jewell5022 · 4 years
From Bland To Beautiful: Tips To Create Your Dream Bedroom
From Bland To Beautiful: Tips To Create Your Dream Bedroom
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of sinking into the sheets after a long or hectic day. Our bedrooms should be tranquil havens, which promote peace and serenity, but often, they become dumping grounds or they are relegated to the bottom of a renovation list that prioritizes kitchens and bathrooms. If your boudoir is more bland than beautiful, or you’re keen to create a more relaxing,…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
Ways to Keep Your Kids Engaged During the Holidays
Ways to Keep Your Kids Engaged During the Holidays
Of course, holidays are a good time for the kids to unwind and leave behind tedious school activities. Once the excitement of the first couple of days wears off, it’s a whole stretch of boredom. Right off the top of your head, it may be a bit hard to think of activities to occupy them with. Believe us when we say that, there is nothing scarier than a bored child. Keeping them active is a…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
Why Do Seniors Accumulate Debts?
Why Do Seniors Accumulate Debts?
TThroughout life, we always look up to our parents for guidance. They are the closest most of us get to wisdom. Ultimately, your parents have experienced many obstacles in their lives. When they give you some advice, typically, you know that it comes from experience. 
As such, it might come as a surprise to discover that seniors’ debt has skyrocketed by over 540%in the last two decades.…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
Camping: Simple Summer Guide
Camping: Simple Summer Guide
A lot of people who were going abroad this year have decided against it. Coronavirus has put the brakes on people’s plans to go abroad. Some people are still risking it, but with, in a lot of cases, the ability to get decent health insurance nullified, there are a lot of people setting their minds to thinking about something else instead. Camping is a great, and sometimes cheap alternative to…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
Aging Parents Can Be Stubborn. Here's How To Deal With Them
Aging Parents Can Be Stubborn. Here’s How To Deal With Them
Pexels – CC0 License
Aging parents can be stubborn, especially when it comes to doing what’s good for them. Research suggests that around three-quarters of adult children find that their parents simply don’t want to take their advice or carry out their instructions. 
Getting an older relative to listen to you, therefore, can sometimes be a challenge. They don’t want to take orders from…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
9 Home Buying Mistakes Every First-Timer Should Avoid
9 Home Buying Mistakes Every First-Timer Should Avoid
Home buying is hard y’all. We actually lived in our home for a few years before taking out an official mortgage, thanks to amazing in-laws that helped a young couple get a good, solid, start over 10 years ago. Even already living in the home and knowing we had already made updates, etc., we still had to do all the things, including inspections, trivial repairs, etc. before being approved. (I say…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
5 Things to Consider When Getting a Dog
5 Things to Consider When Getting a Dog
Everyone loves a dog. From the cutest little puppy to the biggest Great Dane, dogs have been human’s best friend for thousands of years. They are loyal, playful, affectionate companions, and they will happily follow you wherever you go.
PC: Pixabay
Deciding to introduce a dog into your household is a big step. No doubt your entire family will be overjoyed by the decision, but…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
Old Mother Hubbard, What's In Your Pet Snack Cupboard?
Old Mother Hubbard, What's In Your Pet Snack Cupboard? #ad #OldMotherHubbard @OMH
This post is sponsored by WellPet but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
Pets; I can’t imagine life without them. I’ve always had a pet of some sort. Usually multiple. We have six people that live in my household so the current pet tally is two cats, six dogs, and several mini horses. Every once in a while a temporary rescue drops in to be fostered. In the past we’ve also had…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
Tips For Dealing With A Family Emergency
Tips For Dealing With A Family Emergency
When faced with a family emergency, life as you know it can change in an instant. It can be hard to cope with something that might have an impact on the whole family, but there are ways to help you cope with this situation. Here are some tips for dealing with a family emergency.
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Find Out What’s Happened
Whether it’s a family member passing or getting into trouble with…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
You Know Something Is Wrong When Camping Is The Least Scary Vacay Option
You Know Something Is Wrong When Camping Is The Least Scary Vacay Option #camping #vacation #Corona #Quarantine2020
I love camping. Always have, but due to the current state of worldly events, it seems to have become insta-popular with the masses. People that previously would have barely considered “glamping” are now outdoorsy woods-people because that’s all there is to do beside stay in the house. I love my family but come on – my vacation from being with them 24/7 is also being with them 24/7…this is getting…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
Be A Goal-digger
Be#AD In the end I'm just a goal-digger and I suggest you become one too ---> It's okay to #AlwaysEatAfter7PM, #AlwaysEatBook, #BioTrust @JoelMarion A Goal-digger
This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own.
Every new diet starts off with excitement and optimism and planning. Big goals are good to have, but I’ve found that often times after that first week goes by, life doesn’t get any less hectic and I slowly start falling off the diet wagon. My problem is, and always has been, lack…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
5 Top Foods That Improve Hearing Health
5 Top Foods That Improve Hearing Health
For many people, eating healthy food is about being healthy and maintaining the right weight. However, another part of our body needs more consideration anytime we think about eating healthy, and that is our hearing health. Although activities and habits such as loud music, improper ear cleaning, and smoking are responsible for a lot of hearing problems, there are some simple ways of ensuring…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
3 Sure Fire Ways To Hit The Sack And Sleep Well
3 Sure Fire Ways To Hit The Sack And Sleep Well
Perpetually tired. That’s what I am. No matter what lifestyle changes I make, or how hard I try, it seems that getting and adequate amount of good sleep is something that still eludes me. I know I’m definitely not the only one.
Pexels – CC0 Licence
Nearly everyone will experience poor sleep at some point in their lives. Hopefully, this will be short-lived and a natural response to trauma,…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
Goals and Food - A Lifelong Battle
#ad Goals and Food - A Lifelong Battle #AlwaysEatAfter7PM #AlwaysEatBook #BioTrust @JoelMarion
This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own.
Y’all the weather has gotten humid here in the Pacific Northwest. And before my mid-west and southern friends say wait a minute, you don’t know humidity — I know, I know. I’m from there and in comparison I’m complaining about nothing BUT the humidity is exhausting. I’ve never liked…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
Are You Planning A Summer Staycation? Here Are 10 Things You Need To Consider
Are You Planning A Summer Staycation? Here Are 10 Things You Need To Consider
Image: Pixabay 
If you’re in the process of planning your summer stay-cationbut you’re struggling to get started then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Whether you’re planning a weekend away or you’re looking for something a little longer, it’s important you’re doing all that you can to prepare. Thankfully, there are lots of essential questions you can ask yourself to…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
The Who and the Why Behind My Current Favorite Diet
#ad The Who and the Why Behind My Current Favorite Diet #AlwaysEatAfter7PM #AlwaysEatBook #BioTrust @JoelMarion
This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own.
I’m already spread thin. Just ask my husband. Honestly, that’s one of his biggest complaints so adding anything in that would be more time consuming, less convenient than what we’re already doing (which while convenient, is not super healthy) probably wouldn’t go over well. One…
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jewell5022 · 4 years
A Diet I Can Follow
#ad One thing I remember my Grandma telling me as I was growing up, was not to eat my dinner or snacks too late because I'd gain weight. I guess I just assumed it was true my entire life ...#AlwaysEatAfter7PM #AlwaysEatBook #BioTrust
This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own.
Dieting…I think for a lot of people, it’s ultimately a lifelong struggle. Finding the proper diet for you. A balance of healthy yet tasty. Don’t eat too much, don’t eat too little, fasting works, fasting is dangerous, drink more water, you’re retaining water, take this pill, wait…
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