iyelnats · 10 years
It's been a while...
This is the first time I've been on my personal for months. I'm on tumblr constantly, but it's for role-playing purposes.
If you'd like to RP with me head on over here to check out where I RP, or request to RP with one of my inactive characters! 
I've also updated and put links up for my fics here, so feel free to check that out if you haven't already. 
Prompts are always welcomed into my askbox, check out some of my ships here. I'm open to suggestions for ships. Prompts will be filled when I feel inspired to write that certain prompt.
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iyelnats · 10 years
Glenn wants to know how Daryl really feels.
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iyelnats · 10 years
Daryl and Glenn have an interesting encounter in the woods that may change their relationship.
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iyelnats · 10 years
Daryl doesn't want to dance. But He'll do it for Glenn.
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iyelnats · 10 years
Glenn knows what he wants, and he knows how to get it. He's not as innocent as he looks.
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iyelnats · 10 years
Daryl is different when he's sober.
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iyelnats · 10 years
Glenn will remember his lover...even after he's gone.
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iyelnats · 11 years
I really love your writing and I just wanted to say thanks :3 x
What exactly am I being thanked for? Regardless, No, thank you. I'm glad you love it! It's what I do it for,  for others to enjoy.
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iyelnats · 11 years
I've made an AO3 Account, find my work there! There's more I'll be posting later. [My Darlenn-The Walking Dead fandom work.]
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iyelnats · 11 years
Tumblr media
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iyelnats · 11 years
The list had seen more action in the field than Leo Fitz had, at this point. All crumpled and scribbled on. Grant had even lost The List a few times, but he always found it in the end.
The List so far:
Slow Dance
Go to an art gallery
Sex dinner in the candelight
Be helpful in the lab
'The Relationship With Leo Fitz List' is a community prompt driven fic based on Grant Ward keeping a list of things he'd like to accomplish while in a relationship with Leo Fitz. So come add to the list!
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iyelnats · 11 years
So I've decided to start a 'Relationship With Leo Fitz List' series. It will basically be prompts strung together in the form of Grant Ward writing a list of things he would like to happen with his lovely lab nerd Leo Fitz, and slowly crossing them off. Most, if not all, of the things on the list will come from you all, the community! So I'd appreciate any prompt at all for them!
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iyelnats · 11 years
After that last one I'm sort of interested in starting a "Relationship w/ Leo Fitz List" Series....
I'd probably start accepting little Fitzward prompts that people think should be on the list.
Yes, No? Anyone interested?
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iyelnats · 11 years
Grant Ward/Leo Fitz- Quickie in the lab
This was my first time writing smut and agerthetesegt I don't know. I think I've come to the conclusion full on smut isn't my specialty. Reading it over I realized this is filled with headcanons, gosh... Hope you like it!? 
It was going to be a long night; Fitz had already come to terms with this while tinkering away in the lab. Everyone else has enjoyed their off duty day, everyone else gotten to do what they wanted, but no. Fitz’s work ethic got in the way of him enjoying himself. He sighed, placing the night-night pistol onto the lab table as the sound of the lab door being opened caught his attention.
“Agent Ward.” Fitz nodded at the man entering his lab, hands coming up to fidget in front of his chest. “Is there somethin’ you needed?” The aforementioned agent simply shook his head, leaning against the lab table. “Watch where you sit, you’ll set me back on-“ The complaint was cut off as the young Scottish brunette was pulled flush against the taller field agent. This action earned him a quiet yelp from the smaller man, bringing a smirk to his face.
“Everyone’s asleep, Leo. You can cut the act.” This statement was met with hesitated compliance as Fitz slowly relaxed into the embrace.
“As you should be too, Grant.” He still hadn’t got completely used to calling his lover by his name. He was still the wondrous Agent Ward in his eyes. “Back to the ol’ work grind in the mornin’.” Fitz reached up to swipe lightly across Ward’s chin with a closed hand.
“You know, you’re getting real handsy lately.” Ward had commented, catching the hand to kiss the knuckles affectionately. This display of affection was something no one else saw and knowing that never failed to bring a smile to the engineers face.
“Oh, am I? I daresay you’re gettin’ rather tender lately.”  The smile hadn’t removed itself from his face as he poked the muscular man’s chest. ’Definitely not tender…’ The accusation had only elicited something between a chuckle and a snort. “Besides, I could be a lot handsier.” Fitz had attempted at what was supposed to be a seductive eyebrow wiggle, trailing his hand down the man’s firm chest. Sexiness still wasn’t a key point in Fitz’s appeal, but damn if he didn’t give it effort when he was in that mood.  
“Really now?” Ward questioned quirking an eyebrow up at the younger man. Fitz’s hand had now reached below his belt, a firm grip now on his jean clad bulge.
“Did you think I didn’t see this when you walked in?” There was a squeeze to emphasize what he was talking about.
Ward let out a shaky breath, leaning his forehead against the others. “No, I mean…I didn’t think…” He pulled back to look Fitz in the crystal blue eyes, ““In the lab, Leo?” This would definitely be unexplored territory; territory that Ward thought Fitz would never even get in the vicinity of.
This seemed to bring a sudden wave of realization over the engineer, grip going lax. Ward had groaned in turn, instantly regretting speaking up. “You’re right. What if someone wakes up, what if they see. We’d be fired.” The attempt to back away was no use; Ward had him held firmly in place, wedging a thigh between his legs. “Oh, Grant.” The rutting had begun as the muscular thigh of one Agent Grant Ward pressed just there. “We-“ His worries had only been shushed as he tried to muffle the moan daring to echo in the otherwise quiet lab.
Ward was surely trying to kill him, shifting his leg in a practiced way he knew drove Fitz crazy. The first time they had been together, Fitz did everything entirely by himself: just him and Ward’s thigh. This had left him red in the face but Ward had insistedit was fine. “We’ll make it quick. It’ll be fine.” The height difference was ever so apparent as Ward leaned down to kiss at his lab nerd’s neck, soothing him. “Agree, Leo.”      
Fitz could hardly manage an agreement through his soft mewling, falling apart already, but it was there. The floodgates were open now as Ward launched into action. Fitz’s lab coat and button-up had already been busted open. Ward would never hear the end of it later, he knew this in the back of his mind, but right now gettin rid of clothes as fast as possible was his main objective. The cool metal pressed against Fitz’s heated skin as he was pushed against the lab table, kisses being peppered down his bare back. Ward was a rough lover a lot of the time; not inconsiderately so, he always made sure Fitz was comfortable, but rough. And though you’d never hear him admit it, Fitz loved the way the bigger man handled him.
 The field agent would never forget the high pitched squealhe received as his tongue pressed against the smaller man’s entrance. This too, he would receive criticism on later. (“But…how could you enjoy doin’ that, Grant?” “You seemed to enjoy getting it done plenty, Leo.” A red face and silence.)  Blunt nails scrapped helplessly against the table; Fitz looking for something to grip as he felt could simply float away right now. “Don’t draw this out, please. Just…” Ward could tell he was biting his lip at this very moment, muffling the whimpers he couldn’t hold in any longer. Any other time would be a time for teasing, forcing Fitz to beg and fall to pieces under the pleasure, but now it was a time of spontaneity that required speed.  
“It’s your lucky day.” He said, pressing a final kiss to his now spit-slick opening as he rose from his crouched position. He let out a whistle, one hand firmly gripping one cheek of Fitz’s ass, the other pushing his pants and underwear down to pool around his ankles.
“Now is not the time to be admiring my anus, for Christ’s sake man just put it in me.” Fitz could be aggressive when he got impatient, and he was definitely not a patient man while he was lying exposed in his lab.
Ward chuckled, shaking his head as he pressed his hard member against Fitz’s puckered hole teasingly. “Just never use that word when we’re together again.”  
“It’s the proper term! Stop teas–“ A gasp escaped his lips as he felt Ward entering him, just as thick and filling as he remembered. “Don’t stop,” Fitz moaned, pushing himself up onto his elbows. He knew Ward would try to give him time to adjust to the intrusion. “We’ve no time.” He obliged to the request to an extent, withdrawing and pushing back into the tightness at a slower pace. “C’mon, big guy,” Fitz smirked, craning his neck to look at Ward, “I know you can do better than that…or perhaps your age is catchin’ up with you?” That was all it took to kick the man into overdrive, drawing Fitz up with an arm around his chest.
“You’re not that much younger than me.” Ward growled, punctuating each word with a powerful thrust. He knew he’d found the right spot when Fitz let out an involuntary oh louder than he should have. The Scotsman was immediately reaching between his legs, grasping his erection and pumping away at it without abandon. This was an every man for himself situation; survival of the fittest, or fastest rather.
The neck sucking had begun, admittedly one of Fitz favorite actions, until he had to steal concealer from one of the girls to cover up the vicious red marks left behind. “You leave a mark on me and I’ll be sure your pistol is always a nanogram off weight, Agent Ward.”  Fitz threatened, voice pitching up in the end.
“Come for me, Leo. I know you’re close. I can feel it from inside you.” Ward was whispering in his ear now, circling his hips so the head of his cock was rubbing just right inside of Fitz. The pulsing inside his lover was slowly bringing him to his end quickly after a long day of holding himself back.  “Just let go.” Ward was determined to win this game of Make Engineer Leo Fitz Come in Under 10 Minutes.
The breathy noises that he emitted were surely an attempt at a comeback, but all that did come were ropes of milky white substance, splattering on the floor of the lab. Ward had immediately clasped a hand around Fitz’s mouth, knowing he could be quite vocal at times like this. If it wasn’t the tight clamp around his dick, then it was the rumbling of moans trying to escape the young man’s mouth that was the incentive for Ward to continue, not far behind his lover. Surprisingly, Ward cumming inside of Fitz was never something he had a problem with. He held those slender white hips, riding out his orgasm, fingers sure to leave a mark. (“This is off, isn’t it?” “I told you not to mark me.” “No one can even see it!”)
Fitz was now back to laying on the cool metal of the table as he was earlier, sighing at the sensation of Ward withdrawing from him. “Eight minutes, thirty-four seconds.” Ward declared, taking off his shirt to help clean up what he could.
Fitz was puzzled for a moment, pulling up his pants and holding his, now button-less, button-down closed. He gave him a deadpan look, absolutely astonished by the man. “You timed us?”
“Told you we’d be quick.” Ward smirked, pecking the short man on the lips before pulling him along to his room.
Ward had crossed off #17 on his Relationship with Leo Fitz list before bed:
 Quickie in the lab.
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iyelnats · 11 years
Fitzward about that poker game (better from Ward's POV), if you could :)
I'm not sure this was the direction you wanted me to go with it but it's what I got from the prompt and I'm sorry it sucks. It's my first time writing them and  first time from coming back from a bit of a retirement from writing fics.
His hand dug into the bowl of pretzels, taking a single one and placing it into his mouth…awkwardly. I took a moment to admire the way his lips, perfectly and pink and oh-so soft looking, opened and shut, chewing slowly at the snack. Maybe the slow and purposeful movements along with the crunch that resounded around our otherwise silent bus was meant to be intimidating. But Leo is up against a trained field agent here, no amount of lab work could help him in this situation. My expression unflinching, I tapped my cards before glancing down.  “I call… And raise a hundred.” The noise the chips make as I drop them into the pot joins his crunching on the pretzel. He displays a quick unexpected smirk, humming to himself as he places the bowl of pretzels down.  “You know how I know I’m going to beat you?” He says, examining his cards. I never factored in that maybe he could pull some sciencey-math stuff to win. Keep your cool.
 “By losing?”
He throws his cards down, looking me straight in the eyes. “You have a tell.” I match his stare, which is difficult. Looking at him too long always brought up…thoughts. But now was definitely not the time to be thinking of that. “A psychological tick that lets me know you’re bluffing.” He continues, as if I didn’t know what the term meant. Those eyes of his squint ever so slightly, still maintaining the stare. Now I’m back to thinking of his eyes. Sometimes green, sometimes blue, I could never nail down what they were exactly. That endearing accent draws me back into focus, “If I watch you carefully.” He’s slouched over awkwardly now, looking for my supposed tell. “If I watch you carefully.” He repeats, louder this time.
There’s a few moments before he looks away, hurriedly standing from his seat and nearly running from the game. “I fold, you win.” I’m left alone, confused and mouth agape. I wasn’t planning on winning this easily. I take my chance to watch him walk away as my prize.  
In the morning, he blurts something out about glasses and Skye seeing him naked. She yells out his name, but I’m still focused on the Leo Fitz naked part of it all. One day.
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