jkooksouls · 3 years
kookmin prompt
where jimin’s brother as a joke asks for a boyfriend as a christmas gift so jimin makes him a profile on a dating app (without his brother knowinng) where he finds 5 could-be dates for him (in the profile he says that his brother doesn’t know bc it’s a gift, and a little bit ab him) after selecting the dates he starts like a interview process where he meets jungkook and after getting to know each other through this meetings and texting they start dating, they go together to the christmas dinner and in the powerpoint jimin makes to his brother explaining this whole thing jungkooks name is crossed (since their very first meeting) and fin :)
plot twist: for this it can’t have a jk pov since it’s like the plot lol, jk and jimin’s brother are the same age and are classmates or something and jk knows about jimin (from his brother but jimin doesn’t know who he is) so when he finds the dating profile he decides that this is how he’s gonna make jimin fall in love with him lol
dw: fluff, sweetheart jungkook, crackhead and oblivious jimin, happy and fluffy ending
dnw: angst, misunderstandings, jealousy, sad/open ending
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jkooksouls · 3 years
for me personally, it feels a bit like trying too much. often this pins and little flags etc are used to identify other lgbt people for different reasons (it could be you needing someone safe to help you, knowing that they probably won’t be jerks if you flirt with them, etc). it’s okay to show support, like spread information about the community or an event, to try to make others know that you won’t judge them and more, but to use pins, flags, necklaces, etc feels to me like you are that person who tries to be part of everything.
this is how I think and not what i expect everyone to think, you will find people who will tell you that they don’t give a shit and you will find people who will tell you that you’re being rude and queerbaiting, it depends on who are you asking so my advice is to do what you feel is the right thing.
hi Gina! hope you have a good day <3 I just saw the post you reblogged of Harry with a rainbow flag pin and I remember awhile ago someone discussing how it’s doubtful that a straight man would wear something like that in support of the community. so I wanted to ask you (your personal opinion as a member of the community) is it okay for straight people to wear something like that in support? or should they rather not do that/would it be maybe wrong or confusing or something? (just want to clarify, the question has nothing to do with Harry, the posts about him just got me thinking)
Hi love. Personally, I think it’s a bit strange for an ally to wear something like that. But I’m really not a good person to ask about “rules” surrounding this sort of thing because I just didn’t grow up in that sort of environment. Maybe someone else can chime in.
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jkooksouls · 3 years
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BTS Week: Day 5 - Something I learned from BTS is…
Our love and appreciation for one another transcends language barriers or borders 💕. [Jimin’s Birthday VLive 181013]
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jkooksouls · 3 years
telling someone to stop focusing on the negatives in the world is the most privileged and ignorant thing you could possibly say
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jkooksouls · 3 years
Hi, I saw your post about ao3 so I figured that you may know more about this than I do. I'm a bit conflicted about continuing to use and support it, cause I keep seeing people say that the creators of it are pedos? And that we shouldn't support them, but I haven't been able to find any evidence for this. So I just wanted to know if you have any ideas about this because I don't. Thank you.
Alright buckle in as I yeet myself into the inferno
The people calling the creators of AO3 pedos are basically toddlers stomping their feet because the siterunners aren’t engaging in censorship at their demand. AO3 hosts content that depicts pedophilic relationships, and the only time they step in is if a work hasn’t been tagged with warnings properly.
The toddlers are cranky about this because they don’t think they should be responsible for their own internet experience, and they think they ought to be allowed to dictate what people can and cannot read/write. So they make attacks against the PEOPLE who run AO3 because they know it’s much harder to disprove those sorts of accusations than it is to do any real work on their own internet experience.
Here’s the thing: these people who don’t like that AO3 doesn’t censor content? They could run their own archive! AO3’s parent organization, the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW), has made the code that AO3 is based on completely available to the public!! That’s the tagging system, the site skins, everything. But the angry anti toddlers don’t want to have to spend money and work to build their own sandbox, they want to be the tyrant in OTW’s, stomping around destroying people’s sand castles.
So essentially these are purity police who think that anyone who creates or consumes content that is problematic are instantly monsters. This is a failure of critical thinking. Real adults are able to tell the difference between fiction and reality, and can enjoy something fictional without enacting it in reality.
Now if you’re thinking “well idk why AO3 wouldn’t want to ban pedophilic works” let me put this little thought exercise down for you: Say AO3 does make said content a bannable offense. What’s to prevent antis from abusing the reporting system to go on personally motivated crusades against specific authors, or specific tropes? What’s to prevent homophobic fans (and I guarantee they exist) from using that reporting system to brigade against all slash fic?
The Archive and the OTW would either have to create a bot that would probably not work very well to evaluate these reports, or they would have to find scads of volunteers who would be willing and able to slog through every report sent to the system.
I’m not very good at coming to conclusions but essentially this boils down to “don’t like, don’t read” (aka MIND YOUR BUSINESS) and “the back button exists for a reason, as well as every warning the archive allows authors to use.” If you have another question and you don’t mind the way I answered this one, please feel free to ask!
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jkooksouls · 3 years
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jkooksouls · 3 years
seriously though bisexuality being defined as attraction to men and women is a heterosexual’s definition of bisexuality actual bisexual groups and organizations have been defining it as attraction to two or more genders or same and other genders since the nineties and plenty of nb people actually id as bi and refusing to accept how we define ourselves is so absurdly biphobic and heterosexist and jfc it’s 2014 can other queer people fucking realize and acknowledge this
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jkooksouls · 3 years
I am not policing anyone. I am saying that you have a moral responsibility (or at least you SHOULD) once you post something like that on the Internet. Warnings don't do shit. We all know that people are curious. Children are curious. No kid actually cares about the under 18 warning. They are impressionable and easily copy behaviour. I was like that, my friends were like that. I'm not saying don't post things like that. I'm just asking, are you ready to take responsibility for the aftermath?
You seem to be laboring under the misconception that I am responsible for internet teenagers’ poor choices. I’m not. Neither is any content creator. Do you spend your free time going after the adult film industry and asking whether they’re ready to “take responsibility” for teenagers that deliberately ignore the 18+ notification and click through to their weird diaper fetish porn?
I was a teenager on the internet once (I’m not going to say back in the day because I have followers that were on Usenet and that’s REALLY back in the day). We didn’t used to have any kind of content warnings at all. I say this jokingly a lot but seriously, back in my day, you could trip over xeno tentacle non-con in the middle of a fic that didn’t look like it was going in that direction, and it wasn’t labeled at all. Ever! You know what was labeled and warned for, left right and center? “This story has slash in it! That’s GAY KISSING!!!” 
Seriously though, there used to be a time when the fandom and fic-writing atmosphere was so toxic to same-sex relationships that the content was usually hidden behind a splash screen with an obnoxious warning in cyan comic sans. Sometimes there were “secret instructions” on the disclaimer page - people would hide how to get into their website (“if you read the disclaimer you’ll know to click on the ^_^ face in the bottom left corner of the page to get to the site!” and such nonsense). I grew up in a time on the internet when it was easier to find graphic torture porn and rape-as-woobifying-backstory than it was to find fluffy hand-holding fic with my gay OTP.
And all I can hear when y’all roll up all “THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!” is all the people who forced slash and femslash fans out of their archives, away from their internet space, and into the loosely-organized circle of Geocities webrings that defined fandom in the early 90s. Eventually we all started to congregate on LJ, where content could be locked behind a friends-only filter and people could gather in closed communities where we could be free from harassment by homophobic morons. When the Great Purge of FF.net happened and NC-17 was officially added to their rules as banned content, guess who was most reported to the moderators and most impacted by the policy change? Slash fans. And when Strikethrough happened, it disproportionately effected slash fans. Again.
Teenagers may not be old enough to have fully developed consequence/reward centers in the frontal lobe, but the average age for being able to discern reality from fiction is five years old. It’s horrifically condescending and disingenuous to pretend that teens are so delicate and fragile that reading some smut that disturbs them or isn’t to their tastes is going to drastically upset their psyche. The most that’s going to happen is they’re going to come away from whatever smut they deliberately clicked through the warning to read knowing that people have some weird kinks when it comes to sex. And you know what? YKINMKATO. The end.
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jkooksouls · 4 years
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some zayn backgrounds because i miss him :)
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