juji-han · 2 years
Summer Lovin'
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→ Seungkwan x reader
→ 5.1k words
→ language, mature (17+) theme
→ Seungkwan spends the summer at Vernon’s countryside house, where he meets you. One small town, one house, one love.
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Seungkwan packed his things. In ten minutes, he would be on his way to his best friend's vacation house. It was far, the drive would at least be five hours, and he could feel his legs already cramping up. 
He packed his favorite shirt, shoes, and pants, he wanted to look his best. Maybe he’d meet someone special, everyone knew Seungkwan had been single for too long. He would catch a break from his family, his distant blood asking him, ‘have you got a girlfriend yet?’ followed by an unseen eye roll and a head shake. 
Checking the time, Seungkwan eyes widened, grabbing anything he could out of his drawers and closet, and throwing them in the two suitcases he had open. 
Adding the final things he could, Seungkwan zipped his suitcases shut, accepting the fact that he was going to be missing a few things, maybe even essentials. 
On the road, tires rolling fast against the pavement, came Vernon. He honked his horn twice, arm hanging out the black car’s window. 
Seungkwan’s front door swung open, heavy breaths from trying to safely bring down two of the heaviest things he’s ever lifted, “A little help?”
Vernon, who at first just stared at the brown-haired boy, now gave a tight-lipped smile, swinging his car door open. Making his way around the car, he grabbed one of Seungkwan's suitcases, using his leg to move it over to his trunk.
“What’s in here, man?” Vernon used all his strength, lifting the heavy material into the trunk, Seungkwan following the same. 
Seungkwan arranged his things, before shutting the back and moving to the front of the car along with his friend. 
“Yeah, let’s go.” Seungkwan dragged his words out, monotone, feeling too tired to be giddy. 
Vernon sped off, the five-hour clock starting to tick down. Soon, he’d be in a completely different area, surrounded by people he doesn’t know.
Seungkwan was asleep when they arrived at Vernon’s house. He had missed the scenery that Vernon enjoyed every summer he came there, he had also luckily missed some of Vernon’s swerving.
With a shake to his shoulder, Seungkwan stirred, eyes opening slowly. Night had fallen, and the air was cool, accompanied by crickets chirping loudly and the sound of coyotes yipping and howling.
He got out of the car, taking his things, and following Vernon into the house.
The two stayed silent, Seungkwan sleepily moving up the stairs, ignoring the room with the lights on, lugging his things into his temporary stay, and flopping on the bed. Tomorrow would be a new day and Seungkwan would explore tomorrow but for now, he needed sleep.
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The sun shined past the white curtains, Seungkwan’s room coming to life, compared to yesterday’s darkness. He stirred, the inside of his eyelids red. He raised his arms, stretching and letting out a small whine, his body releasing all of yesterday’s emotions; shaking release. 
He laid still, arms above his head, looking at the beams of light and the dust floating around. 
Creaks were heard outside his door, and quiet footsteps led down the hall to the stairs. Each stair creaked, making the newcomer’s arm hairs stand up. 
Seungkwan sat up slowly, the comforter gathering around at his waist. Getting out of bed slowly, Seungkwan stretched once again, rocking lightly on the balls of his feet. 
The old door squeaked as Seungkwan opened it. It was old, the entire house. The doors were painted a dark blue, slightly chipped from age. The floors were wooden planks and not the cheap kind. Real wood, the varnish stripped and bare.
To the left of Seungkwan’s room was another door. It was closed, showing off a, “Do Not Disturb” sign written in black and white. Across from his was an open door. Seungkwan peered in slightly, revealing Vernon sleeping on his back, mouth opened slightly, still sound asleep. He twitched, hands curling into a fist, as if ready to fight.
Seungkwan smiled, before going downstairs, taking in the small dining area. The kitchen sported green tiles, clean and looking brand new compared to the rest of the house. 
Beside the window, was a small round wooden table, with three chairs along with it. 
That’s when Seungkwan noticed you, a beautiful nondisturbed energy. You held a book in your hands, focused and unmoving, even when the sound of Vernon’s chair scraped against the tiles. Words couldn’t leave Seungkwan's mouth, so he didn’t bother. He acted as if you weren’t there, turning to Vernon.
“Good morning, I didn’t even hear you come down the stairs,” Seungkwan commented. Vernon let out a chuckle, fixing his bedhead. 
Seungkwan’s eyes flickered to you, taking notice of your face. You looked perfect, the sun shining on you, like a spotlight. Your eyes moved slightly, reading line after line of your book. You were a sight, more than eye candy to Seungkwan. He wanted to know you. 
Moving his eyes back to Vernon’s, they met eyes, “What do you guys wanna eat?”
Seungkwan’s eyes moved between you and Vernon, curious as to what your response would be.
You shrugged, the first reaction since Seungkwan sat down, snapping your book shut and looking up into Seungkwan’s eyes before quickly moving back down at the table, “Let’s go to that one place.”
“One down the street?” Vernon asked, rubbing his face and biting his lip.
You nodded, muttering a confirmation, before pushing your hair back, “Let’s get ready and we’ll ride our bikes there. Your friend can use my old one.”
You stood up, chair scraping against the ground, showing your sleeping attire. You wore a sheer white tank top, the cloth clinging to your skin, paired with red and black pajama shorts, tied at the drawstring. Turning around to go up the stairs, Seungkwan couldn’t help but notice the way your shorts moved up, revealing a sight he didn’t want to take his eyes off of.
When you had reached your room, out of earshot, in the corner of his eye, he saw Vernon turn towards him. 
In a hushed voice, Vernon’s lip turned up, “Her name is Y/N.” 
He rested his face on his fist, and he continued, “Pretty right? She's hard to get though. Too focused on other things.”
“Like what?”
“Not sure, but whatever it is, it must be a hell of a thing to make her so unavailable.”
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By the time Seungkwan was finished getting ready, both Vernon and you were outside digging in the shed for bikes. 
The air was dry, with no wind to cool anyone down. Sweat beads were starting to form on Seungkwan’d forehead, making him fan himself, walking to the shed. 
Seungkwan’s eyes naturally moved towards you, your sweat making your skin dewy. You wiped the sweat off your forehead, a heavy sigh leaving your lips.
You grabbed a bike, wheeling it towards Seungkwan, “All yours.”
Seungkwan grabbed the bike, an anxious feeling dancing at his fingertips. Adjusting the seat of the bike, he hopped on, waiting for you and Vernon.
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The place you suggested was a small coffee house. It was secluded and quiet and only the noise of a radio behind the bar was heard. The three of you sat, waiting for someone to take your orders.
Vernon’s head rested on his palm, the other hand tapping away at the metal table. His eyes moved between you and Seungkwan, then around the coffee house, taking in the beauty everywhere. 
“This is a nice place,” Seungkwan spoke up. 
You and Vernon nodded at the same time and the same pace. With a small smirk, Seungkwan thought, They’re the same.
The atmosphere returned to silence, a waitress walking over to you three. 
As the morning went by, a good breakfast and minimal conversation were shared between you three. The return back home was quiet, Vernon and Seungkwan heading inside to get away from the heat, and you going off somewhere.
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Seungkwan sat at the kitchen table, enjoying the night breeze from the open window. He heard the sound of crickets, a sense of nostalgia washing over him. 
He ran his fingers through his hair, the sound of a bike rattle coming closer to he sat. He hadn’t seen you all day, he wondered where you had gone, what you did, if you had fun. 
Your leg swung over the bike, kicking the brake down into the dirt. 
The door swung open, Seungkwan’s eyes following you as you ran up the stairs, the sound of a door closing. He heard the distant sound of water running; the bathroom.
Seungkwan stood up slowly, going upstairs himself. The bathroom’s light shone through the cracks, but the newcomer paid it little mind, going into his room. 
He shut his door softly, sitting at the edge of his bed. He laid back, adjusting himself so that his entire body was on the bed. 
Tomorrow, he would be here, in a countryside middle-of-nowhere house. He would be here with you… and Vernon, of course.
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“Here.” You stood on your toes, reaching for the top shelve of the cabinet. “We stack things like Jenga in here.”
Prior to you reaching for a bottle of syrup, Seungkwan and Vernon made a short trip to a convenience store. Seungkwan insisted on making pancakes for everyone, generous for the room and place to stay. 
Seungkwan had gotten everything he needed, making homemade pancakes. There was a plan, make pancakes and impress you. Short and sweet, except when you came downstairs, dressed in the same white see-through tank top. 
Seungkwan almost burned the pancake on the stove, too distracted by your attire. You wore nothing underneath, leaving Seungkwan’s eyes to wonder. 
You were captivating to Seungkwan. You were like a siren, calling for Seungkwan, his heart, and his mind, only to be forgotten. 
“Making pancakes?” You spoke to Seungkwan. He slightly jumped and snapped out of his thoughts, nodding. “You’re gonna need syrup. You’re not vegan or anything right?”
Seungwan shook his head, muttering, “No.”
That’s when you reached for a bottle of syrup, Seungkwan’s eyes falling down to your revealed stomach. He knew he shouldn’t look, but he couldn’t help it. You were just so… you.
“Do you need help?” Seungkwan asked. Honestly, he wasn’t asking to be kind, he was asking because if you stayed around for another minute, breakfast would be burnt.
“Yeah.” You strained. Retracting your arm, you moved to the side letting Seungkwan move into your previous position. 
You stood behind Seungkwan, facing his back. You watched as Seungkwan’s muscles flexed as he reached for the syrup. 
Seungkwan reached for the bottle, grabbing it, and placing it on the counter. He turned around, giving you a tight-lipped smile, cheeks burning red.
“Thanks.” You returned the smile. “By the way, what’s your name?”
He couldn’t believe you didn’t know his name. It had only been two days but had you really not been around enough to introduce yourself?
“Seungkwan. Boo Seungkwan.” He introduced himself, smiling wide. It soon fell as he heard your giggle.
“Okay, James Bond.” You teased. 
Seungkwan could feel his ears burning. Were you really teasing him right now? Why?
“Well, Seungkwan, I gotta run. Nice to meet you.” 
“Oh, but I was gonna make something for... us.” Seungkwan’s body turned, watching you leave him alone in the kitchen. 
His eyes followed you up the stairs, only to come back down to Vernon.
“What are you making?” Vernon questioned, lips pouting and eyes scanning the ingredients on the table. 
“You’ll see.” Snapping out his thoughts of you, Seungkwan smiled wide. “That means get out the kitchen so I can perform my magic.”
Vernon scoffed, raising his arms and leaving. 
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Midnight had rolled around when you came back. The boys were lounged on the couch, empty cans and bottles on the floor. Ears perked when you opened the front door, both of the young men looking over their shoulders. 
You walked towards the boys, hands resting on the hard sofa back. 
Vernon, who held five playing cards in his hand and a lollipop stick hanging off his lips, was the first to speak, “Where have you been?”
“Out and about, y’know. What are you guys still doing up?” Your hands shifted to Vernon’s hair, pressing your hands together, making a mohawk.
“Playing the very fun game of Go Fish,” Vernon swatted your hands away, fixing his hair. “Could be funner if you joined.”
“Funner isn’t a word, but I’ll make your wildest fantasies come true and play with you I guess.” You smirked.
You walked around the couch, sitting in between the boys. Seungkwan’s cheeks burned, face hot just by you sitting next to him. 
“Deal me in, please. I can’t wait to beat you guys.” You said smugly. The night continued, the three of you playing poker, early hours rolling over your heads. 
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Seungkwan didn’t talk to you again until a week later when Vernon dragged you two outside at night, saying, “The lake is meant to swim in. Let’s go!”
Vernon floated on the surface, arms spread out to his side. His figure was hidden like a shadow, slivers of his abs shown by the moonlight’s reflection on the water. 
Seungkwan sat next to you, palming the sand, creating little towers of sand.  
You sat next to him, legs crossed and face buried in a book. You didn’t sport swimwear like the boys and as much as the boys would love to see you in a bikini, they were also glad. The saving of your skin was something Seungkwan especially would be secretly indebted for.
The sound of water splashing made you look up, and Seungkwan who was staring, snapped his head forward. 
“This is boring, I’m gonna go shower and go to sleep, maybe we can do this another time when you guys aren’t scared,” Vernon complained, water dripping down from his hair and shorts. 
Seungkwan turned towards you again. 
“Should we apologize? I feel bad.”
You looked straight ahead, not completing his gaze, “Nah, Vernon gets a little bummed out sometimes. The lack of completion of his social moments is... unencouraging.”
Seungkwan nodded slowly, turning his head towards your attention. 
After a few moments of silence, the sound of the lake hitting the shore and crickets chirping overwhelmed your ears.
Closing your book, you glanced at Seungkwan before standing up. 
No words were exchanged as you stripped your clothes off, catching Seungkwan’s eyes. He followed your every movement. First, the buttons of your shirt, revealing a white lace bra that hugged your rib cage a bit too tight. Next, the zipper of your jean shorts. You were left in your underwear, a stranger sitting behind you.
“Are you coming in?” Turning around, you extended a hand toward Seungkwan. 
He grabbed your hand, standing up, and following you into the water.
You two waded through the water, slowly starting to swim, still, no words being said.
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“So, do you like her? Or not?”
“I don’t know! I mean, yes I do, but how can I when we haven’t talked longer than a few minutes?” Seungkwan put covered his face. Groaning, he sat down on Vernon’s desk chair. 
“So? Make conversation with her!” Vernon said. 
The whispers of the boys came to a halt, a door creaking making them hush.
Whispering, Vernon scooted to the edge of his bed, leaning closer to Seungkwan, “I’ll go to the store, you make conversation with her, woo her. You’ve only got a month and a half left to get the girl~”
Nodding, Seungkwan took a deep breath in. Vernon left the room, leaving the door wide open. 
In the hallway, you and Vernon exchanged eye contact. Peaking your head into Vernon’s room, you saw Seungkwan sitting with his eyes closed, taking deep breaths in and out.
Stepping in, you quietly sat on the bed, staring at the boy in front of you. Purposefully, you hovered over the bed before forcefully sitting down, making the bed creak. 
Seungkwan’s eyes snapped open, immediately connecting with yours.
“Oh, shit- I didn't know you were in here!” Seungkwan exclaimed. He covered his mouth with his hand, cheeks bright pink.
You smirked, crossing your arms under your chest. The green tank top you wore partly exposed you, and the movement you had made your chest slightly push together.
Seungkwan’s eyes flickered down, before going back up to your lips. 
“Come outside, I have something to show you.” Getting up, you left the room, not waiting for the brown-haired boy. Following behind, you led Seungkwan to a field. The air blew your guys’ hair every which way. 
Sitting down, you tugged lightly on Seungkwan’s shorts. He sat down next to you, “Vernon... he told me something.” 
Seungkwan’s head turned towards you swiftly, his mouth agape. 
“What did he say?”
You shook your head, lips curling into a smile, “It’s a secret.”
Seungkwan felt his ears get warm. Looking down, and bringing his knees to his chest, he felt the urge to yell at you. Why didn’t you acknowledge him? Or didn’t you? You spoke to him like he spoke to his cousins, you spoke to him like he didn’t understand what you were doing.
Feeling the heat on your shoulders and the sun shining in your eyes, you squinted and looked at Seungkwan. 
“How do you know Vernon?” 
“Uh, school. Yeah, we were always in the same classes and we just got... close.” he fidgeted with the edge of his shorts, pulling grass out of the ground. He took notice of the wind and how it blew each blade of grass away, then towards, then away from him again. His hair was going to be messy later for sure, but the thought left as quickly as it came. “You?”
“He’s a family friend.” You tucked your hair behind your ear, before untucking it, self-consciousness seeping into the brightest parts of your brain.
Seungkwan didn’t respond. The conversation died, you both sitting still, hair moving in and out of your faces by the untamed wind.
“Seungkwan.” You called for the boy next to you. He turned towards you, face emotionless.
You leaned in, looking at Seungkwan’s face for discomfort. 
Closing the gap between you two, you pressed your lips against his. You grabbed the nape of Seungkwan’s neck, pulling him closer to you.
You parted from Seungkwan, “Is this okay?”
Seungkwan didn’t respond, kissing you again but harder. He flipped you both over, sitting between your legs.
Kissing you deeply, you felt Seungkwan slide his hands under your shirt. He wanted more. Seungkwan wanted every part of you and he only hoped it was the same for you. 
Seungkwan guided his kisses down your neck, leaving you speechless. 
The day continued on, loud sounds staying hidden by even louder; leaves, grass, birds, and the moaning of you and Seungkwan. 
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You stood at the doorway of Seungkwan’s room. 
“Bye-bye.” You said, smiling wide. Seungkwan smiled back, before kissing you and wrapping an arm around your waist. He pulled you against his body, only letting go when you gave him two light taps on his shoulder.
He pecked your lips once again, “Bye.”
You stepped back, letting him close the door, before turning around and heading to Vernon’s room.
Looking in, you saw his facial expression as he sat at his desk. You moved to his bed, flopping down with your limbs spread out and eyes shut tight.
Vernon, who was fixated on scribbling something, looked behind him, at you. He got up and shook your thigh, “What’s wrong?”
He pushed your arm out of the way to lay next to you, arms crossed behind his head.
“I had sex with Seungkwan this morning,” You spoke quietly. You knew the walls were thin and you knew if Seungkwan heard, he’d be mortified. “It was good but... he’s just here for the summer, no?”
You turned your head to the side, looking at Vernon. Your eyebrows were furrowed in frustration, lips pursed, but Vernon didn’t look back.
“He is. A month and a half, then, back to college,” He said. “Was it worth it? I mean, did... did you mean to do it? Or was it a in-the-moment head-rush thingy?”
“I don’t know! I really don’t know, Vernon,” You cried out. Feeling a shift in emotion, you felt too serious. You raised your hand to your head, mimicking a theatrical fainting woman’s pose. “A shame, maybe I shouldn’t fall in love then?”
Vernon giggled, not moving an inch. You chuckled, before sitting up and straddling him.
“Vernon, what do I do? I think I like him but then, then I get scared. What the hell am I supposed to do?” You didn’t look into Vernon’s eyes, embarrassed that your eyes slightly watered.
Vernon rested his hands on your waist, tapping a rhythm, “You never let yourself have anything. Maybe liking him is a good thing?”
“Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t,” You said. You leaned down and pecked Vernon on his lips. “Thanks, Vernon. I’m gonna go out, wanna come?”
Vernon shook his head, caressing your hair. You got off his lap and left his room, quietly shutting his door to not make much noise.
You slowly walked down the stairs, trying to avoid each creaky spot that you’ve grown to know over the years. 
You had to get out and think. 
You grabbed your bike, riding to a place you found when you were nine.
It was not well taken care of, the library. It was always empty, the books dusty but free. You had made the place your own hide-out. When you were a kid you had always imagined the library was a project for other kids who couldn’t afford books, but then became long forgotten. 
You hopped off your bike, tossing it to the side, and running inside. 
You had really made the place your own, with multiple candles inside and an orange couch with cushions slightly flat. 
You lit the numerous candles, the flickering of the flame making you relax a bit. You grabbed a book from one of the shelves; The Little Prince.
Opening the book to your bookmark, you read off a line aloud, “You're beautiful, but you’re empty. No one could die for you.”
Closing the book again, you laid on the couch. 
As the candles flickered, the wax melted and dripped, and your eyes shut. A thought crossed your mind before entering a deep sleep.
You’re so empty.
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The summer days were winding down and Seungkwan was more eager to spend time with you. 
It was early morning, and the three of you sat in the living room. Your head was rested on Seungkwan's lap. He played with the end of your hair, twirling and untwisting stands around his fingers. 
Vernon sat on the floor, head leaned back onto your thigh, "Can we do something... please?" 
Lifting your head up, you looked at Vernon, whose lips were tugged down into a frown.
"I'm bored!" He whined further.
"Let's go to the river." You suggested. 
Seungkwan's eyes followed you as you stood up and helped Vernon stand.
"Right now?"
"Right now."
You walked outside, leaving the boys to follow behind you.
You grabbed Seungkwan’s bike, walking alongside it, and giving it to him, "Ride me to the river." You spoke low, a small smile on your face.
He nodded, eyes shimmering with wonder, admiration, and care in the light. He mounted the bike, letting you get on, before letting Vernon take the lead.
"Down to the river, we go." Vernon smiled wide, sunglasses that were hanging on his shirt now on his face.
It didn't take you three long to get to the river, the scenery of trees and sunlight poking through the leaves distracting you all. Once you three had arrived, you felt relief and healing.
Tossing your bikes off to the side, you took in the sounds and view. The sound of the water rushing, the current was manageable but quick. The trees slightly covered the sun, dispersing the sunbeams that came through. 
Standing at the edge of the bank, you took your shoes off, rolled your socks off, and tucked them into your shoes. 
Sneaking up behind you was Vernon, who pushed you, inducing a scream as you fell into the cold water. 
"You ass!" You moved your wet hair out of your face, moving towards Vernon and attempting to grab his ankles so you could pull him in the water.
As you and Vernon splashed each other, Seungkwan laughed, taking his shoes and socks off and rolling up his pants.
"Come on, Seungkwan, the water's warm." You yelled out. Vernon turned around to glance at the still completely dry boy.
"Come on, come on, come on." Vernon eagerly spoke, waving his hand. While Vernon was turned around you stood up and out of the water, pulling the both of you back in.
Seungkwan covered his mouth, laughing before walking to the edge of the river, seeing Vernon come above the water with the widest smile he's seen since Seungkwan arrived.
Seungkwan ran away from the edge before yelling out, "I'm gonna jump in, move!"
Hearing Seungkwan yell, you and Vernon swam off to the side, watching as Seungkwan ran and balled himself up midair. 
The cannonball splashed and created waves, pushing you back slightly.
Splashing each other, the day went by, the three of you getting out of the water, and hanging out on the grass.
The sun started to set and the temperature started to drop. The three of you sat close together, knees pulled close to your guys' chests.
"So, Seungkwan," You leaned your head on Seungkwan's shoulder. "What are you gonna do when you go back to college?"
"Mmm, study? I'm working towards my bachelor's. Musicology." He gave you a kiss on the forehead before leaning his head on yours.
Vernon absentmindedly nodded, before resting his head on the bony edge of your shoulder. 
"This was fun. Next summer, we gotta do this again." 
"Yeah," Seungkwan replied briefly. Lightly nudging you off his shoulder, he stood up. "Let's. Let's go home."
Helping you stand, Seungkwan pulled you close, before placing a soft kiss against your lips. 
Vernon made a gagging sound before walking off, "Let's go, lovebirds."
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It was when you three arrived home, that Seungkwan invited you to his room.
You sat on his bed, watching as Seungkwan closed the door softly, doing the same to the loud clicking lock.
Seungkwan moved in front of you, before kneeling down, with hands resting on your knees.
His hands moved slowly towards the hem of your shirt, before lifting it and peeling it off your body. 
Leaning closer, Seungkwan's hands wrapped around your body, unhooking your bra and gently pulling the cloth off, the lace rubbing against your arms. He started low, kissing a path from the space above your shorts to your neck. 
You sat pretty, fingers raking through his brown curls, pulling him closer to your skin. 
Finally, you grabbed his face, pulling him in for a harsh kiss.
"Seungkwan." You gasped.
He didn't respond, moving kisses back down to your jaw; further, sucking dark marks onto your neck.  
Standing up, Seungkwan leaned over you, pushing you onto the bed. His hands squeezed your hips, before moving to the buttons, unzipping your shorts.
"You're beautiful." Seungkwan looked up at you, chin resting on your stomach. His hands squeezed again, eliciting a moan. 
He smirked before pulling your shorts off, feeling the matching lace of your underwear. 
You pulled him closer, another kiss, "I like you."
A smile tugged at Seungkwan's lips, the muscles in his face contorting to joy. When he first arrived, you were cold. This distant person who rather spend the days out somewhere, coming home late at night. He couldn't believed he was here now, hearing the words he so desperately craved ever since he started feeling them himself.
"I like you too."
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It was the morning of Seungkwan’s departure. Both you and Vernon loaded Seungkwan’s things into his car, taking turns lugging things down the stairs.
“Come on, Seungkwan, what the hell is in here?” You used your entire body weight, pulling the suitcase to the edge of the steps. “Would this break if I threw it down the stairs?”
“Do not!” Seungkwan stuck his head in past the front door, yelling at you. You groaned, before yelling for Vernon to take the luggage down. 
When Seungkwan first arrived, Vernon picked him up alone, the two starting a five-hour car ride to a vacation home.
This time, you would tag along. You would sit in the backseat, sticking around for the journey. 
“I’m gonna grab the last suitcase,” Vernon said, walking off. 
You leaned against his car, next to Seungkwan. You grabbed his hand, tightly grasping it.
“How will we keep in contact?” You asked. 
“My dorm has a phone number. I’ll run inside and give it to you when you guys desert me.” Seungkwan joked. You scoffed before watching Vernon peek from behind the door. 
“Last one. Let’s go! Asses in the car!” Vernon yelled out. Listening like diligent children, both you and Seungkwan got inside the car.
Like two months prior, the five-hour clock started winding down.
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Seungkwan stepped out of the black car. It was another summer with Vernon. The same old house, with creaky steps, in an unfamiliar town, with unfamiliar people.
“Hey, stop bringing so much shit here, we sell things here y’know,” Vernon complained. 
Rolling his eyes, he ignored the younger friend. Assisting Vernon with his own things, they walked inside the house.
“Home sweet vacation home.” Seungkwan joked. Vernon sneered, before flopping on the couch. 
Looking around, Seungkwan noticed the emptiness of the house. It was quiet, dust collecting around the place.
Seungkwan suddenly felt pressure around him. Your arms were wrapped tightly around Seungkwan’s waist. 
Turning around, Seungkwan grabbed your face, mushing your cheeks together. He leaned down, giving you a kiss. 
“I missed you so much, my love.” 
“Nuh-uh. I missed you more.” You smiled wide, eyes sparkling. 
Pecking your lips again, Seungkwan laughed, before waddling to the staircase with you still clinging tightly to his waist. 
“Let’s go upstairs,” Seungkwan suggested.
Unwrapping your arms from around his waist, you grabbed his hand and ran up the stairs. 
Running into his room, you laid down on his bed, limbs spread out and taking up space.
“Comfortable in my bed?” Seungkwan teased.
“Super.” You replied, before pulling him on top of you. 
“I think I love you.” You kissed his cheek. 
“I think I love you too.” 
59 notes · View notes
juji-han · 2 years
|TEASER| Summer Lovin’
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→ Seungkwan x reader
→ language, mature theme
→ Seungkwan spends the summer at Vernon’s countryside house, where he meets you. One small town, one house, one love. 
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“Her name is Y/N.”
“Are you coming in?”
“I have something to show you.”
“You never let yourself have anything.”
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NOTES: there’s not enough Seungkwan love on this app, so i bring justice. next fic is either gonna be Seungcheol or Junhui, if y'all got specific ideas message me 
19 notes · View notes
juji-han · 2 years
HIII I LOVE YOUR ANDROID MINGHAO STORY! I was wondering is there gonna be a part 2? I read it so fast that it seemed too short 😭
I think I am, I've had others message and say that they felt that the open ending could be completed, so I am definitely thinking of a continuation of the story :)
2 notes · View notes
juji-han · 2 years
Model 110797
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→ android!minghao x reader
→ 4.1k words
→ cyber!au
→ language, slight humor, dialogue-heavy, domestic life idk, slow burn
→ For your twenty-first birthday, you are gifted an android by your father, specially designed just for you. 
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“Dad… no.” Your phone was cradled between your ear and your shoulder, washing dishes that had been piled up for days. “Hang on, I’m gonna put you on speaker.”
You placed your phone on the counter and pressed the speaker button, your dad’s voice becoming louder, “No use putting me on speaker, I’ve got to go soon- and I’m on speaker. Okay, well, honey, I sent you a gift to your house. But I’ve got to go soon okay? I just wanted to say happy early birthday.”
You scoffed, washing and drying your hands, “Y’know you can come visit me, right? Instead of being an absent shit father who buys me an expensive gift every birthday. I mean, I’m turning twenty-one, doesn’t that mean something to you? Your only daughter is turning twenty-one.”
“Not really. We all turn twenty-one at some point, it just means you’re getting older. Another year around the sun, honey.”
With a sigh, you didn’t respond, hanging up the phone, “Shithead.”
Tomorrow was your twenty-first birthday. And as much as you tried making a point to your father that tomorrow was important for you, it wasn’t. However, getting sympathy from your father was something you’ve never been able to do, even on your birthdays.
A musical tone snapped you out of your thoughts, your doorbell, and three hard knocks on your door.
Taking in a deep breath, you tried calming yourself down. If this was the gift your dad was talking about, you were gonna be pissed. What kind of expensive yet useless thing did he think of getting you now?
Another three hard knocks made you exhale quickly, “Alright. Don’t break my door now, jeez…”
You unlocked the door, swinging it open quickly.
There stood a large box and a delivery worker with a tablet in hand. He stepped back, looking down at the tablet, “Package for Y/N?”
“I need a signature, it’s an android. Required.” He shoved the tablet in front of your face, before mumbling, “And maybe a quicker answer to the door.”
Straight-faced, you snatched the stylus attached to the electronic and signed.
“Thanks. Think you bring the box inside?”
“Not my job ma’am.” The worker looked at your signature, before shoving the tablet into a carrier. He walked off, and your eyes followed him.
Blinking a few times, you looked back at the big white box.
“This shit better not be heavy.” You grabbed one of your shoes, shoving it under your door, propping it open.
You stood behind the box and grabbed the cardboard, tipping the package side to side, slowly moving it into your apartment.
Finally, fully inside, you closed your door, wiping sweat off of your forehead. You walked around the big box, grabbed a knife, and opened your gift.
Inside was a five-foot-ten black-haired android. Its design was different from other androids you’ve seen. Its hair was a nicely styled mullet cut, skin perfectly clear, lips pink as if it was alive.
A chill went down your spine, the hair on your arms standing.
“So realistic...”
You raised your hand slowly to feel the skin of the android. Its skin was softer than yours.
Suddenly, the android’s eyes opened. You jumped back, a horrified look on your face. A blue hue emanated from his eyes, before turning dark brown.
“Hello. I’m PLEDIS android, 110797. My model nickname is Minghao, but feel free to call me whatever you want. What is your name?” The android spoke calmly, posture straight, and with hands by its side.
“...Y/N.” You said, wary of the talking metal in front of you. This was your father’s gift? An android? 
You really couldn't tell what was worse, the fact that you had an android in your house, or the fact that the android was your type. Black hair, slim face, and kind. Damn your father for picking a robot that reflected your old high school crushes.
“Y/N. I’ll introduce myself.” The android gave a polite smile. “Once again, I’m Minghao. I was a product of PLEDIS androids. My custom number, given by your father, is 110797. That number also serves as my birthday, if you’re into celebration. My pronouns, also given by your father, are he/him/it. Feel free to change those in my settings. I am of service to you, whenever, whatever you need. Now, your father included a voice message in my system, would you like to hear it?”
You looked at his entire design for the first time since his package was opened. He wore normal clothes, not a black and white uniform like the androids in the store wore. His clothes were different, feeding into his persona, probably also chosen by your dad.
He wore a green and black tie-dye shirt, complimented with a black long-sleeve turtle neck underneath. His jeans were black and baggy, cuffed at the bottom and tucked into black books with silver designs on them. 
“Y/N? Would you like to hear your father’s message?”
“Yeah, sorry, yeah.”
Minghao gave a polite smile, before speaking. His voice wasn’t his though, it was your father’s, “Happy early birthday. I hope you don’t decline the package. I spend nearly ten thousand on this thing, so you better use it. And I’m sorry I can’t make it, you know my work is busy, but I also expect this little attitude to stop. I pay for your apartment you know! You should be kinder to your old man…”
You made a face, raising your hand to Minghao’s face, covering his mouth, “How do you turn this thing off?”
Minghao grabbed your wrist, the voice message stopping. He smiled and a giggle came out of his mouth.
“You can just say stop. No need to stress.”
“I’m not stressing.”
“Y/N, your stress levels are at eighty-eight percent. It’s nine percent higher than when I first arrived, and there was a spike when your father’s message played, by five percent.”
You stared at Minghao, rolling your eyes, and walking around him. You moved to your bedroom, closing your door and leaving the android behind.
Minghao removed himself from the packaging, cleaning, before setting up his charging station. 
Tomorrow would be a new day, and he would be there to serve you. 
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Mornings were not your thing. You didn’t believe in the bullshit phrase, ‘early bird gets the worm’. You were strictly against mornings and more specifically, things waking you up in the morning.
“Y/N. It’s nine o’clock.” Minghao lightly shook your shoulder.
With eyes still closed, you heard the sound of metal rods moving against a metal pole, curtains being opened, and the sun shining into your room. You let out a loud whine, “Minghao.”
“Yes, Y/N.”
“If you do this again, I’m gonna return to you my father.”
Sitting up in your bed, you wiped the sleep out of your eyes, opening them, only to see sunshine and the feeling of burning death to your corneas.
You groaned, falling back into your bed, covering your eyes with your arm.
Minghao grabbed your hands, pulling you to sit up, his figure blocking the sunlight from your face.
“I apologize, but it’s time to get up. Studies have shown that individuals who get up early in the morning have a more positive outlook on life than those who don’t. I feel you can benefit from this.” Minghao spoke to you softly, moving your messy hair out of your face.
You blushed, before moving his hand away from your face. You stood up, and meet his eyes.
“Why so early though?” You mumbled. You fixed your hair, hoping the android in front of you wouldn’t notice your blush.
Who am I kidding? He’s an android, of course he noticed me blushing.
“I have something planned,” Minghao took a step back, giving you space. “I put together an outfit, along with a towel for you in the bathroom.”
“Okay…” You walked to your bathroom, taking notice of the outfit he picked for you.
It was different from what you normally wore, it was flashier, compared to your sweatpants and sweatshirt combo. Looking through the clothes stack, you picked up the pair of underwear and bra Minghao chose. Matching black lace.
The blush that seemed to finally go away, came right back, turning you into a mess.
You walked back outside the bathroom, taking note of the android who sat on your bed, doing nothing but staring out the window. “Minghao, where are we going?”
He turned to you, standing up and facing you straight-on.
“That’s a surprise. I encourage you to just let the day go on, it is your birthday after all.”
“Oh. I forgot today was my birthday... well, I’ll get ready then. Maybe we can go shopping for some clothes for you.”
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By the time you were almost finished getting ready, it had already been an hour.
“Y/N, I think we should get going now.” Minghao stood by the main entrance. His eyes following your every movement. You were searching for something, going from your room, to the bathroom, to the kitchen junk drawer.
“I know, I know, but I can’t find my blush, I swear it had it yesterday.”
You heard Minghao’s footsteps coming to you, his head peaking around the corner, peering into your room. You looked through your makeup bag frantically.
“Y/N.” Minghao stood in front of you, waiting for you to raise your head up. When you did, you saw a smile on his face.
“Why are you smiling?” You huffed. Your stare was cold and unbreaking.
“You don’t need artificial blush. I think your natural hue is perfect.” Minghao smiled even wider. “There it is. Now, let’s go.”
The place Minghao drove you to was a small library. Inside, the shelves were close together, and every row was filled with books. Some books were stacked in piles on the floor. lt was perfect to you.
“This place is so cool.” You said in awe. Minghao nodded but chose to stay quiet, letting you roam around the bookstore.
Minghao followed behind you, “If you get thirsty, there’s a café next door.”
You absentmindedly nodded, focused on the architecture books.
“Hey, Minghao.”
“Yes, Y/N.”
“Did you bring my wallet?”
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When you and Minghao got home, you were exhausted.
You spent the day going from store to store. And while you were happy, your feet and back were aching.
Entering the apartment, you held the door open for Minghao, who insisted he should carry all of the bags because after all, most of the things you bought were for him.
Kicking off your shoes, you flopped on the couch, releasing a heavy sigh.
Minghao set down the bags, staying stationary.
“Should I run a bath for you?” Minghao asked. “I can make tea for when you come out. I read an article saying that some teas can help with relaxation.”
“Two things. One, yes, please, my body is ridiculously tired. And two, I don’t have any tea.” You sat straight, scooting to the edge of the cushion. You raised your arms stretching, a groan releasing from your core.
Minghao walked over to you, standing in front of you, and grabbed both your wrist with one hand.
“I read about stretching,” Minghao’s left hand moved below your shoulder blades. He leaned you back slightly, before twisting you, your spine cracking. “And a few chiropractor videos. This move improves spinal health. I hope you feel relieved.”
“I do. Thank you, Minghao.”
Minghao let your wrist go, taking a step back from you, before turning around and walking down the hall, grabbing your towel and sleeping clothes.
Sitting still, you listened to the sound of water running.
My face is gonna be red forever. Damn you, Minghao.
Minghao walked back over to where you were, extending his hand out, “The water is warm. I’m not aware of what temperature you like but according to my data, humans tend to like warmer temperatures. Will you need any assistance?”
"No. I'm alright." You stood up without his aid, giving a polite smile.
"Enjoy your bath then."
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After your much needed bath, you shuffled out of the bathroom, towel wrapped tight around your body. You peaked your head into the hallway, looking both ways for an android.
Deciding the coast was clear, you ran into your room.
“Happy Birthday, Y/N.”
You screamed, surprised at the calm speaking android, who held a perfectly white frosted cake. His happy expression quickly changed into a concerned one.
You felt the wet cotton towel fall to your ankles. A breeze spread around and enveloped your body. You stood frozen in front of Minghao, whose eyes stayed locked on yours.
“I’m sorry for scaring you. I will try my hardest to not to frighten you from now on.” Minghao set down the cake on your bedside table carefully, kneeling down and picking up your towel.
He wrapped the towel around you tight, “Be careful. I’ll leave you to get ready, then we can cut the cake.”
Minghao grabbed the cake, before walking around you, making sure to shut the door behind him.
You stood still, shocked by the event that just happened seconds prior.
He- He saw… No! Why? Why me?
You covered your face with your hand, making sure to hold your towel right. You grabbed clothes, mind elsewhere.
Getting dressed quickly, you sat on your bed, holding your head in your hands. You let out a laugh, before taking a deep inhale.
“Fuck.” Patting your knees, you stood up, leaving your room and going to the kitchen.
Minghao, whose back was turned to you, sat on a barstool. Hearing your soft footsteps, he turned around.
“Y/N, I waited for you. Shall I sing and cut the cake for you?”
You sat next to him, staring at the cake. With a slight hesitation, you shook your head. “Nah, let’s just cut the cake.”
Minghao turned his entire body towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“You hesitated. Why?”
“No I didn’t,” Your eyebrows furrowed. “I just don’t like celebrating my birthday. Let’s just cut the cake, eat, and go to sleep, okay?”
Minghao cut the cake, each slice perfectly spaced from the other. A machine was working in front of your eyes, and for the first time it just occurred to you. Maybe living with something, different, would be beneficial for you. Both of you.
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The rest of the week went by quickly, Minghao woke you up, he helped you get ready, he cleaned your house, you went to sleep and the routine cycled. 
The android was certainly a sight to see. A machine that never got tired. He would never actually die, his data would just be uploaded again. He was something that your brain couldn't wrap around.
Minghao was something special, and you couldn’t put your finger on what it was that made him different from the other androids, but you knew your father had something to do with it. 
Maybe you could thank him, but you wouldn’t. 
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It had already been a month since you got Minghao. The android was a major help with everything and he never once complained.
"Y/N? It's time to wake up." Minghao softly shook you awake. You groaned, throwing your hands over your face.
You heard a chuckle before you were pulled into a upright position, “Minghao, no! I just want to sleep, why won’t you let me sleep?”
Minghao patted your head, “I apologize but I did adjust your time for an hour later, like you told me to do last week.”
He walked to your curtains, opening them up and letting the sunlight in.
“The weather today is cloudy, ten degrees out, and there’s a fifty-percent chance of snow. Maybe we should plan an indoor activity today?”
“Yeah, whatever you want Hao.”
“Hao? Is that a nickname? Also, Y/N, I cannot ‘want’ anything, I’m an android. I am only meant to serve you, however I can choose an activity that my data says you’ll like. Would you like me to do this?”
“Yes, Hao.”
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“Can we go out?”
You sat on your couch, knees pulled to your chest. Minghao sat next to you, hands resting on his knees. His posture was like a soldier. He turned to you with a straight face.
His activity was to sit on the couch and relax but as time went on you found yourself just getting bored. You yearned for some fresh air, cold or not you needed to get out.
“The weather isn’t the best—”
“I know but, please? It’ll just be to downtown, come on, it’ll be quick.”
Minghao nodded, a smile forming on his face, “Okay, if this is what you want. Get ready, I’ll go downstairs and get the car heated.”
You watched Minghao stand up and start heading towards the door, “Wait!”
Minghao turned around, a curious look on his face, “Let’s get you changed. You’ve wore these clothes for an entire week already.”
Minghao looked down as his outfit, looking back up at you with a blank expression.
“Come on, let’s put you in something that’ll fit the weather.”
You stood up from the couch, and grabbed Minghao’s hand. You headed over to the coat closet (where Minghao decided his clothes would be least invasive of your space, along with his charging station) and grabbed some of his things.
You grabbed a plain black hoodie, black sweatpants and a long black trenchcoat, “You like?”
You held up the items and Minghao looked at you with an almost annoyed expression, “Y/N, I cannot ‘like’ anything. If you’re asking me if it goes together, then… yes.”
“Where did you learn sarcasm?” You glared. Minghao didn’t respond, only taking the clothes out of your hands. He left to the bathroom, leaving you stunned.
“What an ass.”
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Downtown was one of you’re favorite places to go. The decorated streets with outdoor patio lights made you feel warm inside, even if the weather was getting below zero. The stores were in walkable distance from each other, allowing you to spend more time with Minghao.
“So, Hao, do you like the snow?” You looked up at Minghao. Arms linked with each other, walking at a slow pace, the tall android looked back down at you.
“It is… enjoyable. Every snowflake is different from each other, it’s quite an amazing thing to see, really.”
A wide smile spread across your face, “You sounded almost… human. No offense, I guess.”
Minghao’s already small smile faltered, his expression becoming focused. You stopped walking, and pulled Minghao to the side.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Let’s keep walking.” Minghao unlinked his arm, instead grabbing your hand and walking off.
You smiled to yourself, the smell of pizza making you look around.
"Can you smell things? Because there is an incredibly good smelling pizza right now."
Minghao looked down at you, a confused look on his face, "Smell? Well... no. I can't. If you're smelling pizza, we can eat."
You agreed, following Minghao as he turned around toward a pizza place.
Suddenly, Minghao's hand left yours. Within a second, Minghao wasn't next to you, but on the floor.
You covered your mouth, a giggle escaping past your lips.
Minghao glared up at you, rolling his eyes and sighing. He stood up, a limp apparent as he walked to a seat outside the restaurant.
"Hao? You're limping, let's go home." Worry overtook your emotions, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
"Y/N. Calm down, I'm alright. However, it is getting late already." Minghao stood up, leaning some of his weight on you.
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“You cold, hard piece of metal shit, I’m gonna- ass on the chair.” You nudged the weak with your butt, a light thud heard from the impact.
Minghao stayed silent, eyes down at the ground. He felt sorry, but the energy loss was something new to him. 
Blue blood had soaked through his shirt because of the fall, something that seemed small in the moment, actually caused a few scrapes to his skin.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were bleeding?” You grabbed the hem of his shirt, lifting it up and bunching it around his neck. 
His shoulder blades were different shades of blue, dried and fresh blood mixing together, hints of fibers stuck to his wound. 
“Lift your arms, please,” You spoke softly, grabbing the shirt and taking it off him. “Do I have to use hydrogen peroxide? Can androids get an infection?”
Minghao shook his head, still remaining silent. 
“Okay...” You grabbed a washcloth, wetting it, and wiping the androids back. 
“Good think you can’t get an infection right? Makes for a pain-free cleanup.” 
Stepping back, you stared at the injured android in front of you. Minghao slowly looked up at you, looking into your eyes.
“Why do you look at me like that?” Minghao spoke for the first time since you two got home. 
Heat rose to your cheeks, “What way?”
“Your heartbeat gets slightly higher when you look at me, is there something wrong?”
“No,” You shifted slightly. “Nothing’s wrong.”
It felt like Minghao was staring into your soul. The android got up, slowly walking towards you.
You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, the rhythm pulsating underneath your fingertips.
Minghao brung his hand up to your cheek, face getting closer to yours.
“Get some sleep, I’ll wash my clothes.” Minghao’s gentle touch left your face as he left you standing alone.
Alone, your eyes met your reflection. You turned off the light, going to your room for the night.
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You woke up cold, a chill wrapping around your waist and down your legs.
Minghao was behind you. His arms were wrapped tightly around your waist, legs tangled with yours. 
He’s so close, yet no sign of life. There’s no rise and fall of his chest, no breathing on my neck, just cold and stiff.
You stretched your legs a bit, Minghao’s arms quickly removing themselves from around you. “Good morning, Y/N.”
You didn’t respond, sitting up, still facing away from him. Your hair fell over your face, your hand wiping at your mouth.
“Hao… what were you doing?” You turned around and faced the lounge-wearing android. He stood still, arms folded behind his back.
“I don’t know,” Minghao’s eyes avoided yours. “I felt- I was alone.”
You nodded, laying back down, “That’s okay, Hao.”
Your eyes shut, and you sank into your bed.
“It’s ten o’clock, Y/N,” Minghao spoke softly.
Your eyes opened quickly, sending a glare towards the now standing android. 
“Leave me be.” You whined. Minghao chuckled before kneeling down at your level. 
He moved your hair out of your face. You stared into Minghao’s eyes, he gave you a small smile. You felt like you were getting lost in his eyes, the complexity of the mechanics were lost to you, but you still enjoyed it. 
“You look beautiful.” Minghao complimented you, the blush, the seemed a never-ending nightmare, returning to your face and ears. 
Your eyes flickered. Lips, eyes, repeat. Minghao leaned forward, eyes closing. 
Am I really going to do this?
The android must’ve had everything planned. His lips were soft, a detail that only an obsessed designer should’ve thought of.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you, body on top of yours. You were committed, the spark of joy spreading around your body. 
Pulling back, Minghao studying your face, before pecking your lips again. 
“It’s ten o’clock.”
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Months gone by, just you and Minghao.
The birthday gift you had gotten for your twenty-first birthday brung you more than help, but a crush.
While Minghao tried his best to ignore the feeling of humanity taking over his hardware, you tried your best to make him succumb. 
“Y/N, I’m not programmed to feel anything. How do we not know that I’m not experiencing a virus.”
“Minghao, if you’re so concerned that your feeling for me are a virus, why don’t I send you to your creator, so he can have a check?” Your pouted at the idea that Minghao’s feelings might in fact be a virus, but quickly hid it. “Ungrateful shit.” 
Minghao gave you a fake smile, before rolling his eyes, “Y’know, sometimes I think that you think that you’re hot shit.”
“Oh? Taking my language, you AI now?”
“I've been AI, in fact I’m better than AI.” Minghao spoke quickly, sass laced words, the impersonation of a human getting better each time you two argued.
“Then tell me you love me.” You dared. Minghao pursed his lips, fighting a smile.
“I love you...” He spoke, getting closer to your face. “Unless, this is a virus.”
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NOTES: y’all I'm so sorry for the people expecting this, like I feel so bad, but I lost a spark halfway through and got writer block, then idek what happened, but I feel like the second half of this writing is bs and tbh I'm vvvvv embarrassed to release this lmfao. 
135 notes · View notes
juji-han · 2 years
|TEASER| Model 110797
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→ android!minghao x reader
→ cyber!au
→ language, slight humor, dialogue-heavy, slight mature theme
→ For your twenty-first birthday, you are gifted an android by your father, specially designed just for you.
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"I'm PLEDIS android, 110797. My model nickname is Minghao, but feel free to call me whatever you want. What is your name?"
"Do this again and I'm gonna return you to my father."
"You cold, hard piece of metal shit, I'm gonna- ass on the chair."
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Notes: I'm trying out yet another teaser. I'm not sure if I wanna make this one a multi-chaptered fic or not, taking it week by week. We'll see.
27 notes · View notes
juji-han · 2 years
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→ Wonwoo x Reader
→ 1.9k words
→ University au, dialogue-heavy, best friends Wonwoo and Mingyu
→ Language, Angst
→ When Jeon Wonwoo disappears, you try coming to terms with the fact that he might not be coming back.
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Saturday, May 03. 09:27 PM
“Hey, Wonwoo isn’t answering any of my text messages…” you said, staring at your phone. Mingyu leaned over, looking at the unanswered text message, “Have you heard from him?”
Mingyu shook his head, “Nah. He usually answers his phone quickly. Maybe he’s busy?”
You nodded before turning your phone off and placing it on the table.
Here were you and Mingyu, sitting in a dingy diner, waiting for Wonwoo to show up like he always does. Every single Saturday, the three of you sat in the same booth and talked about your classes, about drama, about anything that your guys’ mouths could speak. Nothing was a secret between you three. It was just routine at this point.
“Yeah, but he always shows up. The last time he didn’t, it was because he was hungover and slept the whole day.” you pressed. Mingyu nodded slowly, taking in your words, and leaving a silence in the air.
Mingyu finally answered, “Then there’s your answer. Don’t worry about Wonwoo, he can take care of himself.”
“Okay,” you gave in, grabbing your purse, taking out a twenty-dollar bill, and placing it in the middle of the table. “When you’re ready, let’s go.”
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Monday, May 05. 07:30 AM
When you had woken up, you expected Wonwoo to text back. He would apologize, say he just had a headache and went to sleep, and that he didn’t mean to worry you. But he didn’t.
He didn’t respond yet. What the fuck is he doing? Your thoughts were consumed by Wonwoo. Where could a six-foot guy have disappeared? How are people so present, so active one moment and then another moment just… gone?
You grabbed your phone, going to Wonwoo’s contact.
Your thumb hovered over the call button. Class was going to start soon, and if you bothered him now, he’d keep bothering and teasing you about how you were so worried about him.
Maybe he’s just busy… today’s the last class anyway, maybe he’s just busy studying for the final.
You grabbed your backpack and keys, a tiny sense of hope bubbling in your stomach. He’ll be there.
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10:15 AM
Jihoon ran behind you, catching up to your strides, “How’d you do on the final?”
“Um, it was alright. I think I missed the last question, it didn’t make sense and I couldn’t really focus well.”
Jihoon hummed in agreement. He looked down at the floor, still following you to the parking lot. Jihoon’s head snapped up, “Have you seen Wonwoo?”
You stopped in your tracks. You had almost forgotten. How could you forget? Is that why you couldn’t focus? How could you forget that Wonwoo wasn’t here? What distracted you? Was it the too quiet classroom, or the tapping of pencils against the desks from students who were stuck on a question?
You stared at Jihoon with a blank face. Your eyebrows then furrowed, “No. I texted him last night, but he didn’t answer. I just thought he was studying for the final.”
Concealing your worry was hard. How could you forget he wasn’t in class with you?
What kind of friend am I?
Grabbing your phone from your pocket, you sent Wonwoo a message.
r u sick? text me back soon, please
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11:07 PM
You laid on your bed, head hanging off the edge of the bed, feet barely touching the headboard. Mingyu laid next to you, his head resting on your pillows.
Wonwoo still hasn’t answered, and you still didn’t know why. Frustration and anxiety were the only emotions you could feel. Towards wonwoo for not answering and making you scared, and at Mingyu for not even caring.
You raised your head, resting on your elbows, core shaking. You stared at Mingyu. He scrolled through his phone, a focused expression on his face. Why the hell isn’t he concerned about Wonwoo?
You could feel a laugh of disbelief crawling up your throat. You shook your head, laying it off the edge of the bed again. With a sudden shake of your ankle, you looked up again.
“Why were you looking at me like that?”
“No reason,” you mumbled, sitting crisscrossed. “It’s just that, why… aren’t you as concerned as I am?”
Your eyes stayed down, staring at your lap and picking at your fingers. Would he be insulted that you just accused him of not being worried?
“I am.” Mingyu’s eyebrows furrowed, a frown forming. “I am, I really am. Don’t think I’m not.”
Mingyu grabbed your shoulders, pulling you into his chest, “Wonwoo… he- uh, he does this thing every once in a while, okay? He doesn’t answer, he disappears for a few days, and then, he comes back, as if nothing happened.”
You nodded, days of tears, from anger, frustration, fear, and anxiety, finally releasing themselves.
You just wanted to see Wonwoo again.
“If it makes you feel better, I’ll tell the other boys to message him, okay?” Mingyu rubbed your shoulder, wiping your tears with his sleeves. “Don’t cry, it’s gonna be alright.”
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You remember the first time you met Wonwoo. It was three years ago when you were a freshman at the University of Seoul.
You were friends with Mingyu first, you both had an art class together, and after talking for a while, you told him you had a film class. He had gotten so excited, telling you all about a friend who you’d like, and how you guys had similar interests. Interested in the friend Mingyu kept talking about, you suggested meeting up at a diner that you’ve gone to since you were a kid.
The following day, Mingyu rushed into the diner, Wonwoo following behind him, eyes locked on Mingyu’s back. You spotted the tall man, his smile wide, eyes scanning the diner for you.
You raised your hand, waving, and grabbing the attention of Mingyu.
His long strides finally reached your table, where he scooted into the booth across from you.
Mingyu spoke fast, as if he was rapping, the excitement of a puppy in a six-foot-two man’s body, “Hi. I almost didn’t see you. I wanted you to meet my friend too. Good thing you’re here.”
Mingyu shrugged his coat off, tugging on Wonwoo’s arm so he could sit down.
“This is Wonwoo. He’s shy, so- yeah. He’s shy.”
You gave Wonwoo a tiny wave, and he returned a tight lip smile, pushing his glasses up, “Hello.”
“I like your hair.”
Wonwoo muttered thanks, reaching up to try and fix his already neat red hair.
Mingyu stared at the two of you, a small smile forming on his face.
“So... let’s talk.”
From that point on you remember feeling close to both boys. The three of you spent as much time as you could together. Three best friends, who would always stay together.
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Tuesday, May 06. 10:23 PM
You sat in the diner. Alone for the first time since you met Mingyu and Wonwoo. The fluorescent lights hummed and the sound of ceramic cups clashed against their matching ceramic plates.
You stared at your phone, going through your messages with Wonwoo. It’s only been four days since Wonwoo went ghost, yet it felt like an eternity.
You missed having him close to you, your guys’ hands brushing against each other and you both blushing.
There was a time before Wonwoo, but you barely could remember it. It felt like you’ve guys been together forever.
When your phone dinged, you immediately opened your phone, Wonwoo’s contact opening.
i’m sorry.
You read over the message over and over. It’s was like your thumbs were frozen. If you responded, would he respond? You couldn't deal with the silence anymore, but you had to know he was okay.
where are you?
Minutes passed. No response. You felt tears well up, a lump forming in your throat. Slapping your phone on the table, your head fell into your hands.
What the fuck. Are you fucking kidding me right now?
You shook your head, pushing your hair back. Wonwoo was going to be the death of you. Your heart ached, and it felt like nothing would soothe it.
Wiping hot tears, you stood up from the booth, leaving a five-dollar bill on the table. Fuck this.
You walked to your car, slamming your door shut, your grip on the steering wheel tight.
You wanted to speed and get to Wonwoo’s house as fast as possible. When you got there, you wanted to bang on his door and yell for him, even if it meant waking up his neighbors. At the same time, you wanted to drive as slow as possible, maybe you’d get an answer while you were driving, and he’d say, right here. waiting for you.
When you arrived at Wonwoo’s apartment, you knocked on his door. Your first knock was quiet and considerate. The second was more confident. The third knock was loud, all of your frustration pouring out into the knock.
The doorknob slowly turned, only to reveal Jihoon.
“Why are you here?”
Jihoon didn’t answer, turning his body to the side, giving you space to come in.
“Jihoon... what's going on?”
He shrugged, sighing and running his hands through his hair, “Wonwoo’s gone. His clothes, his shoes, mostly everything. It’s all here.”
You stared at Jihoon. The words weren’t processing. Wonwoo. Gone.
You pushed past him, going to Wonwoo’s room.
His room was neat, with everything put away. You slowly walked around his room, placing your hand on his desk.
“It’s dusty.” You stated. Jihoon, who stood at the doorframe, sucked in a breath.
“Yeah. Which means Wonwoo hasn’t been here for a while.”
You turned around, wiping your hand on your jeans. You walked over to Wonwoo’s closet, Jihoon’s eyes following your every move.
Maybe there would be something in his closet. A box that held a notebook with all his secrets written inside. Maybe a location would be written down, a place he disappears to, just in case he might forget one day.
But his closet was empty. No boxes, just hung-up shirts and shoes neatly placed on the floor in two rows.
You stepped back and sat on the edge of his bed. Jihoon slowly stepped over to you, sitting next to you.
You felt Jihoon’s hand on your shoulder, his gaze burning into the side of your head.
If you looked into Jihoon’s eyes, you would cry.
“I’m sick of crying.” You whispered. Jihoon rubbed your back, staying silent.
That night was quiet. Only the sounds of buzzing cicadas, and the faint footsteps of the upstairs neighbors.
You spent four days in disbelief that your best friend was gone. With the proof finally in front of your eyes, your world came crashing down.
Wonwoo was really gone.
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Saturday, May 03. 12:19 AM
When Wonwoo imagined leaving, he imagined it with you by his side. You would be in his passenger seat, fingers tapping to a beat. You guys would leave after saying goodbye to all your friends. Mingyu would cry and insist he can fit in the trunk, but ultimately let you guys go.
Instead, Wonwoo packed his stuff up alone, leaving his life behind at midnight. He started his car, thinking of you. When he leaves, how would you respond? Would you look for him?
As much as Wonwoo wanted to text you a place to meet him at, he wouldn’t.
Tossing his phone out the window, Wonwoo reversed, hitting the road for a new start. He wouldn’t know where to go, or how to start over, but he knew one day he would come back.
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juji-han · 4 years
juji’s masterlist
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 - timestamps -
{13.55} , {23.59} , {22.22} 
- oneshots -
{Mr. Hong}
{Model 110797}
{Summer Lovin'}
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juji-han · 4 years
Mr. Hong
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pairing | Joshua Hong x f!reader ft. mention of other Seventeen members
word count | 3.9k
genres | pride and prejudice au, fluff
summary | Knowing Mr. Hong was something you don’t think you could ever forget
warnings | crude language, but only a few times
"Mr. Hong!” 
“Mr. Hong!”
Having the misfortune of chasing after a twenty-four year old man was... well, unfortunate. He was stuck up, listening to only the voices he called his friends, and never waiting for anyone. Trying to control the man was the work of a mother and that’s what you were absolutely not. 
“Friend, the woman is calling, an ear in her direction wouldn’t hurt now would it?” Jeonghan called. You let out a small noise of agreement to his friend, your pride strong. Although you didn’t think you needed the help, you definitely did. 
“I cannot lend an ear friend, it’s simply impossible!” Joshua teased. He was moving around the common room, pacing with the intent of looking for something, without a care for you trying to grab his attention. 
“Please, Mr. Hong,” You pleaded, finally getting close enough to grab his shoulders and spin him around. “You’ve got to attend the ball with me, I’ve already told my mother we’re going!”
Upon hearing your full plead, his face morphs into an expression you cannot read. His eyes locked onto yours and his lips pursed with a new expression of wonder. 
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Honestly Ms. Y/N you’ve got to learn to speak up if you’re gonna be a resident around here.” He grins. He grabs your arms that were tightly gripped onto his body and connects hands. He lets out a giggle and looks around to his friends.
“Were you boys aware of the woman’s pleads? And I have the misfortune of calling you men partners.” 
Joshua walks away, his posture straight with years of practice in it. His two friends who’ve you only begun to unravel along with him follow behind, leaving an exhausted you behind in the common area wondering what the hell just happened. 
Exhaling air you didn’t even know you were holding, it dawned on you that Mr. Hong, a man who was eccentric and unfiltered in his words was going to meet your parents. 
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Arriving at the ball was nerve-racking to say the least. You’re hands were sweaty, rubbing on the ribbon around your dress multiple times. Even to your parents you looked concerned, brows furrowed and eyes skittering around the foyer in hopes to find the 5′10 man that always wore a smile.
“Ms. Y/N,” You turned around quickly, meeting eyes with Mr. Hong. “Mrs. Mr., fine evening if I do say so myself. Your daughter invited me and oh-” 
Joshua’s hand shot out, eyes flicking back and forth between your mother and father, having forgotten to introduce himself first.
“Joshua Hong. That is my name, if-if you were wondering. Although if you weren’t I’ll take the burden of intruding your thoughts with such a name. Unless you’d want the burden, which would be odd but-” 
“Please Mr. Hong, I am truly honored you have decided to accompany my daughter. I thought she would never have a male who would take her without being embarrassed of her rude and blunt behavior!” Your mother raved. She fanned her face as she went on, completing her speech of your ‘wild child’ nature. 
Your face blushed redder than a local soldier uniform. "Mother! Isn’t burdening Mr. Hong about my personality more of a distaste than just announcing your comfort?”
You turned to Joshua grabbing his arm, linking you two together and pulling him into the main ballroom. 
“Do you dance Mr. Hong? Or should I have invited your friend, Mr. Chwe his name was?” You asked. He looked down at you and gave a small laugh. 
“You were running around me, calling my name for five minutes in hopes I’d say yes. Now here you are asking for my friend, perhaps your mother was right, maybe you are unkept.” Joshua spoke as he whisked you around so you were in front of him. 
“So you admit you kept me waiting in anticipation for your answer?” You pressed. Shrugging his shoulders and giving a smirk, you concluded your answer. 
“Come on,” He grabbed your hand. You had wondered if you were finally going to dance, but instead he led you out of the ballroom, going toward the balcony. “I’ve got to share information with you that is of most importance, and I have the plague of impatience my dear.”
Excusing many people that you and Joshua had bumped into, you two finally made your way to the balcony, empty with no decorations, a complete opposite to the inside. To whose mansion it was unknown, but the swan lake in front of your eyes was beautiful. You’d have to thank them one day.
Lost in your thoughts, you almost didn’t notice the way Joshua grabbed your hand, turning your head to his direction.
“You look quite beautiful tonight.” He spoke in a low voice. Although the balcony was empty of others and the great wooden doors were closed behind you, he spoke in a low tone.
“Is that all you had to rush to tell me Mr. Hong? Your ‘plague of impatience’ seems to have worn off.” You teased. “If you want such a compliment back, I’ll give it in return. You do also look of quite importance tonight.”
He clicks his tongue and gives a chuckle. Still looking at you, he reaches for the ribbon on your dress. Looking at it with a longing you couldn’t understand, he lets it fall out of his hand, the fabric falling into place slowly. 
“Where are your guest Mr. Hong? A man like you seems too lonely to travel around alone, am I wrong?”
Joshua’s eyes widen for a split second before they squint, a smile reaching his dark eyes, “I accompanied you tonight did I not?”
“You did.”
“So I am not lonely tonight. I even sneaked out and escaped my two guests you seem so keen on mentioning today.” He revealed. Your face held shock for a moment before hitting him on the shoulder giving a laugh.
“Mr. Hong, if they find out you’ve actually agreed to come here with me tonight, they might think me of a vile woman! A vile woman who has kidnapped a man of your rank to come down to the less fortunate! For a public ball!” You cried. 
“Nonsense Ms. Y/N. They would share my honor of having going to a ball with a beautiful woman. Besides, that’s not the importance I had to share. There was more, but I’m afraid I’m shy and not so open to sharing my true feelings,” He spoke.
“Is it bad?” You asked. In the two months of knowing Mr. Hong, he hasn’t shared any information that has made you worried for him personally. He was always positive, making sure to spread hope. 
“No. Well, perhaps if this goes wrong, I’d then have to assume the position of it being bad, however-” He got cut off, the wooden doors behind you two opening with eagerness. 
“Mr. Hong! Honestly, you are a grown man, just notify us when you are leaving! Is it necessary to make us have a chase?” Jeonghan scolded, Vernon walking next to him, stepping onto the balcony.
You bowed to the two men, acknowledging them and giving a polite smile. Joshua’s friends eyes widened before bowing back and switching back over to their run-away.
“We have to go.” Mr. Chwe spoke shortly, his face wearing a happy look. He took Joshua by the arm and walked him towards the doors. Whispering in his ear, Joshua nodded before facing you.
“I apologize Ms. Y/N, but this really does require my utmost attention. Not that you don’t also, but-” He was cut off once again with a tug on his arm by Jeonghan.
“My apologies.” He muttered. The three men left quickly, leaving you confused.
He’d tell you what was concerning him, now and before right? Or would he sweep it under the rug in hopes you’d let the situation go, your mind pondered.
Gasping, your face heated up in anger, “that bastard! Mother is gonna think I’ve driven him off.”
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Two days ago, you got left by Mr. Hong and berated by your mother for running off a man of his handsomeness. Your mother who was so excited for you having bought a man that had potential to be your husband was still going on, complaining on how a woman of your beauty could chase a man off so quickly.
You sat at the table, eating slowly and ‘politely’ in hopes she didn’t point out another thing you did wrong.
“Dear, I’m sure she didn’t mean to. I saw the gentleman get pulled away by two other men.” Your father stuck up for you while reading the newspaper.
“Oh! Don’t you makes excuses for her,” she turned to you, sweat starting to run down her forehead after ranting and pacing. “You are trying to give me a heart attack! Truly Y/N if you want me to have one, I feel it coming on!”
You stood from your chair, walking towards her and seating her yourself.
“Mama, I’m not looking for a suitor anyway. I’m convinced I cannot give what a man needs right now for company and no man is able to do the same for me.” You spoke quickly, not giving her the chance to cut you off.
“Now if you’d excuse me, I’ll be under the tree. Call me if you’re having that heart attack, yeah?” You smiled, walking away and grabbing a book. You swore you heard your mother gasp and complain once again unto your poor father’s ears.
The weather was warm outside, but not warm enough to make you regret coming out. Sitting under the great big tree near the lake, you cracked open your book, tasking yourself with finishing another chapter.
“And your mother swears you are of wildness.” You heard a familiar voice talk. Jumping slightly, you closed your book and looked up, glad the tree covered the sun for you.
In front of you stood Mr. Hong, suit perfectly fitted and posture straight, smiling down at you.
“She only swears that so a man might think I can be tamed. Always for the man, never for the bride.” You frowned. Joshua sat himself next to you, a hand behind his back hiding something.
You pointed your head towards him, “What is that? Surely it must be the reason you left me to the wolf I call my mother those some nights ago.”
Joshua sighed, a tired smile on his face. He brought the envelope from behind his back and passed it to you. Looking at the wax stamp of his initials and family arms, you looked back up at him.
“What is this?” 
“Open it when I leave my dear. I’m much too shy to say it to your face. I had built up courage at the ball but I’m afraid its run out now.” He stood up, dusting his pants and gave a quick bow, walking away at a near running pace.
Raising an eyebrow and cracking a smile you examined the envelope. Breaking the seal, you found a letter. 
Ms. Y/N, it was took upon me that I must inform you that I am leaving soon. My close friend has gotten married! He stressed his importance for me to come, but I’m afraid it is in another town. You stood up, walking towards your house as you read on. As I’ve wrote before, I must go, as it is of importance. Before handing you this letter, I made a point to myself to tell you that this letter be read when I am gone. I have begun to realize, my feelings towards you are much more of a friend. And you are a capable woman, my, so very capable. So here it is, enough of my word rambling. Ms. Y/N. I love you. 
Sitting down on your bed, you read the last three words over and over again. You placed the letter down, sighing and drying your hands on your brown dress. Picking up the coffee stained paper back up again, you continued. 
I’m sorry this is so abrupt, but I am honored to be in love with a woman of your independence. And maybe the only reason I’m telling you this now is because I’ll be too far for you to catch me. Besides, you know me, I’m moving to fast for anyone to catch up, a quick fox you always said. So, by the time you read this, I’ll be on a carriage on the way to leave. I’m delighted to say you won’t catch me this time, just this once my dear. I am unsure of the length of my stay, but don’t forget me? It’d be unfortunate to forget a face like mine, will it not? 
Your friend and lovesick gentleman, Mr. Hong
Folding the letter and putting it under your pillow, you laid down. Staring at the dirty tinted white ceiling you shut your eyes, exhausted. You’d doubt you get any sleep tonight, not after the sudden confession as well as the settling emptiness for your now gone friend. 
“Damn you, Mr. Hong.”
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A month had passed. You helped your mother and father with their daily chores and even went into town. And who knew there were so many outgoing people in the town, waiting for someone like you to befriend. 
“I’m glad you finally agreed to come with me. Isn’t being in your house all the time... boring?” Mingyu pressed. After meeting Mingyu, you found your life was short of boring, like when your previous relation was still around. 
“Please Mr. Kim, you act as if I am void of all fun. A girl of my nature practically created it you know.” You teased, putting your sheer ribbon around your face and faking awe. Mingyu gave a chuckle while lightly hitting your shoulder. You giggled and rested your head on his shoulder, giving a sigh.
“Mr. Kim, how much longer is the ride? In which direction do we travel?” You asked. You felt his shoulders square before he lightly moved your head off his side. Reaching into his jacket in a pocket, he pulled out a invitation, passing it to you. 
“A friend of mine, who was recently married, invited us to meet his new wife.” 
“Us?” You flipped the letter, looking for anything else, but found only the beautiful penmanship with a gold border. 
“Me, my dear, and a guest of my choosing. Don’t you know how to read?” He scolded. 
Passing the letter back to Mingyu, you rolled your eyes. Feeling more attached to the scenery, you suddenly saw a great building. A mansion, great and big with size with green on all sides. 
“How much longer was that?” Mingyu grabbed your cheek and pinched it. You slapped his hand away, giving a sharp look before you felt the carriage stop.
Mr. Kim helping you out the carriage, you two walked to the front doors, giving a few hard knocks.
The anticipation was killing, and just when you brought your hand up to give another knock the doors opened quickly.
There stood a tall man, round glasses hanging a bit low but still well enough to see fine. He gave you a quick glance, eyes landing on the even taller man next to you, a smile breaking across his face. 
“Mr. Kim,” the man pulled him in for a tight hug, eyes closing in joy. “I thought you’d never get here! You must come in, my wife is ecstatic to meet you!”
Bowing to the man, whose name you still haven’t been told, he returns it. Mingyu, watching the interaction, clears his throat. 
“Ms. Y/N, meet my close friend, Mr. Jeon. Mr. Jeon, Ms. Y/N.” He introduced you two. You gave a polite smile and he once again returned the favor. Grabbing you and Mingyu’s arms he pulled you two the common area. 
“Love? the guest are here!” Mr. Jeon called. Entering the room, you were stunned. The room was wide, holding a white piano to your left, and a woman was playing. The windows were big, and the curtains were these wine red, still with the only movement coming from someone passing it. In the middle were two sofas, one of which holding three men. 
Locking eyes with the man in the middle, you two stared at each other. Giving a polite bow, you changed directions, meeting gaze with the woman playing the piano.
“Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim, It is a pleasure to meet you both.” She talked, her voice holding grace. 
Your face heated up, shaking your head at the misname. 
“Mrs. Kim?” You heard Mr. Hong ask.
“Ms. Y/N, is fine. I’m not yet courted properly.” You spoke out. Mrs. Jeon gave an understanding nod, still looking between you and Mingyu as if she was unconvinced. Holding her hand out to the couch, you and Mingyu sat down.
Holding your head down, and looking anywhere besides Joshua, you still felt his look on you. 
“Ms. Y/N, a word?” You heard him call. Looking up at him with a surprised look, you nodded after a moment of hesitation. 
Joshua linked your arm with his walking you out of the common area into the hallway. It seemed he knew the house very well, and walked you up the stairs. Reaching another room, he pushed you inside and closed the door behind him. Not yet turning around, you stared at his back, giving out a heavy sigh. 
You hit his back and heard him laugh. 
“What is so funny, Mr. Hong?” You continued to hit his back before he grabbed your hands in his big ones. “You left me! You told me you fancied me and then you left me, you crazy bastard!”
Joshua grabbed your pounding hands and gave a great laugh. You stared at him with an expression he could sum up to horror and started laughing even more. 
“Ms. Y/N, what are you even doing here?” He let go of your hands moving behind you. You turned around not letting him out of your sight and took in the room. 
It was a bedroom. A great mattress in the middle, with deep red coverings and white thin veils around the frame. 
“This was an invitation only was it not? Certainly you don’t think I followed you here?” You accused, a scoff leaving your lips. 
“You’re mistaken then. You have insulted me, I’m injured with your lack of careful accusation.” He holds his hand over his chest in feign hurt.
“Indeed Mr. Hong, perhaps I am not careful enough. But it doesn’t matter because you have still have explaining to do. Explain to me why you kiss and ran.” 
Joshua took a step towards you, eyes flickering between your eyes and mouth. He took your hand in his, bringing it up to his mouth, laying a kiss on your knuckles. 
Removing your hand from his grasp, your mouth agape, you gripped your dress. 
“I’m sorry.” He apologized. “Please forgive me, my dear. I’ve seem to forgotten you are not like me. A coward.”
Hiding your smile behind your hand, you let out a giggle, “You are a coward aren’t you?”
Giggling with you, he stepped even closer, you smile slowly leaving.
The door suddenly opened again leaving you two taking a quick step back from each other. Heads turning toward the door, you saw Mrs. Jeon peaking in.
“Am I impeding upon your conversation?” She asked, eyes covered by her hand. 
Separating yourself even further from Joshua, you walked towards her, “No. Worry not Mrs. Jeon.” 
She took you by your elbow, walking out the room. Looking behind you for Joshua, he was close behind giving a reassuring nod. 
Pulling you closer, Mrs. Jeon whispered, “Are you interested, perhaps me and my husband can be of some assistance in getting you two alone.”
Blushing, you both muffled your laughs, making Joshua raise his eyebrow. 
Finally reaching the dining room, you guys got seated. Joshua across from, Mingyu next to you. Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Jeon sat at the head of the tables and Mr. Chwe and Yoon were nowhere to be found.
“Where are my other two guests?” Joshua inquired. 
Mrs. Jeon held a slight smile, but quickly removed it off her face before anyone noticed. 
“They said they weren’t feeling of good health.” Mr. Jeon answered. 
Nodding to himself, the table started to eat. The table was silent, everyone doing their own thing, occasional clattering of plates from the maids. 
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Sitting in the common room once again, the air was easy. Mrs. Jeon played the piano while you swirled your wine. As the piece she played ended, she yawned, standing up slowly.
“Shall we head off to bed?” She asked the room. Looking at Mingyu, you tilted your head in confusion. The rest of the party all nodded, minding you no business. 
“Ms. Y/N, you can have the room next to Mr. Hong’s.” Nodding and settling in, the night slowly became morning. 
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Reading a book under a tree, you barely heard the ducks on the lake, nor did you hear the footsteps of the man who confessed and ran a month ago. 
“What are you doing dear?” 
Closing your book, you looked up Joshua. Staring long, you shook your head, focusing once again. 
“Um- reading,” standing up quickly, you stood tall before him. “Shall we continue our conversation? From yesterday?”
Joshua bit his lip, before nodding, avoiding eye contact and pulling you to sit down again. 
You two didn’t speak for a few moments. Just staring out at the lake, you felt your hand intertwine with his. 
“I must really apologize once again. What I did, dumping these emotions on you, so suddenly and then running away was a poor choice of mine. Reckless, and a poor trait of mine has always been moving too fast. But-But if you’d take me as yours-” Joshua trailed on.
“Mr. Hong.”
“I can make you happy. I can give you a library of your own, hell I will build it of my own hands-”
“Mr. Hong.” You called louder. Joshua still rambled barely taking a breathe of air between each word.
You reached over for Joshua’s face, pressing your lips against him in hopes he stopped talking. A noise of surprise escaped his mouth, the words stopped flowing and kissing you back. He places his hands over yours pressing his face into yours harder. Pulling away, you opened your eyes and found Joshua mouth open, and eyes closed.  
“Mr. Hong, I accept your offer.” You smiled.  
His eyes shot open, and he wore a bright smile, grabbing you by the waist and spinning you around. Giggling you held on to him as he laughed with a child’s happiness.
“Come on, we must tell the others of our engagement.” Joshua tugged you towards the mansion, barely giving you time to react, too excited. 
Pulling you into the common room, he held you close, grinning brightly. 
“I have important information to share with you all. It is of my excitement to announce the engagement of me and Ms. Y/N.” Joshua announced. 
Staring with wide eyes, Mingyu and Mr. and Mrs. Jeon all stood up quickly, like if the news was the most unbelievable. The group of three suddenly stood up and congratulated you both, cheering.
Mrs. Jeon pulled you to the side, “How was the alone time? Getting his guest to leave was the hardest task.”
You gave her an incredulous look before giggling and covering your mouth. Calling for her maids, Mrs. Jeon handed you a glass of wine.
“A celebration!”
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Reading in front of the fireplace, legs pulled up to your chest, you felt Joshua place a kiss on your forehead. Glancing at him, you gave a small smile.
“Mr. Hong.” You acknowledged. He nudged your shoulder with a goofy smile.
“Mrs. Hong.” 
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A/N : I feel as if this was rushed towards the end, but tbh i got writers block at the worst time and said fuck it and pushed through lol. any feedback is appreciated pls and thank u!! oh im nervous ha
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juji-han · 4 years
pairing : hansol, reader
genre : good old fluff
summary : nights with your best friend hansol and the noisy ufo channel.
you laid at the foot of his bed, feet hanging off and arms above your head, sprawled out. you were tired and had a headache. but still, you laid awake near him.
“aliens? they exist.” he says with so much certainty in his voice it’s almost makes you believe it. you giggle and tilt you head up to look at him.
“okay, whatever you say,” you grabbed your phone checking the time, 12.02. it was early, and you both should’ve been sleeping but still your minds couldn’t come to a rest.
you rolled over. arms tightening around his waist. you laid your head on his chest, listening to the sounds of his heart pumping.
your mind drifted off to many different things; is the world’s loneliest whale still lonely? what makes hansol’s heart beat? passion? the thrill of life? the thoughts running through your head only made you more tired.
so you closed your eyes, your brain still not done pondering about your best friend. and so you let it. and soon you settled down into sleep while your best friend watched the ufo channel, talking to himself.
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juji-han · 4 years
pairing . hansol x reader
genre . angst, fluff
the brown haired boy sits next to you. the summer air light, it’s night and it’s a bit cooler than the hot days, but you can feel it, your scalp feeling the breeze and your hair moving slightly.
the air is comfortable and maybe it’s because you two were used to sitting in silence. simply existing with one another
you two were sat next to each other on the ferris wheel. mentally reminiscing when the two of you played a water game to see which balloon would fill up first.
you weren’t the most smooth talker with vernon, so why would be different now?
please, let this be easy. be smooth.
you looked down from your seat, noticing that you now were at the top. you look over at him taking notes of his face. he didn’t look bored, rather happy, but still at a calm. you bet you had a slight smile on your face too, matching his. almost mimicking his features as an attempt to cool down.
i don’t want this summer to end.
you wanted to stay, at the top of the ferris wheel. simply looking down, muttering a few words about how pretty it was in hopes to start a conversation. you wanted to stay in this moment, hoping that suddenly, like a fairy tale, time would skip and you guys would have sparklers in your hands, lighting and swishing them around while laughing with each other.
you weren’t so sure it would ever be like this again. but as long as you sat on the top of the ferris wheel, next to the boy you had been introduced to by seungkwan, you believed everything would be alright.
simply enjoying the night breeze, hoping the brown haired boy, vernon, would share these same exact feelings with you too.
a/n, so this was based off a dream i had a LONG time ago, and i wrote it while i was half asleep and trying not to forget it, so i did tweak it a little but forgive me if there is any spelling errors !
if there is something wrong, i’ll probably come back and fix it :) thank you !
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juji-han · 4 years
- lower case intended -
kwon soonyoung
you rolled on to your back, arms and legs spread out. inhale, exhale. your chest moved up and down, almost like it was the only thing functioning. besides the shivers you got from your open window, you stayed still. your heartbeat suddenly became loud, as you realized what was happening once again.
your bed springs became an overwhelming sound as you sat up, staring at the digital clock on your night stand. 2:03. of course, you thought.
normally waking up in the middle of the night was something you could always fix. whether it was shifting your position around and drifting off again, or using the bathroom while stumbling blind and tired in the dark. but the case seemed to change.
you layed back down on your back, sighing softly as you felt support on your neck from your pillow. lifting your arm, you stared at the hand held above you. wiggling your fingers like you’ve done when they lost feeling.
i wonder what he’s doing? sleeping i suppose, on the other side of the world. is he awake too? the questions run through your head faster than you can process. is he reaching for me like i am?
your arm comes down slowly as you roll on your side.
the window was open, the breeze light on your uncovered legs, goosebumps coming up. as easily as 2am woke you up, it put you back to sleep. as if the questions in your head were a class and you were a student, you fell back to sleep. thinking of your first love.
if only you knew what he was doing. awake on the other side of the world, mouth dry and in need of the water he always kept on his nightstand. drifting off himself, tucking himself in the limbs of his new lover, without a single thought of the person who reached out for him.
omg this is my first post-ish. im nervous, like what if im a bad writer eeee
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