jersey-24-blog · 8 years
Stiles’s eyebrows raised at the mention of their roles being reversed, a mischievous little smile played at his lips, but he didn’t make a comment on it. Instead his round eyes fixed on Wolf’s face, his green eyes, his strong jaw, those impossibly expressive eyebrows. 
Void gave a wider, more open, smile at the question. “Well, originally, I was going to whisk you away to wherever you wanted to go. Where I would retire and we would live off my investments. This was, of course, before I met you.” He admitted freely. “I’d still like to.” he said with a half smile. “But you being a hero kind of complicated my plans.” The villain tapped the table with his fingertips. The movement appeared calm and confident but it was really a sign Stiles was nervous. It was strange, he hadn’t been nervous in a while. 
“I believe we got off on the wrong foot. So let’s start over.” he offered with a gentle smile that even he felt must look condescending. “My name is Stiles, or Void if you prefer. I’m twenty-six years old, I like the color green and my favorite animal is a fox.” He looked down at the larger man expectantly. 
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
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“Oh yeah! Lydia Martin just  willing touched me!”
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
“Great!” Stiles heaved a sigh of relief. He slowly and timidly followed the other inside. He also did NOT stare at his neighbor’s naked back and all that caramel skin. He didn’t notice the way his moved, or just how ripped he actually was. Stiles grateful when he disappeared behind a door. 
The less than buff Stiles shuffled his feet as he waited patiently by the door. 
I’ll Wait For You || hotgirlscotty
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
Stiles chuckled, a grin dancing across his face. “It’s okay.” he said sweetly. “And I thinking writing children’s stories is great.” He commented happily. 
The Omega was starting to feel comfortable in the Alpha’s presence. He wasn’t giving off any of the usual lust-hungry vibes the others would always half. And now that he was thinking about he shouldn’t be comfortable. He should be very uncomfortable. This was not normal. This was unexpected. 
“I was going to school.” He said his tone dipping into somber. “Before.” he added. “I was going for Behavioral Science.” The Omega smiled softly looking far away to another time. “I didn’t even finish my associate’s.”
Stiles shrugged and shifted in his seat. “So you’re published? What are your books called? I might read them before.” He fixed his attention back on the alpha. The truth was he spent a lot of time in the library. It was open to the public and free to go in so he spent most days curled up in a far off corner reading.
Undependable || Caydenhathaway
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
Stiles’s smile slowly melted back into an impassive mask as he listened to Wolf’s outraged words. “Crimson is a self-obsessed sycophant.” Void growled at the mention of his nemesis. “But he’s right. It’s only that I haven’t found one attractive enough to kidnap.” Void winked at his mate and moved slowly around to stand directly at the man’s feet. “And I’m not going to torture you...Well, only if you ask me really nicely.” He smirked wickedly.
His long fingers found their way to Wolf’s shoes. He toyed with a shoelace as his whiskey colored eyes roamed over the bound man. “What to do...what to do...” he tsked and clucked his tongue as if he were deep in thought.
“I do apologize for the way things have turned out.” he finally said after a moment. “This was the only way.” His empty hands motioned to the secure room around them. “Naturally, I hate that it came to this. But honestly, were you going to let me go? Or maybe...you would’ve helped me?” He said, a coy smiled pulling at his lips.
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
Send me ۵ for my muse’s reaction to yours gently caressing their cheek
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
Stiles gasped, flinching away from the wolf. Okay so he wasn’t that docile. Stiles’s heart thumped wildly in his chest, threatening to bruise his ribs. 
“N-no pictures, got it.” He didn’t even pause to mourn the loss of his camera, he could do that later. He was too busy trying to quench the terror he was feeling. He refused to reach out again for fear the animal would take off his hand. So instead Stiles took a cautious step back, putting some space between him and the wolf. 
He nervously pointed to the road he had previously been jogging on. “I-I’m gonna go.”
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Like Sherlock || imacreatureofhabit
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
Quick update: I just made it home. Expect replies all day tomorrow. (If that doesn’t happen feel free to spank me) 
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
Heads up guys! I’ll be back home on the 23rd! expect replies. 😉
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
Send me ✍️ for a handwritten apology letter from my muse to yours
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
You are under arrest for being so flawless and exceptional in all you do! Copy this message to 9 other blogs that are currently on your “tumblr crush” list. Make other blogs feel loved! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡!!!
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Yes!!! Someone likes me!
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
send me one for my muse's reaction
"Are we really doing this?"
"Are you doing this to upset me?"
"Friends don't look at each other like that."
"Give me a chance."
"I am not doing that."
"I can prove you wrong."
"I can show you the world."
"I did a bad thing."
"I don't want to love you, but I do."
"I missed you."
"I regret last night."
"I think we can pull through."
"I think you need to get in my bed. Now."
"I thought you were gone forever."
"I want you naked. Now."
"I'm a bad person."
"I'm breaking up with you."
"I'm not who you think I am."
"I'm pregnant."
"If you and I were the only two people alive on the planet, I still wouldn't have sex you."
"Marry me?"
"Please, don't do this."
"Stop yelling at me."
"That outfit would look better on my bedroom floor."
"There is no one I hate more than you."
"This is not fair."
"This is not the time nor place."
"We are not getting a pet."
"We can't do this anymore."
"What are you doing?"
"Who do you think you are?"
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"Why aren't you answering my calls?"
"You shouldn't have done that."
"You'll regret this."
"You're being inappropriate."
"You're the one person I actually trust."
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
send me a 📷
and I’ll use this website to generate a snapchat from my muse to yours
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
Stiles’ watched the wolf, preparing himself for another climb if necessary. When the animal rubbed against him the young man let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “No one’s going to believe this.”
He lifted his hand and slowly placed it on the wolf’s head. His fingers dug through the soft fur to scratch at the base of its ear. “I bet you belong to Mr. Hale.” he said looking straight into those terrifying red eyes.
He reached into his pocket with his free hand and pulled out the tiny camera. He was just going to take a quick picture, just to prove his story. If Peter Hale was a suspect in these murders and the evidence pointed to a wolf, and since Peter Hale happened to have a pet wolf who also just happened to be large enough to cause the wounds on the victims...
Stiles felt his heart start to race and his veins fill with adrenaline. This seemingly calm and docile animal was their likely killer.
Like Sherlock || imacreatureofhabit
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
The younger man smiled happily as he was escorted to the Alpha’s car. “Stiles.” he said sweetly “It’s nice to meet you Derek.” The Omega could smell the lust fogging up the man’s scent. It was intoxication and impossible not to succumb to it.
Stiles pulled his feet into the seat, wrapping his arms around his legs. He rested his head on his knees as he fixed the driver with whiskey colored eyes. The younger wolf could feel his body already reacting to the Alpha’s close proximity, just like it was conditioned to. He was so used to this that he was fairly confident he could predict everything that was going to happen tonight.
If Derek could contain himself long enough to reach his place, then as soon as they closed the door they would be tearing each others‘ clothes off. Alphas and Omegas were like strong magnets. It was only natural. And Stiles was counting on it. Nobody would help him without wanting something in return. And he didn’t exactly have anything to offer other than his body.
“Do you have a job?” he asked, his voice quiet in the small space between them. He was starting to feel his fingers thanks to the car’s wonderful heater.
Undependable || Caydenhathaway
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
Stiles watched the other man carefully for a moment before he was confident enough to approach him. The slimmer man looked down at Wolf’s handsome face and grimaced. This was certainly the most inconvenient of situations.
Void groaned and quickly summoned one of his men to help carry the hero. Their escape was otherwise clean and without any other hitches. A few of his boys questioned why Wolf was brought with them, but their worries were quickly eased when Void ordered for him to be restrained.
The headquarters was carefully hidden beneath a high school where no one would find it. It was crisp white paint and bright florescent lights with computers and television screens. The surveillance footage from the bank they just hit was still streaming across most of them. There were several offshoots of hallways and stairwells that lead to the rest of the facility. His men carried Wolf down one of these halls and disappeared behind its doors.
Stiles, in an effort to maintain his image in front of his men, did not rush after him. He would let the sexy do-gooder wallow in self pity for a while, despite his eagerness to repair the already fragile opinion Wolf had of him. No, Stiles chose, instead, to speak with his head of technology, and long-time friend, Danny. Void complimented the hacker and made it abundantly clear that things would not have gone as smoothly as they had without him.
After a few hours to celebrate with his men Stiles finally decided to check on his hostage. He passed through the maze of halls until he found the room the man was locked in. A few of his men had tried to find out what his real name was but there was no luck. The only information they could offer Void was what he had already learned while on the roof.
Stiles flashed a smile and nodded to the guard posted outside the hero’s door. He was armed with a high powered handgun and taser. The guard stepped aside and opened the heavy door for him. Inside Stiles saw Mr.Muscles stretched over a rather uncomfortable looking table. If he was a sympathetic man he would bring Wolf a pillow. But he wasn’t a sympathetic man.
A smile pulled at Void’s lips, looking more grinch-like than the pleasant grin it was intended to be. “Good evening Wolf.” he said. “I do apologize for the accommodations.”
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jersey-24-blog · 8 years
Stole my Nana’s laptop for the night. Gonna try to get some replies in. I’m sorry this trip has lasted as long as it has. I foresee me being back home and on a regular schedule once again in the next few weeks. I miss you guys!!!
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