justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
I do apologize for not posting. I've been really trying to just focus on cleaning my house, but more content is coming soon. I just needed a slight mental break.
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
Hopeful Part 8
A/N: This is long, and I've had a really hard time not being distracted today while writing this. I hope you guys like this and have liked this series. I will post a epilogue in a couple of days. Enjoy!
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Avenger!Reader
Warnings: death, grief, disappearance (side note: these warnings are for the series as a whole)
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You and Tony manage to stand up.
"Dad, we have to find the others." You both bob and weave through the collapsing building to find Thor, or at least what you thought was Thor. "What happened to you?" You lend a hand to help lift him. "And dear God why do you smell like a frat house?" Thor drunkenly grabs your hand to get up.
"Kid, the years haven't been kind to him. Maybe you should." Tony tells you in fatherly warning tone.
"I'm sorry, I just didn't think that things would get this bad." You tell Thor.
"It's okay, Young Stark. I suppose I have indulged too much because of my guilt." Thor says, patting you the shoulder.
Tony manages to find Steve's shield and Steve. He wakes him up and hands him the shield.
The four of you stand just outside the wreckage and see Thanos.
"What's he doing?" You ask.
"He's just been sitting there." Thor answers.
"Where are the stones?" Steve asks.
"I don't know. Somewhere under all this. All I know is he doesn't have them," says Tony.
"You know that this is trap." Steve says.
"I don't really care." Tony commands.
"Let's kill him properly this time." Thors stands proudly, lightning surrounding his figure as he catches Mjolnir and some rough looking axe.
Before they head out, Tony turns to you. "Kiddo, please stay here. Okay? See you can scan the building to find where the stones are."
"Dad, I can fight. I promise I can do this."
"(Y/N), please. I'm begging you. If you try, this guy will kill you. I can't lose you, again." He says, swiping your hair away from your face. You nod, and he pulls you into a hug one last time before going with Steve and Thor.
You had listened to your father. You scanned the building for the stones energy. You could see through the rubble that the stones were moving quite quickly. Before you do anything, you hear loud thuds of your father and Thor being thrown by the giant, purple douchebag. You immediately went over to Tony.
"Dad, get up. Wake up." You shake him furiously, scared.
Finally, you hear him gasp as we wakes. As you get up you see Steve pick up Mjolnir. He puts up a good fight against the Mad Titan, but ultimately he too was defeated. Struggling, Steve stands up again with his broken shield even as he wobbles on his way up.
"Cap. Cap." You all hear over the earpiece. "On your left."
With that, a portal forms from behind Cap. First one, then ten, then about a hundred portals open up. You see everyone come through. Including Peter.
Scott bursts through the demolished building. You rush over to their sides, and stand as a team.
"Avengers..." Steve pauses as he summons Mjolnir again. "Assemble."
You start to charge towards the army of aliens, united. You take flight blasting them as you land. You try to keep above them as much as possible, but there is a lot of them. You see Pepper and Tony and fly to them, triangulating all of blasts to the ground.
"It's so good to see you, sweetie," she says before zooming off.
You continue to fight, exhausting every bit of energy you have to beat these stupid space dogs. From the air, you see Peter save your dad from being attacked by what looks like a giant gray hulk. Your vision is shortly broken by a space dog leaping at you. You punch the thing off of you, but you still land pretty hard.
You hear them talking over comms about getting the stones over some van. You hear a horn off in the distance. You couldn't bother to look for it because you were preoccupied with fighting space soldiers and space dogs left and right.
In the corner of your eye, you start to see very large pieces of the building float into the air with a red haze. Unfortunately, you also see seconds later another hoard of soldiers coming at you. With an assist from the princess of Wakanda, you take them all out with ease.
"Hey Queens, catch." You hear Steve say over your earpiece. With that, you see Mjolnir soar through the sky and web to it. He's quickly caught by Pepper, and the by a badass lady on Pegasus. You take off into the sky and see him fall as these missiles fall from the sky. You land just above him shield him another one.
"Hey, Pete." You say, smiling ear to ear.
"Hey, I'm sor-" he starts, but you cut him off with a kiss.
"I love you, too. You didn't let me say it back. I also figured I would say it because we may die, soo-" he cuts you off this time. The kiss said everything that neither of you could form into words.
"Alright. Enough of that." You hear Tony say over the comms.
Suddenly, the missiles stop.
"What is that?" You ask.
When you look to sky, you see a huge beam of light charging down and through the huge space craft that hovered over the lake. This beam of light starts hurdling towards you and Peter. Peter grabs the stones and grips them in his arms.
Instead of impact, you are met by a glowing woman levitating in front of you.
"Hi. I'm Peter Parker." He states shakily.
"Hi, Peter. Got something for me?" She smirks at you guys. You both stand up, and Peter hands her the stones.
"I don't know how you'll get through all of that," Peter comments.
"Don't worry," Wanda says, landing next to light lady.
"She's got help." With that comes, every woman comes to front of the field. You join them as they go to fight. You try to clear the way by kicking the space dogs' asses. As Thanos comes,  you, Pepper, the Wakandan princess, and a space dude help to blast Thanos. It still wasn't enough because Thanos took his sword and threw it straight into the van.
The van explosion launched the light lady and the stones. She goes to fight him, both grappling over the stones. He manages to put the glove on as she tries to pull it off. He takes out the purple stone in hand and punches her down to the ground. Before Tony moves, he looks to Doctor Strange as he holds up a single finger. As Thanos puts the stone back, Tony turns his hand over and holds it down with all of his might. Thanos flings Tony away from him.
"I am inevitable," the purple douche says cockily. He snaps his fingers with no result. He looks at the backside of the glove, realizing it was empty.
Tony shows his hand, and the nanobots move the stones to the back of his hand. The stones start to course through his body.
"And I am Iron Man." He says with no hesitation as he snaps his fingers.
Suddenly, all of the space army as starts to turn to dust around you. Everyone looks around in shock.
After the dust had settled, you flew over to your dad with Peter seeing Rhodey there with his hand on Tony's shoulder. You knew what was happening. Peter had crouched down next to him, reassuring him that we had won. The tears started to fall from cheeks as you sobbed you sat beside Peter in front of your dad.
"Dad. Please, no." You weep. Peter holds your shoulders crying with you.
"It's okay, kiddo. I love you." He barely manages to say. You give him a faint smile through all of your tears.
"I love you, too, Dad." You say stepping away so Pepper could say her last goodbye to him.
You couldn't hear much as you cried into Peter's armored chest. He calmly brushed over your hair, attempting to soothe you through his own sobs and tears. You knew he was gone as Pepper starts to sob over Tony.
You gently crouch next to her, holding her. You closed his eyes and said, "He is at rest."
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
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Klea McKenna 
Web Studies, 2013 - 2016
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
Hopeful Part 7
A/N: I will be posting the last part later tonight. It's gonna be a long one. Enjoy!
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female Stark!Avenger!Reader
Warnings: death, grief, disappearance (side note: these warnings are for the series as a whole)
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Tony had figured it out and went to the team to propose a plan to save the people they couldn't 5 years ago. It took days of planning, and they weren't quite sure they could pull it off. Doesn't mean they weren't gonna try. While everyone was having some difficulty getting their stones, Tony had particularly screwed the pooch hard on this one, as he once told Peter. So, as a result, he and Steve traveled to Camp Lehigh in 1970. They were trying to just get what they needed and get out. One thing that wasn't accounted for in all his planning: seeing his dad.
"The door's this way, pal." Howard yells down the hall to Tony. This lead to Tony bumbling around trying to keep his cover. He hadn't seen his father in so many years that he didn't even know how to in front of him. He walked along with him making small talk.
"So, flowers and saurkraut. Got some big date night?" Tony inquires.
"Oh no. My wife is pregnant," Howard hesitates for a second, "and I've been spending too much time at the office."
"How far along is she?" Tony digs again.
"Uhh. I don't know," he holds his hand about half a foot from his own stomach, giggling a little. "She's at the point where she can't stand my chewing so we eat in seperate rooms. How about you? Do you have any kids?"
"Yeah. Two daughters." Tony smiles.
"I wish I had a daughter. Less of chance she'd end up just like me."
"You know there's nothing wrong with that. I thought my dad was the worst because we were so similar. Then, I had my oldest and she turned out just like me. I was horrified when I saw myself in her, but seeing her it made me like myself more and be kinder to myself. She brought out the best in me." Tony advises.
"Wow. I never thought of it that way," Howard comments as the two men exit the elevator. "Can I ask you something? Were you nervous?"
"How'd you do it? Did you know how to handle everything? Did you feel qualified?"
"I puzzled together as I went along. I thought of my dad and what he did."
"My father never found a problem he couldn't solve with a belt."
"I always my dad was rough on me, but I only remember the good stuff now. He taught me the most important lesson in life."
"What's that?"
"No amount of money could ever buy a second of time."
"Sounds like a smart man."
"And he knew it." Tony looks at Steve pointing to the case.
"You know this isn't even here yet, but there's nothing that I wouldn't do for him. It was good to meet you, Potts." Howard's comments.
"Howard, everything's gonna be alright." Tony hands back the items he held for Howard. "Thank you for everything," Tony whispers giving him an awkward hug before disappearing.
Once they came back, they knew Nat was gone. They still had to go through with it for her honor. They assembled a makeshift gauntlet for Bruce to use to undo the snap. Through the pain, Bruce manages to snap his fingers.
You opened to see you were standing right where you were a second ago, but this time things seemed to shift and change before your eyes.
"Pepper." You manage to get out. "Pepper! Dad! Hello!." Tony hears you from the other room. Immediately, he runs into the kitchen where you stood before him. Alive again.
"(Y/N)?" Tony gently asks.
"Dad!" You yell running towards him. You are caught into a sweet, but bonecrushing hug. "You've been missing your root touch-ups, haven't you?" You laugh as a single tear falls down your cheek.
"You've been back two seconds, and you're already busting my chops." He says, wiping away from the sole tear on your cheek.
Good things never seem to last long. At that moment, you heard a huge rumble coming the sky. Without thinking twice, Tony shouts, "Unlock and deploy 17-B."
Within seconds, you were covered in a head to toe armor just before the missiles hit the building. The building collapses in its entirety. When the dust settles, you open your eyes to see Tony had shielded your armored body with his own.
"What the hell was that?"
"Company." Tony answers.
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
Hey guys! I will be posting the two final parts of my series tomorrow. I will also be posting a stand alone imagine and epilogue in the next two days after that. So stay tuned. Thanks so much for the likes and reblogs on this series. I have had a really rough time lately, and this has brought my spirits up so high. I appreciate it so much.
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
Hopeful Part 6
A/N: It's been so long since I've wrote, and this story has been really fun for me to write. Thank you to everyone who has been liking and reblogging this. It means so much to me.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Avenger!Reader
Warnings: death, grief, disappearance (side note: these warnings are for the series as a whole)
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Lunch went well, and Steve, Nat, and Scott were sent on their way home. What they had brought up was stuck in Tony's mind, intruding and tempting him. Tony had to figure it out. He knew it would be risky, but Tony would never turn down a challenge, especially one of his intelligence. It was his one flaw.
Not being able to sleep, he settles on heading down to the living room, but stop at the door to the room he had set up for you. He sits on the looking at one picture on the way. It was from when you were Morgan's age. You had on a Black Sabbath shirt and a pair of Tony's aviators that hung on your small face crooked.
"I'm sorry, kiddo. When I was a hero to the world, you were mine. I failed you, (Y/N)." He hung his head with shame and guilt. He rises from the bed, and exits the room.
Deciding that he wasn't going to flip through the channels, he makes his way to garage and starts his calculations. He tries over and over from midnight to dawn. He was tired, but then he never could relax. He makes enough coffee for an Olympic team. He goes about his normal daily duties, thinking about the equation and mechanics of it all day long.
As nighttime rolls around, he offers to put Morgan to bed. She gets in, and Tony brings the blanket up to her chin. She snuggles in and closes her eyes. Tony exits, turning off the lights and leaving the door slightly cracked.
As he finishes the dishes from dinner, he walks over to the shelf with the collective photos of you and Peter. Just like that, he's off to the garage again, trying new methods to solve the equations he had made.
"Allright, let's try one last sim in the shape of a Mobius strip inverted." Tony tells the AI.
He waits in suspense, but, when FRIDAY tells him that the simulation was successful he is blown away.
"Shit," he happily exclaims.
"Shit," a small voice repeats from the stairs.
"Uh. No. We don't say that word because it's mommy's word. She coined it." Tony babbles out, clearly startled.
"Shit." Morgan says again with her little laughter.
"Alright, potty mouth. Let's get you back up to bed." He attempts to get her up, but she wiggles around pointing at the hologram.
"What's that, Daddy?"
"That's some important shit." He smirks at her. "Let's head to bed."
Once in her bed again, she asks, "Daddy, can you tell me a story?"
"Uhh- Sure. Once upon a time, the end."
"No, a real story." She pouts.
"Okay. Let's see. There was one time your big sister, (Y/N), broke Uncle Happy's nose. (Y/N) and I were working on a project for the science, and she wanted to make mini rockets. So, I helped her make rockets that would fly around in a circle and land on the table. We worked on it, and it was almost done until Uncle Happy came scared her. She hit the button, the rocket tipped, and flew right at Happy's face." He laughs as he boops Morgan on the nose making her laugh.
"Daddy, where is (Y/N)?" Oh boy. Here it was.
"She's lost, sweetie. We can't find her, but hopefully she'll be coming home soon. Alright, it's time for bed. I love you, peanut."
"I love you, 3,000"
"3,000. Wow. Go to sleep or I'll sell all your toys."
He chuckles as he turns off the light again. He strolls downstairs and sits down next to Pepper.
"You know she says she loves me 3,000."
"Oh, yeah?" Pepper asks.
"Yeah. She said you were somewhere in the 6 to 900 range." He jokes.
He starts a conversation about what she's reading, but he doesn't have any interest in that.
"I figured it out, by the way."
"And so we're on the same page, you're talking about?"
"Time travel." He says somewhat hesitant.
"Tony, that's- that's amazing... and terrifying."
"Yeah. It is."
"You know, when we lost them, it was extremely hard, especially on you."
"I know."
"It was extremely hard for a lot of people."
"I can't save everyone."
"It seems like you can, Tony."
"I could put an end to it though. Put a pin in it, right now. And not risk anymore loss. I could go to bed and never even mention it."
"Tony, would you be able to rest knowing you could save them?" And there it was. The exact words he knew were true but still needed to hear. He could save the two people that he couldn't save before.
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
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Every friend group should include
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
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MCU + Siblings
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
Simu Liu did a tiktok about his name pronunciation and I found this comment
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This man is a fucking legend I don't give a shit about anyone else
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
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Marvel and their secrecy are scary
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
Hopeful Masterlist
Pairing: Peter Parker X Female Stark! Avenger! Reader
Warning: grief, death, disappearance
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Epilogue (COMING SOON)
(Updated 1-11-22 10:27 AM)
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
Hopeful Part 5
A/N: I hope everyone is enjoying this series. I'm hoping there's going to be two to three more parts that will be longer. If anyone has any requests as well, feel free to send them in.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Avenger!Reader
Warnings: death, grief, disappearance (side note: these warnings are for the series as a whole)
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Tony was declared as one of the Vanished as well as Peter. Pepper kept up with a strong appearance, but when she was alone she sobbed. Everyone in the compound could hear it. When Pepper told them that you had gone, the whole team stayed silent. Natasha let more than few tears slip before quickly wiping them away. Within three weeks, they still had nothing on how to find Thanos or how to correct this. After the team briefly met her, Captain Marvel had set out to search for him. They were all defeated and drained of any energy they had.
Suddenly, a large rumble from the skies. The group runs out onto the lawn to be met with the sight of Carol carrying a badly damaged space ship.
"Found someone." Carol says as she places the ship down.
The door descends. Pepper gasps at the sight of Tony. His figure is thin, and his complexion is nearly translucent. He stumbles weakly down the ramp. The weight of his body is too much for his legs to carry. Steve catches him before Tony even started to fall.
"I lost the kid. I lost him." He barely croaks.
"Tony, we lost." Steve solemnly says.
"Oh my god, Tony." Pepper squeaks through tears.
"Pep. Where is she? She needs to know about Pete. She'll never forgive me." He says rushed and out of breathe.
"Tony. She's gone, too." She whimpers out.
With that, Tony Stark crumpled to the ground. A broken man. He sobbed which he had only ever done once before. The day of his parents funeral. Since he was a young man, Tony had kept almost all of the emotions he felt inside.
As the time passed, he went on to marry Pepper, and they had Morgan. Though, both of them never felt the true happiness of these milestones. As he raised Morgan, he was reminded so much of you. He would play and sing and dance with her and he would see you at that age. At night, he would cry going to sleep and would due to nightmares of what he considered his greatest failure. Losing you.
As Morgan grew, he showed her pictures of you, told her stories of her big sister, and showed her the room he had set up for you. He knows one day the question would be asked as to what happened to you, and, for the first time in his life, Tony does not know the answer or solution.
"Maguna," he speaks loudly into the woods, "Chow time."
With no answer, he shouts, "Morgan H. Stark. C'mon lunch is gonna get cold."
"Define lunch or be disintegrated," she giggles from under the sleek blue helmet, pointing her imitation repulsor at Tony.
"It's your favorite crickets on a bed of lettuce. Hey, this is gift I'm making for Mommy. Where did you find this?" He questions taking the helmet off her small head.
"In the garage."
"Yeah? Were you looking for it in the garage," she shakes her with a cute smirk on her face. "Yeah, sure. Your big sister, (Y/N) used to do the same thing. It's okay. It's in your blood to want to be in the garage." He says picking her up.
As he walks towards the house with the little genius in his arms, he sees Steve step out of a car he didn't hear pull into the dirt driveway.
"Morgan," he calmly addresses her as he sets her down on the porch, "why don't you head inside, okay? I'll be in soon." She nods and skips off into the house.
Steve, Natasha, and Scott propose to Tony the concept of making a legitimate time machine to reverse the snap and bring the Vanished back.
"I'm sorry, but I'm saying no. I cannot guarantee the safety of going back in time. It's a death wish." Tony plainly states.
"I'm alive." Scott says.
"No, you survived, which is a one in billion chance. Personally, those odds are not good enough to chance." Tony turns to look in the house at Pepper and Morgan, backs turned to him eating lunch.
"Tony, what if we could bring (Y/N) back? And Peter? And everyone else? The chances are not good, but isn't it worth it to try?" Natasha tries to reason.
"Don't. Don't try to use her to persuade me. I would love so much to bring my daughter and Peter back, but the reality is this concept is theoretical. Also, if it is possible, we have no idea what would come from this- what did you call it?"
"A time heist." Scott's says somewhat shamefully.
"Yeah, a time heist," Tony laughs at this. "Losing her was my fault, but I have a second chance here. I can't put myself and Pepper through the grief again when we've come this far." Tony fades off at the end of his sentence.
"Tony, I-" Steve starts.
"What are you talking about?" A little voice comes from the doorway next to Tony.
"Nothing, we're just chatting, sweetie." He states, picking the small girl up in his arms.
"Mommy told me to come save you," she comments quietly into his shoulder.
"Well, thank you. I'm saved," he smiles at her, "You guys can join us for lunch as long as you don't talk shop." He invites them into the home.
Lunch is mostly quiet conversation- Scott joking with Morgan and Steve and Tony telling stories. Natasha excuses herself, gets up, and walks into the living room. She looks around, observing the woodsy decor, when she notices something in the corner of the room. She sees various pictures of you and Peter on this shelf. She looks at each one- the picture of at your first dance, Tony and Peter holding the Stark internship award, Tony, Pepper, Peter, and you on Halloween, you and Peter facing each other, making funny faces. She picks up one of the pictures, smiling. It was when she had first started "working" for Stark Industries. The picture was her teaching you as an eight-year-old girl to punch using Happy's mitts as the targets. Her smile falls, and a tear slides down her cheek.
"We miss them everyday. Tony wanted Morgan to know them and how important they were to him." Pepper says from behind Nat.
"It's getting harder everyday. It hurts. I get emails, letter, and phone calls every day from people who are hurt by what Thanos did, and nobody thinks about how it affected us, as well." Nat bows her head, putting the frame back. "If there was a way, I would give everything so that these people- so that everyone would be here."
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
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the forehead touch™ in the mcu
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justaloserwhowrites · 3 years
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„Nothing was gonna stop her, Yelena. You know Natasha. She made her choice. And we‘re gonna have to find a way to live with that.“
- Clint Barton
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