jessology · 11 years
4th of July probs.
Oscar needs to go out, guess I need to put on some pants.
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jessology · 11 years
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In other news, Mike bought me this beautiful mini rose bush. When he first gave it to me, the blooms were small, tight and pink. It didn't bloom for a while and now they look like this! Larger and multi colored. So awesome!
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jessology · 11 years
US Department of Education
Right now, I feel like college was a scam. I worked my way through college. It took me several years to complete my degree. I worked very hard and made the Dean's List. It did not matter. As, through my working I still had to take out student loans in order to live and go to school.  My years spent at the University of Kentucky have made me a better person.  I feel a bit more intelligent, cultured, worldly and pensive about my future.  That could have been college, or my own personal growth through 'my college years.' However, once I received the degree, I was cut off. I fell through the cracks and have not seen the light of day, sense.  My degree quickly turned into a certificate to be eligible to enter Graduate School in order to accrue more student loan debt.  I have used these past two years out of college to discover myself and what makes me happy in this life and what will fulfill my dreams of the future.  I've even changed my future for the better.  My quality of life has blossomed and grown to satisfy me.  However, the student loan debt can not be paid with these kinds of experiences and life changing events.  They do not care about you as a person, the US dept of Education and our culture in it's self cares about you as a number.  A number owed to them, paid in money that our government created siphoned from an account of debt in itself.  I just got off the phone with my agent from ERS, trying to collect money which I do not have to pay for my student loans.  She tried to tell me that I was not taking this seriously.  She did not wonder about how I can finally even offer to finally pay them money at all. She does not care that our education system is flawed.  She just wants your damn hard earned money.  Money, I sweat for, cry for, care for the sick and elderly with.  So, I pay it-right? What more can you do-you owe them and until you can find some miracle job that will pay you $50,000.00 out of college-you will have to live like a college student, eating ramen noodles and sacrificing your quality of life in this one life you live-so that you can pay back a lie.
This is all stressful and I understand how troubling and overwhelming it can be to owe so much money, many people per year have even committed suicide from the stress.  If you are reading this and stressed about your situation, know that it's not the end of the world. Pay what you can and go about your day. Little by little paid is better than nothing at all. Live your life and smile, they may have lied about college, but God didn't lie that life should be sweet, he gave it to you. <3 <3 <3
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jessology · 11 years
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Sparkle fade nails! All Essie colors :D
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jessology · 11 years
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Today was my first day leading an activity all by myself, at work. We made wreaths and sun-hats. I believe they all had a good time, socializing and crafting. I love this job!
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jessology · 11 years
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Mike and I found a strange animal today. I thought it was a coyote pup, but it has the face, ears and mangey (but white tip) tail of a fox. Legs are too long to be a fox though...super strange and sickly, out at 2pm. Or just a giant sickly fox with mange...or a monster. Mike is convinced it is teen wolf.
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jessology · 11 years
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Best running outfit ever! Please excuse the tired allergy ridden face :[ monsters n cupcakes 4 life!
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jessology · 11 years
Finally got my tax return! Need to pay off some bills, but I really want a crock pot, new shoes and my hair done... My hair done...oo ohhh it would be heavenly. Miss getting my hair done. That is all.
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jessology · 11 years
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Targets with 'tude. Me: That guy just had his hand on his hip, giving me attitude. He just didn't know what was coming back at him! Mikey: Babe, he doesn't have his hand on his hip. He is pulling out a gun. :] Me: oooooo I C
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jessology · 11 years
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Made these scary pants into chic Spring shorts :) Just cut the pants and cut lace off an old pair o undies and glued it on with fabric glue. Still working on the whole outfit. I would love to pair it with a top I saw at Target-light grey, thin, short sleeve sweater and a pair of grey sandals...but I'm too poor. That's why I'm making shorts.
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jessology · 11 years
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Yeah, I made a collage for my new headphones...I'm that cool
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jessology · 11 years
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Had a spa night, last night with my mom. We already had pedicures during the day-then ended with facials, vodka and cranberry cocktails, manicures by me :), and of course-Step Up:Revolution.
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jessology · 11 years
Joe Berti ran the Boston Marathon on Monday to support a charity that helps children who have rare or undiagnosed disorders. He crossed the finish line around 30 seconds before the first of the two bombs exploded, and his wife, who was taking pictures of him finishing, was hit by shrapnel (she was unhurt). They couldn’t get in touch in the panic immediately following the bombing, but found each other at their hotel shortly afterwards. On Tuesday, they went back home to Austin to be with their two young daughters. On Wednesday, Joe went back to work and as he was heading home, saw black smoke billowing from the fertilizer plant. Then it exploded. “You’ve got to be kidding!,” he thought to himself. He pulled over and took the picture on the left. “My next reaction was to get out of there because something fell on the top of my car - some debris or something fell from the sky,” he told the Associated Press.
Unluckiest Luckiest Man Survives Both Marathon Bombing and Waco Blast (via ananonymousbob)
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jessology · 11 years
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jessology · 11 years
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A group of amateur cave explorers discovered a river in Mexico with banks, trees and leaves just like an ordinary river, but with an additional metric shit ton of “WTF,” because they were hovering 25 feet over it in scuba gear when they discovered it.
While underwater water doesn’t seem possible, the “river” is actually a briny mix of salt water and hydrogen sulfide. It’s much more dense than regular salt water, so it sinks to the bottom and forms a distinct separation that acts and flows like a river.
Deep sea lakes look like normal lakes, complete with sandy and rocky shores. Scientist call these lakes “cold seeps,” but they’re a hotbed for life, because apparently waterfront real estate is a hot commodity under water, too. The “rocky” shores are actually made up of hundreds of thousands of mussels. Even weirder, the lakes under the waves have waves of their own.
Photos by Anatoly Beloshchin, source,
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jessology · 11 years
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In Pittsburgh, inside Home Goods-my favorite store. We are trying to create a Moroccan themed front porch and I just can't wait! But first, I mustache you a question... Would you like to see what we end up creating?
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jessology · 11 years
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I'm bringing crackle back, yeayuh!
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