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I feel love and warmth radiating down on my today. The power of healing is incredible. #recovery #twomonths
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Bang bang on the closest door. Smoke seeping from the cracks beneath as the wood catches fast and orange flames light the world. You can't contain it, you can't will it away. All you can really do is pull up a chair and make one with the heat. Grab a 6-string and play a song for the brave, bright, brilliant youth; unafraid to be. -Burn Down That Fucking Closet T.J.H 2017
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But the lows are so extreme that the good seems fucking cheap and it teases you for weeks in its absence
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im short and full of love, is that ok?
Hahahaha honestly so am I :)
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Only one more day of being a Timmy Ho. I'm sure I'll miss the laughs with all the good friends I made but the list of things I won't miss is long (mostly pet peeves of working with customers). Next week starts my new journey, my new career. I'm ready for this next chapter in my life and I'm excited for all the new beginnings that are going to come along with it. I've been looking for some cute studio apartments surrounding Rochester and this job will allow me to move in to a new place within two or three months which is exciting. I have also been thinking about grad school in the near future and the hospital has said they will pay for me to go when I'm ready. Ahhhhh so much change, so much anticipation.
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i am… how u say… goddamn losing it lads
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"Yeah man, my cat nip days were a blur" "No shit man. No shit."
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No one has ever given me as much love and affection as this perfect peanut. Thank you for greeting me with cuddles as soon as I got home from my 16 hour work day. You the real hero.
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Hello, I hate myself, please kill me. 🙃
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We wear our traumas the way the guillotine wears gravity. Our lovers’ necks are so soft.
Andrea Gibson, from “Gravity” (via hiddenshores)
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#cantwaittoplaywithbloodandgutsallday #ivepreparedmywholelifeforthis
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Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist. Keep on lovin, keep on fightin, and hold on. Hold on.
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Date a girl. Date several girls. Have such a complex web of relationships with girls that it forms an eldritch symbol and summons an elder god. Then date her too.
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