jexnmcrexu · 3 months
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I'm amused by their height difference haha
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jexnmcrexu · 4 months
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Posting this in shambles they are so precious to me
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jexnmcrexu · 4 months
something so perfect about neil making aaron understand the reason andrew killed his mother by using aaron killing drake as an example "i don't care if andrew never speaks to me again. if i could bring him [drake] back from the dead and kill him again, i would." "good, so now you understand why andrew killed your mother" and using elodie as an example to make jean understand that he didn't deserve all the bad things that happened to him just because he's a moreau "i am just a moreau, i'm not-" "so was elodie. remember that the next time you think you aren't worth saving"
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jexnmcrexu · 4 months
pour one out for kevin day, queen of exy, for fumbling both jeremy knox AND jean moreau. personally i would never recover
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jexnmcrexu · 4 months
juuuuunnnnee how about Andrew and Neil seeing Kevin with glasses on for the first time//
Glass, darling, I think you’ll be happy to know that I actually have written this before here, but for you i’ll write a new one :*
Neil shouldn’t have been so surprised, honestly. It was his fault he was as shocked as he was. 
Kevin had been giving signs for at least a month. Squinting at his screen, rubbing his eyes almost constantly, always moving his books too close or too far away from his face, getting headaches after focusing his eyes for too long. Andrew had even asked him, very mockingly, if he needed glasses or something, to which Kevin had answered with nothing more than a glare.
So really, Neil should be worried that it took him by surprise.
That morning, Kevin had announced he had to go talk to Wymack about something. Neil had expected Andrew to follow right behind him, and saw the relief in Kevin’s eyes when he didn’t even glance away from the TV. Neil decided not to comment on it. 
They carried on with their days, until Kevin came back around noon, his nose red from the cold but otherwise unharmed. He had changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt and joined Andrew, who hadn’t moved all morning, on the couch. Andrew acknowledge him with a hum. Kevin motioned for Neil to join them, and Neil sat next to him, resting his head on his shoulder and paying only half attention to the documentary playing on the screen.
That night, Neil settled with Kevin on his bed to watch a rerun of that afternoon’s match. They piled the pillows against the wall, put the bowl of chips between them and Kevin balanced his laptop on his knees. But he didn’t turn it on right away.
Neil glanced at him. “Kevin?”
Kevin pressed his lips into a tight line. “You can’t say a thing, Neil.”
Neil angled his body towards him. “Excuse me?”
Kevin was looking at him intently. “Not about the match, idiot. About this.” 
He pulled something from behind him, turned his head away from Neil, while Neil stared at him extremely confused. When Kevin turned back, Neil almost gaped.
“Oh my god.”
“Neil,” Kevin warned.
“I won’t. Say anything,” Neil promised, but he kept looking at Kevin while something burned in the pit of his stomach. He cleared his throat. “Are we going to watch the match or what?”
Now it was Kevin who stared. He searched for any sign of mockery in Neil’s face, but aside from Neil’s amusement, there was nothing to find. Neil had always prided himself on his poker face.
Halfway through the match, Neil found himself more focused on Kevin’s face than the screen. The glasses were nice. They were rectangular, not very big, the frame thin. They rested awkwardly on Kevin’s nose, new. Neil wanted to turn on the light and turn his face so he could see them more clearly.
Kevin’s hand was resting on Neil’s thigh, as it usually did, and Neil a jolt run through him, and suddenly he didn’t really want to watch the match anymore. He stretched out his hand and closed Kevin’s laptop, pushed it away from them. When Kevin started to protest, Neil let instinct take over for him and he moved onto Kevin’s lap. He clicked the switch above Kevin’s head and the room filled with light, making them both squint. 
Neil looked at Kevin carefully. 
“Neil, what the fuck?” Kevin said, his hands moving to rest on Neil’s thighs out of habit. 
“You look hot,” he said, and refused to let the heat climb up his neck. He needed Kevin to know how turned on he was right now.
Kevin, who had opened his mouth to say something, snapped it closed again. Neil saw his eyes widen, leaned down to kiss him. He pulled away after a minute to look at his face again.
“Andrew’s going to kill you.”
Kevin’s lips pulled upwards. “Probably.”
Neil leaned down to kiss him again, match completely forgotten.
“Kevin,” Andrew said, his voice quiet and, Neil thought, murderous. 
Kevin gulped at his side.
Andrew motioned for him to come closer. Kevin did. He stood an inch away from Andrew, not dropping eye contact. Andrew grabbed his chin and turned his head this way and the other, inspecting. At last, he let go and took a step back.
“You look absolutely ridiculous,” he informed Kevin, glaring. Kevin didn’t move, but Neil saw his lip twitch. This only seemed to annoy Andrew even more. “I hate you.”
Kevin was smart enough not to react to that. He kept looking at Andrew, his eyes amused, waiting for Andrew to finish.
“I know that will make you feel better,” Neil interjected. Andrew didn’t look at him, but he was listening. Kevin did turn to glare at him. Neil ignored him and continued, “The doctor said it’s because his eyes are lazy, so he needs the glasses to read and to protect them from long exposure to screens.”
At this, Andrew did turn to look at Neil and his face lit up dangerously. “Is that so?”
“Neil,” Kevin complained, but Neil only smiled. 
“Neil, could you wait for us in the bedroom? I need a word with Kevin.”
Neil snorted and turned for the bedroom, patting Kevin on the back as he passed him.
When he closed the door behind him, he heard Andrew growl at a hoarse “Yes or no?” and proceeded to remove the newly-folded clothes from on top of the bed.
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jexnmcrexu · 4 months
jeans pov of neil: he’s insane, he’s unhinged, he’s fucked up. either he’s gonna get himself killed or he’ll kill someone first
neil in his own pov: damn i can’t believe i’m the most normal fox. like im just out here living my life as a normal human being! anyways im gonna go make a deal with a mafia boss, thoughts?
andrew, apparently the less unhinged of the two of them: and prayers.
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jexnmcrexu · 4 months
obsessed with neil josten being too stingy to buy clothes for himself but instead opting to spend his fortune on a fancy sports car for his boyfriend and to put a hit on jean’s abuser
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jexnmcrexu · 4 months
if the twinyards weren't identical i guarantee you we would never know what aaron looked like. neil josten simply does not care that much
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jexnmcrexu · 4 months
Listen, you know why Andrew loves Neil? Why Neil Abram Josten was the one Andrew would allow into his inner space, to allow growing roots where Andrew keeps the remaining fragments of his heart?
Because hardly anyone respects Andrew's boundaries. Renee does. Bee does. Wymack does. Andrew respects his own boundaries to the point of enforcing them at knife point.
But Neil? Neil Abram Josten?
He views Andrew's boundaries as sacred.
Renee, Bee, and Wymack would view crossing Andrew's boundaries as disrespectful at best and a violation at worst. They earned his trust that way.
But NEIL???
Neil views crossing Andrew's boundaries as a fucking sin. As blasphemous. A devoted disciple would sooner spit in their God's face than Neil ever conceiving of crossing Andrew's boundaries.
Some people would look at you erecting brick walls covered in barbed wire and would start looking for a good crack to aim a sledgehammer. Some people would watch you lock a door and try knocking, just once, to see if you'll open it for them. And some people would watch you draw a line in the sand and never dream of stepping over it.
Neil parked his ass on the other side of Andrew's barbed wired multi-layered brick wall surrounding his concrete bunker and stayed there, running his mouth. And when Andrew revealed the hidden door, Neil smiled, stayed put, and kept talking.
Andrew didn't fall for Neil because Neil wouldn't come in.
He fell because Neil waited for Andrew to come out, waited for Andrew to extend his hand, and waited for Andrew to lead him inside by his own volition.
And that's why Neil was the one who earned Andrew's "Stay".
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jexnmcrexu · 4 months
i think one of the most fascinating things about the sunshine court is that realisation of how quiet andrew actually is compared to what we see in neil’s POV.
idk i guess i just forgot that from an outsiders POV, of course andrew is going to be mildly unsettling. & that him talking so much in neil’s POV was a rarity.
i love him so bad
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jexnmcrexu · 4 months
kathy's interview was so pivotal to andrew's thoughts on neil.
he saw neil as a guy used to run away and never look back, to care only about himself, to ruin carelessly when he leaves. he was so sure - especially because that's the person neil thought he was.
and then, boom. neil fights riko. on live television. over kevin. he doesn't back down, he basically turns around and tells riko "here, your new target". over kevin. because he cared.
["i didn't change my mind, but i didn't have a choice. i had to say something".]
neil just loves thinking about himself as a loner and someone who wouldn't stay, someone heartless (a thought that actually scares him to death), but that day andrew sees through that facade. he relearns neil.
that's why he offers his help. that's why he asks for his back.
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jexnmcrexu · 4 months
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The sillies!! they’re athletes! they survive on cigarettes! It’s okay!!
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jexnmcrexu · 2 years
23+Kandrew please?
This was nice to write, thank you! Hope you enjoy!
23. “Sorry I can’t make it tonight.” “Why not?” “I got stabbed and I’m on my way to the hospital.”
Andrew’s late. Again.
Kevin looks at the clock on the wall for the fifth time in an hour, and Andrew’s still late. And every minute that passes, he’s still late. Which would not be a problem (yes it would) if Kevin weren’t feeling a horrible itch inside him, an itch that makes his breath catch and his hands shake. It’s what Dr. Dobson calls a Bad Day Sign, and Kevin knows the only way to get rid of it is going to the Court.
And he would, but Andrew’s not here yet.
Kevin looks at the clock once more, huffing. He stands up, resigned to drown the angst with Vodka, when his phone rings.
“Day,” he says drily, not checking the ID.
“Hello, Kevin.”
Kevin clenches his jaw. “Where the fuck are you, Andrew? I’ve been waiting for over an hour-“
“Yes, yes, my apologies for wasting your precious time and all that. Hey, listen, I can’t make it tonight.”
Oh, that’s perfect. Kevin closes his eyes, swallowing down his irritation but not quite succeeding. “What do you mean? Why the fuck not?”
Andrew barks out an empty laugh and— does it sound pained? Kevin is sure he heard pain. His irritation turns into cold worry in his stomach.
“Andrew? What’s wrong?” He tries to keep it neutral, but he’s not sure he quite manages it.
Andrew chuckles. “Ah, fuck. If you must know, Day, I got stabbed—“
Kevin almost drops the phone. “You what?”
“—and I’m on my way to the hospital,” Andrew finishes, and Kevin hears a sharp intake of breath.
Kevin feels numb, and he doesn’t know how his phone isn’t out of his hands yet. He runs a shaky hand through his hair. He’s used to his heart beating wildly in his ribcage, after years and years of panic attacks, but he doesn’t think it’s ever beaten this fast or this hard before. It’s not pleasant.
In a strange tone Kevin can’t register, Andrew asks, “Still with me, Kevin? Can’t have you dying too, you know, that would defeat the purpose of the whole ordeal.”
“Andrew, what do you mean—“
“Kevin? Kevin,” Andrew interrupts, his voice still empty but noticeably more serious, “we’ll talk later, yes?”
Kevin understands. “I’m on my way.”
“Perfect. Hey, Kevin?” Kevin hums in acknowledgement, mind reeling. “Don’t bring anybody else, yeah?”
Kevin hangs up.
Kevin goes to the hospital. By himself, in a taxi, his knuckles white from how hard he’s gripping this phone and keys. He’s only taken a cab by himself oncer or twice before, and both experiences were just as bad as this one is.
Kevin really hates being alone. And he hates that he hates it.
Nobody even knows he’s gone, Jesus, and what if—
When he gets there, he hands the driver some cash, probably way more than what he owed, and gets down from the car without waiting for his change. He makes his way to the ER, asks the nurse at the desk where Andrew is, she asks him what his relationship with him is.
“He’s my uhh,” Kevin stutters and. Kevin Day doesn’t stutter, not in public. But this is not a question he’s ever been prepared to answer. “I’m his… Um.”
The nurse looks at him and seems to take pity on him, because she sighs and points towards the end of the hallway.
“Trauma 3, sweetheart.”
Kevin nods, muttering a heartfelt “thank you,” and takes off in the direction the nurse’s finger is still pointing.
Andrew’s eyes are closed when Kevin opens the curtain, but Kevin is almost sure he’s not asleep. His hair is sticking to his temples with sweat and his skin is almost ashen. Kevin shudders and moves inside, goes to stand next to the gurney.
Kevin lets his eyes roam over Andrew’s body, taking him in; for whatever reason, Andrew lets him. There’s a thin blanket covering him from the waist down. He’s wearing the long-sleeved shirt he left the dorm in, but one of the sleeves is gone, and his shoulder is covered by a thick bandage. Dimly, Kevin notices he’s not wearing his armbands either, but he doesn’t let his eyes linger.
“Are you done?” Andrew says, startling Kevin. He also looks like he’s sobering up from his usual drugs, but his eyes are drowsy from the morphine. Something inside Kevin aches.
He licks his lips, suddenly at a loss. “What happened?”
“Wouldn’t you love to know,” Andrew shoots back, but his heart isn’t in it. He winces and closes his eyes momentarily. Kevin’s hand twitches, and he wants to get closer, to rest a hand on Andrew’s head and—
He clears his throat.
“How bad?” He asks, because he needs to know, he needs to know if Andrew— he needs to keep his end of the deal and if Andrew—
Andrew’s eyes open and he looks at Kevin with faint disdain. “Yes, Kevin, I will probably be able to play again in one or two weeks. Worry not, your precious team is safe. It wasn’t very deep anyway.”
And Andrew doesn’t get it, but Kevin doesn’t have the energy to explain himself, so he just nods. He takes a step closer to Andrew, and his eyes land on his bare forearm for the first time. Kevin stops, stares. He opens his eyes to ask Andrew about it, to ask whether they hurt him there too… When his brain catches on, Andrew has already snatched his arm away, curling it protectively against his abdomen, as much as he can with a wounded shoulder. He lets out a pained gasp.
So Kevin doesn’t ask. He snaps his eyes back at Andrew’s face, and he’s surprised by the amount of feeling he finds there. But he doesn’t ask about that either. He lets his hand hover over Andrew’s bandages, not breaking eye contact, until Andrew nods. Kevin rests his left hand there as softly as he can, and distantly thinks, we match, and he doesn’t know why that thought sends a wave of both sadness and reassurance through his body.
Andrew’s eyelids flutter, and Kevin asks “May I?”
Andrew opens his eyes, searches Kevin’s face, nods, closes his eyes again. Kevin leans down slowly, and places a whisper of a kiss on Andrew’s forehead, using his right hand to brush back his hair lightly. When he pulls back, Andrew makes a little sound in the back of his throat that sounds like a protest, and that’s when Kevin knows the morphine is finally really kicking in.
He lets the knot in his chest ease a little bit.
send me a prompt + a ship!
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jexnmcrexu · 2 years
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rooftop kiss 😢
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jexnmcrexu · 2 years
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POV it's 2006 and this is what The Foxes would wear.
I'll update this post as i work on them all
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jexnmcrexu · 3 years
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i was too lazy to finish this so i didnt! thats adulthood for ya!
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jexnmcrexu · 3 years
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Soft Andreil for the soul
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