Hello, again! Hope this isnt to soon from my last ask, but can I get a oneshot where reader (13-14) has ruff day a school (life in general) and goes to park in a secluded area so they can cry their eyes out, but them Gin (12-13) finds in their small clearing, and then kind of just comforts the reader, and makes them feel safe. Hope this isnt like a bad description or anything. I'm just going through it.
So... It has been a while... I'm so so so sorry! I was very sick. I also lost a bit of motivation, but it's back now. This one is short. I'm so sorry again. I'm running out of ideas for these comfort one-shots. 🧡
"Come here, kitty kitty"
Gin Ibushi x child!reader 🌺
You went to the park in a secluded area and just sat there, quietly, burying your head in your legs.
In the same park, there was a strangely dressed boy. He was currently chasing a cat around the park.
And that cat just happened to come to the part of the park where you were sitting. It jumped on you and you caught it.
And with the cat, followed the boy. He saw you just sitting there, alone, and went to investigate.
"Hey, are you alright, meow?" He asked you.
"I... Have been better..." You answered him quietly.
"I have been chasing that cat for 20 minutes now, woof." He informed you "And you caught it just like that!? You must be good with animals."
"I'm not sure if-" you were cut off by the boy introducing himself.
"I'm Gin Ibushi, meow." He said "I don't mind you joining me if you want. I see that you are lonely, woof."
"Thank you." You told Gin "It's been a while since I played with someone."
"Then let's go, meow." Gin said, trying to grab the cat from your hold. "Come here, kitty kitty."
But the cat really didn't want to play with him. It ran as fast as it came.
"Come on! Let's chase after it, woof!" He said and began running.
"Wait for me!" I told him and began running behind him.
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Hello, hello! Yana here.
I have a few things to say.
1: I would like to officially announce that the new fandom I'm covering is Danganronpa.
2: I should inform you that the reason I haven't been posting much lately is because I'm very sick right now and can bearly get out of bed. Requests are welcome, but it will probably take me a while.
3: I would like to apologize to the person who sent a request about a week ago. As I said, I am very sick. I will, most likely, finally get it done by the end of the week.
4: If the fandom you wanted didn't get picked, don't worry, I will add it eventually. I'm planning to hold a vote in about a month with the fandoms that weren't chosen +1 that wasn't in the previous vote.
That is all. See you later.
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Hello, Yana here!
In the past few days, I got inspiration to write for other fandoms as well, while obviously still writing for Your turn to die.
But I don't really feel like adding a bunch right now, so I decided to start with one.
I would like for you to tell me wich of the following fandoms do you want me to start writing for the most:
Genshin impact
Madoka Magica
Doki Doki literature club
Those are the options.
People who have sent requests for yttd, do not fear, I will have it written, it's just taking time.
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I love how this game has tons of kind and loving characters
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and yet this little son of a bitch is my favorite
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I made this meme yesterday and wanted to show you.
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Saw the amazing post and happy birthday to you!!! 🎉🎉🎂Wish you a wonderful birthday and also good luck in your exam. You can do it!( @°▽°@)ᕗ
Thank you very much 🥰.
I already did the preparation for the exam and we're waiting on the results. I was so freaking terrified but I think I did ok. Thankfully I got 2 and a half months left to prepare more, but then it's stressing time.
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Hallo again! Hope not bothering but can i have hc of how they are like when they are drunk with kai, midori, and reko x s/o? (Separately) is hard to imagine them drinking at all so i was wondering how they're like once they did. I hope you have a good day!
Hello there. I'm sorry this took so long to post, but I had a bit stressful couple of days because it was a preparation for our final exam (aka the exam that my future depends on). And at the time I'm posting this, It's also my birthday 🎉.
How they act when they get drunk: Kai, Midori and Reko ☁️
You and your partner rarely drink much, but for a special occasion, you decided to take them to a bar. You were not prepared to see them drunk.
Kai Satou
Emotional alcoholic
He was fine after first few drinks but after that he broke down and started crying.
He started telling you how you are the only bright life in his life.
He was also rambling about his life before you met him and the tortures his father put him through.
Gets a bit touchy.
Please hug him.
You had to be his emotional support for the entire day.
After he sobered up, he denied everything.
If he doesn't remember it, didn't happen.
He's really good at playing dumb.
Sou Hiyori (Midori)
Honest alcoholic
If you wanted to ask him something, now's the time.
His manipulation takes a lot of concentration and he's not really concreted when he's drunk.
Constantly telling you how much he loves you and apologizes for ever mistreating you.
It was cute at first, but then he started telling a random person about the time he killed somebody and you had to get him out of there ASAP.
When he sobered up, he told you that everything he said was true.
You were happy to know that.
But then you realized that he said "everything".
Reko Yabusame
Angry alcoholic
Girl was trying to pick a fight with anyone that did as much as look at you.
You did your best to keep her safe.
You weren't successful much.
She started a fight bar and it was intense.
You really didn't know how to deal with that and decided to call Alice to help you get her home.
Thankfully, she was okay the next morning. Only a couple of bruises.
She apologized so many times for embarrassing you.
She asked you to never take her drinking again.
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Hi, there! Could I request a oneshot of Keiji (same reader and story as my last Keiji requst) with a Child!Son!reader who's having a bad day, and Keiji instantly picks up on that, and starts cuddling and comforting the reader, and right before they fall asleep they call Keiji dad, not thinking anything of of it, and Keiji is just very heartfelt, emotional, and just like so damn happy about what reader just called him. And then like, even after reader has women up, be dosen't really understand what his words had so much impact on Keiji.
Hello, hello. Thank you for this request. I tried my best to make it work, but I think this one-shot is not as good as I wanted it to be. However, I appreciate the request and hope to see you request again in the future. 🧡
"I think I know now"
Keiji Shinogi x child!male!reader 🌺 Part 2
Part 1
After a long day of school, you finally came back home. It was a little bit difficult escaping the girl who threw rocks at you.
You opened the door to see Keiji, your adoptive father, making dinner for you two. "How was school today?" He asked.
"It was okay." You said simply in a tired tone.
You really didn't want your dad getting involved in the drama with rock throwing bully. You though that it was better not to tell him at all
However, Keiji somehow knew something was off with you.
He decided to investigate.
By investigate, he meant he went to pick you up for school without telling you.
You were on your way out of the school when you saw the pink haired girl who threw rocks at you. You never really knew why, she just did.
And she did it again today, the difference is that now your dad will be here to witness it happen.
When Keiji saw her do it, he ran up to her and said "This is the police, not another step."
"Ghh! The police!?" Pink haired girl said in shock "I didn't even do anything illegal!"
"Maybe, but what you were doing is very mean and you should stop that." Keiji said.
"Keiji, what are you doing here?" You asked.
"I came here to pick you up." He simply replied.
"Huh..." Pink haired girl said and grunted "I see how it is. You got your dad to fight your battles. This isn't over!"
When she left Keiji took your backpack and put it in the back of a car.
"Nobody bullies my son. Come to me if she ever bothers you again." He said.
When he drove you home, you two got ready for sleep.
"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" Kriju asked, laying next to you.
"I didn't want you to fight my battles." You answered him.
"Oh, so that's what that was all about." Keiji said. He suddenly hugged you "You know, when you become a policeman, you will have to fight most of your battles alone. I won't be there to protect you."
"I know. That is why I wanted to solve this on my own." You said.
"You misunderstood me." He told you "I wanted to say that I want to protect you while I'm still in a position to do so. There will be a lot of time for you to fight your own battles." He stopped talking for a second before asking you "Do you know why she was throwing rocks at you?"
"I genuinely don't know." You answered him "We have been cool with each other for a while and then one day she just started randomly throwing rocks at me."
Keiji looked at me before smirking "Did you ever consider that maybe it's because she likes you? Young girls with too much pride sometimes do that."
"What!?" You said kind of in shock.
"Wow... Sure hope I didn't scare my future daughter-in-law." Keiji teased.
"Dad... Stop teasing me..." You said before turning your back at him, still in his big arms.
You couldn't see it, but Keiji had that stupid smirk on his face.
That was the first time you called him dad and it sure wasn't the last.
A few years later, a bit older Keiji opened the door only to see a police officer. "What have I done to get police knocking on my door? Am I in trouble?" He asked.
"Dad, stop teasing me." You said "I'm on my break and since my patrol was in the neighborhood, I thought I should deliver this to you personally."
You handed him a letter. "What is this?" He asked.
"An Invitation to my wedding." You said.
"Heh." Keiji chuckled "Looks like I didn't offend my daughter-in-law enough to not get invited. I'm kinda glad."
"Dad." You said a bit coldly "That happened years ago."
Even though you didn't know it, Keiji was still very proud every time he heard you call him dad.
Keiji only smirked at you "You're just salty 'cause I ended up being right."
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Hello there. I just wanted to let you know that I have uploaded the first chapter of Game Mistress - your turn to die x Fem!Mastermind!reader. It's on Wattpad right now. I have been wanting to write it for a long time now and I'm happy to finally starting.
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@yuureiboo I'm glad you liked it. I put a lot of effort into it. Also thank you for giving me an idea for that one-shot. Feel free to request again in the future. 🧡
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Hallo! I hope you have a nice day. Have you play kai island? Is so loveable cute and funny. May i request a kai satou x s/o of their interactions? Just like how kai interact with others on the island. I love his sarcasm and jokes. 😂 I die the part where gin become his wingman to get a future partner for him haha.
Hello! Of course you may. I'm sorry this has taken as long as it did. I have written a long one.
I have finally finished playing 3 days ago and your request has given me an idea to start a mini series of one-shot based on Your time to shine called "Y/n's time to shine". Thank you! I had a blast writing this! 🧡
🌴Y/n's time to shine
Kai Satou x reader
Being stuck on an island wasn't as bad as it sounded, at least for you it wasn't. You weren't alone, you had your allies with you and together you made this place liveable.
You were closest to the 6th grader Gin Ibushi and homemaker Kai Satou. You often went crafting with them.
Gin approached you "Hey Big sis/bro/sib Y/n! Do you have a moment?"
Fondness event <<watch
"Yes, of course. What do you need?" You said.
"I was wondering if you could help me with something, meow." He said.
"Of course, what is it?" You said
"Well, long haired apron guy and I are working on 'Make mom cry with joy' project. You are good with chores, meow. Can you help me, meow? I think it will be more successful with two tutors, woof." Gin told you excitedly.
"Is that so? That is wonderful. How would I ever be able to turn you down with such heartwarming project?" You replied enthusiastically.
After a little bit of chores later you were able to teach Gin the basics of dusting.
He smiled and said "You are amazing Big sis/bro/sib Y/n! Is there anything you can't do?"
You replied most seriously "You are overestimating me Gin. There is certainly a lot of things I can't do."
"Hmm..." He looked at you curiously "Like what?"
"Well..." You started "I cannot help sick people as I did not receive medical education. I cannot sing very well. I cannot for the life of me find a husband. I cannot cook... Oh, please... Do not ask me to cook..."
"Big sis/bro/sib Y/n can't cook! I can't imagine it!" Gin seemed a bit surprised.
You looked at him awkwardly "It is better that you don't know how bad I really am."
"And what was that about not finding a husband?" He asked you "I can't imagine that there isn't a line of guys just waiting to marry you. You must have pretty high standards."
"W-Well... I guess so." You replied.
"Would you like to?" He asked. "Would you like to get married, I mean."
"Honestly...I want to get married but I'm scared I will be too late." You answered.
"Got it, meow!" Gin exclaimed. "You need to start looking now. I'm gonna help you, woof. I know what to do."
"Hold on, you can't just-" He was off before you could finish your thought.
You had a fun time with Gin.
Later that day you were visited by none other than Kai Satou, the handsome homemaker.
"Hello Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n. May I ask you something?"
Fondness event <<watch
"Kai, did you need anything from me?" You asked him.
"I have noticed that my disciple has been showing a huge improvement in his dusting. He is showing some really advanced techniques. I know for sure that I didn't teach him that." Kai said.
"I'm guessing that you came to ask me if I was the one that taught him that." You said.
"Well... I couldn't think of anyone else on this island who could have. You are very advanced in the art of doing chores." He said. "But... Gin is my disciple after all."
You looked at him "What is that supposed to mean?"
"It simply means..." Kai paused "I must assassinate you."
"Huh?!" You exclaimed "Excuse me!?"
His eyes were so serious at that moment, you felt like he was really going to assassinate you. His eyes turned to more playful ones after a few moments.
Kai chuckled "That was a joke."
"Hehe..." You laughed awkwardly "I didn't know you were such a jokester Kai."
"I would like you to help me with Gin's training Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n." Kai said. "It would appear you are a great teacher as you have teached him techniques that are a struggle even for advanced homemakers."
"I would love to." You answered him.
You had a fun time with Kai.
The following days, you were helping Gin's training and spending time with both Kai and Gin.
You and Kai had been getting closer day by day and Gin has started to notice that.
Fondness event <<watch
"Hey!!! Big sis/bro/sib Y/n! Long haired apron master! Can today's lesson be about cooking, meow!?" Gin asked excitedly.
"Of course Kai can teach you how to cook." You told him.
"No! I meant both of you, woof." Gin protested.
"Of course my disciple. We shall cover the basics." Kai said.
You started packing a little bit "Great! You can go do that! I have some... Things to attend to, I'll see you later." You tried so desperately to leave.
Kai stopped you before you could get any further. "Excuse me Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n, you said you didn't have anything in particular planned for today. What's with the sudden change of plans?"
"I-I-" before you could say another word, Gin interrupted you.
"Y/n is just embarrassed by the fact that she cannot cook well." Gin said "But don't worry Big sis/bro/sib! I wanted long haired apron master to teach us both, meow. So you won't be so embarrassed."
"So... That is what is causing you discomfort." Kai said "Do not worry Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n, I shall do my very best to be a great teacher!"
"A-alright, but don't expect anything! You'll just end up disappointed." You said and your lesson begun.
Kai was surprised, to say the least, he did not expect you to be as bad as you were.
"You are not doing this right." He came closer to you.
Your body's touching each other. You could feel the warmth rising at your face. You couldn't even focus on the cooking, not that it would turn out worse than what you would've normally cooked.
Your food surprisingly turned out decent.
"So... Big sis/bro/sib, we have crossed two things off of the list of what you can't do, meow." Gin said.
"Eh!? What do you mean two?" You asked.
"You learned how to cook decently and you found a husband. I'm a great matchmaker, aren't I?" Gin said.
You were very flustered, so you decided to just walk away.
You had a fun time with Kai and Gin.
Few days have passed and you tried avoiding Kai and Gin. It was not because you were uncomfortable, it was because you needed to get your feelings sorted.
"Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n, we need to talk." Kai suddenly approached you.
Fondness event <<watch
"Oh... Alright..." You told him.
"It was brought to my attention that you have been avoiding me and Gin." Kai said "And I wish to apologize for making you uncomfortable."
"No, you got it wrong. I'm not uncomfortable at all." You said.
"By all means, please come back to us. Gin misses you a lot... And so do I..." Kai said. The last part was almost a whisper.
"I... Really want to but... I do not wish to make things awkward between us." You told him.
Kai looked somewhat confused when you said that. "I apologize... I don't think I follow..."
"I... I really like you... Like, like you like you... I like you in a way I have never liked another man before..." You confessed.
It was silent for a few moments. You just started at Kai's shocked expression. You could master the words to say anything more up until he broke the silence.
"I'm absolutely delighted. I could have never imagined we feel the same way Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n. I'm moved to tears." Kai brought his frying pan to his face.
"Really?" You asked.
"Yes... I like you a lot Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n..." Kai got close to your face and kissed you. Just then he noticed a little boy in a cat hoodie watching you looking somewhat satisfied.
"How about we go somewhere more private?" Kai told you.
You had a fun time with Kai.
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"Your sneez is cute"
Naomichi Kurumada x sick!reader 🌺
You knew you shouldn't have stayed out in the rain for too long. Now you caught a cold. And you had to stay in bed for a few days because of it.
Your boyfriend took care of you though. You didn't ask him to, he just did it on his own.
Naomichi came to you with some soup and a meat dish.
"What is all this?" You asked with a quiet voice.
"Soup and some lean ground beef, I read online that it can help you with the cold." He said.
"Thank you very much. That's really considerate of you." You said.
He sat up and said "But that is not all."
He went out of the room and came back with a singular flower and a letter in one hand and a bouquet in the other.
"That little brat dropped by and sent you a 'get well soon' card and a flower." He said giving you the singular flower and a letter.
The letter said "Get week soon ~Kanna"
"So, obviously" Naomichi continued "I had to top that."
He handed you the bouquet.
You giggled a little bit. "Are you really jealous of Kanna?" You asked
"I'm not jealous" He started "I just can't let anyone be better support for my lover than me."
"Alright." You said "Whatever you say."
"*Acho*" you sneezed.
Naomichi giggled a little bit.
"What's so funny!?" You ask him.
"Your sneezed was cute." Was all he said.
Another short one. This one was requested on Wattpad. I hope you enjoy. 🧡
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"I will always be there"
Mai Tsurugi x Non-binary!reader with dysphoria 🖤🌺
There's so much going on at the moment for you. You weren't feeling too well mentally.
You were tired, but you couldn't sleep. You were hungry, but you couldn't eat.
You had almost forgotten what general happiness was like. The things that make you happy just burn you out at this point.
However, there was one thing that was always positive. The one that tried to help you the most. Your wonderful girlfriend, Mai.
"Umm... Are you ok?" Mai asked.
You looked at her and asked "Why do you ask?"
"Well..." She started "You haven't eaten in a while and you don't seem to have slept ether."
She comes closer to you and hugs you "If there's anything you need help with, I'm always there.
Sometimes you feel like you didn't deserve her. She always tried to help you, but you didn't understand why. Why are you worthy of her care?
In the following days she tried to get you to take more care of yourself.
"Hey! I baked you something, love!" She smiled and headed you baked goods.
"Thank you very much, but I don't feel hungry at the moment." You told her.
"B-but..." She started "I baked them specially for you... If you don't eat them I will be very sad." She tried to guilt trip you.
She often did this when she noticed you didn't eat for longer than 2 days.
It was a bit nasty and manipulative, but it was for your own good. At least you won't starve.
You sometimes got frustrated with her pushing it. It was rare that you would show your frustrations to her, but the fact that it was rare doesn't change the facts that you didn't it a few times.
"Please don't be angry at me." She said, her smile disappeared "I'm just trying to help."
"Why!?" You asked loudly, but not loud enough to be considered yelling "Why do you stay with me after all this time!?"
"Because I love you!" She said in serious tone.
"But I only caused you trouble. There's no reason for you to feel like it's your responsibility." You said.
You started tearing up and she noticed that. Mai came closer to you and gave you a kiss on a cheek.
"I do this because I want to, not because I feel like it's my responsibility." She told you.
"I know you are going through tough times right now," She started "and I will try my best to help you as much as I can."
She brought your face closer to hers until your lips touched. You stayed like that for a while.
After you parted away she whispered into your ear "I will always be there."
This was requested on Wattpad. I tried my best to represent dysphoria well. I rewrote this 2 times. 🧡
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Hiya! Hope your doin well :]! Can I request a platonic Keiji (or Q-Taro) x Reader (reader is about a year or two younger then Sara), where Reader accidentally calls them dad? (They already have a bit of a father-child style relationship) Headcannons or Oneshot are fine :D
Sorry this was short and has taken so long. I tried my best. Also, this is in the death game, sorry if you wanted non-death game AU. 🧡
Reader accidentally calls them dad: Keiji and Q-taro ☁️
his 'friendly policeman' attitude made you stick with him
he tries his best to protect you
often brings you with him when he's investing with Sara
the only times he won't is when it's really dangerous
when you accidentally called him dad he just chuckled and pretended he heard nothing
but deep down, he's happy you care that much about him and see him as a father figure
your relationship grew after the final attraction
Q-taro became really protective of you, Gin and Kanna
he became something of a fatherly figure to you
he would sometimes give you piggyback rides
you called him dad once on accident
at first he didn't know how to react
then he started crying tears of joy
he grew up in an orphanage so he never had a fatherly figure
hearing you call him that made him feel like he's accomplished something big
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Hello, it's me again! Thank you for clarifying about the death game ask!
So, could i perhaps request for (platonic obviously) Shin with a sibling reader (maybe child reader if you feel like it?) Who for some reason enjoys Sou's company? They just...don't mind his weirdness,,, (au with no death game or asunaro please)
I hope this request didn't make you uncomfortable in any way! Have a nice day or night (again!)
Hello, I'm so sorry it took so long. Exams are on my way and a lot of them.
Also, you didn't specify if you wanted a one-shot or headcanons/scenarios so I wrote this in a form of a scenario. Sorry if you wanted a one-shot, you can always request again and I'll write it for you. 🧡
Shin Tsukimi with a sibling reader who likes Sou Hiyori's company ☁️
You first met Hiyori when he was hanging out with your brother after school
Shin seems to have mixed feelings about him and so did you
Hiyori seemed like a suspicious individual, you were quite wary of him at first
It wasn't until Shin brought him over that you started to form a bond with him
The two of them were hanging out in the living room while you just played video games
Shin had to leave for something and it was just Hiyori and you in the room
No words were spoken for the first few minutes
Only tension you can cut with a knife and intense eye contact
Hiyori was the one that broke the silence, asking you if you liked computers
Very awkward conversation at first but after a few minutes worked out surprisingly well
He was very interesting and entertaining
When Shin came back after a while he was surprised to see you two have became friendly with each other
You talked like you were friends for years
After that you started hanging out with them more
Hiyori was so found of you, he even offered to teach you how to do hacking
You were excited, Shin was concerned
Friendship with Hiyori was interesting to say the least
Two of you had this thing with being mean to each other even though you don't mean it most of the time
The two of you are the 'Make Shin embarrassed' duo
It is your duty as his sibling to do that and Hiyori finds if very fun to see someone enjoy the same things he enjoys
Shin is really, really concerned
Sometimes he thinks it was a mistake introducing you two
He could have never guessed you would be such good friends
There was a time he believed Hiyori was coming over just to hang out with you
He knows you two are menace to society on your own, let alone together
He makes it his duty to keep you in check
The three of you would sometimes watch horror movies together
Hiyori and you didn't seem to flinch on the gruesome scenes while Shin was shaking
At one point Hiyori started talking about how unrealistic and telling you a bunch of facts about dead bodies
Shin just stared at you two silently, he was unsure what scares him more
The fact that Hiyori seems to know so much or the fact that you were listening to him talk about dead bodies with so much amusement
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We just reached 10 followers. 🥳🎉
Thank you so much. Even though I just started I'm happy some people actually enjoy my writing. I appreciate you all! 🧡
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Hello! I wanted to request something for yttd but i wanted to ask if the rule of "no aus" still stands for requests about alternative universes with no killing game or anything similar?
Have a good day or night!
Hello, I understand that rule might be a bit confusing. That rule stands for coffee shop AU, Highschool AU and similar ones. However I'm perfectly fine with doing the non death game AU.
I considered that being before death game so I didn't really think of it as an AU, so that's on me. I will add that to "I will do".
Have a nice day/night as well. 🧡
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