joyouzz · 9 months
LU/ATLA: Sketches Pt. 6
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Hello everyone! Sorry for being inactive lately, had life throw a couple of monkey wrenches at my head. But I’m back now!!
Back with another Link! One that will be posted soon hopefully! I already had him all set and ready to go but monkey wrenches happen. Just gotta work out his story now!!
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This Link has been one of the hardest ones yet. I knew which elements I wanted in his design but it was hard balancing them out.
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On one hand I needed this Link to look like a traveler sort of, while on the other I needed to add in some soldier elements to his design.
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Couldn’t exactly add in like a chest plate, that would have been too much. But I’ve found a design I really like.
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joyouzz · 9 months
LU/ATLA: The Need for Water
Talk of slavery, mistreatment of people, selling people (human trafficking in ATLA), prisoners of war, war, etc.
To be a water bender during the one hundred years without the avatar is a death sentence.
During the one hundred years without the avatar, water benders face a much worse face than air benders. For while when an air bender is discovered, they are immediately struck down. But a water bender? They are taken as prisoners and face containment, isolation, and forced into wars.
Why is a Water Bender Captured?
There are # reasons why Water Benders are taken as prisoners:
1. The Next Avatar
When Avatar Rauru missing, people went in search for the new Avatar, a water bender
Some sought out the new Avatar to bring peace back to the world
Others sought out the new Avatar for their own purposes
Whenever it was to strengthen the Yiga Clan in the Fire Nation or to become their own personal body guard
2. Healers
Being the only element with the sun bending skill to heal, it was a risky time
With wars raging in the Fire Nation and the onslaught of corrupted spirits attacking people all over the worlds?
Healers are needed
Wealthy Earth Kingdom authority would seek out a water bender healer just to ensure that they get the best treatment
And in the Fire Nation, water is not only useful in the terms of healing…
3. Water Vs Fire
Being the opposite element of fire, a water bender is useful against the Fire Nation
And with the Nation split between the loyal Yiga Clan and the Rebels of the fallen king, having a water bender is a great advantage
The Yiga Clan would buy water benders and force them into their ranks, claiming that they can regain their freedom if they win the war
And when not on the battlefield, they were contained in cages raised high above in the air with no access to water
Cruel leaders from the Earth Kingdom would too join the Yiga in the market for water benders, fearing that the wars in the Fire Nation would spread to their own Kingdom
4. Spirit Bending
Eight decades after the disappearance of Avatar Rauru, Spirit Bending was discovered in the Northern Water Tribe
This new bending ability allowed water benders to restore corrupted spirits back to their original selves
When news of Spirit Bending spread, it increased the value of water benders
With corrupted spirits attacking villages, it was no wonder why many would seek out water benders then
5. A Pretty Penny
As stated above in 2 and 3; water benders are valuable in the years without the avatar
So much so that would would pay anything to get their hands on a water bender
This caused the greedy to seek out water benders
Cue the raids
For every water bender they sell, is another penny in their pockets
And when they capture non-water benders?
They sell them too, with that promise that they are water benders
In all, to be a water bender during the years without the Avatar, is a face much worse then death.
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joyouzz · 9 months
LU/ATLA: Air Genocide
Over one hundred years ago, the Fire Nation, under Fire Lord Ganondorf’s orders attacked all four temples of the Air Nomads to wipe them out.
It is thanks to the actions of Avatar Rauru and rebels of the Gerudo that there were survivors.
Important Figures:
Fire Lord Ganondorf
King of the Gerudo and new Fire Lord
By birthright, he was the ruler of the Gerudo but forcibly took the former Fire Lords life to claim his title as Fire Lord.
• Ordered the Fire Nation to wipe out all Air Nomads
Avatar Rauru
The Avatar of the current Era
• Defended the Southern Air Temple
• Took the Southern, Eastern, and Northern Air Temples into the sky with the few remaining Air Nomads to keep safe
Chief Urbosa
Chief of the rebel Gerudo group
• Found Ganondorf’s plans to wipe out the Air Nomads
• Lead the rebels to defend the Eastern Air Temple
• Gave her life in defending those in need
Princess Mipha
Northern Water Tribe Princess
• Near the Northern Temple during the attack
• Rushed to help, saved and healed those in need
• Killed on her way to the Western Air Temple
Monk Revali
Youngest Air Nomad to receive his tattoos
• Defended the Northern Air Temple
• Killed during the attack
Fire Nation soldier
• Refused Ganondorf’s orders
• Successfully warned the Western Air Temple
• Taken out while defending the temple
Impact on the World:
• Sent all Air Nomads into hiding
• Whenever it was to the skies or hiding their bending while remaining in the surface
• Target all remaining Air Nomads
• Sent the world into peril
• Scared the other nations
• Earth Kingdom began building its defenses
• Northern Water Tribe mourned their princess
• Southern Water Tribe Raids began
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joyouzz · 9 months
The Scrap Bin
When I was designing Sky, I originally had him have a second outfit. An Earth Kingdom outfit to blend in.
The reason why I scraped it is because a pal reminded me that Sky wouldn’t care about finding a disguise. That Sky would much rather focus on finding Sun than finding a funky new set of clothes.
Sky’s a hero of courage, not a hero of wisdom.
(Not calling Sky dumb by any means but you get what I’m saying.)
So here it is!! The Earth Kingdom outfit I had for Sky!!
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joyouzz · 9 months
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Air Nomads
Air Bender
Sub-Bending Skills:
Cloud Bending
Sky grew up in the skies of the new Air Nation, Skyloft. He is the grandson of survivors from the Air Nation Genocide.
On the day of his Ceremony to earn his Airbending tattoos, Sky took off to the Surface when a spirit attacked Skyloft.
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Quick Facts about Skyloft:
• High above the clouds
• Hidden
• Only the Southern, Eastern, and Northern Air Temples are in the sky
• They are close together
• Most survivors from the Air Genocide come from the Southern and Eastern Air Temples
• Few survivors came from the Northern Air Temple
• Even fewer survivors around the world who came after the Genocide
• After the Air Genocide and Avatar’s Rauru disappearance, the Air Nomads began to slowly rebuild
• Over the years, adapted to their new environment
• Their way of life was forever damage but it did not break it
• The old monks try to preserve their way of life
• The old monks forbid anyone from going to the surface
• But now they got spirits
Quick Facts about Sky:
• Sky is the grandson of survivors from the Southern Air Temple and Eastern Air Temple
• R.I.P Parents
• Dad died to illness
• R.I.P Dad
• Mom fell below the clouds
• R.I.P Mom
• Is raised by the monks
• Has a Sky Bison named Crimson
• Best friends with High Monk Gaepora’s daughter Zelda (Sun)
• She is a very strong Air Bender
• Sun’s grandfather (Gaepora’s dad) was a survivor from the Northern Air Temple
• Even from a young age, both Sky and Sun were talented Air Benders
• Sun more so than Sky
• Sun is one of the youngest of new generation of Air Nomads to get her air bending tattoos
•At age seventeen, she earned her tattoos
• Sun is the youngest Air Nomad to get her Air Bending tattoos at age sixteen
• At age nineteen, Sky earned his Air Bending tattoos
• On the day of the Ceremony however, things went south
• Sun gifted Sky a paraglider she made herself
• Before the ceremony could even begin, an corrupted spirit found Skyloft
• Now many spirits found Skyloft before
• The connection between the Spirits and Nomads attracted these spirits
• But in the past, they were all peaceful spirits who avoided being corrupted
• Not this one
• The spirit appeared in a tornado, swiping Sun from the skies and dragging her to the Surface
• Sky got knocked unconscious and brought to Skyloft
• Monks forbid him from going after Sun
• Sky went anyway
• Ran into a lot of trouble down there
• Corrupted spirits
• Yiga Clan
• Dangerous people
• Wild animals
• All chasing clues on Sun and the corrupted spirit Ghirahim
• Found Sun a few times
• She was saved by an descendant of an survivor from the Air Genocide who stayed on the Surface
• An non-bender named Impa
• Impa helps Sun meditate
• Sun connects with Avatar Rauru
• Barely
• He has a message for her
• But due to her single fragment of the avatar spirit, he could barely talk
• Travels to ancient Air Nomad sites to reconnect with Avatar Rauru
• Sky travels after her
• Sky learns more about the surface
• Meets amazing people
• Helps people in need
• Met a helpful spirit named Fi who helps him on his journey
• Lots of traveling around the world
• Two finally catch up
• Sun starts to explain to Sky about the fate of Avatar Rauru
• Ghirahim appears
• Ghirahim almost recaptures Sun
• Wants to bring her to his master
• Major fight
• Sky defeats Ghirahim
• Sun explains to Sky about the Avatar
• Reveals she is the Avatar
• One part
• How Avatar Rauru sit the Avatar Spirit, she has a fragment of spirit, there are others like her, Ganondorf is still alive
• That whole thing
• They make a plan
• Sun travels across the world to continue her training and explain her knowledge about the split Avatar Spirit
• Sky travels to find the other eight people who contain the Avatar Spirit
• To tell them about the Avatar Spirit and protect them if corrupt spirits try to capture them
• So far the duo have only found one confirmed Avatar Spirit Fragment
• Zelda (Fable), an Fire bender
• They have leads on some of the other missing fragments
• An earth bender from near the swamps of the Earth Kingdom, one who escaped imprisonment, one who others claim to see flames spark from her hands
• An pirate sailing the seas, slicing through the waves and the earth with ease
• Almost as if the earth was bending around her water slices
• Many other rumors but most lead to dead ends
• Through spiritual projection, Sun contacts Sky from across the world
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joyouzz · 10 months
LU/ATLA: Marin
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Fire Nation- Sun Warriors
Non- Bender
Part of the Sun Warriors, the first people to master fire bending from the ancient dragons, Marin lived her whole life on the island of the Sun Warriors.
She found Legend on the shores after his ship was attacked by the Yiga Clan and nursed him back to health.
Quick Facts about the Sun Warriors:
• First Fire Benders
• Taught by the dragons the way of fire bending
• When Ganondorf took over, the Sun Warriors closed themselves off from the Fire Nation
• Kept hidden ever since
• They help protect the dragons
• They know of the corrupt spirits around the world but their island is protected by the dragons and other kind spirits who yet face corruption
Quick Summary about Marin:
• Non-Bender
• Born and raised on Koholint Island
• When she was born, she had no pulse
• Taking a small flame from the Eternal Flame, she was revived
• Her mother died during childbirth
• R.I.P Marin’s mom
• But her dad is alive!!!
• Lived on the island her entire life
• Loves it
• But wonders what the outside world is like
• Want to explore the outside world
• When she is 15, she finds a boy washed ashore
• Saves him
• Boy is Legend, age 15
• Legend tells how he was sailing and got attacked by the Yiga
• Legend wants off the island but the Sun Warriors won’t let him because he might spill the location of their hidden city
• Marin helps Legend
• The two get to know each other
• Marin and Legend make a promise to travel the world together
• Yiga Clan finds the hidden city and invade
• They are close to losing but believe if they get a dragon on their side they will win
• Major fight
• Sun Warriors retreat
• Yiga Clan somehow captures one of the dragons and pins it down
• Tries to tame it but dragon eats a few Yiga
• Sun Warriors regroup
• Legend and Marin overhear from Yiga guards that they are planning on killing the dragon since it won’t obey
• They strike out
• Major fight again
• Marin and Legend make their way to the captured dragon
• Legend fights Yiga commander
• Marin goes to free dragon
• Dragon free, commander vanishes
• Only to appear behind Marin and stabs her through the stomach
• Legend screams
• Dragon tries to eat Yiga commander
• Yiga commander vanishes
• Legend holds her as she takes her last breaths
• The dragon swoops down, lands, and has a spiritual talk with Marin
• She agrees
• Reaching one gentle claw out, the dragon taps her forehead
• She glows, her body fading away as she passes on
• And transform into a spiritual seagull
• Legend leaves the island to hunt down the Yiga Commander
• Unbeknownst to hi, a seagull follows him
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joyouzz · 10 months
If Raava is Hylia in this AU, does that mean Vaatu is Demise? If so, did Ganondorf already have the spirit when he was born (like some sort of Dark Avatar reincarnation), or did they merge later on (like Unavaatu)?
Yes, Hylia does take place of Raava in the LU/ATLA Au.
And in that sense, Demise is Vaatu.
In Demise’s curse from the Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Demise creates the endless cycle between the blood of the goddess, the hero’s spirit, and the incarnation of hatred.
Now in the LU/ATLA there’s only the spirit of the avatar and the incarnation of hatred.
So in short, yes. Ganondorf is the incarnation of hatred.
However he won’t have ability to control the four elements like the Avatar.
Ganondorf is the incarnation of hatred not power. In all of the Zelda Games which Ganondorf is in, he has to gain this power. He isn’t born to power, sure he is the Kings of the Gerudo, but in a world in bigger and stronger armies that title can only do so much.
But while he may not have the elemental powers, that does not mean he doesn’t have powers.
The ritual Ganondorf used on Avatar Rauru consisted of dark magic. If it were anyone else, it would have never worked.
If anyone else would have even attempted to do the ritual Ganondorf used on Avatar Rauru, it would have failed before it even begun. It would’ve killed them.
But with the incarnation of hatred inside him, it allowed the seams of the Spirit Realm and spirits to bend around him.
Another power Ganondorf gains, or more so discovers, is the ability to corrupt spirits.
Much like how Vaatu’s essence can transform spirits into dark spirits in the Legend of Korra.
Ganondorf always had this ability.
An ability given to him through the incarnation.
However in the Mortal Realm, where not many spirits reside in, the ability never truly revealed itself.
Before in the Mortal Realm, to corrupt a spirit he would of had to be near the spirit for a long time before it fell to his corruption.
But upon entering the Spirit Realm, it is there when his power finally comes into full realization.
Channeling his hatred into the spirits, he learns how to corrupt the spirits and bend them into his every will.
And with the fragment of the Avatar Spirit? It only empowers him even more.
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joyouzz · 10 months
LU/ATLA: Sketches Pt. 5
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The next round of rough sketches for the next Link is here!!
For this Link, as you might tell, is getting two outfits much like how Wind did. However this is not a winter outfit. Oh no no no no, there is another reason.
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Cool fancy robes. I love it. Will say that I did kind of flipped it around in the final version.
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Ignore the circle. I was debating about butting a medallion there but I rejected the idea.
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And the final picture. This is the only picture out of the three shown that belongs to the other outfit this Link has. As you might tell, this is an Earth Kingdom outfit due to that little medallion I added there.
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joyouzz · 10 months
LU/ATLA: Twilight
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Earth Kingdom
Water Nation Sword
Coming from a small farming Earth Kingdom Village, Ordon, Twilight grew up with the other villagers raising him after his parents were killed.
When his village was attacked by corrupted spirits and the children were taken, Twilight went after them.
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Quick Facts about Twilight:
• Came from Ordon Village
• His village is protected by a spirit named Ordona, a spirit of light
• R.I.P mom
• R.I.P dad
• Was seven years old when his parents died when his old village was attacked and destroyed
• Hates spirits
• Found by Rusl and was brought to Ordon Village
• Grew up there
• When he was eighteen Ordon was attacked by spirits
• Got cursed by spirits and sent to Spirit Realm
• Turned into a Ordon Goat Wolf
• (Was debating on just having him as a wolf but I’m keeping to the Avatar world where all of their animals are just hybrids of two animals)
• Met an Spirit named Midna who was also cursed
• Did not get along at first
• He hates Spirits
• She hates humans
• Agreed to help each other out
• She has to help him find the children and reverse his curse
• And in turn he helps her reverse her curse and reclaim her power
• Found out that Ordona was in trouble and being over run by corrupted spirits
• Saved Ordona
• Only because Midna told him to do it and don’t have much of a choice
• Ordona revealed that spirits attacked them in order to attacked the village
• Knows where the children were taken
• Says that they are safe and sends Twilight to the other spirits of light to reverse the curse
• Reverse the cursed
• Got a cool amulet that allows him to shift back and form between forms in any realm
• No Umm, the symbol doesn’t mean anything
• It’s an Easter egg of Vaatu
• Finds the children near the Ruins of the Northern Air Temple with injured Water Tribe Warriors who saved them from the Spirits
• All except Colin and Ilia who were taken further north
• Finds out about the Spirit Wars in the Northern Water Tribe
• Spirits have been attacking the Northern Water Tribe for decades now
• Now their main city has been captured by spirits, their Chieftess Zelda (Dusk), is missing
• A Spirit Portal had open up in the center of the city
• Midna informs Twilight that these spirits are actually her people, who fallen victim to corruption
• Midna’s people are actually descendants of Hylians who were stayed in the Spirit Realm when they were cursed king before the gates between the Spirit Realm and Mortal Realm were closed
• Twilight goes to the Northern Water Tribe to find Colin and Ilia
• Finds them
• Transforming into a Ordon Goat Wolf again, Twilight finds Zelda (Dusk) in the Spirit Realm
• She is in hiding, the spirits are after her
• She reveals that Zant, a traitor to Midna’s people, is leading the corrupted spirits
• That he was given temporary power by a ‘higher power’ to corrupt spirits
• With this power, Zant is using it to take over Midna’s people and the Northern Water Tribe
• In turn, all the ‘higher power’ wants is Zelda (Dusk) and others like her
• Twilight grabs a Water Tribe sword and shield and defeats Zant and the spirits at the Northern Water Tribe
• With Zant’s defeat, the curse is lifted on Midna
• Just as victory was claim, the ‘higher power’ found Zelda (Dusk)
• Possesses Zelda (Dusk)
• Twilight fights possessed Zelda (Dusk)
• Frees her
• The ‘higher power’ is revealed to be the spirit of Ganondorf
• Fight
• Ganondorf escapes
• With Zelda (Dusk)’s help, Midna’s people were turn back to normal with spirit bending
• Midna goes to close close Spirit Portal with Zelda (Dusk)‘s help
• Midna kisses Twilight
• And forever closes the Spirit Portal in the Northern Water Tribe
• Spirit World is a huuuuuuugggggeeee place
• If you think ‘oh Twilight can just walk through other spirit portals to find Midna’ your wrong
• Spirit Realm is an interesting place
• Twilight sad
• Northern Water Tribe celebrates their freedom
• They want to give Twilight so many gifts for freeing their city and helping them
• Twilight tries to politely refuse them
• Zelda (Dusk) makes him take the weapons he used and a ceremonial Water Tribe Belt
• Lore Belt
• Belt is a symbol of thanks and that Twilight is an ally to the Water Tribe
• After the celebration, Twilight, Dusk, and elders of the city discussed the appearance of Ganondorf
• Dusk explains how the corrupted spirits are made by Ganondorf and how he was hunting for her and others ‘like her’
• Twilight goes traveling across the world to find more about Ganondorf
• To find out who the other people like Dusk are
• To stop the corrupted spirits
• And to find another portal leading to Midna
• Keeps his Goat Wolf form a secret
• Makes sure the children of Ordon return safely before he takes off
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joyouzz · 10 months
LU/ATLA: The Avatar
The Avatar, the one who brings peace and balance to the world.
The one who vanished one hundred years ago when the world needed them the most.
The only one who can bring true peace to this endless nightmare of corrupted spirits and bloodshed wars.
To understand the current state of the Avatar, one must understand what truly happened one hundred years ago.
The final battle of Avatar Rauru and Ganondorf.
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The Western Air Temple Trap
After severing the Southern, Eastern, and Northern Air Temples from the surface and bringing them into the sky. Avatar Rauru went to the final temple.
The Western Air Temple.
Rauru knew there would be no one to save there, it was far too late. No, he knew it was a trap set up by the Fire Nation. By Ganondorf. And Rauru was not going to hide from this.
Avatar Rauru is no fool, he knew that Ganondorf would not rest until he found Rauru. Killing whoever he needed to just to get to the Avatar. The Air Nomads were certainly not the only ones killed by the actions of Ganondorf.
No, Rauru needed to end this. And if that meant heading straight into a trap? So be it. Ganondorf will not stop this path of destruction, he needs to be taken down.
As Avatar Rauru left the newly Sky Island Temples, he knew it would be the last time he would ever see the three temples.
Ganondorf will not win.
The Battle that Shattered Worlds
The final battle has begun. Avatar Rauru battling Ganondorf. Their battle taking them deep beneath the depths of the earth, down old ancient tunnels that have long been forgotten.
Both fighters exhausted, taking blow after blow, both unwilling to admit defeat.
In the midst of battle, Avatar Rauru did not know what was coming. For Ganondorf led the Avatar down in these ancient tunnels for one reason.
It is deep within the final chamber, a huge circular dome shaped room that Ganondorf’s plan revealed itself.
Runes of ancient times light the room, humming with old ancient spirit magic that has been lost to time.
How was that Ganondorf came upon these ancient runic magic is unknown.
As if he knew this magic once, in a past life.
In the center of one of these ancient runic circles, did Avatar Rauru find himself frozen, suspended in the air, locked in place by an invisible force with no control over his own body.
It is then where Ganondorf revealed how he will transfer the Avatar Spirit into his own body, achieving his lifelong goal.
Stepping into the center of another runic circle, the runes glow with magic. Rauru and Ganondorf battling once more, a battle of mental strength as the Avatar’s very spirit is ripped out of him.
Even with his soul hanging between him and his opponent, Rauru still breathed, knowing his last breath will come soon.
Struggling to even breath the very element he was born with, Rauru knew he could not let this tyrant win. For Ganondorf shall bring ultimate death upon the world.
It is there, in those final moments that Rauru made a decision that still conflicted him in the afterlife.
Using what little strength he had left, Rauru reached out and grabbed the Avatar Spirit.
And shatters it.
With the magic of the ritual stopping violently, everything breaks.
Ganondorf’s screams of agony as his very body and soul torn into pieces. Magic ripping through the matters of space, tearing holes into the Spirit Realm. Light erupts the room, in a blink of an eye the Avatar Spirit shatters into ten pieces and scattered.
Fragments of the Avatar
Damaged, broken, and scattered, the Avatar Spirit still lives.
The stress of the ritual took its toll on the Avatar Spirit, making the shattered pieces take time before they were reincarnated once more.
In the past, it is upon the Avatar’s death was a new Avatar born. But not now. For each piece took time to heal, to restore whatever strength it had left before it was reincarnated.
It is in the Earth Kingdom where the first piece of the Avatar reborn, seventy years of waiting to be reborn.
Born to the Empress of the Earth Kingdom, Princess Zelda (Lullaby), is the first to be reincarnated.
An Earth Bender, for her fragment piece held onto, unable to hold the other elements.
After this birth, did the other fragmented pieces of the Avatar started to be reincarnated.
In the Fire Nation, the grandchild of former True Fire Lord Rhoam, Princess Zelda (Artemis) is born. Fire Bender.
In the far north, another is born. Born to the Chieftess and Chief of the Northern Water Tribe, Zelda (Dusk) is a strong water bender. Breaking the tradition of female water benders as healers only, through time and great patience.
In the Sacred Temples of the Air Nomads, Skyloft, Zelda (Sun), lives in the skies. Learning the ways of the Air Nomads.
On the Fire Nation Islands, Zelda (Fable), is born. Learning fire bending, she gives Fire Nation Rebels valuable information to aid them in the fight against the Yiga.
Scattered in the Earth Kingdom, three more are born.
In the villages of the Earth Kingdom, Zelda (Flora), is born to noble Rhoam Bosphoramus. Grandchild of Avatar Rauru, with insistence by her father, she was pressured to become the best water bender healer ever.
Near the swamps of the Earth Kingdom, another one is born. Zelda (Dawn), an Earth Bender.
Near the swamps, another Earth bender is born, Zelda (Dawn).
Born to an Earth Kingdom noble man, Zelda (Dot), she is taught in secret by her Air Nomad father the ways of air bending.
From the Southern Water Tribe, another reincarnation is born. Captain Tetra (Zelda) sails the seas with her Pirate crew. An Water bender.
Quick Facts about the 9 Fragments:
• Each fragment only has 1 element
•With how weak the fragments were after the Avatar Spirit broke, each fragment could only handle one element
•This also means that the past lives of the other Avatars were split with these fragments
• It is possible for them to learn another element, but only one other and it would be the next element in the Avatar cycle
•But not powerful by any means
•Say if one learns earth as their second element, they can only do small beginner moves
•Like moving pebbles
•Their Avatar Spirit fragment can only handle so much without exhausting themselves
• None of them know about their soul fragments
• If they meet another, they will feel a ‘pull’ towards the other
•Like meeting an old friend
•Why is there two of each element except water who has three benders?
•Simple, Water was the next element in the Avatar cycle
Ganondorf and the 10th Fragment
What happened to Ganondorf?
Simple answer: He died.
The failure of the ritual was too much on his body, tearing it apart and killing it.
But it didn’t kill him.
While the ritual was unsuccessful, but it didn’t completely fail.
Ganondorf has it.
The tenth piece of the Avatar is the only reason why Ganondorf hasn’t died yet.
His soul weak, fragile, and adjusting to the new fragment piece with his soul, Ganondorf could not live in the Mortal Realm no longer.
And seeing the torn portal in front of him, Ganondorf went through.
Recovering in the Spirit Realm, Ganondorf began to regain his power and learn what this new soul fragment can do.
With his newfound power, Ganondorf discovered he could ‘corrupt’ the spirits of the Spirit Realm, sending them back into the Mortal Realm to find the other fragments.
He knew at this point the other fragments would reincarnate. But this will not stop him.
For he is Ganondorf, King if the Gerudo and Fire Lord.
He will not stop until he gets what he deserves.
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joyouzz · 10 months
LU/ATLA: Sketches part 4
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Look at these new lovely sketches. I’ll do the facial expressions later, for now, the rest!
Going back to one version for this character. Wind was a special case cause he absolutely needed to have a winter coat version of him.
There will be two others who will have two versions of them for sure. Maybe three? Haven’t decided for the third one but the answer is leaning towards yes.
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I absolutely love his flipping hair! Just look at it! Ears are a bit big and floppy but that’s why it’s called a sketch.
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Leg flaps. That’s it. Leg flaps.
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Water Tribe Belt.
Rando: “But you already did all the water benders. Right?”
Me/Joy: “😈”
Rando: “Right?”
Me/Joy: “It’s called the Lore Belt.”
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joyouzz · 10 months
LU/ATLA: Wind’s Orginal Travel Outfit Design
This is the original design I had for Wind’s travel outfit.
When designing the LU/ATLA designs, I wanted to take elements from their LU designs but also incorporate their respective Nation clothing designs.
So when working on Wind, I first had the leather belt. But after going over I notice that only the adults wore the belts. So I switched it.
What do you all think?
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The final version, the first design, and the sketch of the first design.
I might actually use the leather belt for another LU character I have in mind. It requires lore. Woooo!!!
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joyouzz · 10 months
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Southern Water Tribe
Water Bender
Sub-Bending Skills:
-Ice Bending
-Mud Bending
-Steam Bending (not shown in picture)
-Spirit Bending
Wind grew up in the Southern Water Tribe with his grandma and his younger sister Aryll.
When he was twelve, his sister was captured by Raiders and ran off to rescue her. Became a pirate and rescued her.
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Quick Facts:
• Southern Water Tribe
• Grew up with his grandma
• The beads in his hair are from his sister
• Has gone penguin sledding soooo many times with Aryll
• R.I.P Wind’s mom and dad
• Mom died to childbirth
• Dad was a water bender and killed during an raider attack
• Loves his little sister so so much
• In over the one hundred years since the disappearance of Avatar Rauru, raiders/pirates have taken to capturing water benders for two reasons
• 1) To sell to Yiga Clan or cruel Earth Kingdom Generals as soldiers
• 2) To find the new Avatar
• Southern Water Tribe has been attacked so many times, very wary of any outsiders
• Unlike their swamp cousins, they stick together and hide the water benders
• And when they come to age, the benders decide whenever to keep hiding or strike out
• Wind is a water bender while his sister and grandma are not
• Got it from his dad
• When he was twelve pirates came looking for water benders and took Aryll
• She pulled a Katara’s mom
• Without the death part
• Pirate can’t get money for a a dead body
• Wind said no
• And took off to rescue his sister
• Found a pirate ship just outside of the village and boarded it
• Turns out, wrong pirate ship
• But good pirates
• Met Tetra, another water bender and captain of the ship, who hid her ship cause those pirates were after her
• Helped Wind travel the sea
• Wind learns how to mud bend
• Meets many new people
• Met a Fire Nation Captain, (Warriors), who he helped in the Fire Nation one hundred year war at the very end
• It is thanks to Warriors that Wind was able to find the location of where his sister was kept
• Found his sister in the islands of the Fire Nation
• Aryll has been saved!!
• Wind decided to take to the seas with the pirates
• Out to the seas!!
• Met a giant angry corrupted Spirit named Bellum
• Bellum kidnaps Tetra and brings her to the Spirit world
• Bringing her to ‘his master’
• Wind went after her into the Spirit Realm
• Met good and corrupted spirits
• Wind learns how to spirit bend
• Saves Tetra with help from a spirit named Ciela
• Spirit bends Bellum so he’s no longer corrupt
• Bellum doesn’t remember much, only that his ‘master’ wanted Tetra for some reason and that there are others like her
• Vanishes
• Back to Mortal Realm
• Wind gains ability to see Spirits/Spirit portals even if they are hiding
• Necklace is in tribute to Ceila and other spirits that helped Wind
• Tetra, wanting to know what Bellum meant by ‘others like her’ begins to sail the seas again but this time to figure what the heck the spirit meant by that
• Wind helps her, and by age fourteen, decides to go on land
• Cause there can only be so much found at the ports
• Wind and Tetra have matching magic spirit stone things that allow them to communicate from all over the world
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joyouzz · 10 months
LU/ATLA: Hyrule Update
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Alrighty folks, I’m basically redoing LU/ATLA Hyrule backstory/information.
I’ve taken a liking to the style that I did for Legend and also notice some mistakes in the first post I made about Hyrule.
Everything in this post will include the new information about Hyrule. There will be repeats, like I’m not changing how Hyrule came from the Swamps, no no no no.
Just adding or getting rid of info here.
So let’s get started!!
Hyrule from the swamps of the Earth Kingdom
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Earth Kingdom
Water Bender
Sub-Bending Skills:
-Plant Bending
-Blood Bending
From the Swamps of the Earth Kingdom, Hyrule comes from the water tribe that resides there.
Once a thriving tribe, now is scattered and dwindling in numbers. Keeping his bending abilities hidden, Hyrule travels across the Earth Kingdom.
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Quick Facts:
• Hyrule grew up in the swamps of the Earth Kingdom
• No ice/snow = No ice/snow bending
• Over one hundred years ago, tribe was thriving, now it’s not
• Raiders/Pirates have captured almost all water benders to sell to armies for war
• Or sold to see if they were the Avatar
• Spoiler alert: None of them were
• Now the tribe hides in the swamps
• Barely any trust in the tribe, broken left and right
• Those who do bend hide their bending abilities
• Both out of fear of being discovered by outsiders and by members of their own tribe
• There are factions of the tribe who believe selling off their own water benders means that they protect the tribe
• Hyrule discovered his bending when he was five, after losing control of his emotions when he fell out of a tree
• Basically he threw a tantrum
• His mother, upon seeing this tantrum, took Hyrule and hid in the swamp away from the rest of their tribe
• She wanted her boy to live in peace, not fear
• So in the depths of the foggy swamp, she encourage him to bend
• And so life was good, hiding from other members of his Tribe, but still good
• Until it wasn’t
• His mother grew sick and died
• R.I.P Hyrule’s mom
• Raiders of the Earth Kingdom came, capturing Hyrule when he was twelve
• Brought him to prison
• Prison time!!!
• Prison outbreak!
• Met an old man who lived in a cave
• Learns how to heal
• Old man knew Hyrule was a bender and gave him a sword asked him to go back to prison to save other innocent benders who were imprisoned
• Back to prison!!
• Met Zelda (Dawn), an Earth bender
• Prison Break 2!
• At this point just call Hyrule an escape artist for prisons
• Deciding on not going back to the swamps, Hyrule began to travel through the Earth Kingdom
• Now he’s like sixteen-seventeen and still traveling
• Has Met corrupted spirits before and fought them
• Never has been to the Spirit world
• Most he got with the Spirits is just simply meeting the corrupted ones in the Mortal Realm
• Or that’s what he knows
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joyouzz · 10 months
LU/ATLA: The Yiga Clan
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The Yiga Clan, loyal followers to Ganondorf. The clan whose leader they praised beyond anything else, maybe not bananas, disappeared over a century ago.
The ones responsible for the hundred year war in the Fire Nation and other conflicts throughout the world. Although they can be bumbling fools, they make it up in their numbers.
Main Goals:
•Find/resurrect their missing leader
They have no clue what happen to him either. There are Rumors that Master Kohga knows something.
• Eliminate all Air Benders
• Capture the ‘rouge’ leaders of the world who stand against Ganondorf
The Earth Queen, New Fire Lord, basically anyone who holds power in the world.
• Eliminate anyone who stands against Ganondorf
• Steal all bananas
• Revenge for Master Kohga
There are reports that someone defeated the current leader of the Clan in battle. Person responsible has yet to be found.
Master Kohga:
• Current leader of the Yiga Clan
• Rumors have it that he knows what happened to Ganondorf and Avatar Rauru
• Is over one hundred years old
• No one knows how he is still alive and not looking like an old wrinkly man
• Was a foot soldier when Ganondorf first took to power
• Rumor has it that he saw the battle between the Avatar and Ganondorf
• Loves bananas
• Very loyal to Ganondorf
• Earth Bender
• Not so good at it though, even after a hundred years
• Recent news reports that he has been defeated in battle
• No one knows if he is alive or not now
• Yiga Clan is out for revenge on the one who defeated their leader
Quick Facts About The Yiga Clan:
• They love their ‘great evil lord’ Ganondorf
• Loyal to him even after a century
• These guys have some serious dedication
• They love bananas just as much, if not more than Ganondorf
• These guys are all over the globe
• Bananas
• Bananas
• Bananas
• They may be fools but don’t underestimate them
• Who knows where they are getting all their members from
• Brainwashing?
• Almost all are benders
• They have members from all around the world
• There are Fire benders, Water benders, Earth benders, and non-benders
• All except Air benders, no Air benders allowed
• Their original base of operations was in the Fire Nation
• But they were drove out of the Fire Nation after the one hundred year war and have fled into the Earth Kingdom
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joyouzz · 10 months
LU/ATLA: Sketches Pt. 3
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At it once again!! Drawing the next Link in the LU/ATLA Au. Take a gamble and guess who it is.
This sucker may take longer for me to post. I’m make two versions of this character. You’ll see why.
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So much fluff. I could not stop myself. If there was a place to add fluff, I added fluff.
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Did I add giant big gloves to avoid making hands? Yes. Yes I did.
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Look at this. Fancy. This picture right here is the reason why this Link may take longer. See I’m making two outfits for this one to launch at the same time. You’ll see why.
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joyouzz · 10 months
I love the ideas for your LU/ATLA AU, but there is one decision that bothers me probably more than it should! Why isn’t Zelda the Avatar?! This about it, both have spiritual powers (including sealing abilities), are technically part spirit/goddess (Hylia could be this AU’s equivalent to Raava), there is a sense of reincarnation (even if for Zelda it is more like a bloodline), she has a semblance of elemental etc, etc! Furthermore, you said yourself that Ganondorf was after the spirit of the Avatar! Who could have a better role for that than the princess he tries to kidnap in every game they interact in?!
In a way, we can both get what we want! You said there was a hundred years of turmoil in ATLA Hyrule! Whether Rauru went into hiding or not, it is possible for him to die of old age. Thus, Zelda can be his successor, and they can have a “Roku-Aang” dynamic, even if their personalities are not a one-to-one parallel! In fact, considering the more mentor-like vibes Rauru gives in Ocarina of Time, it would make for him to have a more “predecessor Avatar” role than a “main Avatar” role, especially when “main Avatars” tend to be significantly younger characters!
Of course, if you have other plans for Zelda, please let me know! Even if she isn’t the Avatar that I so desperately want her to be, she has to at least be significant to the plot in some way! I’m sorry for coming on too strongly, but this is still the Legend of ZELDA, even if Link is the protagonist.
Thank you so so so much for asking this question. I’m really glad you are enjoying the idea my scattered madness brain created.
But as much as I love this question, I can’t reveal it quite yet. Need to mellow out the details first. Either going to launch the post in between the Links or launch it after the Links.
What I can tell is this:
Rauru had to be the Avatar first. He is a stepping stone in the direction of the palm for the Avatar. If he wasn’t the Avatar first, then the idea would not work.
Zelda is a key factor to the idea for the Avatar. Much like what you said, it’s called the Legend of Zelda not the Legend of Link. So yes, Zelda is the key to the Avatar.
All the Zeldas are.
Hylia is indeed this Au’s version of Raava. Hyrule wouldn’t be Hyrule without Hylia much like how the Avatar wouldn’t be the Avatar without Raava.
The final battle between Avatar Rauru and Ganondorf shattered the world. Punching out holes between the Spirit Realm and Mortal Realm and the corruption of the spirits. Scattered across the world.
Let’s just say… The Realms weren’t the only thing shattered. 😈😈😈
One last thing! You absolutely DO NOT have to apologize for asking! Go right on ahead!! I would love to answer more!
People asking questions actually help my brain form more ideas. So go right ahead!! I wants to hear what you guys are all wondering. It’s a new idea and new ideas are meant to be explored.
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