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Finally, some good news.
👉🏿 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/16/health/abortion-pills-fda.html
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This happened earlier this year but I didn’t see anybody talking about it and its kind of important but in september the american burying beetle was taken off the endangered species list and reclassified as threatened despite the fact they are still critically endangered.  
This isn’t just some random act of malice against these beetles, this is something that the oil and gas industries have been pushing for for years because their populations are in areas that they want to use for development, which they were prevented from using due to their endangered status.  This was, essentially, a green light for the destruction of some of their last known habitats, not to mention the harm that the resulting pollution will have on people.
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Now that the Terror Bill has been signed into law and will take effect in 15 days, a little reminder for my PH mutuals:
Set your social media to private
Do a clean up of your public posts
Block everyone of your friends who have voiced pro-government sentiments. You don’t know who will sell you out.
Do a check of your facebook groups. If you’re part of anti-admin groups, make sure it’s legit and not a fake group used to redtag.
Increase your email security
Stop signing petitions vs terror bill on change.org as this is what they’re using to redtag (remember the influx of fake accounts? Yeah)
Instead, send emails to your representatives using a vpn
Have your lawyer’s number on standby
Be aware of your rights (i will post a refresher here later on)
Look out for your friends and family
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I haven’t seen this on here so I thought I might share:
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There isn’t a petition for this yet (as far as I know) but sign the #JunkTerrorBillNow petition
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I’m going to point out some weird things about @projecttrinity‘s upcoming visual novel “Women of Xal” in relation to this site.
1) It’s an upcoming Kickstarter bound otome game that very obviously is PoC / People of Color & WoC/ Women of Color centric. We’ve got a bi female lead with several romancable women. And it’s in a harsh matriarchal society ready to give some brutal parallels to our own. Being helmed by a very capable and snarky Black writer. The two programmers are women. The artists are women. The singers are women. One of the animators is a woman. AND THERE’S TANGIBLE QUALITY TO IT! I thought we’ve been asking for more projects like this for years now. But Tumblr has been the most quiet of the four sites it’s updating on??? (Youtube, Facebook, LemmSoftForums, Tumblr) 
2) How are hateful anons finding this project before everyone else? Why are we letting Black creatives feel like the anon has a point about Tumblr not caring? Isn’t this site notorious for propping up content like this? Where are my feminists at?!
Like, I truly get it: Most of you will have only just heard of this. And Tumblr didn’t make it easy in the first place. Tags and timing are madly important. But so are reblogs and follows! You’re reading this now - there’s nothing truly stopping you from showing that anon the middle finger. For every time WE DON’T JUST ‘HEART’ A CREATIVE’S POST and reblog/follow their content, we prove hateful anons like this wrong. And every time we prove them wrong, we send an encouraging message to other minorities who want to share their passions with the world, but face that uphill battle.
And hey, the writer clearly has faith in this site still:
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You can find out more about the project here.
Or, better yet, follow, and support the team here!
(Bonus Note: If you’re someone who has been reblogging a lot of content from this team as well, cheers, fellow sisters! <3)
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Hi everyone, my friend JerDore, a young black trans woman, is in need of donations again! Here’s her post: 
  I have temporarily located NYC and staying for the whole summer. I’m leaving my mother, who’s abusive towards me. She uses her Christian religion against me to degrade me as being trans. From physically fighting (self defense on my end) To the piggies being called. Lastly verbally arguing which turn into her spitting on me on purpose. So I decided to reach out to my uncle who is gay. I am staying with my uncle who understands trans women. Although he is not blood he treats me as such ❤.  We are both black queer people. Who want a better life. To keep me stable I want to ask for this goal, it’s very large. Goal: $400.00. I want to go grocery shopping, clothing shopping, if hired at any job; work clothes, traveling around NYC by train and bus so i need bus fare. and have money to hold me down. For the summer. Y'all really be saving my life especially as a black leftist trans girl. So this platform is a blessing. PayPal: [email protected] Venmo: luvlybae
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Please boost this
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My friend's sister is missing and I would really appreciate it if yall could spread this, especially if you're in San Diego or Southern California
His Twitter is @cartoonbf and his Tumblr is @spaceedanny but he's more easily reached on twitter
Posted 4 July, 2019
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Does anyone know if there’s a fund for Marshae Jones’ legal defense or to help her and her family out?
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the dad of the op of this post found out abt it please stop rbing
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Marshae Jones was shot in 2018 during an argument. She was 5-months pregnant at the time and the trauma ended the pregnancy. While charges were dropped against the shooter, the survivor, Marshae Jones is now being charged with manslaughter for starting the argument. Black and indigenous women are almost always the first targets of policies that attempt to steal autonomy over their own bodies from women. Marshae is clearly the victim in this situation, yet she know faces a hefty prison sentence for being shot. She is being held on a $50,000 bail. This is absolutely disgusting, and we must end both the system of cash bail and the prison industrial complex that seeks to criminalize black, brown, and working class white people at every opportunity. #SayHerName
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Me, my friends with @knifeson​ did this info pack of Hong Kong Extradition Bill. Hope you will understand more on the situation here now. Thank you all for your kind attention. Origin album 612 - No Extradition To China 22/6 UPDATED : Vol 2
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this is sooooo fucked up. i’m livid
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Here’s a reminder that if you have spare money please donate to the production of Diné Bi Na'alkid Time, a future puppet show dedicated to teaching kids the Navajo language. The gofundme has been up for 16 months and still hasn’t met it’s goal of $50,000.
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this is an emergency post my gf’s family is going to lose their home due to her parents being negligent and failing to pay their mortgage despite my gf paying them the money for it every month and if anybody, literally anyone can help and donate to raise the $4500 they need to not lose their home i would be so grateful! im willing to send out custom written letters of gratitude to anyone willing to help and wants one!
i just really want to be able to help her bc all of the burden falls on her and she was there for me when i was illegally arrested (none of you would have even known about how to help me if it weren’t for her, bless her) and i want to be there for her too.
donate links:
venmo: sleepisforlovers
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