judystfrancy · 5 years
Thanks chief 👍 😊
SANGO! ILY! hope ur doing better these days. I am new to the artsy sphere so I was wondering, how do you do the coloring so damn well??? Do you have any advice cause I can't pick colors right 😥. Do you use palettes of any sort?. Happy supercorp Sunday (tomorrow) and happy holidays (or merry Christmas) whatever floats yer goat 😊❤❤❤😊
I’m currently trying to turn off my brain over the holidays so I can maybe draw a little bit.
Coloring is definitely something that took me a while until I could more or less enjoy it. I think in the beginning it was my least favorite part.
Obviously just keep doing it, like everything else it will just take time and practice! Also look around for tutorials etc. There’s a lot of different stuff on youtube! I often look around for new stuff or rewatch old videos I found helpful!
I’d say it’s important to always keep looking at lots of different stuff, because different people have different techniques and a different way of explaining things. Sometimes all it takes is finding a technique/person that explains something in a way that makes more sense to you!
I don’t really use palettes. I have a couple of basic colors I use for certain characters, but I don’t really find it helpful to use, let’s say set skin tone palettes you can find online, because colors can look SO different depending on the lighting and setting.
A person’s skin tone for example can give you two completey different palettes in two different pictures if the setting and lighting is different.
What I try to do is 1. pick colors based on what I already have, meaning if you already put down a color and now want to add a second one, let’s say for example a color thats a little warmer and a little lighter, don’t just pick a random color on the color wheel. Pick the color you already have and then adjust the wheel and try to get to the color you need/want.
and 2. kinda stay in the a grey-ish area/use colors that are less saturated
Marco Bucci made a video about this that I found REALLY helpful, because I think it fits the way I think about coloring and picking colors really well.
A bunch of colors that are “grey-ish” will not only harmonize better, it also enables you to put in some beautiful highlights and eyecatchers, which I often like to do. You can’t really do that if all the other colors you used so far are already bright and shiny and very saturated.
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judystfrancy · 5 years
Turns out... This was @bigmammallama5 so yeah... Thank you! Sexy Patrick 😊
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Heehee thank you @sango-blep for this
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judystfrancy · 5 years
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judystfrancy · 5 years
Anyone: Breathes. Lena: You lied to me you sack of shit.
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judystfrancy · 5 years
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Heehee thank you @sango-blep for this
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judystfrancy · 5 years
Yay! This story was fun to write so go ehm... Read it maybe 😊
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judystfrancy · 5 years
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Umm... I mean yeah... Potater 😊
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judystfrancy · 5 years
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Happy supercorp Sunday everyone 😊
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judystfrancy · 5 years
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Just let them be happy! T_T
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judystfrancy · 5 years
petition to rename the usa ‘south canada’
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judystfrancy · 5 years
Supergirl 5x07
Kara: Why do you have Myriad?
Lena: Well, you caught me. I have Myriad because I’m using you. Like you used me.
Kara: I never used you.
Lena: Do you remember when you finally told me that you were Supergirl? You were weeping big, crocodile tears. Well, I wept real tears. Bitter tears over you weeks before.
Kara: What? I-I thought... How long had you known?
Lena: I found out the day I killed my brother.
Kara: Lena, you didn’t kill Lex. That was me. I watched him, I saw him fall.
Lena: You saw him fall, but did you see him land? Did you see him die? I did, and let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty.
Kara: That’s impossible.
Lena: Anything’s possible when you’re a Luthor. Lex used his transmatter portal watch. I knew exactly where’d he go—the cabin we loved when we were children. So, I was there waiting for him. Had the gun ready. Loaded. I could feel the weight of it in my hands. Every fiber in my being rebelled, but I didn’t wanna do it, but I knew I had to because if Lex lived, the world wouldn’t be safe. My friends wouldn’t be safe. So, I forced myself to pull the trigger. I shot my own brother in the chest. His final words to me were that I was a fool. That my best friend, that every friend I had was lying to me. With his dying breath, he told me that you were Supergirl.
Kara: Lena, you have to believe me. I never meant to humiliate you—
Lena: No, when I came to this city, I promised myself that I would never trust anyone again and... then I met you. You chipped away at my armor with your warmth and your earnestness and you convinced me to trust in people and friendship again, and against my better judgment, I did. All the while telling you about my Achilles heel: betrayal. I confided in you that everyone in my past had betrayed me. And that how much it hurt to have someone you love lie to you and betray you, and I spelled it out to you OVER and OVER again, essentially begging you not to violate my trust, BEGGING you not to prove that, once again, that I was a fool! You reassured me ad nauseum you would never lie to me and you’d never hurt me. And all the while, there wasn’t a single, HONEST moment in our friendship.
Kara: No, no, that is NOT tru—
Lena: Now I killed my brother for you, for our friends! Don’t you understand what you’ve done?
Kara: When you found out, why didn’t you come to me right away, so I could explain—
Lena: Explain? Yeah?
Kara: If you hate me so much, why not out me at the Pulitzer party? Why pretend to still be my friend this long?
Lena: ‘Cause I wanted you to experience what you did to me. Feel what I felt.
Kara: I understand your pain and your fury, and... and you’re right! I made a big mistake, maybe the BIGGEST mistake of my life, but please, Lena, please don’t leave the Fortress with Myriad. Please don’t let my mistake push you to do something terrible! You are a GOOD person!
Lena: NO! No, you don’t ever get to tell me who or what I am again!
Kara: Did you reprogram Fortress’ defenses to attack me?
Lena: Yes. I rigged it to answer to this little button I have in my hand.
Kara: Are you gonna try to kill me?
Lena: No, Supergirl, I’m not gonna kill you. I’m not a villain. You shouldn’t have treated me like one.
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judystfrancy · 5 years
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judystfrancy · 5 years
Nyeghhhhhb :)
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If we wont have a rainbow of Lena suits at the end of season5 then WHAT’S EVEN THE POINT??????
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judystfrancy · 5 years
Actually same:)
me: dont rly wanna watch supergirl anymore :/
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judystfrancy · 5 years
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this ended up being a lena del rey with @llamavillana “Feet don’t fail me now, take me to the kara´s arms Oh my heart it breaks every step that i take, But they are open up the gates and tell me, I’m in Daxam Come and take a walk on the gay side, Let me kiss you hard on the pouring rain You like your Luthors gay, Choose your last words this is the last time cause, Kara and I, We were born to fuck”
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judystfrancy · 5 years
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goth lena based on @lanasexuall fic GO READ IT !
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judystfrancy · 5 years
I need someone to draw Lena and Kara in onesies. Kara would totally be in a Supergirl onesie like the nerd she is but Lena HAS to be in a dinosaur one because I’m sorry but that woman runs like a dinosaur and if you need proof just go back and watch 2x01 or 2x08 and you’ll see her dino-running in action. It has to become a thing!
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