Aph Ancient Greece had a crush on Rome, who would later cheat on her with Ancient Egypt.
Turkey probably helped her through that, despite his feelings for her. And then later killed her.
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APH Egypt: Once a year, mother and I spend a day treating ourselves. What do we treat ourselves to?
APH Ancient Egypt: Clothes.
APH Egypt: Treat yoself.
APH Ancient Egypt: Fragrances.
APH Egypt: Treat yoself.
APH Ancient Egypt: Massages.
APH Egypt: Treat yoself.
APH Ancient Egypt: Mimosas.
APH Egypt: Treat yoself.
APH Ancient Egypt: Fine leather goods.
APH Egypt: Treat yoself!
APH Ancient Egypt: It's the best day of the year.
APH Egypt and Ancient Egypt: The best day of the year!
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how would the hetalia girls take out their fem!s/o on their first anniversary date?like which outfit would they wear,where would they go,which present they give eachother etc.
I’m going to do this more as an aesthetic than a long post of text.  Hope you don’t mind.
Hungary: They’d go someplace fun but simple.  Grab some good food then go to a carnival or fair. She’d totally win you a stuffed animal.
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Belgium: She’d make a nice dinner at her place.  Sitting out on the porch to eat then lying in the grass and just talking.
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Belarus: The classic movie date.  Grab her arm and wrap it around your shoulders.  She’ll probably blush a little!
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Ukraine: A date in a nice little cafe.  Sipping tea and getting to know each other better.  Then a short walk in the park.
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Liechtenstein: A date to the park!  A nice little picnic and then being kids again, and having some fun on the playground.
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Taiwan: She’d love to go to the beach.  Building sandcastles together, soaking up some sun, then splashing around in the cool water - it’s one of her favorite kinds of dates.
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Monaco: A night of dining and dancing.  She’d love to get all dressed up, have a candlelit dinner, then spend the rest of the evening dancing away.
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Why I ship NedTai
🌷Even if they are completely opposite, I think they complement each other. They are kind of “the beauty and the beast” couple.They know they aren’t perfect, but they accept to each other as they are. Maybe they didn’t have a good first impression of each other, so they had to get to know each other better, then they found out how wrong they were of each other.
🌷He gives her stability and safety, and she gives him tenderness and joy.
🌷Since he has an aloof attitude, he needs someone who encourages him, someone cheerful and optimistic, someone who believes in him. She is impulsive, so she needs someone calm and that makes her think twice and be careful.
🌷He feels comfortable being himself in front of her, he can be more sensitive and soft. She appreciates that, she could never make fun of his feelings.
🌷She helps him to relax and make him see that he has to have fun too and laugh more often.
🌷He can help her to be more organized, and he supports her. Also he teaches her how to save money and just buy the most important things.
🌷Both like flowers, so they love gardening together.
🌷He is aware that some people don’t have a good opinion of him, but she sees and brings the best of him.
🌷Since she likes to cook, she can do it for him so he could stop buying food outside.
🌷He listens to her when she needs to talk with someone. They talk a lot about everything. When she is very nervous or worried, he is there to listen to her. He is patient with her.
🌷Their love is unexpected. They never imagined they could fall in love with someone as wonderful as they are.
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“I used to LOVE AmeriPan, but now I just can’t stand it. I HATE how fandumb makes Japan into this beautiful Mary-Sue moe blob who is so GIRLY and perfect. America is always made to be the “bad guy who must atone” in their relationship due to WW2, even though the Japanese Empire was OUTRAGEOUSLY cruel and slaughtered tens of millions across Asia for a DECADE and still denies their doings! WTF!“
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Liechtenstein’s a comfort zone to Romano. Her calm and patient atmosphere soothes him greatly. Which also leads Romano to be overprotective on her and get defensive on Liechtenstein whenever someone overlooks her.
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You completely forgot about the thing with Korea, which was offensive enough to be considered a national crime and because of that, he wasn’t allowed to be in the show.
//But can we talk about how Hima may be inaccurate at times but literally never (apart from one time during the helloween event and that comic where Romano tries to scare America…which doesn´t really count) made one of his characters part of a criminal organization but the fandom does it all the time? Like…Hima shows how badly a nation is damaged by these people and how Romano fears the mafia and how Spain gets harmed by pirates and still, every time people are told that making the nations terrorists or criminals isn´t a good idea, they say: “Hima does that all the time! He portrays Germany as a nazi after all!!” no he doesn´t?! Have you even read hetalia? He´s the “worst” Nazi I´ve ever seen. To be honest, with his homosexual attitude he´d end up with a pink star on his jacket and no swastika. The fact that Germany was a soldier in ww2 isn´t “offensive”, it was the fucking law. Same with Japan, Russia, America, Italy and basically everyone else during ww2. - they´re soliders, they serve their country, no matter what said country stands for. There was not a single moment in Hetalia where Japan was a Yakuza or Germany a Neonazi or Romano a mafia member.  I´d tell you ten things more why Hima isn´t offensive while the fandom is, but hey I´m not in the mood.
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Although Germany is careful not to pick favorites, there is an intense rivalry between Julchen and Gilbert to be Ludwig’s “favorite,” and they fight often about it.
They don’t bother with Nyotalia Germany, because her favorite is always Italy. – Anonymous
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– Noah
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“Top: AppleJack from MLP:FiM || Bottom: Nyotalia America.” – ohmyahoge
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– itaromano
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– een-zed
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“They love to watch Jackass and are always trying to re-enact the stunts. It always ends badly.
Gilbert has all the videos on his computer.” – souleatssouls
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– tannanana. illust_id=2633694.
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– imaloserrr. illust_id=5420491.
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– Anonymous. Romano; Hong Kong (artist).
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– Anonymous
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