and get $2 off General Admission. I thought a combination of these ideas would allow people (of all ages) to express their creativity, educate them with Hawaiian terms, and engage them in some fun activity. From my previous experience to the zoo, it took me about 5 hours to go through the entire exhibit. So I think visiting twice shouldn’t be a problem.
The most challenging part with executing my final rack card design was printing it. I probably wasted over 10 printer & 5 cardstock paper because of "improper formatting." As you can see in my picture, there are white spacings on the edges. My printer seemed to be the problem, but I did make sure to print it at 100% (or actual scale.) Also, I was printing from a PC rather than a MAC so I didn’t have the option to print it from the “Preview” software. Printing from Acrobat may have been another factor as to why I had white spacing on both sides.
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
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Honolulu Zoo’s Rack Card 4 Sketches
My sketches are based on 2 things: 
Providing a kid-friendly activity
Increasing the Honolulu Zoo’s attendance and revenue (as their admissions make up most of the zooʻs revenue)  Source: Hawaii Business Magazine
Idea #1: Honolulu Zoo map and QR code linking to the website’s map
Idea #2: Discounted $2 off General Admission coupon
Idea #3: Scavenger Hunt activity (Hawaiian style); allow keiki to express their creativity by coloring in the animals and educating them with Hawaiian terms. They can redeem it for a small free prize with paid admission to the Honolulu Zoo.
Idea #4: Zoo maze activity
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its-annanguyen · 5 years
Assignment 1: Ethnographic Research Reflection
For Assignment 1, I decided to observe the Teapresso Bar Waialae location as part of my ethnographic research. Seeing boba milk tea as the latest “coffee” craze, I wanted to know how one of Hawai’i’s most popular boba milk tea shop deals with improving the customer experience when waiting in line or for their drinks to be made (peep the iPhone XS image quality, portrait mode!)
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Teapresso Bar has now expanded to more than 10 locations across the island, including out-of-state. I used to frequent the Teapresso Bar locations in town (Piikoi Street, Bishop Street, etc.) and noticed the confusion with where the line starts or where to pick up your drinks. Many of its locations have poor floor layout planning which could ruin the customer experience. So I decided to propose this question: "what is being done to improve customer experience in waiting queues and drinks?"
During my 2-days visit to Teapresso Bar Waialae (one on the weekend, another on a weekday), I witnessed a few things that answered my question. Sure enough, they had a few signs visibly placed; “Order Here” and “Pick Up Here.” The placement of this location is very convenient since it's very closeby public schools, private schools, and colleges. There was a lot of foot traffic throughout the night on the weekdays as opposed to on the weekend. The issue arose when a line formed for about 10 minutes. There were no directions on how the customers should form the line. With all the seats taken, there was no other waiting area to pick up their drinks as well. If there was any, the Teapresso Bar workers will happily deliver the drinks to your table!
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While waiting for drinks to be made, customers can kill time by picking up a board game and socialize with family/friends or sample random drinks to satisfy your thirst before receiving your customized drink.
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Overall, it was my first time delving into what ethnographic observation is and seeing what it's all about. Sometimes we tend to focus on the negative outlook rather than the ongoing improvements. Although the (1) layout of the floor plan and a (2) better direction on where to form a line should be revised, we should learn to appreciate the quality service that is rooted in having a "great customer experience."
If you want to save the planet and our cute marine animals, I would highly suggest purchasing your own reusable straws! Teapresso Bar is selling them (see image below for price range.)
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