jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
BTS thinking your boobs are fake
Ask: Hi I know it’s weird but can I have a preference or imagine where they think your boobs are fake haha ily thanks
a/n: since you didn’t say which group we did bts, so please let us know if you want to see this with a different group. We love you. Thanks for the request.
“Those can’t be real! If they’re real then I’m no longer world wide handsome” is all he would say.
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Yoongi wouldnt care if there fake or not but would still ask because he’s a little curious.
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Hobie would just casually walk up to you and start poking them.
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He knows there real. Trust me he knows his boobs.
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Jimin would keep giving you really strange looks until he finally works up the courage to ask.
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“If those are real then I’m not an alien”
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Poor Kookie would be way too shy to comment on them, so he’d just keep to himself and continue to wonder.
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
GOT7 mtl walk away from a heated argument or yell
Ask: Could you do GOT7 mtl walk away from a heated argument (or yell “that’s enough!”) pls
1. JB
2. Yugyeom
3. Jackson
4. Mark
5. Bambam
6. Jinyoung
7. Youngjae
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
BTS reaction to them and y/n learning a twice dance
Ask: could you possibly write a bts reactions where they and y/n learn twice dances? I think it would be really cute, thank you!
a/n: Thank you for requesting this
Jin is secretly really good at twice songs. He probably practices them in his free time.
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Ya boy Suga would get tired halfway through and take a nap while forcing you to cuddle with him.
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Hobie would absolutely destroy you with his moves.
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Joonie would accidentally break something in the process. god of destruction back at it again.
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It brings him absolute joy watching you try to dance. He would be teaching you cause obviously he already knows the dances.
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Taetae would make the dance look so sexy it would nearly kill you.
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Kookie already knows every move to every twice song. He’s hoping one day to join there group.
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
BTS coming home and finding you asleep holding their pillow
Ask: Heeeeeeey! I’m bored, are you too? Let’s get some bts lady. A reaction of them coming home or the dormitory and finding you sleeping holding their pillow really tight because they so good and you miss them. Bye💙💙
a/n: really loved this💙💙
Jin would worry if you ate a proper meal before sleeping, but would ultimately think about how beautiful you are.
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Yoongi would be way too tired to really notice. He would just crawl in bed beside you and fall asleep.
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Jhope (or Jdope as I like to call him) would admire how adorable you look when sleeping.
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Joonie thinks you look really cute, but you would look even better in his T-shirt.
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Jimin would fangirl over how cute you are, but then would be disgusted when he sees drool coming out of your mouth.
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Tae would automatically crawl into bed with you and start cuddling.
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Kookie would think about how cute you are but also how much cuter it would look if he was lying next to you.
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
BTS reacting to their s/o telling them they are nonbinary
Ask: Bts reacting to their s/o telling bts they’re nonbinary?
Jin would be happy. he would want to cook you a feast to celebrate.
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He would be unfazed, because it makes no difference to him, he just love you no matter what.
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He would be extremely happy, and would wish you would have told him sooner.
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He would be unaffected, because he always knew. He would also be very supportive.
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Jimin would be so happy for you that he wants to tell the whole world.
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Tae would wear the biggest smile as you tell him.
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Kookie would say, “Yay, you finally realized!!” Because he alway secretly knew and was just patiently waiting for you to tell him.
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
You know, for someone who hasn’t written a headcannon before, you did it pretty well. 👍🏼
Thank you sm!!!!!! I really appreciate it and it makes me feel so much better because I had no clue what I was doing and just guess the whole.
-admin h❣️
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
Irene as a Girlfriend
Ask: May I request Irene as your girlfriend headcanons please?😊
a/n: sorry if this is horrible. We’re both still new to headcanons, and honestly I still don’t know what headcanons are. Yes I know, I live under a rock😣 Thanks for requesting it tho. We’ll do our best! Enjoy!!! -Admin H
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Is the absolute cutest girlfriend
Loves cuddles and kisses
Always wants to be by your side
Loves everything about you
Loves going on anywhere and everywhere as long as it’s with you
Your dates are the cutest thing ever
You could go to the movies
Or something as simple as a ice cream date
Even the most simple dates are fun with her
You love going on picnics together
She smiles as you walk through a field of flowers to the picnic
All the flowers make the color of her eyes pop
She falls head over heels for the food you prepared for her
The joy in her eyes as she eats makes your heart melt
When she finishes eating all she wants to do is cuddle
She eventually falls asleep
She somehow looks just as beautiful when she’s asleep
She wakes up looking dazed
Looking around she sees all the flowers
Wanting to pick some, she gets up
As she walks around, diligently picking flowers, you can’t help but admire her beauty
When she’s done she walks back to the picnic
The two of you clean everything up
And head back to the car
On the way home she dozes off
She wakes up as you pull into the driveway
“Thank you, today was perfect”
“Not as perfect as you,” you smile
The date wasn’t much
But she appreciates everything you do
And it makes her feel loved
It’s a comfort to her
Since your perfect in her eyes
And she’s perfect in yours
Your each other’s everything
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
could I request a vampire! jimin moodboard?
Here ya go!! Hope you like it!!
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
BTS Reaction To You Not Wearing Panties Under Your Dress
Ask: Hii there❣ can i ask about bts reaction to you not wearing panties under dress 😉😉thank you💜💜
a/n: of course you can😉😉 we love slightly saucy things💕
Jin would give you a motherly scold, because what if your dress flew up and some pervert could see you.
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He wouldn’t really care because he would be too busy wanting to go back to sleep.
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You and Jhope were going to the dance studio to practice when you informed him that you didn’t have any panties on, he would instantly turn on you. If you know what I mean. 
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Joonie is the exact pervert Jin was talking about, he would try to lift up your dress to tease you.
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Jimin would have a cat like smirk on his face, giving you a look that meant you was going to get it later.
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With his big boxy grin Tae would inform you, that he also wasn’t wearing any either.
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Kookie would look at you with his big bunny eyes, saying “My poor innocent soul!”
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
GOT7 Reaction to Their Girlfriend Being Catcalled but Her Giving it Straight Back
Request: Can you do a got7 reaction where they are out with their girlfriends and suddenly a guy decides to catcall her, but before the guys can react, their girlfriend says something like "if i ever hear you say that shit again i will rip your tongue out and parcel it to your mother cuz it is gonna be your only body part she will get to see after i bury you!" I understand if you dont want to do it since its weird, but if you do i will be very thankful, thank you and have a lovely day😙
a/n: Of course we'll do it!! I love a good kick butt kind of girl!!! I hope you have a good day too 😊
After everything was over, Mark would turn to you and ask if you were truly alright.
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Even though you already handled it, JB would be so mad he would want to fight the guy.
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Jackson would be startled, telling you to remind him to never get on your bad side.
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Jinyoung is going to give you a proud momma smile.
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Youngjae would literally just shout “YES QUEEN GET THEM”  
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Bambam would be right up there with you, giving the guy a piece of his mind.
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After it is all said and done you would turn back to see Yugyeom looking at you amazed wanting to give you a high five.
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
Seventeen Reaction To Their S/O Being Terrified Because They Were Picked Up And Carried Off By A Stranger Who Thought It Would Be Funny
Request: Hello! I don’t know if you do Seventeen by units or as entire group, but if it’s by units may I please request hip hop units reaction to their s/o walking with them, but then their s/o is terrified when they’re lifted off their feet & carried by some stranger who thought it’d be a funny joke? I hope this isn’t too weird of a request. Thank you!
a/n Hi thank you for requesting! This is such a fun request to do, but in all seriousness if this ever happens to you guys just know that while I don’t believe in violence, you better smack that hoe down. Anyway~ lets get to the reactions!!
S.Coups is going to be MAD, like I’m talking furious, he’ll go strait up to the dude ready to throw hands because of how scared they made you.
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The stranger would never even have the chance to pick his s/o up and carry them off because Wonwoo would be clingy to his s/o the whole time and anytime he sees some get even remotely close to them he would be ready to fight.
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Mingyu would actually know it was about to happen because he hired the stranger to do it. He just really loves scaring his s/o, and he saw this as an opportunity to do just that.  
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Vernon would be ready to throw down at first, but when he finds out it was just a joke, he’ll laugh like no other because he’ll think his s/o’s reaction was funny.
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
GOT7 Gently Rubbing and Talking to Your Pregnant Belly
Ask: GOT7 gently rubbing and talking to your pregnant belly please. Hehe thank you💙
a/n: this quarantine might be driving us crazy but at least we’re getting stuff done.
Mark would rub your belly and talk to the baby every chance he gets. He might even shed a few tears of joy every once in awhile because he’s so excited to become a father.
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JB would try to act all cool and chic when rubbing your pregnant belly, but on the inside he’s really just dying of excitement.
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Jackson would be rubbing your pregnant belly when he feels the baby kick. He’ll get so excited that he’ll almost pass out.
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Jinyoung would be rubbing your belly, while thinking about the army of children he wants. The more children, the more help he has in defeating Yugyeom once and for all.
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Youngjae would rub your belly and tell the baby how much he’s going to spoil it when it’s finally born. He’ll probably even try and talk the baby into being born early because he just can’t wait to meet it.
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Bambam would always talk to the baby about fashion and how he’s going to make it the future best known model.
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The softest bean ever!! Yugyeom would act like the fetus himself. But in all seriousness he would have the most loving look in his eyes anytime he gets to rub your belly and talk to the baby.
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
ATEEZ Reaction To Going To Disneyland With Their S/O and She’s Excited
Requested by @miryvv26 : Hi there!~❤ I was wondering if I could ask you for a ATEEZ reaction to being with their s/o on Disneyland and she is pretty excited. I really hope you can do it. Thanks in advance and also for reading me 😅. P.S Love your work. Please keep doing this 🥺
a/n Yesss~ our first ATEEZ request I love it!!!! And thank you so much for liking our work it means a lot.🥰
Hwa would be watching you closely letting a small smile grace his beautiful face, because of how happy you were. He would definitely be taking pictures with all the Disney characters.
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Hongjoong will jump up and down with you because he loves seeing you so happy, which makes him happy. He will buy you anything and everything he thinks you like. Why, because he’s whipped for you.
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My ball of sunshine Yunho will be just as giddy as you are. He will constantly be dragging you into random stores because he sees something cute. Matching outfits are definitely a must with Yunho.
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The prince himself will be so happy seeing you jump around pointing to a ride you wanted to go on and pulling him to go grab some food that looked good.
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San would be just as excited as you are, but while you are excited to just be there San would be excited because he can’t wait to go buy a few stuffed animals to add to his collection. 
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Precious baby Mingi might have been more excited than you were, but he doesn’t want to ride on the adult rides, so instead he’ll try to get you to go on the kiddie rides. Because like I said precious baby.
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My boy Wooyoung would try to hold back his laughter when he sees you jumping up and down too excited to stay still, but ultimately he would fail and burst into a fit of laughter because you are being to darn cute.
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Our strong baby Jongho would love seeing you excited, but hopefully you like riding big roller coasters because that’s what he’ll be making you do.
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
Send in your kpop request you hoe’s
We write for:
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 NCT all the units
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 Monsta X
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 Super M
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 Stray Kids 
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and Red Velvet
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If there is another group you would like to see you can always send in a request and we’ll see if we can do it.
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We’re bored if you can’t tell.
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
GOT7 Reaction to Finding Out the Gender of Their Baby During the Ultrasound
Ask: GOT7 reaction to finding out the gender of their baby during the ultrasound. Thank you. I love your reactions so much😍
a/n: we love you, too😘
Mark honestly didn’t care what the gender of the baby was, as long as they were happy and healthy, but when finding out he was having a baby girl he couldn’t be happier thinking of all the ways he was going to spoil her.
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JB is ecstatic to find out that your baby is a boy, but he’s a little sad that he isn’t going to be the only man in your heart now.
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Jackson is super excited to be having a baby boy so much so that he runs out to the lobby and yells it for everyone to hear.
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When Jinyoung finds out he’s having a baby girl he can’t wait for them to plot against Yugyeom together.
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Even though Youngjae never said what gender he was hoping for, when finding out he’s having a girl he couldn’t help to let out a loud yes, because that was what he was secretly hoping for.
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Bambam can’t wait to dress up your daughter taking her on little dates and making her a total diva.
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When Yugyeom finds out he’s having a baby girl he can’t wait to make her a total prankster so he and her can play pranks on his other members.
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
GOT7’s Reaction to Their S/O Being Pregnant After Trying for a Long Time
Ask: Can you please do a GOT7 Reaction to their significant other being pregnant after trying for a long time. THANK YOU❤️
a/n: Inspiration has struck once again!
Mark instantly gets his phone and calls everyone he knows to let them know he’s going to be a dad
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Zaddy JB is now going to be Daddy JB. In all seriousness, JB is ecstatic for his s/o to being pregnant after such a long time of trying.
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Jackson will jump around squealing at the top of his lungs because he is so excited.
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He’s super shocked at first because he was starting to think it was never going to happen, and he even  sheds some tears.
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Youngjae is super happy and yelling at the top of his lungs after finding out.
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Bambam is super excited to turn his child into the next big fashionista.
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Yugyeom can’t wait to turn the kid as evil as him. (#betray7)
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jungshookkkkkk · 4 years
GOT7’s Reaction to Both Them and Their S/O Being Each Other’s First
Ask: GOT7’s Reaction to Both Them and Their S/O Being Each Other’s First. Thank you so much !
a/n: wow we’re really on a roll. THREE POST! Who are we!
Mark’s is the most calm and collected one, but he is also super excited because his s/o is the love of his life.
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JB is teasing his s/o the whole time because he can. (What else can I say about the man)
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Jackson is really reassuring, helpful, and caring.
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He is the biggest sweetheart ever. Periodt.
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Even though he is always EXTREMELY loud (in a good way), he because super shy.
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Bambam would act like he’s overly confident, but on the inside he’s dying of nervousness.
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Like JB, Yugyeom teases his s/o, but unlike JB, he’s only doing it to break the tension.
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