izachipanda · 4 years
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun parody ayyy!!! Will might upload more soon..? ôwô
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izachipanda · 4 years
Asmo stans after playing the new lessons realizing they can kiss all the brothers except Asmo AGAIN
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izachipanda · 4 years
So much of managing your mental health is just…learning to parent yourself like you’re a toddler
Like, “Honey, it’s 10 pm and you’ve been up since four in the morning, no wonder you’re emotional. Plus all you’ve had to eat today was three chocolate truffles and a half a protein drink. Make yourself some scrambled eggs and peas, you can even put them in separate bowls so they don’t touch. Then go to bed. You can do more fun things tomorrow, but first you need to sleep. Okay?”
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izachipanda · 4 years
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A simple guide to picking a great color palette. No matter what the colors are, using colors that are certain distances from each other on the color wheel result in a great contrast of colors. The simple color schemes shown above are used in the most popular logos, posters, websites, paintings, and even movies and television.
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izachipanda · 4 years
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⇝ obey me lockscreens
⇝ like/reblog if you save
⇝ @/bakunoswke on twitter
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izachipanda · 4 years
Hey. Do you need a hug?
Maybe you’re having a stressful day. Maybe you just need a deep breath. Maybe you just didn’t realize how stressed you are. It’s okay! You deserve love and warmth in your life.
Are you comforted by words? 
Here’s an Emergency Compliment
Here are some kind words you can personalize with your name 
Here are 15 more emergency compliments 
Here is a Self Esteem Boosting Confidence Machine 
take a moment - video 
believe in yourself - video 
Inspiration from Jacksepticeye - PMA 
encouragement from Mr. Rogers - video 
you are ENOUGH - video 
Do you need to hear some pleasant ambient sounds?
How about rain sounds you can customize? 
You can listen to a cafe here  
or how about a crackling fireplace?  
ASMR? Stimming? 
Soap cutting ASMR - video 
more soap ASMR - video 
a 4 hour ASMR video to help with sleep 
ASMR face and scalp massage - video
ASMR slime - video 
the most satisfying video in the world 
more satisfying videos 
Lora Zombie speed painting - video 
Agnes Cecile speed painting - video  
the fastest workers in the world - video 
how candy canes are made - video 
Mr. Rogers shows how crayons are made - video 
How about a game or activity distraction?
Play 2048 here 
A whole website of free games!  
play chess against a computer 
Here are some coloring pages you can do online!  
Play Flow online here 
here’s a game where you stretch a giraffe’s little neck to give kisses 
Learn about the history of life on earth with PBS Eons 
Do you need something soothing?
Control the pattern of rain here! (flashing colors warning)
try doing nothing for two minutes 
Vent to a stranger online for FREE!  
weavesilk, where you can create a soothing pattern 
have you ever been to the nicest place on the internet? 
watch Bob Ross bring joy to painting - playlist 
How about a laugh?
Vines you can show your grandparents 
History of the entire world, I guess  
History of Japan 
Rhett and Link caption fails 
Thomas Sanders Vines 
The Demented Cartoon Movie (warning for flashing colors) 
The ASDF movie 1-11 
The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon by Richard Gale  (warnings for some bruises and some violence)
Rhett and Link VS Hank Green - SHUT UP AND DANCE 
It’s going to be okay. Today may be the worst day of your life - but tomorrow won’t be. Life is a series of ups and downs, and that means there’s going to be good and bad. Drink some water, let yourself cry if you need to, and get a good night’s sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning. 
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izachipanda · 4 years
i love cats
you have long cat (serval)
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ear cat (sand cat)
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small evil cat (black footed cat)
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spherical cat (pallas cat)
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cat who probably watches makeup tutorials on youtube (caracal)
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very round cat (leopardus guigna)
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water cat (fishing cat)
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cat with socks (leopardus colocolo)
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grayscale cat (geoffroy’s cat)
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and let’s not forget revolver cat (ocelot)
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izachipanda · 4 years
Open Collab [Obey Me x Cinderella]
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You can insert you Obey Me Mc here~
Just credit/tag me, I want to too your creations 👀💦
Also these are my design of Cinderella outfits, I made two version 🤗
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(Of course, you can use your own Cinderella design too 👀💦)
Edit: I forget to add the link to my google drive... you can find the pic with better quality here~ https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1914mm7k8m5l2iJWJks-x6nIZzkqZgbVc
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izachipanda · 4 years
It's Lucifer's birthday today yay! Happy Birthday Luci!
But I'll be honest. I'm kinda dissapointed with the Dev. Yeah yeah I know, maybe they started the events and all with Luci cause he's the first born yada yada yada. But they favors him too much. Yeah I know, he has the most fans and he can generate more income to the dev team but come on.
Asmo's birthday was last month. And Levi's was before.
I just hope the Dev will REALLY keep up their promise to the events for each boys from now on as they promised on Twitter.
Rant over. u_u
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izachipanda · 4 years
Hey! Good luck w this whole writing thing ! Can I have some soft asmo headcanons pls 🥺🥺🥺 I love the him
𝘢𝘴𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘦𝘶𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘵𝘪𝘦 (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
hiya! i love the him too, anon 😔 baby asmo doesn’t get enough love. thank you for the lovely request and the well wishes ! ♡
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✧  He’s a big flirt with everyone, but he’s inclined to compliment you in more meaningful ways. Asmodeus always finds himself softly cooing over how sweet you are and how much he loves the way your eyes shine when you get excited, or how perfectly you fit in his arms. His words are never empty.
✧  You can always feel him smiling when he kisses you, and if you place your hand over his heart, you can feel it racing too. You are his whole world.
✧  He loves gently taking a lock of your hair and kissing it when he wants your attention, gazing at you through his thick lashes. It’s so obvious how smitten he is when he gives you that look, and you think you fall in love with him all over again when you see it.
✧  Please be gentle with him, you’re the only one who has his heart. Despite his experience with lust and breaking hearts, he lacks any experience in reciprocating feelings, and looks to you for encouragement. He’s like an excited puppy in the way he tries to win your heart and make you happy, losing his mind when you let him know he’s done something right! He’ll cover your face in kisses because making you happy makes him happier than he’s ever been.
✧  He easily worries when he thinks he’s upset you and comes running back to you with his tail between his legs and a bouquet of roses in his arms, asking if you’re mad at him :-( He lavishes you in presents and back rubs and probably even begs on his knees for forgiveness if that’s what you ask. Asmodeus never wants to give you a reason to leave him.
✧  Asmodeus wants to be with you so bad! He’ll do anything and everything he can to get you in his arms, stealing you away from the rest of his brothers to bring you shopping and on all kinds of dates to convince you that he’s better than any of them! 
✧  (Please, tell him that he’s better than any of them, he needs to hear it from you.)
✧  Being starved for meaningful affection, Asmodeus just wants to always know how much he means to you. He wants to know how much you love him, if you’re as charmed by him as he is by you… In quiet moments, he’ll softly lean his head on your shoulder and ask if you really love him? Asmo just needs to hold your hand and lace your fingers together, feeling your love and warmth.
✧  He makes it a point to fall asleep last when you share his bed. He wants to take his time admiring your beauty in the silence, how perfectly you fit in his arms… Asmodeus finds himself lovingly stroking your cheek with his thumb, tracing his fingertips over your brow and the elegant bridge of your nose, down towards your lush lips. Everything about you is perfect to him, and it drives him crazy. It’s almost unbelievable that someone like you would genuinely want to give your heart to him… almost. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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izachipanda · 4 years
.... Now I'm the one who can't sleep thinking these questions....
Literally no one asked for this but I got this prompt and it this was really fun to write so
Demon brother’s reaction to existential question at 1 am
For once in the few months you two have been together did he get to sleep at a reasonable time
The lights were off and you were both lying down when your voice broke the silence
“Hey Lucifer?
“Yes love?”
“If you drop soap on the floor, is the floor clean or the soap dirty?”
He literally gets up, turns on the light and just looks at you
“What are you talking about?”
“This is a serious question! Which is it!?”
Tells you to shush and go to bed because he doesn’t want to deal with this at 1 am
Probably up thinking about it and in the morning he’ll respond
You decide what you’d think he say because honestly,I think Lucifer would probably say either
You two? Sleeping at a reasonable time? Yeah it doesn’t happen
You were laying down and watching a movie when you asked though
“Mammon, is the “s” or the “c” silent in the word “scent”? ”
He’s so confused and you two will have a debate over which one because now you’re both really confused
“I’m telling you it’s the c”
“No Y/N it’s the s!”
You eventually go ask Lucifer but he tells you that you both are ridiculous and to go to bed
“Levi I have a question”
“Would Lightning McQueen buy car insurance or life insurance?”
Congrats you broke Levi
He just kind of sits there, looking at you in complete confusion because he doesn’t know
“Wouldn’t it be life insurance since he’s the car?”
“Yeah but it could also be car insurance since he’s literally a car”
You two decide to ask Satan and he tells you both are technically correct so it doesn’t matter
Doesn’t help because you’re both still really confused
You both were about to fall asleep in his room when you moved and lightly shook him
He sat up, worried that something happened but when he realized you looked fine he relaxed
“Are you ok? What’s wrong?”
“If two mind readers read each other’s mind, whose mind are they really reading?”
“…Please go to bed”
“But it’s important”
“I’m begging you to go to bed. And I’ll answer in the morning”
You agree because you want to know, he doesn’t ever give you an answer because he doesn’t know how to respond
“Hey Asmo”
“Yes darling?”
“If Cinderella’s shoe fit perfectly, why did it fall off?”
He is about to go on a full on rant about how dumb that part of Cinderella is
He knows it’s just for the plot and everything but how does it fit perfectly if it fell in the first place???
You’re going to have to convince him to talk about something else because he’s about to talk about that subject for hours and now you’re getting tired
He was in the middle of eating a snack when you decided to ask him
“Why is there a “d” in fridge but not in refrigerator?”
Confused hungry noises
He just wanted food why did you have to make him think this late
“Maybe they forgot the letter?”
“That would make so much sense… but it’s kinda dumb”
He agrees so you guys can eat food because he’s starving and doesn’t know how to react to the question
You actually woke him up when you asked him
He was in a bad mood until he saw you so he gave you a tired smile and asked what was wrong
“Who closes the bus door once the bus driver gets off?”
“…Did you actually wake me up for that question?”
“Yeah because I’m curious”
Doesn’t say anything else
Just gives you a kiss and goes back to bed and hopes you’ll go back to bed too :)
He’ll ask his brothers in the morning so he can give you an answer though
But he’s still not sure himself
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izachipanda · 4 years
Incorrect Obey Me! Quote #113
Satan: “Give me some words of encouragement so I don’t murder Mammon, right this second.”
MC: “There are no cats in jail.”
Satan: “Thank you.”
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izachipanda · 4 years
Luke: When I was your age-
Beelzebub: When I was your height-
Luke: [ storms out ]
Luke, coming back with a step stool: LISTEN-
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izachipanda · 4 years
House of Lamentation’s Guide To Troubled Birds
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izachipanda · 4 years
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That's my whole game so far.
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izachipanda · 4 years
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izachipanda · 4 years
Since I see a lot of people are confused as to how Satan was born, was he a baby, did Lucifer actually give birth to him and such questions, I’m here to summarise all the things the developers have said over DMs + a summary of how I see things based on canon.
The Obey Me! devs said that Satan started forming in Lucifer’s heart while he was still in the Celestial Realm. He was basically feeding off of Lucifer’s worst traits, his pride and anger and all that negative emotions. And then Lucifer got so mad (mid war?) that the rage inside of him manifested its own body. Thus Satan was born. (kinda like the anime split personality trope?)
He was the Satan we know today, just with less personality. Since he is part of Lucifer, he holds some of his old memories/feelings (because he states he liked Lilith even though he has never seen her).
And over the years (since they’re basically super old) he developed an identity; at first all he had were Lucifer’s worst traits and anger, but he managed to find himself, to find the things he enjoys (cats, books, etc) and to become an absolute individual.
*also I think the developers said that Satan is older than Asmo, Beel and Belphie because he started forming inside Luci’s heart way before the upper three were born.
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