joywing · 8 months
Okay I'm very curious now about people's fallen london ocs and memory loss/amnesia because there are more characters with gaps in their past than I initially expected to see, so! Answer for your main oc, probably, unless you have an alt you'd prefer to answer for.
Also, feel free to specify in the tags the cause if you know it! Whether it be dissociative, irrigo-based, etc, I'd love to hear about it. :-)
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joywing · 1 year
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it’s ghost swap day!! (@fyeahghosttrick ) treat for @serrangelic-art,, the prompt was designing a human sona for sissel,!! I’ve always wanted to do this :DD (drew a lil’ comic for it too, sorry if it’s ooc!)
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joywing · 1 year
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Started playing Ghost Trick, and man this is some good stuff
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joywing · 1 year
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I realize that. hyperfixating yomiel means you’re bound to have ideas including fiancee sissel- it’s a must to me to draw her a design
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joywing · 6 years
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So, due to some circumstances, we had another character join Steel and Fire, our motley crew of adventurers. As is tradition, I've drawn her. Isa's a bit on the serious side, but it might just be since I don't know her that well yet. She's Sun Soul, which means lasers for days! Had a tonne of fun playing with the lighting and the number of gems. Also tried a more ambitious pose, with some experimentation on her hair. I'd say it turned out pretty well.
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joywing · 6 years
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I had a sketch sitting around which I liked, so I went ahead and digitised it. I kinda like the lighting here, even if the anatomy and perspective kinda sucks. XD
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joywing · 6 years
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HOO BOY. This thing took a long-ass time. 1-2 months of work, and over 500 layers. (I discovered that SAI doesn't let you make more than 256 layers.) I meant to get this thing done a week ago, for my group's anniversary,  but given how large it is, being a week late ain't so bad. Depicted here is every PC that is or was a member of the group, Steel and Fire, plus our awesome DM. I am amazed I managed to get through finishing this thing. Going left to right, top to bottom, here are the characters depicted: - Gaius the Fighter. One of the original members of the group who left pretty early, so I don't know much about him. I may have accidentally made him look like a certain Fuher who's handy with a sword. - Aylunn the Druid. A character that was around for one session, and so far the only Tiefling in the group. He died after being 'Snapped' by a beholder ray, and we still have the ashes. - Diomante the Ranger. A demon hunter, and a damn good shot. He recently made a cameo since we were fighting some demons. - Arin the Barbarian. One of the current members of the group, and a big 'ol Gentle Giant. He's really good at both taking hits and dishing them out. The fez was from a fashion shop we visited some time ago. - Alrik the Warlock. An unfortunate fellow who interacted with a powerful Fey. Left the party to try and help his country, which is isn't in the greatest shape to say the least. Here's hoping he isn't an ice cube when we see him again. - Caloris the Wizard. A flamey dude specializing in setting stuff on fire. He's currently holding down the fort in one of the cities we passed through. (I like drawing fire, so that's fun.) - Ollin the Fighter. A tough guy who's really good at using his shield, and has a preoccupation with stripping in combat. Thankfully, it's limited to hand-held objects. - Kessa the Cleric. Our 'kind-hearted' and 'caring' healer. She's really good at preventing the lot of us from dying. (There have been allegations of her being associated with Devils but they have not been confirmed) - Our awesome DM. I'm not disclosing his name here just in case, but he puts in so much work into creating the world we adventure in, and I felt it would be wrong to exclude him. (I tried to design him like a medieval architect, but he accidentally looks a little like a hobo. I was also tempted to add a mustache, but I refrained from doing so.) - Klinks the Bard. The party face/utility, and damn does he do a good job of it. Counterspell FTW! - Kyros the Rogue. My character, who's a bit shy about being drawn. XD
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joywing · 6 years
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Here we have the newest addition to the group, Ollin, the Fighter. Apparently he came from the Feywild specifically to protect us. So far he's been a godsend when it comes to tanking hits. Especially since everyone else except the Barbarian are squishier than a mayo sandwich in a rainstorm. He was a bit of a tough one, with all that metal, but I think it came out alright. He did request vibrant green eyes, so hopefully that works. XD
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joywing · 6 years
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Ok, the story behind this guy is a bit of a weird one. My DnD group had one of our members ghost us, so we were looking for a replacement. We had a player come in with Caloris, a Fire Genasi wizard. He attended one session, then disappeared as well. But I had his sketch done, and I really liked it, so I decided to finish it. We've had two turnovers including Caloris' player, but hopefully our current member fits in. Then again, it's hard to find the right person when the entire group is level 9. As for the art, I had a field day with the fire, (Should I see someone for pyromania? XD) and just the lighting in general. The nose could use some work, but I'm quite proud of my work.
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joywing · 6 years
An Alien born on Earth
I was born here: Terra, home of man. Man requires order, and so he imposes rules. It is what everyone must follow. But to me, they are written in an inscrutable form. Invisible, intangible, fleeting, changing, paradoxical. How does one follow such a law?
Every flaw, every foul, is ammunition, a stone cast against sinners. It is simple: comply or die. So I play their games, a circus animal to their amusement. It takes everything, until I have nothing left.
Perhaps my home is in the stars, away from the transient Earth. But I am bound, for I am still human.
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joywing · 7 years
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Drew this some time ago, forgot to upload it here. My DM was participating in another game, and I didn’t want him to feel left out. So i drew his character. K’halesh, a Draconic sorcerer with a penchant for near-death situations. Given that it’s a meat grinder campaign, along with revival magic not working, it’s pretty surprising he survived  while I was drawing this. XD
In terms of the art itself, I tried a different method where I did shading on the sketch to get a feel for values and contrast. Together with the water coloury brush, I think it came out quite nicely.
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joywing · 7 years
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"Knowledge is Power, but Power means nothing if you don't use it to do the right thing." Well, here's the final member of the party, Kyros Akotvo, the human rog- I mean, archaeologist. He's a travelling researcher, and has a special interest in magic and history. As for his backstory, he came from a village that got devastated by an arcane storm 200 years ago, after which magic was heavily persecuted. Of course, he ended up wandering off one day, and found a bunch of magic artifacts, which saved his life from a bunch of flaming snakes. So when faced with the choice of staying in the village or pursuing knowledge of the artifacts, he ended up choosing the latter. 10 years, a dead mentor, and some mercenary work later, he ended up joining with the party. Currently interested in trying to get into the restricted section of a library, and preventing the world from being destroyed by an evil elf wizard that got released from a dagger. As for the art itself, it took me a while to settle on a design for him. Ended up taking some notes from Emerald, particularly the jacket. I quite like how the shading turned out here, I'm actually able to see where the light is coming from. Got tired when I tried to put the shadow on the ground, so I just settled for a regular one, which doesn't actually reflect the direction of the light. I'm still proud for managing to get myself to finish this though.
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joywing · 7 years
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Next up, we've got our resident support and face, Klinks. He's a fan of the colour purple apparently. The hands were a bit tough, but I think I nailed the sass aspect of the bard. (He also was recently possessed by an evil artifact, which humorously, made him look like Skeletor.)  His talking skills are actually ridiculously impressive, and I'm pretty sure we would've been arrested without them. Anywho, I had fun drawing him.
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joywing · 7 years
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Next up, we have Alrik, our group's Icy blade warlock. (Technically I did one other picture before this, but due to some issues regarding the rights to use a sword in the art, I don't think I can upload it.) I went for something closer to my usual style for this, although I did adapt the more water coloury style I did last time. I had a lot of fun with the ice and colour scheme though.
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joywing · 7 years
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My last D&D group collapsed some time ago, so I was out looking for a new group. Since the exams are over, I managed to join up with another group. I’ve played 2 sessions with them so far, and it’s a great time. (Really wish I could fix my damn shyness problem though. I want to RP but can’t find the words to say.)
As per tradition at this point, I’m drawing everyone’s characters. (I haven’t drawn mine yet, I had to change his design to fit the setting.) This is Kessa, the Half-Elf Cleric of Bahlor, god of light, and her familiar Quill. Her player was really invested in her (14 page backstory 0_0)  so I was able to get details pretty easily. Tried a different method for soft shading, but it didn’t turn out quite the way I expected. I still think it looks good though.
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joywing · 7 years
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A birthday present for my close friend. He likes Boondocks, as well as Roadhog's shark skin, so I combined the two like so. I'm not too happy with the streaks on the anchor, or the wierd positioning of the shadow, but I'm still new to traditional art, and hopefully I can work it out.
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joywing · 7 years
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This was just supposed to be a simple profile picture from digitizing my sketch, but it spiraled out of control when I went and added the background. XD Damn proud of it though. So here’s Jaqueline, in the Ruins. Wish I could add a bit more grit, but my colouring style isn’t quite there yet.
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