jungee · 7 years
I dont know if u still check this app or if what im saying is useful but I truly hope ure alright and feeling truly better 💛💛💛💛
I rarely check this account lol but I’m here and there. I’ve been doing well, so thank you for you concern 💖. It’s also been a long time so I might as well just come out with it and say that my new blog is mrsjeontobe if anyone wants to follow me again.
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jungee · 7 years
will you be sharing your new blog with us?
Honestly, I’ll be sharing my new url with mutuals only. Followers will have to find me and maybe one day I’ll just say it on this blog if no one can find me if they really want to know. But anyone can just privately message me if they want to know.
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jungee · 7 years
Last PSA
I know I said I’d be active on this blog still, but it’s just stressing me out tbh. So, I’ll be keeping this blog as an archive for my writings. And if anyone asks why I’m not on this blog no more just search for PSA and you can find the answers. It’s so hard to switch account to account and I just can’t do it anymore. Though I love this blog, I have to leave. If anyone wants my new blog just come off anon or whatever and private message me for my new url
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jungee · 7 years
Last PSA
I know I said I’d be active on this blog still, but it’s just stressing me out tbh. So, I’ll be keeping this blog as an archive for my writings. And if anyone asks why I’m not on this blog no more just search for PSA and you can find the answers. It’s so hard to switch account to account and I just can’t do it anymore. Though I love this blog, I have to leave. If anyone wants my new blog just come off anon or whatever and private message me for my new url
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jungee · 7 years
Last PSA
I know I said I'd be active on this blog still, but it's just stressing me out tbh. So, I'll be keeping this blog as an archive for my writings. And if anyone asks why I'm not on this blog no more just search for PSA and you can find the answers. It's so hard to switch account to account and I just can't do it anymore. Though I love this blog, I have to leave. If anyone wants my new blog just come off anon or whatever and private message me for my new url
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jungee · 7 years
will you be sharing your new blog with us?
Honestly, I’ll be sharing my new url with mutuals only. Followers will have to find me and maybe one day I’ll just say it on this blog if no one can find me if they really want to know. But anyone can just privately message me if they want to know.
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jungee · 7 years
Another PSA
So, I'll be moving onto a new blog. I'm unhappy as jungee here. I need a new start and every time I post a work or whatever I feel unsatisfied and empty and it's not because of the number of notes I get or whatever. I just need something new, if anyone understands because I really don't know how to explain it. But, anyway, I'll still be active on this account but won't be posting anymore works. I'll be keeping my current works on this blog. Everyone and anyone is welcome to come into my askbox and talk to me about my works or anything tbh. It was fun while it lasted. I'm glad that with this blog I have met so many great writers and making friends with them was a wonderful experience in my life. They have impacted me so much to write and to become a better writer. I started this blog almost two years ago and to see the numbers of followers still grow amaze me that all of you actually stayed with me. And to those anons and people who come into my askbox and encourage me to keep writing; I will keep on writing, just as another persona and new blog. I just want to thank everyone for staying and encouraging me. I also want to say that writing is a passion I have and that I won't stop because I love it too much. But on this blog, I feel like it'll be better to look at these writings and compare to the new ones to come. It was fun while it lasted. I loved writing on here but it's time for me to start anew.
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jungee · 7 years
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jungee · 7 years
Missing Out Pt. 3
A/n: Tagging @wang-banana for the last and final part bc she requested for this :))) Pairing: Jimin x reader
Summary: This was the last time you and Jimin would meet up to repair as much you both could
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 1465
Pt. 1 Pt. 2
“We can’t keep doing this.”
The words left your lips easily but they had meaning to them and Jimin couldn’t help but feel his stomach drop. He did this to himself and he knew it. What he couldn’t help but do was see you one last time to see if you’d forgive him. Although, the conversation had started this way, he would try to reconcile. Yes, he cheated with Yoongi and after all those times he went behind your back all he could do was feel guilt and remorse. He knew he didn’t deserve you and yet he still went to see you to see if you would forgive him.
When it came down to Yoongi, Jimin had thought that he loved the man but he was only confused because of the loneliness that dipped into his heart. Yoongi was there to fill his needs of despair when you couldn’t give him the time. That was an excuse and Jimin knew it. The night where Jimin had given you an untimely and unexpected visit was a ride that the both of you didn’t think you’d experience. The words you had blurted out earlier left Jimin in a stir. His heart beating fast, hands becoming sweaty as his tongue was tied with words he could barely make out all because he was nervous.
"I know… I’m sorry,” he hesitated as he drew in more air as if it’d help him stop feeling the trepidation that began to grow inside of him. “I just can’t stop thinking about you.”
Now it was your turn to have the words swirl in your head. Brows furrowed with seriousness as you opened your mouth to say a few things back only to have no voice come out. You were speechless not because of what he said but because you also thought about him a few times as well. You still had a soft spot for Jimin but there was no way in hell you’d tell him that. It would just give false hope that there was still a way to fix the relationship but you knew that it was irreparable. Your heart was shattered into millions and there was no way he’d be able to pick up all the pieces.
"Do you ever think of me?” He questioned with full seriousness as he looked into your eyes waiting for an answer.
You shuffled in your seat to show the uncomfortableness you were feeling but you knew that he wouldn’t stop with the questions until you answered them with full honesty. A sigh left your lips as your eyes averted to the dashboard and then back onto Jimin. His head tilted with curiosity as he waited for your reply. Licking your lips from the dryness you had felt as you began to give him the answer he wanted hear, “All the time.”
There were no words that could describe how Jimin felt. It was a mixture of many things and he couldn’t help but describe the sensation as different. Yes, he did feel happy that you still thought about him at times but at the same time he felt lost.
"But,” you interjected and he began to feel his heart drop. “We’ve been down this road before. Two years and all, we know where it leads.”
He knew what you were talking about but couldn’t accept the fact that it was time to move on. You were already on the point to go into the next stage of life whereas he wasn’t. It’s been a few weeks maybe even a month since the last time you had seen Jimin and it was when he wasn’t at his best. To have him actually meet up and talk about all the things that went wrong was something that never popped in your head. But you also didn’t want things to end the way they did.
"Jimin,” you called out his name as he replied with a small yes. “There was a time before me, there will be a time after me.” You tried to convince him that he had to move on. This was a stage in life everyone goes through. It wasn’t just about breaking up but also about making mends so that the two of you wouldn’t hate and misunderstand each other for the mistakes you’ve both done.
"You’re so strong, I don’t know how you do it.” He truly didn’t know how you could keep up such a strong front. If he were you, he’d be in tears. But your willfulness was what had made him fall for you and he couldn’t help but remember those times before everything had turned into chaos.
"Others have taught me how. Maybe it’s my turn to teach you. So, tell me,” you said as you held his hand into yours, intertwining fingers to help him find some sort of comfort.
"Tell you what?” He inquired.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Anything. Everything.”
"I was at the club not too long ago,” He admitted.
"So, who was she?” You asked as if you already knew his situation. “Tell me about her.”
He was hesitant toward your reaction wondering if he should even talk about this mysterious girl he had his eyes on earlier. “It was as if our seats were intentional. Like we were supposed have the perfect line of sight to steal glances at each other. And her eyes, they reminded me of— ugh, nevermind. I shouldn’t even be telling you this,” he went on about her and when he was about to say something about her that had reminded himself of you, he stopped. It didn’t feel right to talk about another girl in front of you even though you insisted on listening to him. You gave his hand a conscious squeeze to let him know that it was okay to chat about this unknown girl. “Her eyes were beautiful! They reminded me of yours.”
And this was where you gave out a satirical chuckle, “How ironic. You hated the way I used them. Remember? You said I had a negative view of the world.”
"I loved your enthusiasm.” He confessed.
"But, you hated my stubbornness,” you added.
"Your passions…” Jimin included as he was about to talk about all the things he loved about you.
"My sarcasm.” You continued to state all the reasons why the both of you weren’t together anymore. “And don’t forget all the reasons why we broke up and why I won’t answer your texts and calls.”
Jimin gave out a sigh as he let go of his hold from your hand and faced you, “I wish we never ended the way we did.” He truly wished that things weren’t how they were now and he regrets all the things he’s done that ruined the relationship but now he can learn from his mistakes and won’t let it happen again. He’s better than that and he knows it because you believe that he can do better as well. “I just wanted you to know—”
"I know, Jimin.” You interrupted his blabbering. You know he means well but it was time for a change and you couldn’t go back to him. “We’re in the stage where we’re learning about who we want as our partner. I was part of that process and you were a part of mine. You don’t have to feel guilty anymore.”
He could feel tears threaten to leave his eyes. “I could be better if I had another chance,” he tried to refute in hopes that you would give him another chance.
You shook your head in reply, “I’ve given you one before and that only proved me wrong. I know you mean well but you can be better for someone new. Don’t waste all the pain we’ve already endured and trying to mend the past. Use this experience to learn and grow for the future, even if I’m not part of it.”
"Y/n,” he said your name in desperate need. He wanted you to still be in a part of his life but you obviously had different views from him. His eyes looking into yours as the silence between the two of you was deafening. He could feel the seriousness that had flown through the air. If you were able to let go then he could too.
You inched your head closer to his as your lips were just centimeters away and when he closed his eyes was when he felt the warmth of yours lock onto his. Just a few pecks more and you retracted from the touch.
"Goodbye, Jimin.”
"Bye, y/n.”
The moment you left was the moment he brought his fingers up to graze his lips. The kiss tasted bittersweet, just like the memories you had left him with.
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jungee · 7 years
hey hey~ bartender!hoseok + "I'll walk you home" please
the sound of music blaring against your eardrums was deafening, but you didn’t mind because it helped drowned out the thoughts swirling in your head. the dim lights of the night club hid your flushed cheeks and tiny little tear stains and yet people could still tell that you were a damsel in distress. maybe it was the way you carried yourself throughout the whole night; very glum looking. or maybe it was because you were talking to the bartender about your boy troubles with a few slurred words coming out of your mouth every other minute or so. sure you weren’t in the right mind but you didn’t care. it was the weekend and it wasn’t like you’d come back to the night club; which is what you believed but you basically had lied to yourself.
the next few weekend nights you came back to the mentioned night club. you didn’t know why you’d come back and it confused you. just why? and that’s when you realized that it was because there was one person who’d listen; aka the cute bartender whose name was Hoseok. and god, he was such a great person. it was like every time you entered the room, he was the only one shining and maybe it was because of his smile or it was his just how he carried himself. you were attracted to his light like a bug; never wanting it to diminish because if it did, you’d be lost in the darkness that seemed to always be around.
“hello y/n,” his tone light and melodious to your ears as if his voice was a tune that was stuck in your head. “what’s the problem this time?” a question he’d frequently ask with a tilt of his head as a grin accompanied the action.
“it’s my ex,” you deadpanned at him with a bitter chuckle that had left your lips. the memories of what had just happened not too long ago made you shudder. “he just won’t leave me alone and it seems to him that—”
“y/n!” a voice all to familiar interrupted you as you turned around only to be faced by the mentioned ex. his legs helped him effortlessly glide through past the dancers on the floor as he stood in front of you breathless.
“m-minjae, what’re you doing here? i told you to leave me alone,” you stuttered out his name in fear as you didn’t know what he would do. “i don’t ever want to see you again, you jerk!” your anger had gotten to you as you began to poke his chest with your index finger and emphasized each word that had left your mouth, “you. need. to. get. the. hell. away. you. fucking. cheater.”
and this was where he grabbed your wrist and forcefully pulled you towards the exit. “ow, minjae, it hurts!” you screamed in pain as he dragged you out of the night club until another hand had grasped your other wrist and pulled you away from your ex.
“you should leave the little lady alone,” another voice way too familiar and this was when you looked up to see hoseok. “i’ll be calling the cops right now, you’re also disturbing my business—”
“alright! i’ll leave,” minjae had announced in annoyance and as he walked the opposite way he stood in place and looked back at you, “there will be a next time, y/n.” and the way he said it gave you shudders while you gripped onto hoseok.
“you okay?” and all you could do was nod as you tried to not let the tears fall.
“no,” you admitted in a cry as the tears began to fall. “i was so scared, hoseok. no guy has ever treated me that way and to have it be someone who was close is even scarier.”
“no guy should ever treat you like that,” hoseok was right and you knew it. “it’s not safe to go home alone. i’ll walk you home. okay?”
another nod to his question because you couldn’t form words to come out of your mouth because of the shock. hoseok was your savior and you didn’t know how you would be able to thank him for that night.
following hoseok to your doorstep as your heels clicked until you abruptly stopped right in front of him. “thank you, hoseok.” was all that could come out as you quickly stood on your tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek as a reward. you quickly opened the door and shut it tightly leaving a perplexed hoseok who held a hand up to the cheek you had pecked, a small blush adorned his cheeks as he quickly walked away.
let’s just say that he couldn’t wait till your next visit.
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jungee · 7 years
Soulmate!Jooheon + “This is what I was trying to avoid! All of this!”
jooheon had told himself although he knew that you could hear him be in denial. the sight of you pulling up your sleeve to show the tattoo on your wrist was unbelievable. he didn’t want to believe that he had a soulmate only because he believed he didn’t have one especially since his wrist was bare; meaning that he was free to love anyone else who was the same as him.
the way you had confidently told him was a day he never thought would come. for crying out loud you were best friends for years and not until now, you finally confessed. jooheon stood there in complete silence as he stared at you in complete disbelief. he could not comprehend what was going on. his sight wavering from your eyes to your wrist every five seconds as his lips were dry while he couldn’t form any words to come out. the sweat from his temples glide down smoothly onto his cheeks; he honestly had no idea what to do or say.
his mind was completely blank while his face expressed confusion. the only way to get him to understand the situation was to explain it once more and yet he still couldn’t get it; why now?
“jooheon,” your voice falters a bit as you say his name. licking your lips from the dryness and nervousness you were feeling because you kind of knew that things would end up this way. “I—”
“y/n,” he interrupted you. “i can’t do this.” the way the sentence had sounded was kind of in an apologetic tone. he just couldn’t do this. everything was so sudden.
“what do you mean ‘can’t do this’ ” you repeated his words. “i just wanted to tell you this because it’s been on my chest ever since I was basically born.”
“this is what I was trying to avoid! all of this!” jooheon was filled with many emotions that couldn’t named. the situation swirled in his mind giving him a headache. he didn’t want any of this to happen. he wanted things to be back to normal but he knew that wasn’t possible. “why didn’t you tell me long before?”
the question echoed in your head. you knew that even if you did tell him, things would be the way they are now. you groaned in frustration, both of your hands swiping through your locks to show the annoyance that you were feeling. your eyes shut quickly for a few seconds and then you opened them as they now looked back into his. the stare was suffocating but what he didn’t believe were the words that came out of your mouth.
“even if i did tell you back then, things would be how they are right now,” a small dejected smile formed on your lips as you could feel the tears drop from your eyes. “if you can’t do this, then i’ll leave,” you announced to him as you began to exit the room shoulders bumping into his, “goodbye.”
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jungee · 7 years
Summary: Jungkook couldn’t deal with the fact that Jimin had a soulmate that wasn’t him
Pairing: Jikook + mentions of the reader
Genre: Soulmate AU/Angst
Word Count: 1348
“Why can’t we just make up already?”
Jungkook questioned the older man. He was fed up with the weeks of being spiteful and it caused his heart to hurt even more. He loved Jimin and he was ready to confess his undying love for him. “It’s all meaningless. I just want us to be happy and it’s very clear that we’re both not. So, tell me. Tell me what I need to do so that we can make up,” Jungkook was desperate. His eyebrows furrowed in worry because he didn’t know how Jimin would react, especially when he brought the older man into a deserted room out of nowhere. His actions were quite loud as they matched with his dialogue. “Please say something, anything!” He practically begged Jimin to break the silence between them.
“Jungkook,” was the first thing Jimin had said as he averted his gaze from Jungkook’s. Clenching and unclenching his hand in a pattern as it showed his uneasiness. He didn’t know how to reply to Jungkook, especially when all of this came out of nowhere. He didn’t think that Jungkook would even dare to try to work things out, especially with all the things they’ve said to each other.
But it was obvious that the feelings were mutual and yet Jimin was still trying to push him away; the name on his wrist told him to do so. Y/n, was the name that remained in the back of his head. He’d call out the name like a chant every single morning as a ritual and his feelings for Jungkook began to stir. He was in a theoretical love triangle even though he has never met this y/n, just the thought of having a soulmate that wasn’t Jungkook made him feel odd. Yes, it’s true that he too was infatuated with the younger man but he couldn’t deal with the fact that it just wasn’t meant to be. “This,” he began his sentence as he lifted up his wrist to Jungkook’s sight to show what had kept him from being with the maknae. “I can’t do this— we can’t do this, Jungkook.”
“What?” The younger man asked in a tone similar to disappointment. “Because of this tattoo? The tattoo of a stranger’s name whom you may never meet?” Jungkook was in disbelief. Jimin would really do all this for a person he’s never met? Nonetheless it’s his soulmate but he was willing to throw away the connection he had with Jungkook just so he could find someone else who was supposedly his true match. “Why?!” He exclaimed in anger as he waited for a reply while he ruffled his hair up in distress. He couldn’t take it, the thought of Jimin being with someone other than himself was truly painful. He imagined it and it broke his heart; he could hear the pieces shatter. “Jimin, do you not feel what we have? I love you, and you dare to say that you may have fallen in love with someone you’ve never met?” As the question left Jungkook’s lips, it did sound ridiculous.
“I…” Jimin started his sentence only to take a few seconds to pause and really think about what he’d say. “It’s just wrong, Jungkook. For her and for us, it’s unfair,” he tried to reconcile with the brunette. “It seems that I just wasn’t matched to be with you—”
“Bullshit,” Jungkook interrupted Jimin’s little speech as he couldn’t dare to listen to the rest of what he had to say. He didn’t want any of it to be true. What he did want was to be with Jimin but that seemed quite impossible now. “And do you see my wrist?” He asked as he brought his wrist up to face Jimin, the sight of his blank as all Jimin could do was gulp. “I have no one and that means I can choose anyone. I chose you, Jimin.” He admitted to the blonde. When confessing, one usually feels the weight of the world off their shoulders and for some reason when Jungkook did it, he could only feel more be added.
And all Jimin could do was sigh in frustration, “Jungkook, you don’t get it. We can’t do this. We just can’t. You have everyone else in the world to choose but me.” Jungkook didn’t want to hear it but Jimin kept on going. “This y/n person is out there somewhere waiting for us to meet and I can’t help but feel guilty to know that I might break their heart if I were to be with you.”
Jungkook just didn’t get it. Why did Jimin have to be so stubborn? Why did he make things even more complicated? It was obvious that he held feelings the way Jungkook did for him, so why? “Jimin, this is ridiculous,” the younger boy claimed. “Can’t you just accept the fact that we love each other? Who gives a fuck about this soulmate shit? It’s dumb and—”
“We just can’t!” Jimin yelled out in annoyance. “Just stop, Jungkook. Nothing will stop me from finding this y/n person. You don’t understand.” And he was right. Jungkook didn’t understand why Jimin was so crazy about this soulmate shit. He wouldn’t understand the days spent where Jimin would wonder about this y/n. Was she a person who would bring Jimin a great deal of happiness? Would she treat him right? The questions swirled in Jimin’s mind like a tornado; making his thoughts become messily entangled with her. Jimin would just think, think about her and it made him become insane. Once anyone knows the name tattooed on their wrist, they begin to want to know more. Even if Jimin did explain the sensation, Jungkook still wouldn’t be able to apprehend the feelings.
“What do you mean by I don’t understand?” Jungkook clenched his hands to turn into fists, his tone seething with anger. “Maybe it is you who doesn’t understand. Jimin, I love you.” He confessed his admiration for the second time to the older boy.
“No, no, no!” Jimin shook his head in denial. “You can’t feel that way towards me. You are free to love anyone else but me,” he repeated his words from earlier. Jungkook made things complicated, but that didn’t mean that Jimin made it any easier as well. “I have someone else—”
“Someone you haven’t even met!”
“I’m beyond your reach, Jungkook. We need to stop,” Jimin huffed out.
Jungkook could feel his heart drop. “Stop what?”
“All of this— whatever we had,” the words that left Jimin lips stuck to Jungkook’s head. This wasn’t what he wanted but it was the best for the both of them. “You know that we can’t be together, it’s forbidden.”
“And who said that this was taboo?”
“The tattoo,” Jimin brought his wrist up once again to show Jungkook. “This is what’s keeping me from being with you.”
“Then forget about it,” Jungkook suggested and only if it was as easy as it sounded, Jimin wished he could.
“No. I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” The heart wrenching words left his lips in despair. Jimin then made his way towards the door and exited the room, “This is goodbye.”
And this was where Jungkook was alone, the room filled with silence, something he’s never wanted to be with. He slowly stalked his way toward the door only to have him bang his hands against it in frustration. “God dammit,” was all he could muster out as he could feel the tears sting his eyes. He turned around dragging his back down against the door while his legs were stretched out in front of him. The pain in his heart was unimaginable. The pieces of his heart were shattered into millions and there would be no one to help him pick them up.
He then thought how maybe Jimin was right. Maybe, it was best to keep distance. It was only for the best because Jimin is untouchable. The tattoo on Jimin’s wrist told him so but Jungkook’s blank wrist told him different.
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jungee · 7 years
Do You?
A/n: I know I said I would work on A World For Us but I couldn’t help but write this au with Jin
Pairing: Seokjin x reader ft. Bts in later parts
Summary: Seokjin used to believe in magic and when he grew older he became a skeptic until he met you; everything changed
Genre: Fantasy AU/Magician AU/Fluff
Word Count: 3006
Seokjin used to be a believer of magic. At the age of five the tricks he was exposed to weren’t just tricks to him; it was definitely magic. Something about the way his father would introduce the mannerisms were quite peculiar. The aura that was given was a sensation that felt foreign to him. Every single time his father had shown him a trick he’d be amazed with wonder. He’d question how his father would make everything look so easy.
He was infatuated with the idea of becoming a magician. He was curious, being that all kids were, he’d use his father’s cards and practice the basics only to struggle as he failed to do the same things. Just how did his father do it with such ease? His failures didn’t stop him though, with hard work and practice, he could finally do the tricks as he watched his father with concentration.
Showing the tricks he’s mastered to his classmates was exhilarating as they too believed that it was magic. Seokjin loved the attention. Every second or so he’d have people ask him to “do that again.” He was glad to make others happy just by showing a simple trick. He believed that being a magician was for him.
“Do you believe in magic?” His father would ask on a daily. A question that never got old as Seokjin would reply with a yes along with vigorous nodding to show his enthusiasm.
That was until he grew older, his friends telling him that this “magic” wasn’t real. Being shot down by those who used to believe in the same thing as him made him feel like the odd one. They were done with the phase of being those gullible kids but Seokjin was still naive as ever. When told to grow up, he never wanted to. He wanted to keep up with his magic because it was basically all he had. Up until his last year of middle school, the thought of being a magician had disappeared. The taunts and mockery had him fed up. He no longer cared.
The sight of his room in disarray made him distraught. He was tired of being made fun of because of his beliefs and he left magic alone ever since then. The daily tradition of asking if he believed in magic no longer existed because he stopped believing.
He became a skeptic. All those tricks mastered really were just tricks, there was no such thing as magic. He began to despise the word. It’d make him shudder in disgust when he’d remember the times where he was so infatuated with it. But, he didn’t know that things were about to change when he transferred universities. His father had recommended Lexity University. It was a renowned school for the intelligent. It was a great school recommended by his teachers as well and Seokjin decided to move back in with his father because he was the closest to the Lexity University. What he didn’t know was that he was in for a magical ride, like literally.
Seokjin sat on top of his bed as he stared at the boxes that were filled with his belongings. Playing with the rings on his fingers as he thought about what he should do. It felt weird moving back to his father’s house since it’s been at least two years when he moved to dorm at Seoul University. The atmosphere was quiet yet calming, something he hasn’t felt for awhile. Life at Seoul was hectic and he hoped that it wouldn’t be like that at Lexity. He gave out a sigh as he reached for his acceptance letter from Lexity. He felt accomplished but felt lost. He left Seoul meaning that he left his closest friends to go to a new school. He was scared to start anew as he would no longer be the popular pretty boy and it would take him awhile to adjust.
Seokjin decided to give Lexity University an early visit. The letter in his hand as he copied the address onto his phone as the navigation system told him the directions to his destination. It took him awhile to get there as he walked and didn’t have the car with him. He thought that the gps had led him the wrong way as he was surrounded by trees, shrubs and dirt. He was basically in the middle of nowhere. His letter still in his hand until the wind snatched it out of his grip making the piece of paper land on a branch. He huffed in frustration, carefully walking towards the letter extending his hand out to grab the object only to have the wind blow it out of his reach again. Another sigh left his lips as he now had to chase his letter through a forest.
The paper waving around with the wind was a hassle until he finally caught up with it. The trees that were naked were no longer in sight as they were replaced with trees filled with green leaves. The cold temperature had turned warm within half a second making him fan himself with his hands. The sight of dirt was no longer there as it was replaced with grass. Seokjin was confused. There was no way that winter could turn into summer in such a small amount of time. It was impossible. He began to think that he was going crazy, hallucinating at least. What caught his attention was the view of his father waiting for him, his acceptance letter in the hands of his dad.
He caught up to his father as he stood in front of him, “Dad? What’re you doing here? How did—”
“Welcome to Lexity University, son.” He greeted Seokjin with a grin as he handed him his letter back. Turning around as he began to walk into the building only to have Seokjin follow his steps with so many questions swirling in his head. “By the way, you aren’t crazy or hallucinating.” His father gave a wink as he presumed back to leading the way.
“Dad, please tell me what’s going on. I’m so confused. How did the weather change so easily? Why are you here?” He begged his dad to explain the situation as he caught up to his father’s pace and stood in front of him so he wouldn’t take another step. “Why—”
“Look at your acceptance letter one more time, son. You’ll see for yourself.”
And his father was right. Once Seokjin had unfolded the paper, it exposed the letters rearranging to make out a certain message in which he read; Lexity University: Institute of Magical Arts. He reread the words so many times it felt as if his eyes would pop out. There was no way any of this was true. He truly believed that he was dreaming, it had felt unreal. He gave out a scoff, “Haha, very funny dad. Magic isn’t real.” A few seconds pass as he watched his father’s facial expression never change as it was plastered with seriousness. His arms crossed over his chest as he stood tall while his eyes had a glint of sternness in them. Seokjin gave out a sigh as he facepalmed himself to show his frustration, “Dad, you can’t be serious. It isn’t real. I don’t believe in magic.”
“You wouldn’t have said that twenty years ago,” his father muttered as if only he could hear what he said.
“Because that was twenty years ago. I’m not five anymore, dad. Magic—” he lifted the letter in his hand up to his dad’s sight, “doesn’t exist. None of this is real!”
His father’s expression was filled with disappointment. He never realized that his son had grown up a skeptic but he should’ve known ever since Seokjin had stopped answering his daily question. A small dejected smile formed on his lips as he would ask Seokjin one more time, “Jin, do you believe in magic?”
“No, I don’t believe in magic,” Seokjin replied quickly with no hesitation in his answer. His father couldn’t stop his way of thinking so he’d have to show Seokjin himself. The hostile atmosphere began to cool down as soon as a stranger walked by into the situation.
“Dean, what’re you doing here?” An unfamiliar boy who seemed to be a bit younger than Seokjin interjected himself into the conversation while Seokjin thought; who was the dean? “Who is this?” The strange boy asked as he threw an arm around Seokjin as if they were close only to have Seokjin wiggle out of his grasp.
“Wait a minute, dean?” Seokjin questioned as he pointed a finger towards his dad while he nodded his head slowly as a reply.
“Jungkook, would you please show my son around? I’m quite busy at the moment,” Seokjin’s father dismissed himself as he waved a hand in the air saying his goodbyes for now.
A smile formed on the boy’s face as he grabbed Seokjin’s wrist making him walk the opposite direction of his dad, “My pleasure, dean.” The look on Seokjin’s face was unreadable. He felt lost, appalled, disappointed and many other feelings he could not name. How could his own father leave him in a situation like this, not explaining a single thing.
Jungkook lead the way to class as a few passerby’s greeted the young boy while staring at Seokjin in wonder. They knew that he was obviously new. He couldn’t deal with the stares, it was like he was back at square one which he was because it’s a new school and it would take him awhile to get used to the new atmosphere. He could not believe what he was seeing right in front of him. People on campus were levitating apples in the air, chanting spells and much more. He truly believed that this was a dream and that he’d wake up soon enough. A few snickers had left the lips of Jungkook as he saw Seokjin’s jaw drop in awe.
“Magic isn’t just a few simple card and mind tricks, you know.” He told Seokjin as he interrupted the skeptic’s thoughts.
It had to be a dream, fantasies aren’t real, magic isn’t real. “I don’t believe in magic,” he refuted in a harsh tone as he disagreed with his comment. He couldn’t believe any of this.
“You will, when you see her,” Jungkook claimed as he stood in front of another building where it led to you. The sight of you in the air levitating was fascinating. How you would walk down as if there were invisible stairs under your feet. Seokjin could feel his face burn up; he has never found anyone so beautiful besides himself until now. You glided through air as if it was nothing and he began to pinch himself to make sure he was dreaming; but he wasn’t because he could feel the pressure against his skin. Magic is real.
“Who is she?” Inquired Seokjin as he whispered the question to Jungkook while you were on your way towards them. He couldn’t help but stare, your beauty was nothing, not even he could compare to.
“L/n f/n,” Jungkook answered quickly, his eyes shifted towards Seokjin then to you. An admirable expression placed on his face as he told Seokjin what there was to know about you, “She’s the queen of the school and is adored by all. Very talented and beautiful, everyone wants to become her. She’s also a very important person related to royalty in the magical world and to have her choose Lexity University is an honor.”
“Jungkook!” You called out the younger boy’s name as you came dashing down the actual stairs of the building and brought him in for a hug. “How’s my fave freshie doing?” You ask as you retract from the embrace.
“This school rocks! I’m glad to be here. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here, noona,” he gave out a chuckle as he rubbed the nape of his neck. “Ah, this is Kim Seokjin, son of the dean.” He introduced his new friend to you as the both of you exchanged bows.
“Welcome to Lexity University,” you greeted him with a smile. “Please follow me,” you instructed as you turned around and walked into the building having both men follow your steps. Seokjin was in awe with the appearance of the school. It was huge, a bit suburban but it was quite calming. His eyes darted in every direction as he took in the aesthetics of the university.
You stood still and in front of the gym doors as you looked back at Seokjin while he gave you a confused expression. “This is the gymnasium,” you pointed toward the door, the sight of other magicians conjuring up all their spells and powers as they battled against each other. “Your first battle will be in two weeks.” You announced to Seokjin as he stood by your side and watched the two magicians combat. His jaw dropped at the sight. They had so much agility as they dodged each attack that they blew at each other. How could they tut their hands so quickly to cast a spell? He could feel his stomach drop at his thoughts. Did he have a special power? If so, how would he be able to find out in such a short amount of time?
“Woah,” was all that could come out of his mouth as his hands were raised in a defensive way. “First battle?” He asked as you simply nodded your head as an answer. “How am I going to battle? I doubt I can find out what kind of magic I possess within that time frame!” He began to panic, his mind was a mess and he himself was a mess. He brought his hands up to ruffle up his hair in distress as he began to hyperventilate. This was not good. “What if I fail? What happens if—”
“Relax, Seokjin. You’ll be fine,” you reassured him with a smile so bright that he began to forget about all his worries within seconds. You pointed a finger toward yourself as you told him, “You have me to guide you. Plus, I can feel the energy you give off. It won���t be long till you know.”
Seokjin believed in your words but he began to become a skeptic once again. The days spent touching magical objects to find out what kind of power he possessed had been a long process. Hours after hours it all became useless to him. It had only been a few days and it began to frustrate him. Maybe magic truly wasn’t for him. He felt bad for you because of all the effort you put in to help him find his magical abilities. No matter what object it was it didn’t seem to work for him.
“This doesn’t seem to be working, y/n,” he groaned in frustration as he laid down on the floor while his hands covered his eyes. “None of this is working. I should just give—”
“Give up?” You finished the sentence for him in a hostile tone. “No, you can’t. Not right now. You still have time Seokjin,” you tried to reconcile with him only to have him silent and in thought.
He was lost as another sigh left his mouth. “I don’t know about this anymore, y/n. It just seems that none of these objects are working out for me.”
“We can try something else,” you blurted out in nervousness as you bit your bottom lip to silence you just a bit. You didn’t want to do it this way but Seokjin was right. You brought over hundreds of materials that would have awakened his powers and yet they were dupes. You grabbed his wrists and pulled them away to prevent him from covering his eyes. “You have to trust me on this,” your tone so serious all he could do was nod.
He got up from his laying position and sat right up in front of you as you told him to hold onto your hands. Now facing each other as the both of you sat in a criss cross legged position while your hands gripped onto his. Eyes closed ever so calmly as the both of you took big breaths. Inhaling and exhaling as the atmosphere around the both of you began to fade away while you began to chant words that Seokjin couldn’t understand. Everything that you were doing seemed unimaginable to him. If this was barely any of your ability, he wondered what your true capabilities were.
You abruptly stopped the spell as you suddenly let go of his hands and stood up. Seokjin was confused. He popped one eye open as it looked up at you looking for a sign that it was okay for him to get up as well. You gave a nod as he stood up in front of you. “So? Feel any different?” You asked, arms crossing over your chest.
“Not really,” he huffed out another sigh of frustration. “Y/n, I told maybe none of this is for me.”
“It has to be,” you refuted. “You’re the dean’s son after all.”
“Just because he’s a magician doesn’t mean that I will be one too!” He argued back as he flailed his arms in disarray only to have some weird light shoot out of his hands. The sound of a sizzle as it hit the wooden floor; a burn spot appeared where he had shot. He gasped at the sight. There was no way he could’ve done that. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He turned his hands slowly to have his palms face him; there was a distinct sign that was engraved on them. It must’ve happened when a sudden light had bounced off of his hands.
A huge smile had formed on your lips as you watched Seokjin look at his hands in awe.
“So, tell me. Do you believe in magic?”
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jungee · 8 years
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jungee · 8 years
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Last night was truly magical
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jungee · 8 years
Badboy!Taehyung + "Do I know you?"
the sound of music blaring through the speakers began to hurt your head. a migraine was going happen anytime soon. you were at a club where your roommate/best friend basically forced you to come out of the dorm. you were so not ready to go home with a drunken girl leaning on you as you would try to lead the way back home later tonight.
you sat at the bar as your finger gingerly traces the edges of your glass cup. the heat from your fingertips warmed up the edges as you hesitated to drink from the glass. you were no heavy drinker, heck it was your fourth cup and you could already feel the alcohol take its effect on you. your eyes glancing around the room as the images began to distort. you needed some air and so you gave your friend a heads up that you’d be outside getting some fresh air.
opening the door in a fast manner as you quickly exited the club making you bump into another body. a loud bang echoes throughout the ally. you just hit a stranger with a door. it took a few minutes for you to realize what was happening and to also realize that you knew that same hair color anywhere. kim taehyung. part of bts, a group of gang boys who attended your school.
“omg, taehyung, i’m sorry!” you exclaimed as you ran towards him with care. fingers pressing against his forhead as blood began to dribble down. you panicked as you went through your purse to find a pack of tissues and helped dab away the blood.
a groan of pain left his lips as his eyes met yours, “do i know you?” the question echoed throughout your head. did he really have to ask that when you were helping him out?
“no. but i know you not like i really wanted to though,” you deadpanned at the brunette as you helped him up. “it’s your fault for being one of the schools bad boy, kim taehyung.”
he nodded in agreement, “true. but thanks for the help, uhh—” he extended his sentence as he waited for you to tell him your name.
“it’s y/n. and no problem. you should go get that checked by the way,” you pointed at your forehead to show him where the spot was on his head. “see ya never,” you waved him goodbye as you walked away from him.
taehyung was left in awe. never has a girl ever said those things and maybe he was just a bit interested in you. the door creaked open leading to a confused jin.
“taehyung, what happened to your head? your bleeding!” jin exclaimed in concern. “who did it? we can find them and—”
“hyung, its nothing. don’t worry.” he didn’t want to tell jin that he got hit by a door by a girl. especially when he just got interested in her.
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jungee · 8 years
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