junitaisen-lover · 5 years
Do you think Juni Taisen will ever be appreciated outside of Japan?
I feel like it really depends on the trends outside of Japan. A majority of the people aren't really into the chinese zodiac and gore. If it were to be appreciated, it would definitely take time.
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junitaisen-lover · 6 years
hey, guys, sorry we haven't posted in a year! There are a bunch of requests sitting in our inbox, so we'll try to get to them asap
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
Misinterpreted Love
Hi, I’m one one of the new writers. I hope you enjoy this image!
Misinterpreted Love (½)
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
You walked down the street, your groceries heavy in your hands.
Today was a bad day to go shopping, I should’ve known better. I’ll be lucky if the groceries don’t go flying away with all this wind.
You closed your eyes, still walking, listening to the wind and rain with a small smile on your face. You opened your eyes moments before you collided with something. Falling heavily on the ground, you looked up to see a man with white hair and red eyes but his sclera was… black? You gazed in confusion at the strange man in front of you, trying to figure out why his eyes were so weirdly colored.
“Oh, duh! They’re contacts, of course!”
In response to your unspoken question, the man laughed in delight and shrugged off your fears. He was dressed simply in a medium red t-shirt with dark jeans.
“Sorry for running into you.” You said after you realized that you had been sitting there for ages, just staring at him.
“Will you be my friend?” The man asked you out of the blue, his eyes glinting playfully.
“Sure.” You replied with a smile. After all, he seemed  interesting and you wanted to know more about him.
He smiled widely at your response. Suddenly, he grabbed your hand and drug you away, your groceries abandoned on the sidewalk.
“Wait, what about my groceries?” you asked trying to keep up with him since he was walking so quickly.
“Huh?” he said stopping and staring at you in confusion.
You pointed to the groceries on the ground, motioning to him with a knowing gesture. The man made a small sound of realisation at your actions, and the smirk on his face grew wider.
“You don’t need them, since you’ll be my friend.”
“I’m pretty sure I’ll still need food to eat even if I’m going to be your friend, otherwise I’ll die and we won’t be able to be friends.“
He looked at you with utter confusion displayed on his face.  
“We’re friends right now?”
I have a bad feeling about this.
You realized just how strange he was being. The two of you kept walking until you heard your phone buzz in your pocket. You glanced down at the screen to realize that you were going to be late for dinner with your friends and they were waiting for you…  on your doorstep.
“I have to go, I’ll be even more late if I don’t. We should meet up sometime though, my name’s (Y/N) by the way.” you said hastily, all while running back to your house.
~ 3 days later~
You were thinking about that strange man again. You had told your friends about him and they had said you shouldn’t talk to strangers like that.
Who was he? And what is his name?
A knock on the door interrupted your train of thought. You got up from where you were sitting on the floor in your living room. When you opened the door you saw one of your friends smiling at you.
“Hey (name) guess what? I saw that dude you were talking about. I can see why you like him, he’s gorgeous. Come on, I’ll show you.“
The two of you began to walk towards a neighbor park that had always been a good place for both adults and kids surprisingly. You followed her out, to the place she led you to, and your gaze landed on a man with mixed brown/gray hair. It wasn’t the man you saw previously.
“That’s not him (Friends name).”
“Not him, he’s just a neighborhood creep. Him!” she said, pointing at the man you previously met.
He was on a swing and had on a white T-shirt with jeans and black shoes.
“Oh yeah, that’s him.”
Hearing the noise the two of you made, he glanced up from the swing he was on and when he glimpsed you he instantly came running towards you.
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
Misinterpreted Love (2/2)
This is part two, hope you like it!
“(Y/N)!” He called.
You were surprised he even remembered your name. You smiled at him and he returned the grin as he opened his mouth to speak.
“What’s your name? I won’t let you near (name) unless I know you won’t get in their pants!”
“(Friends name)!” you interjected before your friend could respond, embarrassed that she/he/they would say something like that in a park with little kids.
“I’m Usagi,” he said before he hugged you, burying his face in your shoulder.
“(Y/N), you left so suddenly! I thought you wouldn’t want to be my friend because of that. Will you still be my friend?” The words came out slightly muffled but you still understood them.
“I was just late to something, Usagi. Don’t worry I’ll still be your friend.”
(Friend’s name) made kissy faces at you and you glared at her/him/them. Usagi saw the faces (friend’s name) was making and frowned in confusion, then glanced back at you.
“What she/he/them doing name?” he asked, his arms still round your shoulders.
“Making kissy faces…” you mumbled.
“I want to try that, it looks like fun.” He said, rather childishly.
You stared at him in shock and (friend’s name) pushed your face to his. (Friend’s name) didn’t aim right and his lips went on your nose. You jerked back, your face turning red in embarrassment.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to. You see, (friend’s name) pushed me and, and yeah.”
He gazed down at you and suddenly, kissed you properly on the lips. The flush on your cheeks intensified to a full-on blush, and more so as he continued,
“I did like that. (Name), since you’re my friend, you won’t mind me doing that right?”
“Uh, what?”
~ 10 days later~
Usagi had visited you everyday for the past 10 days and each time he saw you he kissed you. You had fallen in love with the white haired male and couldn’t imagine what it would be like for him to stop doing that little weird tradition of his. You were sure that he only saw you as a friend though.
This morning, as usual, you walked downstairs sleepily and made breakfast. Usagi hadn’t showed up yet and you wondered when he would cost you today.
You ate breakfast showered and got ready. Right as you opened the door Usagi was opening it as well. The door swung to hard and hit your arm. You grinned and held your inner elbow as Usagi rushed in front of you, well closer than he already was. He kissed you, a peck on the lips then moved your hand and kissed where you had gotten hit with the door. He smiled as he looked at you.
“(Y/N), wanna see one of my other friends?”
“Sure!” you replied, you wondered if he greeted them like he greeted you.
The two of you walked out and you saw a man,  he was stabbed in the stomach and his eyes matched Usagi’s.
“This is one of my friends!”
“But, he’s dead.”
“And I brought him back, I’m a necromantist!”
It was then you realized that he had planned to kill you the day he met you and you agreed to be his friend.
“Don’t worry, you’re my friend too (name).”
He turned your head and kissed you. You kissed back, unsure of how to feel about all of this, one thing was certain though. You had misinterpreted what he had been saying from the day one.
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
Misinterpreted Love
Hi, I’m one of the new writers, I hope you like this image.
Misinterpreted Love (½)
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
You walked down the street, your groceries heavy in your hands.
Today was a bad day to go shopping, I should’ve known better. I’ll be lucky if the groceries don’t go flying away with all this wind.
You closed your eyes, still walking, listening to the wind and rain with a small smile on your face. You opened your eyes moments before you collided with something. Falling heavily on the ground, you looked up to see a man with white hair and red eyes but his sclera was… black? You gazed in confusion at the strange man in front of you, trying to figure out why his eyes were so weirdly colored.
“Oh, duh! They’re contacts, of course!”
In response to your unspoken question, the man laughed in delight and shrugged off your fears. He was dressed simply in a medium red t-shirt with dark jeans.
“Sorry for running into you.” You said after you realized that you had been sitting there for ages, just staring at him.
“Will you be my friend?” The man asked you out of the blue, his eyes glinting playfully.
“Sure.” You replied with a smile. After all, he seemed  interesting and you wanted to know more about him.
He smiled widely at your response. Suddenly, he grabbed your hand and drug you away, your groceries abandoned on the sidewalk.
“Wait, what about my groceries?” you asked trying to keep up with him since he was walking so quickly.
“Huh?” he said stopping and staring at you in confusion.
You pointed to the groceries on the ground, motioning to him with a knowing gesture. The man made a small sound of realisation at your actions, and the smirk on his face grew wider.
“You don’t need them, since you’ll be my friend.”
“I’m pretty sure I’ll still need food to eat even if I’m going to be your friend, otherwise I’ll die and we won’t be able to be friends.”
He looked at you with utter confusion displayed on his face.  
“We’re friends right now?”
I have a bad feeling about this.
You realized just how strange he was being. The two of you kept walking until you heard your phone buzz in your pocket. You glanced down at the screen to realize that you were going to be late for dinner with your friends and they were waiting for you…  on your doorstep.
“I have to go, I’ll be even more late if I don’t. We should meet up sometime though, my name’s (Y/N) by the way.” you said hastily, all while running back to your house.
~ 3 days later~
You were thinking about that strange man again. You had told your friends about him and they had said you shouldn’t talk to strangers like that.
Who was he? And what is his name?
A knock on the door interrupted your train of thought. You got up from where you were sitting on the floor in your living room. When you opened the door you saw one of your friends smiling at you.
“Hey (name) guess what? I saw that dude you were talking about. I can see why you like him, he’s gorgeous. Come on, I’ll show you.”
The two of you began to walk towards a neighbor park that had always been a good place for both adults and kids surprisingly. You followed her out, to the place she led you to, and your gaze landed on a man with mixed brown/gray hair. It wasn’t the man you saw previously.
“That’s not him (Friends name).”
“Not him, he’s just a neighborhood creep. Him!” she said, pointing at the man you previously met.
He was on a swing and had on a white T-shirt with jeans and black shoes.
“Oh yeah, that’s him.”
Hearing the noise the two of you made, he glanced up from the swing he was on and when he glimpsed you he instantly came running towards you.
“(Y/N)!” He called.
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
can you do an dog x reader where they fight together and god slowly falls in love with the reader? luv your blog btw 💕
Love War.
Aww thanks anon! Seeing this makes me happy ^////^
Before Juni Taisen | Spoilers | Second pov
Scenario above ^^^
“Y/n were you even listening?” you jolt up as the voice got louder.
“Y-yes sir- er, I mean, yes Dotsuku!” you yell in surprise.
“Oh really?”
“No…” you sigh. “I’m guessing we do the usual?”
“No, it has to change. They are different and it may not work.”
“I see.. go on,” you sit up straight as the dog explains what the plan is.
You spit out the liquid you were drinking in surprise to his plan. “That is our plan?!”
“Keep it down. We’re in public you know!” Dotsuku whisper-yells at you.
“When do we go anyways?”
“Got it- wait.. TOMORROW?!” Dotsuku hits your head to shut you up. “Oops..”
You take a few quite deep breaths as you slyly watch Dotsuku and the enemy fighting, waiting for his signal. “Ohmygodohmygodohmygodwhatdoidoiforgotwhatthesignaliswhathappensifwefailwhat-” your thoughts were cut off due to a loud snap. “The signal!” you smile brightly as you jump down and land next to Dotsuku. You finish off the enemy as Dotsuku watches you the whole time. The more you fight, the more his heart pounds. Your moves fascinate him, your hair swaying in the not-so-strong wind.
He smirks as he looks around to make sure nobody is going corner them.
Once you guys finish your jobs your bright smile makes Dotsuku’s heart pound. “Great job,” he compliments you with a grin.
“Thanks!” your thanks makes him blush ever so slightly. You giggle and sigh with all the energy still in you.
“Uhh… y/n..?” he starts, getting your attention, “if you’re not busy, we should hang out at the new cafe that’s opening next week.”
“Are you asking me out on a date?” you question.
“I guess..?”
“Then sure!” you run up to him with a toothy grin, giving him a long, warm hug.
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
Looking for Writers & Editors!!
~•What I’m Looking For•~ • Writers that are passionate about Juni Taisen - This means no hate or disgust on certain requests. If you’re not comfortable with some requests you don’t have to do it. - You are comfortable with typing one shots and a few head canons on certain characters. - You’re okay with certain ships and scenarios - You can stretch out a scenario to make it longer and detailed. • Editors that can spot grammar and spelling mistakes. - You won’t be afraid to tell us what the writers did wrong. - You will tell us what doesn’t make sense and what we need to fix. • An email, Tumblr, and a form of communication. • A creative mind that will take ideas and can work well with others. ❀⊱┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄⊰❀ ~•Questions That Will Be Asked•~ • You are not required to post your answers. You are to message me the answers unless you want to post them. - On a scale of 1-10 how passionate are you about Juni Taisen? - What kinds of requests are you comfortable with? - What requests are you not comfortable with? - Do you like the ships in Juni Taisen? Are there specific ones you do/don’t like? - How do you describe your writing(1-4 sentences)? ❀⊱┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄⊰❀ I am very desperate for 1-5 people max to help me with this! I feel super guilty that I keep procrastinating;; I ALREADY FOUND ALL THE WRITERS. I ONLY NEED EDITORS NOW. THREE MAX If you have any questions please message me on Amino or Tumblr THERE IS NO DUE DATE. ONCE I FOUND THE PEOPLE I NEEDED THIS POST WILL BE DELETED!!
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
Can you do usagi x reader? Please?
Let’s Be More Than Friends.
Thanks for the request! I was so hyped to do this!!
Resurrection AU | Spoilers | Second pov
Y/n works at a flower shop, selling flowers and plants there and taking care of them. Usagi comes there every now and then and befriends y/n, though y/n wants to be more than that.
“Yeah, I’m on break right now,” you reply to the phone with a smile plastered on your face.
“How about we hang out later?” the voice in your phone– your friend’s voice– asks.
“Well, I don’t know..” you pause to think. You want to talk to Usagi later, but you don’t know how to turn down your friends offer.
“Ooo~ I see how it is, y/n. It’s fine, maybe next time,” your friend giggles and hangs up before you could say something about what she was saying.
“Ugh.. oh well,” you sigh and put your phone away.
“Uhh… y/n are you done? I need help with a customer,” your coworker peeks their head in the room you’re in.
“Huh? Yeah, I am,” you walk over to help the customer find the flowers they were looking for with a bright smile.
“Y/n you’re so good at this,” you leave your coworkers mouth agape as you name flowers that match the customers description.
“Hm? Oh, thanks!” you giggle as you hand a couple of flowers to the customer as they pay. “Do you think you could handle the rest? I’m going to water the plants out back and front.”
“Yeah, sure,” you leave your coworker to finish off what you started as you head to the front.
Bells ring, indicating another customer has entered. He looks around with curiosity. You stop in your tracks and look at him. A warm and cheerful smile forms on your face as you run up to him and give him a hug.
“Hey, y/n,” Usagi greets you. His hands stay by his side and don’t move an bit.
“You’re back! You rarely come here anymore I thought you were gone for good!” you laugh as you release you grip from him and look into his eye.
“How are you doing?”
“Great! Would you like the not so much anymore usual?” you chuckle. You walk around and show him some flowers he may like.
“I just wanted to see you,” you stop in your tracks when you hear his response.
“R-really? Me? No way. You’re lying. We were supposed to meet up after work to,” you spit words out, clearly flustered.
“You don’t want me to visit?”
“No! That’s not it at all!”
“What is it then?”
“I wanted to give you something later, but now your here…”
“What was it?”“It’s embarrassing to say,” you turn your head away as you tidy up flowers and continue to walk around.
“Hmm?” Usagi clearly doesn’t know what you mean by that.
“Y/n! You can leave early today, it seems nobody else will be coming in for the rest of the day,” you coworker shouts for you to hear. You turn and walk to them. They wink as you quietly thank them and hurry to change out of your work clothes and rush back to Usagi.
When you get back to him, he’s gazing at a specific flower; a rose. “Usagi, are you ready?” you smile, carrying your things in your arms.
“Huh? Mm’hmm,” he responds and walks outside with you.
“I guess I should give the gift now, right?” you smile at him.
“Yeah,” Usagi’s short reply doesn’t faze you.
“Bend down to my height,” you tell him. You blush a little as you quickly peck him on the cheek. “D-do you want to be more than friends?”
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
Requests: Closed
So, I’m running out of ideas on what the one-shots I’m typing should be about, so I’d really appreciate it if you guys could recommend a few things.
What is the Pairing? (i.e. Canon x Canon, Canon x Reader)
Is there a specific AU? Or not?
A short scenario?
Any specific characteristics on the character(Reader/Canon)?
Want it to be a song-fic? If so, do you have a specific song, theme, genre?
Of course you don’t have to answer all of them. But obviously #1 is required. The others are not though.
I’m working on the request I recently received so that Anon doesn’t have to worry about what they sent, I’m working on it and I’m excited to finish it!
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
Can you do an Ox x reader
I Feel Saved.
Sure!! I’m super glad I get to do this! Thanks for the request!!
Resurrection AU | Minor Spoilers | Second POV
Ushii has a sudden urge to learn to cook so he won’t have to eat out all the time. The first and only person he gets in touch with is y/n. Is cooking really the way to talk to someone though?
You open the envelop to reveal a thick piece of paper with legible handwriting. “Ahh!! H-he wants me to teach him to cook?! This is awesome!!” you squeal in excitement and jump around with the invitation in your hand.
“Congrats, maybe you can tell him how you feel?” your group of friends giggle. Your face goes red as your best friend points that out.
“No way! He probably doesn’t like me back, considering he only wants me to teach him to cook,” you retort back. They all smile at you as you stand up. “Well, I’m going to get ready, so I’ll see you guys soon,” you wave at them as you leave the small café and walk to your home/apartment to prepare yourself.
After grabbing your purse, invitation, and phone you head to your car and start it, looking for the place written down on the thick paper. Your eyes wander around the areas you past as you drive down roads, streets, and towns.
“Huh, I’ve never been here before,” your eyes close for a minute before you shut your car off and step out of your car. The place seems pretty isolated and private in a way, at least to you it does.
Right when you get to the door of the specified destination, the door opens, revealing Ushii. You smile warmly at him as he leads you inside.
“Cooking, right? Umm. What do you know about cooking?” You try to begin a conversation with a question. He turns to look at you, his eyes seeming intimidating, but you let it slide and ignore it.
“You wash your hands before you touch any ingredients so no bacteria goes into the food and causes the person digesting the food to get sick,” he starts, “that’s it.. I think. I can’t seem to remember anything else.”
“T-that’s okay!” you start to become nervous. “Have you tried making rice before?” you ask.
“Yes, but I burned it,” re replies.
“Wow.. alright then. Do you have any ingredients at all for anything?” you question.
“No, I always eat out since I can’t cook.”
“R- right.. I forgot.”
“Do we need to buy some?”“Yes, or we won’t be able to cook anything,” you sigh.
“Honestly, won’t it be too much work?” Ushii asks.
“Of course! But hard work pays off!” you grin at the thought of food.
“Hmm? Really?”
“Stop being so sarcastic! Obviously when it comes to cooking it pays off! It really does!” you pout. His hard expression softens, just the littlest bit though. You laugh the weird conversation off and sit on the floor.
“What shall we do if you don’t want to go out to but the things?”
“Eh? Well, I.. um,” you blush nervously, caught off guard by the question asked to you. “Maybe we could go do something else,” you suggest, facing away from him.
He grabs your chin and tilts it up so you face him, “it’s rude to not make eye contact with the person you speak to.”
“S-sorry!!” you immediately apologize and stand up. “Do you want to go for a walk or something? I heard the weather out is good for walks,” you utter.
“Hm? I guess so. I don’t see why we shouldn’t,” he responds and holds the door out for you. His attitude towards you make you feel safe, yet uncomfortable, but you don’t see why.
“You’re so distant…” you mutter as you exit and take the time to breathe in the sorta-clean air.
“Hm? I know… sorry about that, y/n,” Ushii apologizes.
“Y-you heard me?! I’m the one who’s sorry!” you get flustered at his sudden response. “His voice sounded sorrowful… I feel terrible…” you think to yourself and turn to look at him.
Ushii links his arm into yours and looks back at you, “shall we go?”
“I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have said that.. I feel horrible now! Especially since I-” you want to break down there, but you stay strong and shut your mouth before you continue.
“You don’t need to feel any kind of pain, y/n. Just forget it,” was it just you or did he sound sympathetic and soft just now?
“Huh? Oh yeah. Is it okay if I say and do something really quick?” you ask, your face going red at your idea.
“Sure, wh-” you cut him off with you arms wrapping around him.
“I,” you pause to take a deep breath, “greatly admire you, Ushii. I-I like you.”
“Me too, but replace ‘like’ with,” there’s a great pause as the anticipation slowly reaches you, “with ‘love’.”
“E-eh?!” your face reaches a deeper red as he pulls you off him so he could see your face. He smiles, something you’ve never in your life ever seen him do. He pulls your face towards him as your noses touch and you smile back.
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
Sorry if I haven’t been posting!! My laptop hasn’t been able to open Tumblr at all lately so I’m trying to fix it!! Sorry!!!;;
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
Please Don’t Bite Me | Dotsuku x Reader
Haha here we go, *cracks knuckles* another one shot. Just so you guys know, requests– for anything Juni Taisen related(obviously)– are open! I don’t really know if it’s a spoiler, but if you’ve read his backstory on the book you’re fine. Resurrection AU– after the war has ended. This will be in second point of view.
Y/n was shopping with her friend one day and a little girl wanted her help on finding her adoptive father.
“Ooo~ this looks cute!” you lift a shirt with your favorite color, “oh man, this one is cute too!” You smile, holding both of the shirts side by side, trying to solve the dilemma as soon as you an, so you can move on.
“How about this shirt? It matches your eyes and hair!” your friend points out with a grin, lifting a shirt that is surprisingly your size.
“Ho- never mind that, I’ll take it!” you place the shirt back on its rack and reach for the shirt in your friends grasp.
“Hehe,” she begins to tease you and lifts the shirt high so you can’t reach.
“H-hey! F/n that’s not fair!!” You tell her, pouting and jumping to reach for it.
“Yes it is.”
“Since when was teasing a friend fair? I’ve never heard anyone say that.”
“Well, you have now.”
“That’s not the point! Give me the shirt f/n!” you jump once more before you give up. Of course, that’s when your friend gives you the shirt. “You’re so mean!”
“Sorry! It’s just cute when you’re mad, plus you’re easy to tease,” she chuckles and walks away from you to continue her own shopping. You sigh and turn around so you don’t stand around looking like an idiot.
“Excuse me ma’am,” a young girl tugs at the rim of your shirt, causing you to flinch at the sudden contact and movement.
“Hm? Oh yeah?” you do your best to sound polite and smile.
“Can you help me find my guardian? I can’t find him anywhere..” her pure, cute smile puts you into a short trance.
“Huh? Sure, just let me pay for this, do you think you could wait a minute?”
“N-no..” she gives you the cutest puppy eyes you can’t ever ignore.
“F-fine,” you look away, “just don’t use that on me again, please.” You turn to your friend who appears to be looking at you, and you give her the look, showing her you’ll be back in a few. She gives you the approving nod, and you set off to help find the little girl’s guardian.
“What does your guardian look like?” you question as you walk around the mall slowly, looking around.
“Um… he’s tall, has fangs, he’s very kind!” she exclaims. You giggle and stop walking.
“Ah, okay.. is that him?” you point at a man who’s walking around frantically.
“Huh? Him? Mm’hmm!!” The little girl grabs your hand and pulls you over to him. Your feet stumble over each other and you become an embarrassing mess. “Papa!!” she tugs your hand and you look up at the man. Up close, he appears taller than expected to be.
“Oh, hello! I’m y/n! Your daughter asked for my help to find.. you..” you slow down as he looks at you. You gulp and look away from his intimidating appearance. Almost immediately, he yanks your arm and brings it to his mouth, where his fangs shine from the lights. “Eek! P-please don’t hurt me!!”
“Y/n, huh? That’s a nice name. Thank you for finding her, I was worried she would get kidnapped,” he smiles at you, causing you to immediately smile back. “Also, I’m sorry about what I did.” You pull your arm away from his mouth and hold your hand out for him to shake. When he releases, you feel something in your hand; a slip of paper.
“Hm?” he grins at you and hold his daughter close to him, the young girl’s grip releasing from yours in the process.
“See you next time, y/n.”
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
ok but, where did you get all of these manga screens? I've been searching through everywhere and find none ;;
They’re actually on an app— that I use— called Viz. I don’t know if it’s on Android though. If you don’t have/understand that, pm me if you need help.
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
Tumblr media
Have a Niwatori transparent.
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
Courageous Mind, Lovable Heart | Nezumi x Reader
Don’t mind me. This may be a little ooc, but no promises on how bad good this will be. This became shorter than I intended for it to be. It’ll be longer next time. This is kinda-sorta cliché, but my other ideas flew out the window. SPOILER(S): His power; this takes place after the war. This is also in second point of view.
Y/n accidentally bumps into Tsugiyoshi in the hallway at school, causing her to realize that love in first sight is real; however her mind doesn’t follow the same style of thinking as her heart.
You hum with your books in your arms, slightly swaying to the tune escaping your throat. Your hair sways with your body as your eyes close slightly, limiting your sight to a smaller area. Your lips curl into a smile, and the instant you shut your eyes, still walking, you bump into another being. Your eyes open wide as you crash to the ground, and your books fall from your grip.
“Eek!!” you squeal as you look at the person that you accidentally collided into. “I-I’m sorry!” you repeat, shutting your eyes tightly as if you were going to get punished.
“It’s alright… just make sure… it doesn’t happen… again,” the voice of the boy surprises you. “Here… your… books,” his voice soothes you, thoughts finding its way into your mind and beating heart.
“T-thank you so much! Sorry again!” You open your eyes softly to reveal a boy who seems to look your age. You blush as immediately take the books from his hands. “M-may I ask for your name?” you stutter from the embarrassing moment you experience today and look away from him. You look back at him once you take a few deep breaths to calm the beat of your heart. “Wait… you are..?”
“Tsugiyoshi… Sumino,” he replies.
“Right.. umm..” the silence between the two of you gets awkward, including the silent hallway you’re in. “How about I call you Nezumi?” His eyes widen at your question. The memories of his power and choices from the Twelfth Zodiac War flies into his mind. “I- sorry about that. Forget I asked,” you turn your body so you could stand up, carrying your books with one hand.
“You… can call me… Nezumi… if you want,” he grabs your hand before you can walk away.
“Oh?” you giggle and smile softly. “You seem like a nice guy, Nezumi. Maybe we should hang out some day!”
“Sure..” he lets go of your hand, the warmth leaving with it.
You internally scream and blush intensely as you hurry to your class.
It’s been two years since the two of you met and your feelings for Nezumi haven’t been tamed, but wildly out of control. But just about a month ago you started to distance yourself from him to calm your heart.
“Y/n,” the sleepy voice stuck out to you and you fiercely turn around.
“Hm?” Your heart skips a beat when you see him.
“Why have… you… been avoiding me?” you blush in embarrassment that he’s noticed what you have been doing.
“I-I’m sorry!” Your voice is as sweet to him as his is to you. He takes a step closer to you, cornering you against a wall. He flinches, then sighs at his actions.
“Y/n I-”
“I-I like you Nezumi!” you blurt out, covering your mouth immediately, but not fast enough to stop your mouth from running.
“I don’t like you, y/n,” Nezumi’s words stab you, but you try not to show the pain.
“I see.. I-” he cuts you off with a kiss before you could continue. His lips are soft and your heart races. In a panic, you push him off. “Eeh?! N-Nezumi, what was that?!”
“I love you, y/n… Be mine?” he asks.
“O-of course.. how about we get some cheese? Just for you, and it’s on me this time,” you smile, “like old times, but instead, as a couple.”
“Of course.. y/n. I guess... I made.. the right choices.”
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
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A Niwatori and Dotsuku transparent for all!
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junitaisen-lover · 7 years
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Usagi transparent.
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