jessiebelle143 · 2 years
Excited to share that Nagito finally has hair!! I'm gonna trim it down a little more, and add some color with pastels, but for now he's not bald!!
This was the project that motivated me to start crocheting to begin with, so it means a lot for me to be finishing it. And I'm really excited to shout out @kamigurumi for sharing the original pattern!
I never would have started crocheting if it weren't for their post. I've been using crochet to relax and make presents for people (like my beans) ever since. So a HUGE thank you and shout out to them!
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jessiebelle143 · 2 years
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Ingo's waited a long time... Who is this?
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A brother who is verrrry sorry to have come uncoupled from him! He is Emmet!
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I finally got a chance to finish Emmet! I recently graduated college (mechanical engineering, woot) and was so so busy up until then. Big, amazing changes are coming for @chrono-vi and I!
Verrrry exciting!
My girlfriend wanted me to post these on my Tumblr because they're the cutest things ever
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These are the crochet babies she's been making!!! They're so small and soft and I'm OBSESSED
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He's looking for Emmet. Don't worry buddy, she'll make him soon!
(You can follow her at @jessiebelle143 also !!!)
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jessiebelle143 · 2 years
Happy Easter!
Today is also my sister's 13th birthday, and this is the present I made her! A little Dolores from Encanto 🔊👂
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jessiebelle143 · 2 years
Thank you for posting these, hon! I get shy about posting my own work >///>
I love making these little beans cause bigger crochet projects are too big/long of a commitment to finish and these guys are small enough to focus only on the main details and to carry in your pocket lol.
And yes, Emmet won't be far behind. What kind of monster would you take me for; Gamefreak?
My girlfriend wanted me to post these on my Tumblr because they're the cutest things ever
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These are the crochet babies she's been making!!! They're so small and soft and I'm OBSESSED
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He's looking for Emmet. Don't worry buddy, she'll make him soon!
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jessiebelle143 · 4 years
My Actual Blog:
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For those of you clicking here looking for it, this is the blog I actually contribute to. It’s a Slasher/Final Girl ask blog littered with memes and horror movie trivia. My girlfriend, Vana, and I run it together. Consider this your formal invitation. Accept it if you dare!
RSVP to the Slasher Party
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jessiebelle143 · 4 years
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And a Laurie to match!
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A Nancy just because? Favorite final girl!
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jessiebelle143 · 4 years
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A Nancy just because? Favorite final girl!
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jessiebelle143 · 4 years
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Okay... this one came out pretty cute. When I doodle, I like to doodle chibis. I was messing around with the watercolor brush and, a little Herbert West came to be.  (Also I realized I wasn’t putting me name on my pictures but now I feel too lazy to go back and fix that. Whoops.)
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jessiebelle143 · 4 years
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Like I said in my previous post, I’m messing around with styles, brushes, etc. I decided to use some final girls for practice! Still just for fun. 
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jessiebelle143 · 4 years
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I’m still working on getting used to digital art, finding my own style of it and learning how to... well, actually make good art.  I want to do a lot better than I’m doing now, so when it comes to posting I get super nervous... but I also know it’s important to recognize growth and milestones as I progress. So, if anything, it’s something to look back on to see how I’ve improved. I wish I was as nice to myself about my own art as I am to other people about their’s, lol. But I have a couple random things to post just to post. After all, that’s what this is all for, right? 
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jessiebelle143 · 4 years
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Hey guys!~ I’m so sorry my blog went so silent so long. I might actually be starting to get my life together. I lost a lot of art that was in progress a while back when my laptop broke, which now has a corrupted hard drive, and I’ve yet to try getting anything off of it with cords or whatever cause I’ve just been so discouraged. My art? My animations? My Skyrim save files??? Anyway, I was just doodling and decided to post it cause... I figure it’s something. And if I get back in the habit of it, I’ll start to get my motivation back, and get over the heartbreak of the files I lost when I was first starting out.  So! I was tossing the idea around of Angela Baker picking up a shift over at Camp Crystal Lake. New hair, new look, new her. Jason and Angela seem like a dream duo! So this was me just playing around with the idea.  Hopefully you’ll see more soon. I’m back to working on a new animatic, and I’m backing up the files this time!!
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jessiebelle143 · 4 years
My solution worked, and my laptop is all fixed! It was definitely a hassle because I bought a tiny part, but lost the WHOLE Amazon package (which I left unopened, so I wouldn't lose the small piece, so tell me how-) and had to order it twice.
But it's working like new! I still need to take some precautionary measures to ensure it doesn't break again, but this means I can actually start drawing again. So thank you for your patience, and content will be coming again soon.
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jessiebelle143 · 4 years
For Valentine's day, I made a custom Kylo Ren doll from the Damien Living Dead Doll for my girlfriend @chrono-vi !
Here are some pics of him in all of his glory 🙌
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jessiebelle143 · 4 years
I've been inactive for a while because my laptop broke. I was in the middle of an animation, and a Christmas post with Billy and Jess. Really sad times, cause I couldn't afford to fix it, and didn't get to post those projects when I wanted to.
But! I have some parts coming this week, and they'll be my last-ditch effort at fixing this laptop before I back up the hard drive and get a new computer. Just paid off my school stuff so the rest of my refund check is going to this.
Sorry I didn't say anything. Hopefully I'll be posting again soon!
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jessiebelle143 · 5 years
I love the way u draw slappy he looks weirdly adorable
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Thanks a ton!!~  I’m still messing around with his design since that was the first time I’d really put effort into drawing him (I forgot his teeth!!).  But one thing is always for sure: He’s a little superstar!  (Plus the more adorable you think he is, the easier it is for him to enslave you!)
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jessiebelle143 · 5 years
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jessiebelle143 · 5 years
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Wow, my first post! I’m excited!
But first up is the dirty wall boy himself, Brahms Heelshire. I'm infatuated with the Phantom of the Opera-like story of The Boy (a 2016 horror film with a sequel projected for early next year).
I'm currently working on an animatic, and that's what this art is from. I tilted his head and found him way too cute not to post!
Expect more Brahms in the near future!
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