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Have you guys made any ARMY bracelets? I just made mine! ☺️💜
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That vid of taehyung, he's definitely not playing the piece. If you look at his body during the final runs, he's still moving back and forth, even though the runs are all ascending by then. Also, his left hand should still just be playing block chords. And I mean I love tae, but playing something at that level of expression would take years of intensive training, so def not him, he's screwing around and I'm living for it. Love, a classically trained trombonist who secondaries on piano.
Hey, thanks for confirming! I was like 50/50 on whether he was actually playing or not. He was getting so into it, it nearly convinced me!! But yeah! the thing you said about the chords during the runs is exactly what made me realize he probably wasn’t playing it. I guess there was just a part of me that was hoping it was actually him, but it looks like he was just being our talented goofball as always :P
Thanks again! Love, a flutist army 💜
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Okay so I just wanted to let y’all know that I am like 95% sure I know the song that he’s playing. It took me a cool minute to remember what it was after racking my brain, but it’s an orchestral piece that I played this semester called Ma Mère l’Oye, which translates to Mother Goose Suite. It’s a French piece that is meant to be music for children. I’ll post the link to the YouTube video. I believe he’s playing the very end of the suite. Like I said, I’m like almost certain that’s what he’s playing. Either that or he’s playing something different and I’m hearing it even though it’s not there. Lmk if y’all think I’m going crazy lmao. But if he is, I think that’s super cool that he’s playing it because it’s a really, really good piece 💜
190601 Taehyung’s Tweet
Special talent
Trans cr: Kylie @ allforbts © Please credit when taking out
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Oh my god??
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hobi @ bbmas ‘19
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I though Dionysus sounded like an anime opening so I worked some of my magic.... don’t kill me plz 😂😂
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Hi I have a friend that loves hoseok, do you have any hot photos of him so I can surprise her? Thank you so much 💕
Hey! This reply is wayyyy overdue and I apologize for that. These are the best ones I could find just by going through my camera roll. Hope they’re a good surprise for your friend! 😝
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Let’s be honest, I’m practically inactive.
I may post occasionally, but for the most part I will not be active on this tumblr page. I just don’t have the time or motivation to post regularly anymore.
I hope that you all enjoy the boys’ comeback, though. I’m really excited for it myself because I’m soooo ready for the throwback haha.
If you’d like to see more regular spam, there’s always my multifandom account @kpopislovelifehappiness or my main @mycabbbages but I don’t really post much on main either oops
But hey, while I’m here if you’d like to discuss the comeback (how bout those concept photos tho), feel free to send stuff my way 😊
Otherwise, I hope all of you are doing well! I look forward to the interactions we have in the future, even if there aren’t as many as there used to be
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Happy birthday to our sunshine.
I know it’s late, but I figure better late than never.
J-Hope has been a source of happiness for me, and I have always appreciated him for that. He has true dedication, and love for what he does and for the people that surround him, and that makes him so very special. I hope that his time offscreen was spent well and that he is happy and healthy, as always. All I want is for him to be in the best place mentally and physically. I wish him many successful and happy years to come. Another year of his life may have passed, but he lives it like no other. He’s truly a legend. We are so lucky to have our hobi 💜
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yeah ok we get it
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TxT-related post, sorry not sorry
So like, on the TxT site there’s another timer counting down to three days from Yeonjun’s reveal. Do you guys think it’s a countdown for the reveal of the next member, or for their debut?
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Here’s some food for thought on this fine Christmas Day (I hope it’s treating you all well, by the way): All of us, each and every one of us, has the ability to make decisions. It’s up to us to make the best ones. We may be armys, but we are also humans. Care for each other. Respect each other. Don’t give in to hate. This is how we better ourselves, not just as bts fans, but as people as well.
No More Hate.
This type of thing has been an issue for a very long time, and I would truly like to do something about it. Please spread the word. We start here and now. No more hate.
All too often, I find hate in the comment sections of kpop videos. I am tired of it, and this is my way of trying to do something about it.
Keep in mind: when you associate yourself with a group such as a fandom, everyone’s actions also become your own actions. People will blame you for things that you have never done, and that’s completely normal and even expected. The problem is, there’s not much that we as individuals can do to change the actions of an entire fandom. So, what can we do? Well, I’m starting here.
Be thoughtful. Be kind. Think of others before you comment or reply. Ask yourself if it’s really worth it to engage in an argument with others. More importantly, try to accept that not everyone has the same standards as you. If someone mentions another group in the comments, it really is possible that they didn’t mean anything bad by it. Stop attacking people for speaking their mind. Give people the benefit of the doubt before you assume that their intentions are bad. It will make the kpop fandom a better and more welcoming place.
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That’s the only thing that’s been released
Ah okay, I hadn’t seen it yet 😅
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Do you have any theories on the new BigHit group? I have a feeling that their first concept is going to be the complete opposite of bts’. So maybe instead of the “””bad boy””” route they go straight to the “softer” route then make their way to the bad boy one? Also, I’m older than the youngest member of the new group and that’s scary.
I think your idea makes a lot of sense! I don’t really know what I’m expecting for this group... I literally can’t even begin to imagine what they’ll be like! I’m very excited to find out more about them and their concept!! How do you know how old the youngest member is btw? I’m probably older than him too, and I agree, it is scary 😥lol. (Ik it took me forever to respond to this, apologies!)
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What do you think will be Bangtan's next concept? They've done so many and it all has a story, I can't even begin to imagine what's next
I’ve seen some theories that suggest that the next concept will be about finding yourself. Sort of like.. ‘I know I should love myself, but do I even know myself?’ So I think it might take that type of route, but tbh it could be totally different. They like to throw us off sometimes don’t they lol. Whatever it is, ik we’ll all love it a lot. They’ve always got good content for us 💜
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