jeanyuri · 8 years
Okay but an AU where Yuri is unbelievably oblivious lmao
Like one day he’s super distracted during practice. He’s flubbing jumps he can do in sleep, only giving halfhearted retorts to Yakov’s yelling, etc. until someone (Mila) finally asks him what’s on his mind during a waterbreak and he’s just like “Well, I know this’ll sound crazy but… I think JJ’s been… Flirting with me recently.”
And everyone around them just stops and stares at him in disbelief, even his coaches, until Mila finally breaks the silence with “…You can’t be serious. He’s been flirting with you for literal years, like debatably since the day you met.”
And Yuri’s just all scoffs and scowls as he skates off to resume practice because there’s no way that’s true bc there’s no way he wouldn’t have noticed??? Rip JJ
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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Talking with my sister a while ago like “I’m not sure if Yuri’s grandpa has ever met JJ, but he DEFINITELY knows who he is.” 
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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Pliroy Week~  8th: Free AU Day!
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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Pliroy Week 2017 - Day 6 : DOMESTIC
At wala ng iba pang mas mahalaga Sa tamis na dulot ng pag-ibig Nating dal'wa
(And there’s nothing else more precious Than the sweetness of our romance)
“Panalangin” (Prayer) - Moonstar88 (Originally by APO Hiking Society)
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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The AO3 Tag of the Day is: Do they at least notice when they skip to the lovers part
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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Pliroy Week 2017 - Day 1 : BIRTHDAY
I wake you up with some breakfast in bed I’ll bring you coffee With a kiss on your head
“Say You Won’t Let Go" by James Arthur
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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Pliroy Week 2017 - Day 4 : PROMISE
I found a thrill to press my cheek to A thrill that I have never known
“At Last” by Etta James
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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My Day 4 entry for Pliroy Week! This is a little more of an abstract expression of emotion than a narrative work, but BASICALLY, every time I think about Yuri’s emotional connection with the pain of unkept promises and JJ’s correspondent bone-deep commitment to always keeping his word? I fold like a house of cards beneath the crushing weight of my fucking love for this ship. SO, let Yuri become tender and unguarded in the face of JJ’s deep sincerity when he promises to never, ever go back on his word. \o/
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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♠ Pliroy Week 2017 ♠ Day 1 : Birthday ♠
I’m super late because of college work and commissions, but here’s my submission for day 1 of Pliroy Week. 
JJ got Yuri a kitty for his birthday, and kittens always make Yuri emotional, especially if they’re going to be his. But JJ didn’t quite expect that reaction from Yuri…
I’m not really satisfied with this drawing doodle, and I actually at first refused to post it but well, I guess I’m still doing it ?
Hope you like it.
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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er Yurio is not a big fan of JJ
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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i didnt think my first yuri on ice fanart would be something like this but at the same time i dont regret it
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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The Lion and The Tiger. (°◡°♡).:。
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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jeanyuri · 8 years
omg!! happy 500 ♡ ummm how bout switching jj and yurio?
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What do you call [???]? YY-style? YP-style? Yuri Angels-style?????
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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same as last time but i gave them their own canvases U uU
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jeanyuri · 8 years
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jeanyuri · 8 years
You’ve heard of Hades and Persephone, now get ready for
JJ and Yuri.
or Yuri and JJ. 
No, really. 
Jean-Jacques is the God of the Underworld, who finds himself the unluckiest one between his two bros—Michele, God of Thunder and Lightning, and Emil, God of the Sea—as he inherited the dank world of the dead instead of the shining kingdom of Mount Olympus or even the sparkling kingdom of the oceans. He’s torn between complaining (“C’mon, Mickey, just one day!” “No.” “You don’t even enjoy being the king!” “YEAH BECAUSE YOUR WILY SISTER SARA IS FLIRTING LEFT AND RIGHT WITH EVERYTHING THAT MOVES” “You’re exaggerating and you know it.”) and enjoying it (“You know what? To hell with them. I’VE got the biggest kingdom AND I’m the richest!” “That’s the spirit, JJ!” “And I don’t have to listen to Mickey rant about Sara in my palace!” “… Yeah, I’ll admit, I’m kinda jealous, JJ.”).
Yuri is the unlucky grandson of Nikolai, God of the Corn—unlucky in the sense that he doesn’t exactly want to be a harvest deity. He dreams of being a badass god of something, but unfortunately, growing crops isn’t exactly intimidating unless you make them as tall as trees and Grandpa doesn’t approve of that. (“But why not? It’d be cool!” “Yurochka, we’re not feeding giant-sized mortals.” “We could feed the giants themselves…” “They can feed themselves just fine. Now keep plowing.”) He wants to be taken seriously as a deity, but with his flower-blooming powers and uncanny ability to attract cute wildlife, he fears he’ll forever be known as that one pretty god. (“I AM NOT A GIRL YOU ASS”)
When the mischievous God of Love, Viktor, decides to shoot an arrow into JJ’s heart and make him spontaneously kidnap Yuri (“VIKTOR YOU PRICK I’LL KILL YOU JJ YOU IDIOT LET GO OF MY LEG”), all of the pantheon breaks loose. (“… You know, I think, for once, Viktor’s idea was great.” “I agree.” “Good luck, Yurio!”)
Sort of.
Soon, the temporary love spell is broken and JJ is more than willing to return Yuri to his worried grandfather after all the trouble he’s caused, but unfortunately, Yuri’s decided he isn’t leaving until he gets a better power from the God of the Underworld himself. (“Let’s switch places! You probably suck as the Lord of the Dead anyway!” “… I’ll have you know I take full offense to that.”)
Yuri is the cranky God of the Underworld, little brother to Viktor the airheaded God-King of Mt. Mappa, Georgi the hopeless-romantic God of the Sea, and Mila the mischievous Goddess of the Hunt. Despite living away from the other gods, Viktor keeps hounding him about his crush on one of his cute temple priests, a mortal named Yuuri. (“VIKTOR I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID—OI GIVE ME BACK MY GUARD CAT YOU LIL—” “I saw you eyeing MY Yuuri!” “I DON’T FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOUR MORTAL JUST LEAVE”) Between his family and all the other annoying deities, Yuri never gets a break—which is why he never goes out of his realm. (“Otabek, cancel all my appointments in the upper world.” “Are you sure? Your brother is expecting—” “Exactly why I’m staying in.”)
JJ is the God of Harvest, who considers himself the king of all mortals. (“You may be the king of gods, Viktor, but I rule the earth!” “… Well, he has a point.”) He’s not too popular with the other gods the way he wants to be, but with nice and loving mortal fans and his best friend Isabella the Goddess of Flowers—whom he’s thinking about trying to date nowadays just to change things up—life’s not too bad. Until he gets accidentally kidnapped by the grumpy Lord of the Dead, that is.
In Yuri’s defense, the last thing he’d ever want to do in the mortal realm was to steal some half-naked asshole off the face of the earth. But due to a conniving bastard god by the name of Viktor, a fleeing JJ accidentally catches a ride with Yuri in his awesome chariot just as he’s about to descend back into his realm. Yuri’s all for kicking him out his kingdom… and surprisingly enough, the harvest god actually leaves him be…?
Only for the asshole to come back down the next day to pester him—because he’s bored.
Let’s just say the earth’s seasons are gonna be very wacky for a while.
TL;DR: This is my Hades and Persephone AU for Pliroy - an AU loosely based on the Greek Pantheon and features the most rom-com-y couple next to Viktuuri to ever rom-com, so someone should really get me away from this AU before I horrify you all with crack fics.  
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