jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
what. happened to tfwnsl. everyone came back for like? a day? while i was busy with moving. and now. no one is around again
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
aare people online
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
holy Shit
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
well if anyone DOES come online, ill be flicking between here and my main for the next hour or so
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
"W-well..." He trailed off, silently cursing her persistence.
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"I, well, I mean, maybe it's... not..." He hesitated briefly, before sighing and finishing his sentence. "M-maybe it's not the be--, er, I mean, worst of ideas? If you're so certain you've improved, I'm sure things wouldn't go that badly..." Try as he might to seem convincing, his regret at his words shone through in tone and, most notably, in his err between two very, very different words.
"Eh? You’re saying you don’t want to?"
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"But you’ll look so pretty. Trust me, my skills have improved."
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
every time i log on my reaction to my dash is "what the fuck"
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
laptop oh sweet laptop
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
i have to set up my laptop but its too late for that now so ill be stuck on my phone tonight... ill do replies and everything like that tomorrow morning tho sorry
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
wooooo sorry i havent been around!! weve been moving and the wifi got cut off earlier than i thought... i got wifi back last night but i was way too tired and then i kinda forgot about this today lmao
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
did everyone just get too yiffed out
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
oh god i thought it was midnight but its only like quarter to eleven
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
i wish that there was some sort of reference for what honorifics everyone uses for eachother in p3/p4 because writing fics is a Shit
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
i watched one episode and thought "ehh" like its not bad... its cute but its not really My kind of thing
i have never watched mlp but this is going to change my view of them forever
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
i have never watched mlp but this is going to change my view of them forever
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
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okay well that makes sense yeah lmao
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
hidetoshi do you have a fursuit
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jun-kashihara-blog · 10 years
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because you replied like. using the reply option. thgis doesnt make sense
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