Let’s see, salut comrades! Needless to say I am quite new to tumblr as a whole, and thought I might as well ramble on about my new favorite game I’ve been in love with; Genshin Impact.
I adore the Honkai-Verse and have been blown away by their games thus far, but miHoYo has absolutely knocked it out of the park with Genshin. I probably spend far too much time playing, but alas, I want to explain my ultimate Genshin dream team!
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So I have this obsessive format I created in my mind when it comes down to a dream team and how to set up my party, so for reference I always go in the order from top to bottom, Mc, an archer, optional, and then a claymore user. Pretty simple, and my dream team is pretty run of the mill but I can’t think of anything else so why not!
First Off: MC; Aether!
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So I chose Aether out of the two twins, (the male player as opposed to the female player), for no other reason than I thought he looked cool and was presented as the main character in the Genshin promotional trailers, so I clicked away!
In my opinion I think him and Lumine are easily the most powerful fighters in the game because of their ability, (depending on who you chose as your protagonist), to resonate with any one of the seven elemental abilities. That said, there’s obviously some leanway with this because you have to unlock those regions to gain access to those abilities, and it’s just my opinion!
I just tend to keep any MC in my fighting team on impulse, so there’s not much else I can comment on, other than I think Aether is a tad underrated compared to Lumine but ability wise they’re exactly the same and play the exact same role, so the only argument there is to make is just simply who you prefer!
Archer Spot: Childe! (Tartaglia)
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I was ecstatic when Childe was released as a playable character, and even more pumped when I played his test run. I think he’s the most useful archer, in terms of strength. (Though when it comes to completing quests, amber takes the cake because of how much she’s required!)
I like that you can switch from duel blades to a bow so you don’t become immediately screwed over when you get charged at. Also, in other words I, like most people, just think he’s dope as hell!
[Spoiler] I’m already heart broken over his betrayal that I haven’t even gotten to yet lmfao. BuT aRen’t wE all, aTleast we get to use his Mora!
Optional: (Probably) Kaeya!
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So Kaeya is great from becoming a mini Jesus and walking on water, but besides that he came in extremely handy when facing off against the Electro Hypostasis during the Adventure Rank 25 Ascension Quest, when at the time I didn’t have any other frost flavored fighters.
I have a mega bias for this guy because let’s be real, I think he’s hot like the gay weeb I am, but I’ll be classy and explain! With the combination of Childe’s water element, Kaeya becomes far more useful because of course you can freeze your enemie after they’ve been affected by Hydro. A good and convenient combination, though of course this spot is optional.
Some of my other favorite fighters that I currently own include Sucrose, Beidou, and Razor! Of course I adore them all though, except Lisa. Her character? Great! Her fighting ability? Oh my god stab my eyes out. That’s probably putting it a little harsh but you get what I mean. Anyways, moving onto the last but DEFINITELY not least;
Claymore User: Diluc!
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Let’s be real, who doesn’t want Diluc? He’s strong as all hell and will set your ass ablaze in .5 seconds, literally. (Even more reason to have Childe, he sets everyone on fire.)
I unfortunately was unable to pull him in the time he was available, which granted would have been impressive given the .6% chance drop rate for all five star characters, but hey a guy never stops dreaming. But anyways, besides me gushing over all the characters, Diluc is an extremely powerful character and I desperately want to make use of his Pyro, which pairs very well with Anemo abilities when doing attack combinations.
I also love any character that uses a claymore type weapon not only for mining but because they are really damn good at demolishing anything in their path. Pair that with a flaming blaze and you got a damn good fighter!
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Well, if you actually read all my spewing, thank you! Basically in summary I love genshin, and all of its characters, and I also have WAYYY too much time in my hands!
I’m glad my first post (or blog I think it’s called), could be something I’m passionate about, even if it is just ritirations of what every Genshin player already probably wishes for. Still, I think my friends got tired of my rambling so why not!
Anyways, have a wonderful night, Traveler!
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