jessica-pinkwood · 1 month
I ain't posting on here no more.
I'm too tired for this, the errors bring me pain, and I ain't no masochist. Bye, y'all!
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jessica-pinkwood · 2 months
I love this templete
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( multimuse roster options : )
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Basic account friendly carrd templates! 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄* is the single muse version while 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓* is the multimuse version.
✧ Features: A clean carrd layout, semi-minimalistic. Highly customizable. Tested to be mobile friendly but that may vary by device. Both contain a built in page for guidelines, a page for affiliates, and bio pages (though the bios for the multi version come in a separate template to avoid the element limit). The multimuse version includes a gallery-style muse roster OR a simple text list roster; it defaults to the gallery but all you have to do is change the link to the alternate roster and delete what you don't want to use. These are templates so the demo graphics do not come with them by default, but they can be downloaded here if you wish to use them. If you have any issues or questions about editing the carrd, you are more than welcome to inbox me here on my tumblr and I will try my best to help you!
✧ Special Instructions: Because basic accounts have a 50 element limit, the bios on the multi version are in a separate template. Each bio is 5 elements total, so 10 bios can fit on a single carrd on a basic account. If you need more than that, you will have to make another carrd. (Unless you are using this on pro and have no element limits, then you can fit as many bios as you want onto the carrd.)
✧ Terms of Use: Like / Reblog if you use, please. Do NOT use this for illegal content or to promote hate (this includes "burn books" and callout / vent blogs). Do NOT remove the credits or make them invisible somehow. Edit as you wish, but no matter how much you change it, do NOT claim it as your own!
✧ Price: Free ! If you want to help a girl out with a tip, I'd greatly appreciate it 💗
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jessica-pinkwood · 4 months
The perfect dinner.
CONTENT WARNING: CANNIBALIZM, DESCRIPTION OF VIOLENCE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Me and my team had just finished tracking down that damn rat, Markus. He was a traitor, a cold-blooded manslaughter machine that had a silver tongue strong enough to make himself into a mafia leader. But now, it's ironic to see him lie beneath my feet motionlessly. I watched the blood from the bullet wound on his forehead slowly drip out with utter satisfaction. He had killed my brother, the person I could trust my life with.
But of course, after days of chasing that bastard, we soon realized he had led us to a rather deserted place. No fret though, we have our radars. The only problem is that we ran out of bullets and there are no signals. We're in the middle of butt fuck nowhere, the only thing visible was the concrete road with barely any cars passing by. There were no street lights, just a couple of houses miles away which were mostly abandoned.
The city was a whole 35km away, impossible to reach by foot. But it was best we tried. The rain was pouring like a storm, causing me and my four teammates to have to struggle to even stand. But we pushed through with the little hope we had, and we soon found a large rundown old mansion... With it's lights on.
Oh thank god.
I quickly look over at Callum, who was the support in our team; infamous for his great aim and a large apatite, nothing unusual for a big muscular gym rat like him. The only guy with a better aim was our sniper Zayne; he's a gunman, ask him anything about guns and he'll tell you the whole history of anyone that even breathed on said model even if he was bleeding out; odd fellow, but very useful. The last member was Shawn; she's our main shooter and my left hand; a great survivor expert to say the least.
Our team was amazing, but also starving and thirsty. And we all knew we couldn't survive any longer with nothing but knives and empty guns. So as soon as we saw a glimmer of hope, we had no choice but to catch it. I was the first to approach the large gates; it was made out of metal, but the black paint was worn out and all rusted due to the lack of maintenance. My eyes searched for a way to contact from inside. Calling? No, with this weather a man can get killed and no one would hear his screams. Knocking? The gates aren't really suitable for such a thing.
But then I looked up to see an old doorbell hanging from above. Much like the house and the gates, it looked old and on the brink of breaking. It had a golden brown look but still looked like it was working. Good enough.
After a few moments of hesitating and letting the fear of being electrocuted wash over me, I took the risk and pushed the doorbell and hoped for the best. Thank god it didn't shock me to death, but what's shocking is that the damn thing still works.
I chuckled and sighed upon realizing no one had answered. Seems like a lost cause. So with my hands on my hips, I turned to face everyone with a defeated smile of encouragement on my face as I looked at my teammate's disappointed expressions.
"I guess our luck had just run out..."
I smacked my lips and was about to walk away when all of a sudden when I lifted my head, I saw two wide black eyes staring back at me. I flinched back a bit as I looked at the woman's face. She had a skinny figure with big black eyes, with no pupils. It felt like I was staring into a void. Her crooked wide smile was as if she was grinning from ear to ear, her lips stained with bright red lipstick and her face was completely white. She looked like Queen Victoria in the Victorian era.
She greeted, tilting her head to the side as she continued to glue her eyes onto mine. It was rather creepy...
"Excuse me miss, can me and my friends stay for a while? We're-"
I started to speak, in hopes of asking for help as I darted my eyes away for a moment, but then the strange woman cut me off before I could even finish my sentence. Her voice was flat, dead almost, but it was high pitched and feminine as if she was trying to sound... Human?
"Oh of course, of course, you poor poor young souls. Come in."
She quickly opened her gate and invited us in, but she never seemed to want to break eye contact at all. The rust of the gate could be heard through the storm as it was dragged on the ground. It was so weird seeing this woman standing out here letting us in without an umbrella to protect her from the rain. 
Somethings are just better left unanswered I suppose.
With a slight nod, we quickly entered the front yard of the mansion and jogged towards the front door to grab some shelter. That woman didn't follow us however as she needed to close the gate. But when I turned around I could've sworn I saw her staring back at me. When I blinked all I saw was her back as she pushed the gates closed.
The starvation must have been getting to my head, how funny.
I chuckled to myself before shaking my head and turning around to see the woman now standing in front of us with no hint of being affected by the rain. But wasn't she just standing at the gates a few seconds ago? We didn't even see her pass by us as she-
"Come, I'll show you your rooms."
The woman blankly said before quickly turning around and began to walk away towards the stairs. This woman is so strange. We exchanged glances with each other, getting the same eerie feeling as we shrugged our shoulders and walked inside the house.
The insides were nothing out of the ordinary for a mansion that seemed to be built during World War 2. Unlike the outside, the inside looked to be in decent condition. The light green wallpaper and white little flower patterns looked great and suited the aesthetic well. But the wooden floorboards are so creaky, sinking a bit with each step we took. It was like the floor could break at any time, felt like we were all walking on eggshells.
Callum scratched the side of his beard for a second before pushing away his suspicions and began to make conversation while we followed behind the woman since the others were too busy looking around and observing the place.
"So, uhm, Miss..."
"Y-Yes, Miss Candy, how long have you been living here?"
Callum questioned politely out of curiosity. But yet he got no reply as we made our way down the long hallway. It was rather rude of her to ignore his question like that, but he's not the nosy type, so he decided not to pry further and just chose to stay silent since it was obvious Miss Candy didn't like small talk.
"Here you are. The two rooms to the right are the guest bedrooms. Make yourself at home while I make you some dinner."
Miss Candy unlocked the doors with her keychain as she spoke.
"Thank you so much, Miss Candy."
I thanked her out of gratitude. Although the house and her alone felt a bit eerie and creepy, it's still better than being stranded outside in the cold storm, not like we had much of a choice anyway. Miss Candy stepped aside as she looked up at me with her usual empty black eyes. But her smile looked a bit faded as if she had almost dropped her smile for a split second before answering back to me.
"No worries, child."
And just like that, she left as soon as she finished her sentence.
We entered our rooms and closed the doors after agreeing that I should share a room with Shawn while Callum and Zayne stayed together. Inside the medium-sized room were two single-sized beds that looked to be old hospital beds; and two large wooden closets with one facing the door and the other facing the makeup table at the other side of the room. Between the beds was a small bedside table with an old lamp sitting on top of it.
The room was dimly lit with candles, and old lamps/ wall lamps. It gave off a feeling of unease, but the most weirdest thing was all of the windows inside the house were boarded from the outside for some reason.
"This feels so..."
Shawn commented, leaving her statement hanging in the air as her green eyes darted around the room. I turned my head over to look at her and raised an eyebrow as I continued her sentence.
"Eerie? Yeah, thought so too. This place is old and rundown. It's a surprise they still have electricity and running water being in such a condition..."
"It feels kind of bad judging like this. I guess I'm just paranoid."
She added along with a soft sigh before shaking her head and continuing to look around. The walls here are rather thin, almost at the brink of crumbling. Maybe thanks to that, Callum could contact us from his room without having to knock on our doors.
"Hey, I got a stack of pokers. Wanna join?"
"Fuck yeah, I'm bored out of my mind!"
I quickly accepted before waving my hand towards me and headed to the door, motioning for Shawn to come with me before we left the room and went over...
"And another score for me. Man, you guys suck at this game!"
Zayn chuckled softly as he placed down his cards on the floor with a smirk of a winner on his face. Callum groaned in annoyance while Shawn and I congratulated him... For the millionth time.
"Maybe you're just a cheater who has 5 cards up his ass."
Callum grumbled out of spite as he threw his cards on the floor in utter defeat, letting Shawn gather the cards before beginning to shuffle the deck for a new round. But before Shawn could pass out the cards, a voice could be heard calling us from below the stairs. It was Miss Candy again, who could not recognize that... That unique, voice of hers.
"Children, dinner is ready. I prepared extra meals for Callum tonight, so come on down before it gets cold."
"Great! Let's go eat guys!"
Callum giggled from excitement as our hearts dropped to the floor.
"What? Why are you guys so tense all of a sudden? There's food!"
Callum chuckled, oblivious to what Miss Candy just said. We shared a nervous glance before Zayn cleared his throat and placed a hand on Callum's shoulder, lowering his voice as he spoke in a more serious tone.
"Callum... None of us ever said our names."
The big guy paused, his eyebrows narrowing a bit before his eyes widened in realization. How did the lady know his name?! And what the actual fuck is going-
"Children, the food is getting cold."
"We're coming, give us a minute."
Shawn shouted back, trying to act as if nothing was happening and that we were a bunch of idiotic fools. Right now we had no choice, so we all stood up and walked down those stairs and into the dining room with a cautious mind and a heavy heart.
We entered the dining room, it was a medium-sized room with a large round wooden table that looked rather ancient, the cloth on it was covered in loose stitches and scratches. But they don't look like scratches from a cat... The lights were more lit up compared to the other lights inside the house, but it was so bright it almost felt like it could burst any second. It never did, thankfully. The large window in the room was boarded up, and the carpet on the floor was so dirty we could barely tell the color of it, we could only guess it was a yellow or red carpet.
But the thing that caught our eyes the most was Miss Candy, standing near a seat on the other side of the room, next to a man who seemed to be paralyzed, and a little kid who seemed to be in her teenage years that is mute. The three of them were staring daggers at us, Miss Candy had her usual empty black eyes, her husband his dead icy baby blues, and her daughter gave us a soulless stare.
We decided not to comment about it as we sat down on our chairs, clenching down our teeth as we sat uncomfortably with the nails perching through the cushions and pressing against our thighs and buttocks. In front of us was a rather... Normal-looking vegetable stew with chopped meat, potatoes, carrots and onions. The meal was rather nice, warm enough to not be too hot or too cold, heck, it was the only thing normal about this place. And it made us relax a bit.
"It tastes amazing Miss Candy!"
Callum squealed politely as he devoured the whole plate. Every one of us was enjoying our meals, happy that our empty stomachs were now finally full. Callum, being the fatass that he was, asked for another plate, causing Miss Candy to widen her smile in 'delight' as she excused herself and went back to the kitchen.
But that's when Shawn suddenly used her elbow to nudge my arm as she pointed at the girl and her husband. I looked over at them closely, drinking some more soup as I was nearly finished with my bowl when my eyes widened... Gosh, the girl wasn't mute, her mouth was sewn shut. Her husband kept on tapping on the table repeatedly in an unusual paste, no no... It was Morse code. Us special forces were forced to learn this throughout our training in case of special situations that needed special ways of communication. 
He kept on tapping on the table repeatedly, his eyes boring into ours as if he were crying for help... But not for him.
".-. ..- -. .-.-.- / .... ..- -- .- -. / ... - . .-- .-.-.-"
I can feel my stomach turning.
We glanced over at each other nervously, our hands clenching over the rusty old spoons in our hands as we signaled "DANGER" to each other by our eyes. But we knew we couldn't just fight our way out of here... I mean, if this crazy- Miss Candy can murder enough people to cook a whole large pot that even Callum can't even finish then she must be very good with her tactics... We also couldn't hurl our guts out at the table. We needed the energy; our stomachs needed the food and no one wants their hard work to be discarded.
We didn't have much choice, none of us is up for hand-to-hand combat, we don't know how many traps this woman had set up and we were out of fucking bullets running from Markus's remaining loyal dogs. So the only choice we had was to... Swallow down our vomit, sit still, and look pretty.
"I'm sorry... Were there milk in here Miss Candy?"
Zayn started, holding his stomach and twisting his skin as if he was in awful pain. God, he's going to get us killed! What the fuck are you doing Zayn?! Wh-
"Yes, why?"
Zayn shut your mouth.
"I'm lactose intolerant... I can't use dairy products such as milk and cheese and..."
Oh my days Zayn shut up.
"...I understand, child. Do you need to use the bathroom?"
"Yes please, that would be great. I might need my friends to come along. It's getting late, we might need the sleep..."
She doesn't look happy. We're fucked. We're going to never see the light of day again and instead of the sun, we're going to see chili peppers. Thanks a lot, dickface.
"Alright. I'll clean up."
...Oh... Never mind Zayn I love him so much he's the best member of the group he's such a genius I love him.
And just like that, Miss Candy, although obviously not pleased that we couldn't poison ourselves with human stew, she still nodded her head and agreed to let us go. Maybe she just wanted to keep the meat fresh for her next sick and twisted batch of "food". Who knows what the fuck is going on in that insane head of hers?
But if there's something we do know, is that we needed to get the fuck out of here. Who could've known Zayn can lie out of his ass like a professional trickster? We all know someone who's lactose intolerant would never risk a 7-hour bathroom session for bags of soft mango cake rolls. 
We quickly, but quietly, made our way upstairs to where the bedrooms were located, closing and locking the door gently behind us as we took a moment to calm ourselves down and catch a breath. God, what a mess we had gotten ourselves into?
"So, what do we do now?" Zayn questioned, sitting on the edge of the bed while his teeth bit the dry skin around his dehydrated lips.
"We need to get the fuck out obviously you dingus." Callum scowled, keeping his voice low as he spoke. Who knows who's listening on the other side of these thin walls?
"Yeah, but how?"
The room grew silent as we glanced at each other, unable to come up with an answer. As the silence grew heavy on our shoulders, I slowly approached my group sitting together near the bed and slowly sat down, whispering to them what had come to mind.
After minutes of whispering and chatter, we agreed that we would escape and burn this place to ashes, even if it meant losing our lives here. So, we quickly packed our things and began to leave. No need to hide the fact that we were planning to leave, we had our bags boldly hung on our bodies, our suits strapped tightly onto our clothes, and our masks now covering our faces.
"Leaving so soon?" Miss Candy questioned as she stood from underneath the stairs, her hands bawled up tightly behind her and her fake smile now gone cold and drifted away from her lips.
"Yes. An emergency came up." I replied, holding back a chuckle and pretending that I didn't see that knife she was hiding behind her back. Although I was sort of scared shitless, I still found the situation rather amusing.
"Oh, what a shame. Aren't you guys going to stay just a bit longer for dessert? The storm is rather..." Candy continued, trying hard to play coy as her hand gripped the handle of her knife behind her back.
But it was too late, Zayn had already approached the door and was about to push it open just to realize something. He quickly turned around, and with a sharp intimidating glare in his eyes, he slowly spoke.
"The doors are locked." He stated, almost growling as he slowly let go of the door handle. "Open it for us please, Miss Candy."
Such a nice gentleman he is, ain't it?
Oh but of course the lady wasn't happy that her next meal was going to escape, she wouldn't let them go that easily now, would she? So, finally, she yanked the knife out from her back and held it up in a tight grip, about to slash one of us to bits when she suddenly stopped, her eyes widening in shock and fury as she stared daggers at us... No,
At me.
Her eyes glared up at my stone-cold face, her eyes slowly darting up to the cold barrel of my pistol pointed at her forehead. Suddenly she wasn't as bold as she was two seconds ago. The truth was, the gun wasn't loaded, and like I said before we ran out of bullets.
But she didn't know that, and frankly, she didn't need to know that.
"The door, Miss Candy." I sternly stated, pointing at the front door with my head, my eyes never leaving hers.
Thankfully, she cooperated, slowly yet grumpily made her way to the front door and unlocked it, but her movements were so fucking slow it took everything inside of me to not bash her head right here and now just to grab the keys and unlock it myself. But, skip the chats and the yapping, the door was finally unlocked and we left the place in one piece, thankfully.
So we booked it, and we ran and ran until we felt like we were running on glass shards that were piercing our skin. We didn't look back, we couldn't look back, so we just ran and prayed we never see that building or her horrifying face look back at us ever again...
0 notes
jessica-pinkwood · 4 months
can you make the batman symbol with your bat balls?
What the fuck kind of question is this? Of course I can.
0 notes
jessica-pinkwood · 4 months
▷To those who care.
CONTENT WARNING: This story contains mentions of Sexual themes, strong language, Child SA, Child Abuse, and Murder. Proceed with caution. ---------
"Now, that's no way to talk to a lady."
I chuckle, smirking widely as I cross my legs, sitting at the other end of the integration room. I've seen many thriller movies in my life, growing up it was my favorite genre, and to think that I am now sitting in one myself is rather ironic. It's surprising how accurately the movies depicted them.
The ceiling lights flicking above me, old and rusted, one glance can tell you that it was barely looked at let alone taken care of to repair. I mean, who would look at a ceiling light for more than 5 seconds anyways? Someone who's not sane probably. The table was so cold, and the air conditioner was absolutely shit, yet somehow they still managed to throw me such cold looks as they tried to pry the information out of me.
"Who are you and how many have you killed?"
Agent… Ugh, I can never seem to get his name right despite how many times he pronounced it. Well, to be fair, the only reason I couldn't get it right was because I didn't want to put effort in actually saying it right. Despite the badge saying "Amer", I like calling him other similar names just to see the pissed look on his face.
"Why are you asking me such stupid questions? Aren't you some CIA, FBI officer, or some shit? Figure it out! Look at your database!"
My eyebrows furrowed as my eyes made direct eye contact with his, raising an eyebrow at him. Even though I never outright say something too insulting, I could already tell it poked his ego for a bit.
"Just a police officer. But we're checking, but it's best if you confess it yourself… Whoever you are."
"Oh please, I've left hints in multiple places, and yet you still can't find out something as simple as my name is? Are you sure you're qualified to even be an officer? Or did you spend your time sucking on your higher boss's di-"
"SHUT UP And answer. My damn. Question."
Silence filled the air for a moment, rolling my eyes away from him. My smile quickly turned into more of a sneer as my back hit the back of my chair, the amusement draining from my face. Seriously, does he have to be this much of a party pooper? He's so goddam tense, acting as if that would scare me into submission any time soon, more of a pathetic attempt really. My hands shot up in mock surrender, if my wrists weren't chained to this table and cuffed so damn tightly that made my pale skin turn red, I would've stood up and back handly bitch slap him across the face for even daring to speak to me in such a tone.
"Just call me Athena."
"…Like the Greek goddess?"
"No, like the cockroach under my boot."
I replied back, the sarcasm dripping off my tone as I tried to amuse myself. We've been in this room for hours, and they can never seem to get the hint that I'm no low-life snitch, especially on myself nonetheless. Amer scoffed, not pleased with the way I was speaking to him, his hands clenching and letting go repeatedly as he held back the urge to punch a hole through my head. Good.
"Very funny." Amer sighed, not finding my sarcastic comment not funny, obviously.
"Thank you." I forced a smile.
"We want your real name, 'Athena.' Just spit it out already and stop wasting our time, we're gonna find out eventually anyway." The officer said, throwing an empty threat at me. If you can even call it a threat in the first place.
"Oh, are you? Or are you just lying out of your fucking ass because you knew you wouldn't be able to find anything on me? Please, officers, your words don't scare me. Neither would they persuade me. So how about you just… Let me go, and I promise I won't slit your husband's throat tonight when he comes back home from work."
"Husband?" Amer suddenly stared at me, daggers pointing at me as if I had just said something so outrageous. In which, I did. To him at least. "And why would you assume that I have a husband?"
"I don't assume, officer. I know you do. It would be a shame if you had to be a single parent again after your divorce from your ex-wife. You wouldn't want your daughter going back to your fame-hungry ex, do you?"
I sighed deeply, acting as if I ever felt pity for some low-life aggressive officer who had shown me nothing but disrespect, and honestly, it was getting boring and tiresome. I have places to be and he has other cases to solve so why are we still here staring at each other and talking even though we hated the look on our faces? I leaned forward, placing both of my arms on the table, curling my lips into a more… Friendly and charming smile, knowing full well it was not assuring him in the slightest.
"Arthur, as much as I enjoy our little conversation, it has been hours and frankly I have gotten bored of how you design this place. Seriously, it's so boring. So how about you just…"
"The name is Amer."
He scowled, this time sounding more worried than annoyed as he added another statement, trying to hide the fact that despite how skeptical he was of me, he knew I wasn't lying or trying to bluff myself out of the situation. He was probably shitting himself but of course, he couldn't show that he was vulnerable, scared for the safety of not only himself but his family.
"You have no right to tell me what to do, you murderer."
"And the bastards I killed weren't already one?"
I scoffed, raising an eyebrow at him, my smile faltering as my mind recalled the faces and the names of those bastards. The law always claims to be fair and equal, for the people, and yet when money was involved, suddenly everyone was calling pity on those bastards. The world was cruel, but only to those with nothing to give.
Those pathetic greasy fat cunts took away the purity of children, and yet throwing a couple of million bucks in the court could grant them only a few years? And suddenly they claim to be "under the influence of alcohol". It was so fucking ironic it almost made me laugh. But I couldn't. Cause those bitches were walking free, probably shoving a hand up some minor's skirt and sticking their nasty tongue down places that shouldn't even be touched on children.
That's why people were gagging, some with weak stomachs were vomiting their guts out when they saw the tongues of those bastards shoved up their own asses, and some were shoved down the tip of their disgusting dicks. It's always how I'm the scary one, the cruel and violent one when in reality I was serving them what needed to come to them sooner. My name might not be the Law of Justice but god fucking dammit justice will be fucking served!
"But with your sets of skills and your abilities you could-"
"Gather evidence? Get them thrown in jail for a couple of years just for them to waste a few million dollars and get out scott-free? Oh please! Stop making me laugh officer!!"
A few heavy, breathy laughs escaped my throat as I try my best to keep my temper cool. It was really annoying how he kept saying that the law will bring them justice! Kiss my fucking ass.
"I suggest you don't make me laugh officer…" I lowered my voice into a soft whisper, my hands clenching tightly as I felt my blood beginning to boil in my veins, slowly cooking my organs alive if it could.
"And why is that?"
"Because you were careless to not keep an eye on your keys, officer."
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jessica-pinkwood · 4 months
Introduction post.
Hello, just a small introduction post so people can find me. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ★ Name: Jessica, Jess, Jessi, Jessie, Jessy, Eun, Eunna. ★ Gender: Cis gendered Female ★ Pronouns: She/her ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ✐ I write short stories on Tumblr and also plan on posting what I write on Reddit. ✐ I also draw occasionally as a hobby. ✐ I'm not very active on other platforms other than Discord. ✐ I fucking hate cockroaches. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fandoms I follow/know about: ♡ Demon Slayer. ♡ Jujutsu Kaisen. ♡ Chainsaw Man. ♡ Boku No Hero Academia. ♡ Call of Duty. ♡ Genshin Impact. ♡ Attack on Titan. ♡ Monster. ♡ You. ♡ Avatar (The blue big people.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check out my carrd for more info!
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