#Parenting goals
markscherz · 11 months
Do you have any favorite extinct/prehistoric frogs?
Like basically everyone, probably gastric-brooding frogs, genus Rheobatrachus, famed for raising their tadpoles in their stomachs.
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Src: Mike Tyler, 1973
Possibly/probably driven to extinction by chytrid fungus.
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drisnow · 27 days
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This homestuck running gag is the funniest shit in the comic
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For sale.
Baby shoes.
Never worn.
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mosslingg · 3 months
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on the pic of the egg there's a barely visible dark spot. that's a duck fetus shsshdhshshs
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay soooo much to unpack already.
First of all, these episodes are getting scarier and scarier by the minute, and yes, I do have all of my lights on thank you very much.
Second of all, OMG the way Scott looked at his mom in that moment when she saved Danny...the admiration on that boy's face, OMG. Scott and Melissa seriously have one of the best parent-child relationships I have ever seen (Stiles and Noah are right up there too <3), and that moment just...SENT me. The way she was immediately willing to do anything she had to to save him not just because she's awesome, but because she knew how much he meant to Scott, and the way Scott just looked at her like she was the coolest person on the planet...AHHH that was so good and so sweet!
Then you add to that him and Isaac "watching over her" in case she was the third sacrifice. I mean, that scene is so sweet for so many reasons--the boys being worried about her, BOTH of them being there, Melissa calling them "boys"--but also SO freaking funny--"You were on watch last." "No you were on watch last." "I may have been on watch last."....AHHH I LOVE THIS LITTLE FAMILY SO MUCH!!!
Third of all, BRO I CANNOT BELIEVE that I didn't even THINK about Deaton. Thank GOD he has Scott in his corner, or he would probably die, but no, he'll be fine (and I'm sure of it!), because he DID call Scott, and he DID have time to warn him, and now Scott and Stiles and probably Isaac and whoever else joins the group are all gonna go save him and maybe actually get some answers (HOPEFULLY get some answers), so it'll be FINE. Okay? He'll be FINE!
The thing this definitely proves, however, is that the Darach knows that Scott and pack (yes, I said Scott and pack--sue me) are onto it, because it's officially endangering people that matter to Scott. It followed its code by killing the two hospital doctors that night, but it attempted to deal a blow to Scott in the process by putting Danny in danger and then killing all the people that would be able to save him--and thank god for Melissa in that moment.
That said, even though the boys fell asleep, Melissa would be too hard to take or hurt, because both Scott and Isaac were RIGHT there, so it makes sense that it didn't go after Melissa, and instead went after Deaton, who's pretty much like a father figure to Scott at this point--can't take one parent, gotta take the other.
My point in all of this is, this is bad, and I hope Scott and pack figure it out soon so that we don't lose the entire pack (and then some) to this stupid evil entity who really wants to specifically hurt Scott at this point.
Season 3, Episode 7. Let's keep going.
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(I definitely saw a clip of this somewhere and I don't think I'm to this episode yet, but this mother and son gif is too adorable not to put on here. I love them so much. <3)
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maroononthemoon · 1 year
Watched Home Alone and Home Alone 2 with my 8 year old... In the second one when the mom is talking to a cop right before she finds him saying Kevin is all alone and deserves to be with his family on Christmas my daughter yells at the tv "JUST STOP GOING ON VACATION!"
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thewaywardcasgirl · 2 years
papa and daddy is such a breath of fresh air, i can feeeel my skin healing and my crops getting watered etc etc, the softness of this show, the brilliance in simple conversations and everybody being into open communication! it wraps around you like a burrito roll of comfort food , soft cozy blanket and your snuggliest snuggle buddy and such warm sweet feeling in your stomach 💗💗 it's like the healthy healthy soup that while you're having you can feel your body healing I'm rambling now but you get it
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I am convinced that Zypher secretly hopes that the bees just win without him having to interfere or something, so that way he could just go to the Fire god being all like "🥺🥺Oh son. I'm so sorry this hasn't worked out for you 😭 I'm here whenever you need me 💚💚"
That way he would avoid alot of discomfort.
He's go good at "daddying"
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tanuandthetriplets · 1 month
Papa Bane Baba Patekar??? | iPhone 15 ka Pehla Vlog | Part 1 | Triplets Vlog - 10th May’24
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drisnow · 27 days
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This homestuck running gag is the funniest shit in the comic
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paleflower · 6 months
Happy new Year!
Here are some parenting goals for 2024:
- potty train the little guy (this is gonna be huge and I'm mighty afraid of screawing it up for him, but I think he is ready enough, I just need to find a good time, maybe spring - but latest in the summer!)
- spent lots of time outside in the warmer months (we did that this year as well, but I think we can still improve, it has been sooo good for his wellbeing and gross motor development!)
- do lots of arts stuff and be more creative and brave with lots of different materials (I love being creative and want to share some of that love with my child, the step-children can join in here too if they want)
- go to lots of fun places like the zoo/museum/aquarium (when little guy was younger I was always very afraid of outings in public, we gotta change this)
- teach him to count to at least ten and teach the ABCs (he is very interested, so that should not be a big problem, right? 😅)
- stay connected with the big big step-children/half-siblings (I don't mention them very often, but they are busy teenagers and sometimes it's hard to stay connected with all the many school activities that keep them occupied for a long time each day)
- survive going on vacation with the little one
- survive the two year sleep regression and all the other fun things that come with this age 😅
2024 is gonna be interesting! I really hope I don't mess this up. Wish me luck. 😊
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fastlane-freedom · 6 months
Parenting Success through the S.A.V.E.R.S. Morning Routine
Parenting is a demanding and rewarding journey, filled with challenges and joys. As parents navigate the complexities of raising children, establishing effective routines becomes crucial. One powerful framework that has gained popularity is the S.A.V.E.R.S. routine, a holistic approach to personal development introduced by Hal Elrod in his book “The Miracle Morning.” In this blog, we’ll explore…
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dc-probate-attorney · 9 months
Nurturing the Future - Parenting in a Marriage
Parenting is a journey filled with wonder, challenges, and boundless love. When a couple embarks on this adventure together within the framework of a marriage, they are tasked with the incredible responsibility of shaping the future. In this article, we explore the intricacies of parenting within a marriage, highlighting the joys, the hurdles, and the strategies that can help couples thrive as…
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dymitre · 1 month
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Why did you leave us Gummigoo? 💔
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mummah · 10 months
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