journalistiriswest · 8 years
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I swear on both of my parents lives, I will protect you.
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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This feels different. What aren’t you telling me? (x)
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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The Flash AU: In which fukboi Wally keeps flirting with Linda, who isn’t falling for his charms. At all. 
inspired by @wally-linda‘s post
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
okay but cisco and linda meeting up and writing villain speeches???
them hanging out and they get to talking until they end up on the subject of linda’s dr. light impression. cisco goes “wait aren’t you some fancy schmancy reporter, and all you could think of was i’m here to kill the flash and no one can stop me?”
linda glowering and launching into a whole bunch of (still valid) reasons like it being a weird time, she’d never had to pretend to be a light wielding meta to lure out an evil speedster before, her ex boyfriend turning out to be the flash… but cisco is taking none of that and linda sighs and just
“fine fine i didn’t want to get weird and make it too good.” cisco gives her the Face and tells her to prove it
and that’s how iris finds linda and cisco dramatically reciting supervillain speeches to each other over a mountain of notes
bonus for cisco showing her a video (bc of course he kept a recording) of him posing as reverb and linda saying it’s not bad and cisco looks offended and repeating not bad?!?!?!
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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Cisco 100% helps Wally with school(it’s almost like their both engineers, and should probably be good friends but whatever im not even mad), and both of them get entranced by late night/early morning infomercials every time there’s an all-nighter to be pulled because who doesn’t.
Might clean this up later but who knows
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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Iris needs a hero right now, Wally. We can prove that we can alter the future here and now.
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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Westallen in ’Borrowing Problems From The Future’
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
The Flash | Borrowing Problems From The Future Trailer | The CW
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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1x09 // 3x09
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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westallen + promises
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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instaflash: @ CiscoRamon
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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2.09  ❄️   3.09
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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jesse chambers through the years
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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Okay, how about no one calls me that. 
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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journalistiriswest · 8 years
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“I pushed him to train me, I pushed him to help me.  It wasn’t like anyone else was lining up to do it.”
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