lixthenala · 1 year
Sims 3 crooked kind challenge
Gen. 1: Ismark the Lesser
- Male generation
- must have: loser, athletic and skeptic of the supernatural traits.
- must have the firefighter career but never max it
- must master athletics skill
- must die before the birth of the next heir.
Gen. 2: Pyx the cursed
- Female generation
- Must have: unstable, collector and fan of the supernatural traits
- Must not know father
- Must be enemies with mother and physically fight her once before moving out
- Must become a vampire later in life
- Must complete the private museum lifetime aspiration
Gen. 3: Doru the concerned
- male generation
- Must be a wizard
- Must have: hates children, hopeless romantic and night owl traits
- Must be close with father until adulthood where you have to grow apart
- Final partner must have green thumb trait
- Must max alchemy skill
- Must finish the master alchemist lifetime aspiration
Gen. 4: Cianna the protective
- Female generation
- Must be wizard
- Must have: nurturing, good and hopeless romantic traits
- Must get along with parents
- Must have a small garden
- Must become enemies with a horse
- Must max charisma skill
- Must complete mystical healer lifetime aspiration
Gen. 5: nessrin the unfocused
- Female generation
- Must have: easily distracted, excitable and easily impressed traits
- Must have a flower garden with every different type of flower/collect all the wildflowers
- Must reach lvl 5 of 3 different jobs
- Must be close with mother
- Must agree to every second whim
- Must finish the super popular aspiration
Gen. 6: Averoq the flaming
- Male generation
- Must have: hot headed, loner and daredevil traits
- Must hate Both parents
- Must own every fire hazardous thing in the game.
- Must reach lvl 10 of the firefighter career
- Must have a small garden filled with flame fruit plants
- Must master charisma skill
- Must complete the explorer extraordinaire lifetime aspiration
Gen. 7. Danya the devourer
- Must have a wine garden with every type of grape in the game
- Must have failing grades throughout all schooling
- Must master the martial arts skill
- Must have a bar in your home
- Must have a crow as a pet and train it to say at least 2 separate things
- Must be in but never reach the top of the professional Chef career
- Must get fired from said career before the end of adulthood
- Must die and come back to life at least once
Gen. 8: Tatiana the loved
I was planning to add more generation but I never got around to it. I doubt anyone but me would play this but hey what do I know it could be fun to have a story to go off of that’s why the not so berry challenge works so well!
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lixthenala · 1 year
I made a sims 3 Challenge based on my longest running campaign but now I’ve finally gotten myself the sims 4 with some expansions so idk I might make a version of the challenge for the sims 4
Although I don’t have vampires so one of the generations might need to be scrapped or redone.
Idk if any of y’all would like to see it or try it yourself but I’d love to share it if anyone is curious
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lixthenala · 2 years
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Weirdest drawing in a while.
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lixthenala · 2 years
if you’re neurodivergent and have a special interest/hyperfixation that ISN’T anime or games, reblog and put in the tags what it is!
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lixthenala · 2 years
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A bit of art for those that care Lel
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lixthenala · 2 years
Idk if it’s just me being weird or something but after my last partner broke up with me I was immediately sad, not about not being with her specially but more so that I didn’t have a partner because I had just started getting comfortable with relationships and then it was over
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lixthenala · 3 years
Does anyone else just feel such an indescribable loneliness that can only be satiated by cuddles and then once the opportunity arises for said cuddles you just kinda disassociate so it feels like it didn’t even happen.
Cuz I do
Like it’s either that or I In the moment get so overwhelmed by the comfort I just have to cry which makes the other person worry for my well being and then when they ask if I’m okay I can’t even answer them because the tears are causing me to mutter unintelligibly as I try to explain that I don’t know.
Or is that just me?
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lixthenala · 3 years
Hey guys it’s been a while huh XD
Ya prolly didn’t really realize I was even gone because tbh I completely forgot about this app’s existence until I accidentally tapped on it yesterday Lel! But yeah stuff happens and I’ve gotten better at art since last I posted here are some of my more recent drawings! Hopefully I’ll start posting more with this Lel.
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lixthenala · 4 years
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lixthenala · 4 years
2021 Mood ✍️
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lixthenala · 4 years
I HATE seeing posters, especially around schools, that say “failure is not an option”. Fuck that. Failure is always an option. It’s okay to fail. You will fail in life at some point. You need to prepare yourself for failure or else once you do fail, it will destroy you and you won’t know how to pick yourself up. Failure is a part of life. Failure is always an option.
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lixthenala · 4 years
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lixthenala · 4 years
“you can’t tell someone’s sexuality from their appearance” there was a girl on the bus with electric blue hair in an undercut, 6 piercings in one ear, rainbow converse, and a ‘punch a fascist’ pin on her backpack it’s physically impossible for that person to be straight
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lixthenala · 4 years
My sociology professor had a really good metaphor for privilege today. She didn’t talk about race or gender or orientation or class, she talked about being left-handed.
A left-handed person walks into most classrooms and immediately is made aware of their left-handedness - they have to sit in a left-handed seat, which restricts their choices of where to sit. If there are not enough left-handed seats, they will have to sit in a right-handed seat and be continuously aware of their left-handedness. (There are other examples like left-handed scissors or baseball mitts as well.)
Meanwhile, right-handed people have much more choice about where to sit, and almost never have to think about their right-handedness.
Does this mean right-handed people are bad? No.
Does it mean that we should replace all right-handed desks with left-handed desks? No.
But could we maybe use different desk styles that can accommodate everyone and makes it so nobody has limited options or constant awareness that they are different? Yes.
Now think of this as a metaphor. For social class. For race. For ethnicity. For gender. For orientation. For anything else that sets us apart.
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lixthenala · 4 years
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lixthenala · 4 years
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lixthenala · 4 years
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