itsmrcannibal · 2 years
Been making a lot of hombrew races recently! My only goal is to make sure they're more interesting than standard 5e stuff.
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itsmrcannibal · 3 years
I can only see this as a conversation between the Barbarian and the Wizard in a D&D party.
Wizard: "Barbarian...is that a fucking alligator in the dining room?"
Barbarian: "It sure is! So, me was thinking to after you talked about ways to guard the keep: defence alligator! And, well now it's the perfect excuse to build a moat you said we did not need."
Wizard: "I swear to Ilmater, you're going to be the death of me."
Barbarian: "Thanks to Alan the defence alligator, no one can be the death of you! Wizard should be happy me is smart."
Wizard: "Oh Merlin's beard- I can only imagine what the Warlock and Bard have to say about this..."
Writing Prompt #1647
“Is that a fucking alligator in the bathtub?”
“Oh, yeah! So, I was thinking to myself: home defense alligator. And, like, it’s a perfect excuse to build that moat you told me no to!”
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itsmrcannibal · 3 years
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A friend made this of my OCs a while back, probably one of my favourite characters to roleplay, because who doesn't enjoy being a jolly fat dwarf who gives people food and booze?
Belegar Warbrewer is the youngest and chonkiest member of the famed Warbrewer Clan, a dwarven clan known throughout the lands for their expertise in the fields of Alchemy and Brewing Booze. He was sent by his clan to a mysterious undiscovered continent called Anoma, once home to an ancient civilisation known as the Talidurians and now home to a number of strange beasts, magical ruins and the gods know what else.
While on Anoma, he found the hold other dwarfs had established on the continent, the Great Hold of Whitehall, and quickly enough he joined his fellow dwarfs and befriended those who lived there, his best friends becoming a potato obsessed dwarf named Helgrod Ironseeker and an animal loving halfling named Stella Sweetleaf, both of which he became close friends with but quickly he came to see Stella as his older sister as the pair went on 'Stella-Belegar Adventures' across the continent.
I'll probably post more about Belegar and the shenanigans he and the other dwarfs got up to in the future.
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