cosmicvaca · 1 month
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Star Platinum’s arms closed around her, tight without being crushing, and the stand rested her cheek against the top of Jotaro’s hat. Her initial instinct was to squirm away. Pressed that close, she could feel Star Platinum’s breasts against her back. Why did her stand have the proper body when Jotaro didn’t? It was bullshit. When squishing the disappointment out of her didn’t work, Star Platinum flitted over to the other side of the room, one huge hand digging through Jotaro’s luggage, unzipping its inner pockets until she found something and darted back. When she uncurled her fingers, Jotaro’s dark blue lipstick lay in her broad palm. It hadn’t burned up with her original coat, since she had started keeping it in her luggage after the close call of Polnareff trying to jam his hand into her coat pocket looking to bum a cigarette, the other week. She still hadn’t gotten the opportunity to try it on, and it was still pristine. Her hands were shaking, as she raised the tube to her mouth. After a lifetime of watching her mother do this, Jotaro knew how—hell, if she was putting it on someone else (Kakyoin, her brain insisted, Kakyoin with his wide mouth pursed for her to paint soft pink...) it would have been easy. At this rate, she’d probably smear it down her chin. Star Platinum gently took it from her, her fingers dwarfing the lipstick as she held it between her thumb and index finger. Her other hand came up, very lightly holding Jotaro’s chin still. Her first stroke was tentative and barely left any pigment, like she was afraid to break it in half, but at Jotaro’s direction, soon she had lined her lips in dark blue. It looked good. It didn’t give her a chest, or round out her hips, or fix the trainwreck between her legs, but... Despite the harsh color, her face looked a little softer, more feminine. She could be the kind of girl to leave little lipstick marks on the ends of a cigarette, or on a coffee cup, like her Nonna Lisa Lisa. Strong but elegant. If there were vampires and stands in the world, then there could be girls with boyish bodies, right?
Have not been able to get this from chapter 3 of "Watching for the Tide" by glasscamellias on Ao3.
Save me trans girl Jotaro save me
Commissions and alts under the cut
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spearxwind · 7 days
Idk if this counts as spoilers but if Adri is essentially like a computer virus where did he get a physical body from?? Did he steal it from someone or was it provided for him to he put into??? So much to think about........
GREAT QUESTION! He stole it :)
He stole the body and the body's name for himself, and then fabricated an appearance and personality and mannerisms.
His body is one of the previously many nanomachine systems set in place in the Old World to safeguard and maintain both people and machinery. They were known as Guardian Arrays, but now they are referred to as Angels. Only two are currently known to still be fully operational, Adri being one of them.
The Fall (Otherwise known as the literal end of the world) was an apocalypse event where a system bug caused every advanced enough AI to go rogue and turn on mankind. It started small, but spread far and wide exponentially and it irreparably changed whatever it infected. The Arrays, being as important as they were, had more safeguards in place against this stuff but it still didn't stop them from becoming infected. Especially ADRIEL. The corruption inside it became severe enough that it first became a virus, and then grew into a full fledged self compiled AI that was notorious enough to be given its own name "Usurper", though you know it as "The Hydra".
The only way to avoid being completely wiped out during this event was to mass purge absolutely EVERYTHING (so humanity lost basically 99% of their tech and their knowledge). Did this work? kiiiind of.
Because of it's self compiled nature, ADRIEL was never able to be properly purged, so instead it was (after a monumental, worldwide effort) put to sleep beneath the earth, never to be disturbed again.
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cainternn · 2 years
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valentines day with the bbs
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pinkmirth · 4 months
it’s so hard for me to imagine alucard in a modern au . . . like what in the world is he doing in the city?!
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secondsotries · 5 months
hey tumblr i can't take this anymore i need everyone to know i am obsessed with SAM (special archie x maxie) and that i live breathe and eat SAM content
if SAM has a million fans, i am one of them. if SAM has five fans, i am one of them. if SAM has one fan, that is me. if SAM has no fans, i am no longer alive. if the world is against SAM, then i am against the world until my last breath, i will support SAM
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alligaytorswamp · 5 months
In your headcanon, how did Bennett and Chongyun meet?
aughhh thank you for indulging me 😭
i will now spam under the cut treating this like a dm and not providing any cohesive thoughts at all!
okay i am very basic because i think it's some casual A goes to region where B is and oopsie adventures happen so they run into each other
the thing is i am a total fake fan i have no idea who out of these 2 is more likely to go to the other region and for what reason
i guess if it was chongyun going to mond, in my brain it would be a rather simple meet-cute meeting. like he is walking with his friends (either or both pyro girlies maybe) to the city and then bennett's luck is of course 'ruining the day' as he just appears by either falling from somewhere or running from something - and naturally - per my personal headcanon about benyun cancelling each other out - whatever was happening to bennett just magically 'stopped'
and then they have little cute interaction where they are introduced to each other (i feel like xiangling is perfect for that), and bennett explains whatever issue he just had, they laugh about it and probably no one even realizes how as bennett continues hanging out with them before parting ways eventually nothing unlucky happened :')
(also in my head it's like... idk he had to get something from a tree - unluckiness strikes so he keeps falling - upon chongyun's arrival he doesn't fall badly?? and his next attempt goes smoothly! or if he like runs away from something - idk he was collecting flowers and came across a whopperflower - despite it following him it is gone once he is around chongyun)
the other scenario is bennett going to liyue (again for whatever reason... i am not smart enough for that) and maybe he takes up some sort of commission (or just wants to help somebody), ends up at the allegedly haunted place and of course with his luck the place is indeed very haunted
but nothing bad happens because of course chongyun was at this place too - investigating it for likely the same reason - but he was about to leave as he saw no sign of spirits before he witnessed whatever was happening to bennett
now bennett is saved by chongyun and chongyun dealt with a whole ass spirit! they are both very amazed altho for wildly different reasons
also i imagine this scenario would involve bennett apologizing for his luck (as he's assuming spirit appearing is a 'bad thing' that shouldn't have happened) meanwhile chongyun is like 'idk what you are talking about this was incredible'
both scenarios likely end with them just hanging out a little bit and figuring each other's vibes and then of course their paths cross several times more and they end up good friends <3
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joshduhamels · 1 year
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Josh Duhamel Hosts The Upcoming New Reality TV Competition Series "Buddy Games" On CBS | 2023.
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 7 months
hii ari !! abt the second timeline where adriana was the protagonist .. i remember ur carrd saying that she was in a relationship w luna in that timeline too — would u imagine it being different in any way , compared to the third timeline ? would there be a case where one of them may remember parts of their relationship from the second, or have a 'gut feeling' / 'intuition' that was rly memories from the timeline before ? i hope this all makes sense LOL
Oh!!! This absolutely does make sense; thank you so much for such an intriguing question!
Hmm.. I think that it would be at least a little bit different, by virtue of the fact that in the second timeline, Adriana fully took the role of the player as seen in-game, with no-one else surviving Grandview Station. So, as a result, while I do think that she and Luna would fall in love in the same way - Luna’s feelings appearing quite suddenly after Adri saves Gardevoir and later herself from the sanctum, which was midway through Adri’s own attraction rising slowly over time since meeting her - I also think that Adriana wouldn’t have been able to spend quite as much time with Luna as she had wanted, because she had more responsibilities as the spearhead of the movement to take down Team Meteor. As a result, it’s plausible to say that while we were definitely still close, it was not to as much of an extent (or at least had not developed to that extent yet).
Conversely, in the third/current timeline, Adri doesn’t have to be there for every single event, because there is now someone else travelling the region (in the form of the player), whom she is now mirroring by continuing to collect badges but doesn’t have to constantly be glued to. So, for example, she can spend more time with Luna after returning to Reborn City by not having to go through the Devon Corp raid. By the time the player has done that + defeated Adrienn + explored potentially the entirety of Tourmaline Desert (which is massive) + gone all the way through Titania’s gym, all that Adriana has to do in the same timeframe is just defeat Adrienn, fly from Beryl Ward to the top of Mirage Tower (to pick up Corybantia), then continue north to Never After - because she catches up with the player right before they battle Titania, at least if they’re on Reshiram Route. This (and other examples throughout the story, which I’ll admit I haven’t fully come up with yet) gives her much more downtime compared to the player.
What I haven’t considered as much as I could have is the last part of what you were saying, about feelings and memories of the previous timeline poking through. And I think that is a VERY fun concept to play with - the game sort of touches on it right at the end, but not really to much of an extent. In fact, something that I was considering was saying that Adriana’s experience - so, the second timeline - was closer to Episode 18 than it was to Episode 19, because the game itself was still only on Episode 18 when I myself first played it. This allows for some fun moments in terms of things like Adriana being surprised to hear the name Borealis so early, or being apprehensive to enter Agate until Cain and the player arrive, or suddenly feeling a lot less sure of things after defeating Hardy (because E18 only went up to his Gym battle even though Adri herself did actually get all the way to the end of maingame), or - to bring it back to an F/O-focused perspective - being even more shocked than everyone else that Elias tries to shave off Luna’s hair.
I think that Adriana would be the only one to really have these moments of.. I suppose you could call them anamnesis, but she isn’t necessarily remembering the previous timeline, just getting vague intuitions of things. This is because she’s the only one to have more explicitly been brought back in from the previous timeline - and brought back from her fate in that timeline - because of Anna’s feelings of guilt causing her to intervene more. If she hadn’t intervened beyond the point of a simple reset, it wouldn’t have been guaranteed that Adri still travelled out to Reborn (because she wasn’t the chosen hero for this timeline), defeating the main point of bringing her back - which was to make sure enough people would be present to power Anna’s wish if the new chosen hero, the player, had to be saved like that as she was. I do think there is potential for her to eventually become more anamnestic, certainly moreso than Fern, but that may not actually occur until.. maybe the Giratina quest. Which is late into postgame.
..I think it’s safe to say that I could ramble on about this for ages considering how much I’ve already written here in one go. So, thank you very much for such a question, friend - I am very grateful to have been asked it and it’s given me a LOT to think about!!
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bangbang-adri · 9 days
Hey guys, I have a small goal up on my kofi and I’d greatly appreciate any help I could get. There were issues with my stamps that are trying to get resolved but unfortunately nothing has happened as of yet. I was given vouchers and such for food banks and farmers market, but I’m from a family of seven(I got five gremlins yall) and it’s not really enough. I have items for sell in my shop and of course, commissions as well for crochet crafts. I honestly appreciate you all so much and even just reblogging would be a huge help. Love you all and I hope you guys have an amazing day!
[and if no one’s told you today, I am immensely proud of you and you are so truly loved and cared for. 💕]
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king-mera · 12 days
Give me some Ghostbusters kid hcsss I wanna know about them hehe If you want specifics any podcast hcs?
Sure!! How about I write some Podcaast headcanons and include his relationships with the other kids? (I admit some of these are recycled ideas from my dead RP blog, but here we go:
He’s the one who came up with the name “Summerville Squad” and keeps calling him and his friends that even if hardly anyone else does. He’s trying to make fetch happen.
His parents had strict upbringings, they didn’t want to raise Podcast the same way, so they gave him a lot more freedom. Unfortunately this also means they’re a bit neglectful. 
His real name is Corbin Song. He’s embarrassed by it because Corbin means crow and “no one wants to hear a crow sing.” Phoebe likes it, though.
He knew Lucky before the events of the movies and she defended him from bullies when they were younger. Ghostbusting brought them closer together.
He hangs out with Trevor sometimes to play music (Podcast on keys and Trevor on guitar, they are trying to convince the girls to start a band) or playing Grand Theft Auto (they wasted plenty of time looking for Bigfoot in San Andreas).
Favourite food is shrimp tacos, or shrimp in general.
LOVES ska music.
The flying drone trap was his idea and his design. He sent Phoebe the plans by email while he was still in Oklahoma and she was able to build it in the Firehouse.
He is lowkey jealous of the others since he’s the only one who hasn’t been possessed, cursed, or mind controlled in any way. He KNOWS that would be a bad thing but he’s curious about how it feels and doesn’t like being the odd one out.
As an adult, he has a tattoo sleeves depicting various ghosts and demons the Ghostbusters have faced.
Also Adri if you still haven’t seen Afterlife then YOU NEED TO DO THAT RIGHT NOW! 💥
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captainlexapro · 16 days
“Finally: To you who have read the whole of this saga, I’d just like to say that I hope it gave you something, because I gave it absolutely everything I had. Thank you for coming along for the ride.”
-Fredrik Backman, The Winners acknowledgements
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elif-ants · 1 year
definitely not the first person to make this comparison but family line being how annabeth ( and thalia to an extent ) feels about luke
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spearxwind · 2 years
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wyllzel · 2 years
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jooheon in colors inspired by the art of @alligaytorswamp happy birthday to my favorite artist! 🎨🎈
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one-winged-dreams · 4 months
Oh fuck my life, now I miss him.
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itstokkii · 5 months
🩵 <3!!
🩵: you are amazing and i love you
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