This blog is now an archive!
You can now find me @gallifreyland, which is a new account I’ve made. You can still follow me there if you’d like, but I’m absolutely not expecting you to, and please don’t feel like you have to! All the URLs I’ve saved - including this username, you might want to snatch that one quick! ;) - have been deleted, so you’re completely free to save them too. The reason I’ve decided to archive this blog is mostly because of the huge following I’ve gotten (1k+), which while I’m immensely thankful for, I feel is more than I can handle.
I’d also like to step away from the pressure that is regularly updating the blog (tracking edits tags, creating  etc), and only follow people whose content I am 100% interested in seeing. The new blog will probably not be updated nearly as often as this one, and will be made up of things I want to reblog rather than things I feel I have to. This means there’ll be way more fandoms and content which might not interest you. And less people might follow me, but I don’t care about that. I just want Tumblr to be fun.
This blog stays up so people can look through my pretty graphics! But feel free to unfollow ♥♥
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This blog is now an archive!
You can now find me @gallifreyland, which is a new account I’ve made. You can still follow me there if you’d like, but I’m absolutely not expecting you to, and please don’t feel like you have to! All the URLs I’ve saved - including this username, you might want to snatch that one quick! ;) - have been deleted, so you’re completely free to save them too. The reason I’ve decided to archive this blog is mostly because of the huge following I’ve gotten (1k+), which while I’m immensely thankful for, I feel is more than I can handle.
I’d also like to step away from the pressure that is regularly updating the blog (tracking edits tags, creating  etc), and only follow people whose content I am 100% interested in seeing. The new blog will probably not be updated nearly as often as this one, and will be made up of things I want to reblog rather than things I feel I have to. This means there’ll be way more fandoms and content which might not interest you. And less people might follow me, but I don’t care about that. I just want Tumblr to be fun.
This blog stays up so people can look through my pretty graphics! But feel free to unfollow ♥♥
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In most stories, as you know, the villain would be defeated, there would be a happy ending, and everybody would go home knowing the moral of the story. But in the case of the Baudelaires everything was wrong. Count Olaf, the villain, had not succeeded with his evil plan, but he certainly hadn’t been defeated, either. You certainly couldn’t say that there was a happy ending. 
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@beccaland Hear hear! I don't think starting fresh would give me any angst anyway, since all the people I actually interact with would probably follow my new blog haha. Gonna make a post about it now! :)
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sunshinepond → jodiewhittake
in preparation for thirteen! i’ll keep tracking #sunshinepond but hopefully i’ll gradually move over to #jodiewhittake :)
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Infinite list of favorite characters⟶ Violet Baudelaire (ASoUE)
↳ “I’m not your countess. At least, I don’t think I am.”
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@beccaland That’s an interesting question. I think so, in a way? Because I have a lot of followers (like, 1k+ going on 1100) and even if I post less or different content than I usually put on the blog, I’m not sure the activity will necessarily cease. For example, I answered 10 asks yesterday, even though I barely reblogged that many posts. If I add that up, it comes to at least an hour of my time being spent answering asks on Tumblr — and none of them were things that really interested me, either. I also think it wouldn’t be very encouraging to watch the number of followers go down, which will inevitably happen if I switch over the content; I’d much rather start at zero and work my way up again. I also wouldn’t want to completely erase everything off this blog, like my theme and icons page, because I spent a long time on them (even if I don’t really want to keep them anymore). It would be easier to just leave it as it is and start over, I think. Tbh I just want a nice, simple blog where I can reblog stuff about the Eighth Doctor and maybe Classic Who. And I don’t need or want a crazy amount of people following me and seeing every post, because that’s guaranteed to generate more activity than I can handle. So wooo, rant over (wow this got long!) I hope this makes sense!
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Men aren’t where I keep my eye, actually.
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I had a friend once. She called me ‘Spaceman’.
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@isadoras @skywaalker Thank you so much! xx
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@doctor-missy those are all very good points, thank you :) That's exactly why I'm considering abandoning this blog, it's grown far larger than I ever imagined it would and lately, managing it feels more like a chore than a hobby. I've made sure it's not tied with my real name in any way, and I don't think I've said anything of strong opinion anyway (unless Doctor Who counts xD), but the huge following I've gotten is starting to freak me out a little. I'll mull it over next week, but I'll probably end up abandoning this blog as an archive (so the pretty graphics stay up!) and making a new account where I can be as active as I like and there's no pressure to post regularly :D
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Look, Hagrid’s our friend. Why don’t we just go and ask him about it?
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Going offline!
Heya! I thought I’d let y'all know that I’m not going to have wifi for the next week or so, so I won’t be on here at all. Queue is still running so the blog will stay active, but if you tag me in things/message me/send asks, I won’t see it until I get back ♡
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What's with all the rude anons today? You don't deserve that!
Aw thx
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That was so rude of that anon, especially to someone as sweet and nice as you! Sorry you had to deal with that, dear.
Aw, thank you for thinking of me!
(Btw I love your new icon!)
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Supernatural is shit
...Okay? Is this in reaction to that analysis of doctor who in relation to the superwholock phenomenon that I reblogged? Because this is kind of coming out of nowhere tbh
(For the record I agree, I tried watching and thought it was awful but like... no need to be unnecessarily rude, idk dude I just let people enjoy what they enjoy)
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Doctor: I’m trying to keep you safe. Clara: Why? Nobody’s ever safe. 
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