itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
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Also, there are parts you could have missed or misunderstood when you watched it the first time.
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
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Broken Things 18/24
by: mldrgrl Rating: varies by chapter, rated R overall (THIS CHAPTER IS RATED R) See Chapter 1 for summary and notes
Halfway to home, Mulder stops the wagon.  The horses have started to shake their heads against their harnesses and begin to snort and whinny.  He cocks his head a bit and stares east, out into the sky for a few moments before he sets the brake and gets down from the seat.
“What’s wrong?” Katherine asks.
Mulder works to try to calm the pair of stallions hooked to the wagon, rubbing their foreheads and jaws.  “You know that article you were reading in that journal?” he asks Katherine.  “About the weather lore?”
“Yes, of course.”
“I think these boys are trying to tell us something.”  Mulder nods off to the east.  “You feel that wind?”
“A bit.”
“There’ll be rain soon.”
“Will we make it home?”
“I think we’ll be in ahead of those clouds out there.”  Mulder climbs back up onto the wagon seat and releases the brake.  “At least, I sure do hope so.”
Keep reading
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
turns out this is STILL TRUE in 2021
alllllllllll I wanna do when real life is weighing me down is to take a break and talk about the x-files, but there aren't enough corners left in the world to just...sit down and talk about the x-files here in 2019
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
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When you miss chatting with your partner about wild theories and autopsy results.
The X-Files: The Host (2x02)  |   Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster (10x03)
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
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FBI Special Agent Dana Scully, M.D.  (mulder)
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
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scully + smiling with teeth – for @sculllaaay​
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
Thank you both for sharing your personal stories with us. You are warriors, and I'm honored to hold some space for these stories here on my page.
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In which Scully becomes a Consortium doctor, and Mulder moves heaven and earth.
This is a long (81K) MSR story, many years in the making, a bit of a wild ride, but (me being me) you can count on that ending dissolving into fluff.
Well. Here’s that inevitably maudlin moment where I’m overwhelmed by affection for this helluva fandom and all those who wander in’t.
tagging @leiascully and @leucocrystal for essential lockdown tough love beta
@lilydalexf for being the kindest, hardest-working Phile ever
@teethnbone for wildstyling subways with me
@onpaperfirst for hilarity and putting ‘Spook Cops’ on our horizon
@thegrotesckque for just basically existing
@mustangsally78  because you’re the bomb, babe, and herewith a reverential quote from your groundbreaking fic that changed my drifty young life forever.
Thank you all, you’re the best!
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
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— I can feel you thinking. — I’m sorry. I can’t sleep. — Actually, I have a little something for that. — Just a little something?
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
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Agent Mulder meant a lot to me, okay? He was brooding and handsome and obsessed with an uptight yet sexy redhead.
Modern Family: Blasts from the Past (10x12)
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
Hi! Are you still writing fanfics?
I have two unfinished, but 95% complete, fics sitting here on my phone.
Working in health care and parenting through a pandemic pretty much zapped any energy I might have had connected to playing at writing. :(
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
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do you ever just...remember random stuff like this, and get mad ALL THE HELL OVER AGAIN
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
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somehow this was the biggest boner he has ever gotten
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itsbeenawhile7 · 4 years
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*the cutest, goofiest hand struggle ever*
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itsbeenawhile7 · 5 years
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do you ever just...remember random stuff like this, and get mad ALL THE HELL OVER AGAIN
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itsbeenawhile7 · 5 years
Is this real life?!?! I live 20 minutes away from Saratoga, HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS WAS A THING?
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via twitter from The X-Files Preservation Collection:
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itsbeenawhile7 · 5 years
I'm a product of the Scully Effect.
That said, you know, my STEM career trajectory certainly hasn't gone the way I'd originally intended, and I'm nowhere near where I'd hoped to be when I eyeballed this pathway as a starry-eyed teenager in the 1990s.
Dana Scully's career trajectory was also kneecapped, wasn't it? But she persisted, anyway. She worked hard, always put forth her best efforts, stood up for what she believed in, and refused to stomp on anyone else or throw in with the morally compromised in order to "climb the ladder." (And the X-Files universe ultimately punished that character *deeply* for all of that, but we'll save that particular TED talk for another day, because I don't want that darkness in my home today, thankyouverymuch!)
The world is, sadly, full of corrupt or self-serving individuals who are waiting to exploit you for their own benefit. Your dedication and contributions to your work may not ever be recognized by the "traditional" channels. But we can still choose to work hard, do our best, help others, and hold ourselves to the standards of our own moral compass, despite all of that. Because there is value in that path, even if you are the only one who sees that light.
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