jewishtransdyke · 2 years
is antisemitism watered down and meaningless or is it, perhaps, that antisemitism is far more pervasive than you realized and you are very bad at recognizing it
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jewishtransdyke · 2 years
There is no way to know if Hashem is real or not, but the actual existence of a deity is, in my opinion, fairly unlikely. That being said, I love Hashem with all my heart and I am fucking going to fight him ♡ (ง •̀_•́)ง ♡
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
When it comes to founding early civilizations, I can’t recommend fertile river valleys highly enough
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
Surviving out of pure spite is extremely Jewish.
I’ve read so many posts about how you can’t translate the word sisu, or ones that try to translate it into grit, bravery or resilience. It’s spite. It’s pure spite, except nobody has offended you yet so you’ve got nobody to spite by it, so you’re just pre-emptively spiting anyone who might dislike what you’re doing, by persisting to do it.
Actually, come to think of it, it comes with an assumption that someone, either God, the government, or people at large want you to fail, and are just waiting for you to give up and die. So you are sticking to your goals in order to spite people who want you harm and want you to perish, who may be completely imaginary. A hardy, determined fuck you to an imagined group of haters.
…Maybe this is an uniquely finnish sentiment.
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
The concept of transgender eggs is so funny like sometimes you meet a cis person that you’re 97% sure is going to realize they are trans in the next 5 years. But you can’t tell them because that would violate the prime directive.
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
It's really interesting to me that new social media platforms more and more actively prevent you from Using Your Words.
LiveJournal and Tumblr are technically "micro-blogging" sites first and social networking sites second. They're meant for Talking About Things, and the platform is mechanically set up to do so. "#long post" is what they're designed to do. Tumblr's image-heaviness was at one point seen as an oddity.
MySpace gave you your own blog, as well as forums.
Facebook is set up to allow indefinite amounts of text. They'll look ugly, admittedly. But you very much can, and that is the default format.
Twitter has built-in to its foundation that you cannot say more than a single sentence without circumventing the entire basis of the site. You are not meant to be able to say anything longer than that, and if you try to get around it they will do their darndest to make your content impossible to read. Also, Twitter physically does not let you edit a tweet.
Instagram is. Pictures. If you're using it at base functionality there are zero (0) words. You can do a caption if you want but the thing it's designed for does not include words at all. Also, you can edit that caption but the bulk of your post (the image) cannot be edited; and if you edit your caption the engagement algorithm resets so, effectively, no one will ever see that post again.
Snapchat doesn't even let you do captions. You can circumvent it trying to prevent you from Using Your Words by putting a tiny strip of text across your image and that's the best you've got. (If you're visually impaired, fuck you.) Also, no editing whatsoever.
TikTok is "new tumblr" because at least you can convey a significant number of words - you just aren't allowed to TYPE them. (If you're hearing-impaired or visually impaired fuck you.) A platform where typed text effectively does not exist is the closest modern social media gets to actually allowing you to say more than a single sentence. Also, no editing whatsoever.
Anyway, my point being, like... of course there's no nuance in Twitter discourse. There's nowhere to put it whether you want to or not. Of course people get increasingly angry and polarised - there's nowhere to put a clarification or elaboration, nowhere to put even a couple words indicating your intended tone. In discussions where people are already sensitive or defensive, everyone's left to take the most negative reading of what they see because they have no basis for taking it otherwise. No one can go back and edit what they've posted, or in most cases even edit while they're posting, so if you realize that your wording was confusing, or more information leads you to change your mind, or you just have a horrible typo, you're shit outta luck.
New social media actively, intentionally builds into the foundations of their platforms Physically Not Allowing You To Use Your Words, and they do it more and more as time goes on. And, like, not to sound like a "social media is evil and fire is scary" boomer, but that's kinda worrying.
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
Because I will never be able to eat lava… (I pause to look pleadingly at a volcanologist, they sternly, subtly shake their head no. It is clear this is an old, ongoing argument.) …. my prevailing theory is it has a texture of very thick honey.
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
“Can’t lesbians have one fucking thing for ourselves,” No, actually. Do see any other queer demographic with “them only” words and strict no-nonsense definitions?
You know why that is? Because the idea you get your special words (that no, you didn’t invent) and that you get to choose who can and can’t define themselves as lesbians with you’re re-invented binary where nb people who are also men or are “too male” can’t participate or be the lovers of people who ID as lesbians, was started at the lesbian separatism movement - which became the TERF movement.
So, no.
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
Healthy relationships are clearly better in real-life but fucked-up ones are way more dramatically interesting in fiction. In much the same way–indeed, in exactly the same way–that feudal monarchy is a hell of a lot of fun in fantasy and historical fiction novels, but complete shit to actually live under.
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
love when people become so online in spaces like this where marginalized people are actually the ones dominating the conversations, that they forget what its like in the real world and start making positivity posts for things that are literally 100% unchallenged and normalized irl
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
Man, when I was like 16 I got so sick of being made fun of for being the fat kid that I took an axe down inna woods, chopped down a tree, and started doing log-lifts all the time. I got strong as fuck, but I didn’t lose no weight. I actually got bigger.
Same thing happened when I got into fighting. I got even stronger, and I got *fast*, man, and nimble, like a cat. Still chubby.
Body-building culture is a bunch of crap, my dude. Functional muscle is not necessarily toned or lean. You can be swole as hell and still be heavy. And that’s cool.
Embrace your inner barbarian. And when fatphobic little gym twinks try to body shame you, you should DESTROY THEM with your MIGHTY AXE
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
The thing about the default setting of Dungeons & Dragons is that evil is self-defeating not in a metaphysical sense, but in the sense of each individual force of evil being comprised principally of people who suck.
Mind flayers are so invincibly convinced of their own cleverness that their collective history is just an endless litany of them suffering completely predictable ass-kickings at the hands of their own creations, to the point that they’ve lost their empire and been forced to live in caves and still can’t figure out what they’re doing wrong.
Beholders assume that everybody everywhere is just as treacherous and scheming as they are, and consequently spend most of their time quivering in fortified bunkers freaking out about elves on the moon and completely failing to notice the adventurers on their doorstep.
Chromatic dragons are individually unstoppable, but are incapable of even the most basic coordinated effort because two chromatic dragons in the same geographic region will spend all of their time and energy fighting over which one of them should be in charge.
The collective infernal armies of the Abyss and the Nine Hells could conquer the multiverse basically any time they felt like it, but they never will, because they’ve spent the last billion years slaughtering each other in what amounts to a massive ideological slapfight about the correct way to be evil.
And the funny part is that there’s no overarching authorial agenda that got us here. It’s a bunch of different writers in a bunch of different versions of the game published over many decades independently arriving at the conclusions that a. it’s beneficial for the game if the players can have stupid arguments with the monsters, and b. those arguments will be more entertaining to play out if the monsters are a bunch of dork-ass losers.
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
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»swofehuper« by richard tipping (+)
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
I love this show so much.
you’ve probably seen the jokes about how archie andrews from riverdale went to war, but the producers refuse to say what war it was
but i’m here to tell you that the reliality is stranger than you could possibly imagine unless you watch the show
this is archie’s dress uniform
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(the tepia overlay is present every time he wears it, i have not altered the shot at all)
this is archie and his buddy in the trenches, in their combat uniforms
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yes I said trenches. that screenshot is from a flashback archie has to a member of his platoon loosing a leg to enemy shells in no-man’s land. (he specifically calls it no-man’s land)
Okay, so it’s WWI. That’s deeply weird, given Riverdale takes place in more or less the present day (there’s a weird amount of old-timey tech, but everyone also has iphones and laptops, so we can assume the old tech is people being retro), but it’s at least an answer
but it gets weirder.
because we know what country archie was fighting in. his deployment was in uzbekistan.
now despite it being called a world war, not every country was involved in the first world war. uzbekistan did not fight on either side.
because the country didn’t formally exist until 1991
so in whatever parrallel universe riverdale takes place in, new york and the town of riverdale exist essentially in the present day, the soviet union has fallen, but former soviet union countries are still fighting a war which should have ended more than 100 years ago.
so that’s bonkers, but i’m not done
in the episode in which archie decides to join the army, the school digs up a time-capsule from the 1940s and opens it. inside is a picture of four riverdale high students who were shipping out to the army the day after the time capsule was burried
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the ghosts of these four WWII soldiers then appear to archie, convincing him that he should join up and fight
so to be clear, archie fought in the first world war, in a country which did not exist during the first world war, because he was told to by the ghosts of soldiers from the second world war, a war which could not have happened yet because the first world war is apparently still ongoing
and also it’s the present day and archie owns an iphone
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
me and my friend jessie are physically incapable of having a normal fucking conversation so things happen where we accidently end up rping a dude bro trying to hit on me, an ordinary woman who is not a snake
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jewishtransdyke · 3 years
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Literally what the fuck are they doing at marvel headquarter
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