jinhsiimain · 3 months
The Magistrates Diary ♡ Entry 2
Menu - Diary - Archive Date - 26rd June 2024 - contains spoilers See end of entry for important notes ! See Menu for Update notes !
I continued playing the story and am now at the point where we learn about the Threnodian and more about the Sentinel. Scar is confirmed to be our enemy as he's involved in the stuff with the Threnodian.
It was said that the disaster (Lament) can be forced but the story contradicts itself by saying the Fractsidus only accelerated it.
Huanglongs Sentinel Jué must be lowkey weak if it can be abducted-
I find it funny that all the factions are fighting over us, we must be really strong so I hope Rover keeps being a viable playable character.
the crownless has powers from the threnodian. we absorbed it so that's why we're so wanted on all sides!
Threnodian war happened back when jinzhou was built, gives us another hint for building the timeline (i just realized that i could try to piece the timeline together-)
So what happened at the start when we had this vision with the sentinel was real - we once we're on Solaris-3, meaning we are indeed the key to the ongoing war.
it's so cool being someone that actually plays an active role in this story and finding our purpose.
Norfall Barrens is a battle field and the Threnodian is supposed to be there? Maybe the god sent us to the world to prevent the disaster again!
Scar got captured - he's so obsessed with us and lowkey I'm here for it, love me more <33
the threnodian is already revived? not revived? decide please I'm confused!
The fractsidus already tried to revive the Threnodian once. Scar told Jinhsi something. I WANNA KNOW!
sanhua has a time ability?
So scar is in jail, I doubt he'll stay there for long. he seems super strong, smart and cunning. As much as I want to be on the good side and fight alongside Jinhsi, it would be so epic to be the bad guy for once, like Rover Fractsidus arc when ???
New title acquired: the awakened one. - this makes sense actually and I think it's pretty cool!
raindrops fall upstream?
New Faction introduced: the black shores! they're an established group since the Lament and the Threnodian war
we are a member of them, the cutscene prophecy is shows us wearing the blake flower on our shirt.
no more sanhua protection :(
New Character introduced! Changli! perhaps Changli is the former Magistrate?
Jinhsi will need to fight the sentinel one day as predicted by it, she already suspected that.
That's where I stopped playing the main story for the day. I did unlock Weekly Challenges!
Gameplay: /
Plot holes (or i didnt pay attention properly, please correct me!!): They're indecisive about the Threnodians revival
Archive notes: Threnodian Threnodian War Resonators The awakened one Raindrops that fall upstream The Black Shores Sentinel
Bugs I encountered: /
End of Entry Stats: Team: Encore, Rover, Baizhi UL: 15 Wishes: (corrupted)
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jinhsiimain · 4 months
The Magistrates Archive
Information is missing... It will be added soon!
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jinhsiimain · 4 months
The Magistrates Diary ♡ Entry 1
Menu - Diary - Archive Date - 23rd May 2024 - contains spoilers See end of entry for important notes !
My Journey began at 4:08 am, after loading and veryfiying. I made a Whatsapp chat to record all of this :D The intro cutscene reminded me a lot of the unknown god scene from genshin. (I apologize for the comparisons to hoyogames, that how I connect info and make it go into my brain-)
The animations are beautiful and the goddess is etheral. I picked the female rover! cuz i thought the short hair looked so cool and then i noticed she joined the rat tail gang :/
Running around was so fun and Yangyang and chixia are adorable. I almost freaked out when I first saw Baizhi, she's so pretty.
One thing I noticed almost immediately is that the dialoge is really messy (cut off, fading out ??).
But the animation when they talk is so nice, like it has variety and not just the same two Expressions for every character, it gives them more charm.
AND I found the skip button - I told myself not to abuse it tho cuz I wanna know the story and understand everything.
I love that we have an actual name in the game for now like i love rover sm.
The thing about me finding out about Echos: "Oh i unlocked echos hihi!" "no echo for me :(" "WHAT" "ECHO FOR ME?"
I absorbed the echo with my body and was SO confused.
The OST is so cool and nice to listen to. I almost exploded over their facial expressions.
THEN I FELL IN LOVE no seriously, I met Jinhsi
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"MY ROMAN EMPIRE?" "SHE WANTS TO MEET ME" "like a date 🤞🤞" "jkjk" "BUT LOWKEY I'M INVESTED" "surrounded by pretty girls" "what a day to be alive"
I got invested in the story, finding out we're important to the nation and becoming friends with Chixia and Yangyang! I also slowly got used to combat, especially enjoyign the echo abilities! The turtle is super fun.
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THEEEEEN I FOUND OUT ABOUT THE DOUBLE JUMP - best thing that ever happened.
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short environment rant before I continue!! I love the way the open world feels so far! it's amazing to see a seemingly normal open world with little oddities and familiar entities! like the enemies can be turtles, shrooms and random floaty things or stone golems. Some of the animals I saw so far were obviously birds, lizards and fish but there's also rabbits and goats running around which I find really cute.
the design of the world feels really nice too like the colors aren't like "boom in your face!" but rather bend well. Things like the villages and the huge cherry tree stand out that way and I love that so far. and it feels so peaceful and immersing?? Does that make sense??
I found out how to increase stamina and i can run up walls!!! It's amazing, as well as the dodging ability. I was playing honkai impact just hours before the release so i was already used to evasion skills hihi!!
Another thing that started bothering me is that the dialog of the main story is kind of repetitive and doesn't feel that natural (yet), but I think it's due to the localization issues kurogames had before. I'm sure It'll get better soon!
3 hours in, I got my very first 5 Star
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"I actually wanted her most next to Jianxin :3" "she has those creepy ass puppets but that's exactly the stuff I like 🤞"
I planned to save my limited banner pulls for future characters bc i think the guy looks kinda goofy- "I hope jinshi is limited and available soon🫶🏻"
At 11 am I lit up the entire map except the top part :D
I got used to playing Encore, since I'm a Yanfei main I found she feels kinda similiar", and its really fun!!!!!!
Then I came up with my goals for this patch but I'm in no way pressuring myself to meet them or play because I want this game to stay fun! FUN!!!
100% the current map
finish the main quest
collect all the available sonace caskets
max / main encore
In Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail I (used to) collect all the 4 stars and i was thinking about doing that too in WuWa but I'm not sure about that yet since I actually have no pressure/desire to pull.
I continued the main story and met Jianxin, she's so cool!!
"I just noticed that all the black haired girls so far have like colored hair parts and I was thinking that it aligns with their element? but rover is spectra (currently) so idk? but also everyone kind of has elements colored hair- lemme verify that" ↳ okay so hair theory only partly fits
Every resonator has the tacet discord mark? as far as I can tell (yes genius did you pay attention?)
my team so far is Encore, rover/yangyang and baizhi and once I get jianxin I'll replace rover / yangyang probably
I fought my first "big" boss - caraspace engine zero, no death + achievement!! or rather "Trophy"!
Yangyang is a midnight ranger, like chixia, okay!!
Did some more story and got lore dumps! There's a voice inside us?
Also it's so cool that yangyang can feel stuff in the wind please do more with that!! We can read tacet discord coordinates?? Yangyang can also hear in the wind?? that ahhh so cool
I desperately want more elemental lore, it's so interesting!
We met scar - "Mr bad man Mr Scar okay he's the bad guy??" "Yangyang found a cat and vanished" "Mr bad guy is a little insane" "his eyes are freaky" "WHY DOES HE KNOW ABOUT OUR BACK STORY" "HIS NAILS ARE SO LONG FOR WHAT"
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"I KNEW IT THEY'RE ALL SUSSY" "lowkey I trust him with the lore dumps but not so much with him wanting to be our friend" "he's possessive girl get a grip" (lowkey he's so flirty and hot and ngh) "okay I think he's really not lying, like I said, not friend, but a reliable source. gonna call him Mr lore!" "Jinhsi is in on it too girl what are you doing?" "So Mr lore wants equality between the resonators and normal humans?"
The story book tale is actually so cool and while I as playing i tried to understand and puzzle the pieces together! " The black lamb was their scapegoat… they sacrificed her… but there's a black goat in the back still. The flock blamed someone again after the shepherd stopped granting wishes. The village is guilty of their own greed."
It turned out that Scar wasn't the shepherd and I never suspected as such, he seems more like a black lamb himself!
Then he trapped us in his Elysium, which is an interesting ability. I don't know if you guys have the same "problem?" but I'm so fast at beating the enemies that the voicelines are too slow. I haven't even leveled the weapons and echos.
We met scars companion? The spider lily girl. Her voice is adorable and she's soo cool!!! The character designs in general are amazing.
So Yangyang is sus of scar and eventhough I'm as well, I still think he is right in some aspects and the story book like tale he told holds at least some meaning and is mostly true.
ok so I found a diary in the quest which basically confirms what scar told me. okay done with I act III, dailies unlocked!!! I need to reach Union Level 14 to continue which was to be expected!
Im gonna spend some of my wave plates and them I'll log off for today. I feel like I got a vague understanding of the world and the mechanics so far and I really don't need to overdo it since I wanna have fun with the game going forward!!!
Gameplay: - I don't like the camera lock on feature - puzzles so far are simple enough so I can familiarize myself with the world but interesting enough to be fun if that makes sense - mutterflies are basically seelies - found my first parallel perception cave and that's one fun game mode, I beat with with just one second over the 3 "star" mark so I did it first try!! - decryption puzzle 10/10 - Fragile block has actual physics and collapsed onto me 💯/💯 - the cooking is cool too, it's just auto cooking but at least you have a skill thingy - Theres no underground map for the qichi village cave but that's just some spoilt genshin kid nitpicking on my end
Plot holes (or i didnt pay attention properly, please correct me!!): - why do we know jianxins name? like we just started calling her master jianxin?
Archive notes: - Tacet Discords - Etheric Sea - Waveworn Phenomenon - Lament - You can't seem to collect humanoid echos - Fall Damage - Switching Characters - Midnight Rangers - Fractsidus - Voice inside Rover? - Tacet Discord or Goddess? - Yangyangs Aero Affinity
Bugs I encountered: - Dialog stuff (non visible text, diverging voice acting) - most of the npcs seem to be buggy tho like they don't properly load in? eventhough my PC supports highest graphics without stuttering or excessive loading times
End of Entry Stats: Team: Encore, Rover, Baizhi UL: 14 Wishes: (corrupted)
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jinhsiimain · 4 months
Character Impressions
My first impressions + later opinions on the characters
The Goddess she's so freaking pretty!! I actually squealed when I saw her, she's jaw dropping gorgeous. Pls come back miss and don't pull an unknown genshin god on me ☹
Rover - more had hopes for a short haired girl mc but she had to join the rat tail gang :/ amnesia is definitely kind of a boring plot device but I'll roll with it.
Yangyang love her voice, reminds me of Qiqi, cute design - don't really know what role she's playing in the story yet other than like our guide but if she's just that I wouldn't mind having a calm one. she acted a little sus about baizhi and us I guess?? and her role??
I love her connection to the wind via her aero affinity (?) and would love to find more about it as well! She's part of the Midnight rangers.
Chixia she's cute too, her design bugs me a bit cuz of the hair and the weird jacket I guess? she's definitely kind of paimon (sorry for the references but like yeah) food and stuff but she seems to take her job as a ranger(?) seriously!!
Baizhi miss elegant + mysterious. Definitely like her calm aura as well, she's from the academy which I'm really interested in. she knows something and I wanna be in on it too.
Jinhsi ♡ girl appeared out of nowhere and stole my heart, asked me out on a date and vanished for 3 days I'm super interested, miss magistrate looks majestic as fuck. (the reason I like her design so much might me cuz she reminds me a little of firefly)
Sanhua another majestic woman I'm in paradise. her eye thing is so fucking cool I want to know more about her as well. She's suspicious too, obviously, but that's just adding to the suspense. if big plot device why 4 star ☹ (could say the same about the rest of the cast so far 😭)
Jinhsi sent her to watch over us.
Mortefi bro has a funky name. at first I was like nahhh but he's kind and I wanna know what his deal is as well.
Jianxin Girl also appeared out of nowhere. the reason I knew her name is cuz i looked at the gacha beforehand. She looks super cool, love her ying/yang/monk theme. massive xianyun/shenhe vibes I think?
She's super kind and I want her to be more involved in the plot.
Scar Okay Scar seems to be the bad guy. He's a little insane and knows too much about our backstory?? And he's got long ass nails. I want to trust him with the lore dumps but he seems really dangerous. His Elysium ability is super cool.
Spiderlily themed girl Scar's companion of same (?) power level. Love her design and voice, hope to meet her again soon.
Jiyan The current general of the midnight rangers, he fought with us at the Norfall Barrens. At first I didn't really like his design but now I think it's neat. He is kind and looks out for us.
Encore ♡ A member of the Black Shores. If sweetness was a person, it would be encore. She is adorable and silly, I love her so much. Her design is adorable and I can't wait to see her again! She's so energetic and loud in the best way and her dynamic with Aalto makes me smile.
Calcharo ~ It appears we haven't met yet
Aalto A member of the Black Shores. This guy I swear to god. At first I thought he would be another Sampo to me because I could not see myself liking him at all, but he is genuinely such a sweet guy??? Like I said, the dynamic with Encore is everything to me and might be my favourite duo so far even. His design is also really cool and he's got such a pretty face, I adore his eyes.
Danjin ~ It appears we haven't met yet
Lingyang ~ It appears we haven't met yet
Taoqi A security overseer? I don't remember her title, sorry- Her design, like almost everyone is really pretty although her jiggle physics are somewhat concerning. We haven't seen much of her yet which is sad but I hope we see more in future updates. Her voice is gentle and I love her vibe although she doesn't stand out to me much (yet).
Verina A botanist. She loves plants and is friends with that one granny and seems to know Encore as well. She is a free spirit and eager to help. Her design might be one of my favorites yet - her dress with the hood, the twintails, flowers and legwarmers are just perfect.
Yinlin ~ It appears we haven't met yet
Yuanwu I don't have much to say about him other than that he's goofy and we've barely seen him ;-;
Camellya ♡ MISS ???? GIRL? ??? I am afraid I will like her more than Jinhsi - She's so ahhh HER DESIGN IS EVERYTHING LIKE SHE'S ADORABLE BUT ACTS SO IDK OKAY I love her already. GIVE ME MORE ♡
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jinhsiimain · 4 months
The Magistrates Diary
Character Impressions ♡
♡ Entry ~ 1
♡ Entry ~ 2
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jinhsiimain · 4 months
The Magistrates Intro ~
Hello, welcome to my Wuthering Waves blog ♡ You may call me Jinhsi or Rin! I intend to post about my progress, some theories and other related stuff here :) I'm also gonna keep an archive for myself (and you) to look at and understand certain things better!
You can use my Request Box for anything you want (questions, story theories, opinions on characters...) I'd love to interact with you ~
Current Status: Archive - this will take a little while longer, I'm figuring out how to sort and link everything properly. Diary Entries - currently editing posts for whole days I played. Starting 17th June I will compromise daily entries into weekly ones.
(It's gonna take a bit until I figure out how to sort this properly)
Diary ↳ Gameplay Experience - Thoughts - Impressions Archive ↳ Notes - Story bits - Explanations
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