iworkforthescoops · 2 years
They’re a 10 but they liked the second volume of Stranger Things 4
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iworkforthescoops · 2 years
Listen, I LOVE Steve (he IS my favourite ST character after all), but honestly I’d rather they had killed Steve this season, because the way Eddie died? FUCK THAT.
This just shows that the whole purpose of Eddie‘s character was to be a filler death because the Duffer brothers are unwilling to kill one of their main characters. We saw it happen with Bob and Alexei and now with Eddie and we’ll see it again when in season 5 they’re going to introduce a loveable new character whose sole purpose is to be there as a cheap cop-out death, because god forbid that one of the main characters actually dies.
And the way that apparently Dustin and Eddie‘s uncle are the only ones who’re actually mourning him? They way that they just left Eddie‘s body in the upside down? The way Eddie died to protect a whole town that was out to kill him? Fuck that.
And this is just one of my many issues with volume 2 (looking at the whole mess that was Will‘s feelings for Mike being used to further the Mileven relationship).
God, I’m bitter. I need a fix-it fic. Or possibly a whole lot of them.
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iworkforthescoops · 5 years
Steve: so, I was thinking
Dustin: oh god, please not again
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iworkforthescoops · 5 years
Reblog if it is okay to start talking to you.
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iworkforthescoops · 5 years
Steve: *excited and overjoyed to see Dustin again, iniates the 'nerdy' handshake*
Robin: so, how many children are you friends with?
Steve: *instant regret*
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iworkforthescoops · 5 years
The thing is that Steve Harrington has exactly one braincell, which is exactly why I love him so much.
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iworkforthescoops · 5 years
Steve: *is on-screen*
ST1: ugh, not you again, go away
ST2: Momma Steve's back!
Now that's what I'd call character development 👌🏻
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iworkforthescoops · 5 years
Steve referring to himself as Daddy in Stranger Things 3 is everything I needed. My life feels complete now 👌🏻
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iworkforthescoops · 5 years
Always remember that you can't spell America without Erica 👌🏻
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iworkforthescoops · 5 years
Dustin: if you die, I die!
Steve: okay?
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